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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I wish it was just Swift Sparrow 1. The enemy can easily have less than full health (from past combat or Fury). It is better than a silver weapon so I can't complain that much.
  2. Badges are currently used exclusively to unlock potential, as are feathers, so they're already redundant (besides color locking that becomes irrelevant after a certain amount of play). If badges were made into a general currency that could be exchanged for a number of things (SP, Feathers, etc), that would be an improvement.
  3. Regal Sword sounds disappointing as signature weapons go but it will have high attack if nothing else. Time to assemble my Black Fang team.
  4. Sounds familiar. Is it a gaccha game where characters are randomly acquired?
  5. Fair enough. I had not actually run the stats, I just figured that if Kagero could strike first in melee, she would be able to kill a lot of infantry without worry for bad positioning on the enemy phase. I suppose you needn't tweak a unit that is so good on the player phase. As good as Takumi was in the early meta, there aren't as many people who would love CC as people who would love DC.
  6. Henry has really low attack so you might consider other options. Leo has QR 3 naturally and decent defenses. F!Robin and Spring Camilla are also somewhat beefy. Vantage + CC Kagero might be good too.
  7. I could see safeguards put in place to discourage that. For example, restrict trading to accounts that have been active for at least a month, linked accounts only and have completed the story missions. It wouldn't completely remove the potential for abuse but it would lesson it.
  8. You act like any character you want would be available as easy as snapping your fingers. Of all the 5 stars I've acquired, I have only maybe 2 I'd be willing to trade (and that's because they aren't that good!) What I can see happening is people trading their surplus units off to people who are getting a disproportionate amount of something else.
  9. Needs Wings of Mercy or Escape Route for that warp spam. Or you could just make Warp an Assist skill.
  10. I don't see why not. I drew an extra 5* Fae that I don't need and maybe another player would love to have. Why limit it?
  11. Personal skills would just rearrange characters' placement on the tier list, not make them all uniquely viable. I'd rather they focus their efforts on creating new characters and skills for them rather than create unique skills every existing character. But I'll contribute to the thread, just for kicks. Zephiel: Goad Dragons - Dragon units within 2 spaces get +4 Attack and Speed in combat
  12. A funny joke but Lucina one rounds Tiki and Fae so Zephiel wouldn't be able to activate Wings of Mercy. Yes, I'm fun at parties.
  13. I wonder...would Distant Defense work well on an armor? Obviously Distant Counter is what they would prefer but assuming you can't get that, +6 res and defense is nothing to sneeze at. Combined with even 1 Ward Armor and Zephiel would be immune to Colorless characters and have a respectful 34 res. Perhaps Xander or lightning breath users would like it as they can counter at range.
  14. They chose a gender neutral western name. I think it's kind of funny how people theorized that "Corrin" was the new name that Garon gave him but then the game implies that that was his original name after all.
  15. I was giving my own numbers. Even combining my badges, I'd be in the "1 character per 4-6 months" group.
  16. Ah, no love for Michalis, but I can't deny that my current Horse team needs the extra support. Not really. While Hector can reliably bait and kill most colorless and blues, he can be killed by fast green and red mages before he gets off the QR. A DC Zephiel would compliment an armor team quite well. As far as armor teams not working, my 3 armor + dancer team did well in the arena this season. Hector is essential for an armor team because of DC and DC Zephiel would only make it better.
  17. After this Arena session ends I'll have enough feathers to promote another 4 star character, the question is who? Currently, I'm considering Xander, Michalis and Eirika. All of them get a signature weapon upon promotion that really defines their worth. Xander would be useful for the Horse Emblem team (Currently BladeUