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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Voice acting ia great but I want longer supports. I'm fine if the supports are not voiced to compensate for this.
  2. They're both high fantasy but I'd argue LotR is lower. You have a few enchanted items and some fantasy races but most of the conflicts are settled with swords and the like. Fire Emblem has magic and mythical creatures as normal elements of society, not to mention things like the undead, demons and other fantasy races. Fire Emblem is only 'low' if you are looking exclusively at the intelligent races (and even then you have Laguz, Manaketes, Taguels, Wolfskin and Spirit Foxes).
  3. I suspect they're going to use Loki as a excuse for any character acting strange. "Oh, that was just Loki all along doing things for mysterious reasons no one can explain." That or it could just be a character tied to Vortex paralogues that doesn't affect the "main" story.
  4. As Gustavos said, Zephiel makes a great 3rd member to an armor team (along with Hector and Effie). A basic Cavalry Emblem team is easy enough to make. I'd upgrade Camus or Xander first. Eventually it would be worth it to get a horse mage or two, preferably a blade tome or Dire Thunder user. The moral of the story is, GHB units will never betray you with bad natures.
  5. As part of my philosophy that "characters should be a gateway to world-building", I'd like to know more about Scarlet, Keaton, Kaden, Rinka, Flora and Shura in regards to how their cultures work and their history. IS, please don't make any more Avatar-sexuals.
  6. Yeah, I'm glad FE is distinct from Tolkien-esque settings. FE's dragon lore is pretty unique. While I think I can forgive some fantasy 'armor' for the purpose of stylistic differences, Fighters at least need a major design overhaul. The problem with a number of SoVs castle 'sieges' is the level didn't have enough defenders where they should (Castle Zofia has two undefended gates and only one rampart with soldiers on it) or had Cantor BS dragging the level down. I'd say the best castle was Grieth's Citadel (Cantor nonsense and desert tiles notwithstanding). What a castle needs to be is tough but with exploitable weaknesses. Of course, if you are the defender, it's even easier to design a fun battle of attrition. I don't think a series with mages and pegasus as regular classes can be considered low fantasy.
  7. Tight-lipped waif dooms world for DLC. Sheltered albino defeats pudding-monster by invading Japan. Weaboo albino finds his true family, loses them and finds them again. Marries his sister who isn't his sister. Albino Jesus unites the world against his crazy dad. Becomes the king of a country without land or people.
  8. In regards to general warfare, the importance of supplies hasn't been touched on much. We haven't seen story or gameplay examples of castles being starved out or crippling an army by destroying their supply lines (although there was that one chapter in RD). There have been defensive structures like balista but siege weapons aren't used very much. Castle sieges generally entail walking through the front door. I guess tactics in general isn't really a story highlight. You just deploy units and the player decides how they approach a level. Actual discussion and implementation of strategies (like Robin burning the Valmese fleet) is rare.
  9. Here's a method for balancing it. Have summoning (both the player and enemy) reduce the castor's maximum HP (for the rest of the map) by a set amount. That way there is an end in sight and players will need to think more carefully when they want to use them.
  10. Oh, I know they don't have to respect game canon but most Armors go for Wary Fighter builds so I thought if anyone is going to do a speed build, BK would be the man for it. But I respect your vision of the character. The way I see warp powder functioning with WoM and ER is that if those abilities are active, using warp would be exactly the same, but there wouldn't be the stat drop and you would be able to take action that turn unlike other assist movement skills (swap, pivot). It's not like Pivot can't be used together with WoM, even though they are both movement based.
  11. Oh, I know they don't have to respect game canon but most Armors go for Wary Fighter builds so I thought if anyone is going to do a speed build, BK would be the man for it. But I respect your vision of the character. The way I see warp powder functioning with WoM and ER is that if those abilities are active, using warp would be exactly the same, but there wouldn't be the stat drop and you would be able to take action that turn unlike other assist movement skills (swap, pivot). It's not like Pivot can't be used together with WoM, even though they are both movement based.
  12. The appropriate range for bows is going to depend on how strong archers are. In SoV, archers are more like support units and have really long range. If archers are going to capable combat units by themselves, I think they should have 2-3 range as a base class and 2-4 when promoted (+1 if using a Long Bow). I'm fine with them having no melee range, as that makes them distinct from magic/knives.
  13. I'm all for established relationships. U think "teenagers, virgin lovers" is rather tired by this point so I'd appreciate two people who have already been together for a while. Imagine instead of young lordlings meeting for the first time, the protagonists were the king and queen. The game would be more about how they run the country and deal with threats, rather than a obviously build up to a marriage.
  14. I'd love this and would be fine if there wasn't as much reclassing. They should design portraits for all the available classes so you can just take the head from one character and put it on another class.
  15. I feel like the Black Knight should have high speed (for an Armor) to represent his noted-in-game agility despite the heavy armor. Not enough to double most threats but enough to be safe from doubling without using Wary Fighter. Maybe 30 speed and lower his resistance to compensate? I think it would also be cool if his Warp powder was factored in like an assist skill that says "Warp next to an ally. Atk/Spd/Def/Res -4 until next turn"
  16. It's an interesting concept but heavily flawed. The player summons are too effective at distracting enemies and enemy summoners just make maps super tedious. For allies, they should change the AI to not make the illusions the enemies' primary targets. For enemy summoners, they should make "unlimited summon spam" a single map gimmick instead of it being how every summoner is handled. Otherwise, summoners should have a limit on how much they can summon.
  17. He really looks like Hououin Kyouma from Steins;Gate there. Now I wish he had the personality too.
  18. Agreed with this. I think people overstate how "privileged" Ike was in the game. Inheriting a mercenary company with 7 members is hardly having the world fall in your lap. That said, while Ike has a good personal growth arc, I'd like a story where the protagonist starts from nothing and WANTS to be someone important in society.
  19. "But Clive is rich. He can't be richist!" Wrong, he has internalized his richism.
  20. I can't wait until she gets to Desert/Swamps and Cantors. The game hasn't even gotten to the hard parts yet.
  21. All my archers turned out pretty good, even Python. The ability to snipe other archers and mages is a huge advantage in this game. Leo pretty much soloed that desert stronghold map and my archers made Nuibaba's castle a whole lot more manageable.
  22. Bold 1: The way I see it, By choosing a personality and narrowing down the support pool, you're essentially making a preset character, with a distinct personality and relationships just like any other minor playable character in the game. Even the avatars we have now are preset characters, but we have even less of a choice in how they behave, and their ability to support everyone strips them of any meaningful qualities. Bold 2: Fate support pools are determined by which route you play; half of the cast for each of the first two routes and essentially the entire cast for the third route. If there was a game with a large variety factions to choose from, I could see that being used to determine who you can support with, but it would again run into the problem of "not everyone you talk to is going to want to be your friend". The problem I have with some people's notion of choosing a personality and having the ability to support everyone is that these two things can't co-exist unless you change the script for every conversation depending on the selected personality.
  23. I cleared it with Xander, Jagen, Blade!Ursula and Ninian. First I moved Ninian on the first forest and Ursula just out of range of the Axe Cavalier. Ursula attacks Camus below the second forest but Ward and Goad buffs prevent him from being doubled or one-shot. Ursula is wounded and gets danced back to her buff units. Camus is full healed by the Troubadour, and the Axe Cavaliers use Rally Defense on each other, before Camus charges forward. Separated from his buffs, Ursula easily kills him. The rest is positioning and letting Ursula nuke everything. Hector was surprisingly not very good. The Axe Cavaliers are too bulky to kill and they'll get healed anyway.
  24. Am I the only one who doesn't think Charlotte's level of exposure is in character? I know she is a gold digger, but she's not trying to appear as a seductress. Her outfit is too overt and breaks my suspension of disbelief. I think she should have an outfit that accentuates her sexuality in a subtle way. A little cleavage here, a little thigh there. I think her design would be better with a skirt and a shirt that covers her midriff. It's worth noting that Charlotte isn't just trying to get laid, she wants to look like marriage material for someone wealthy.
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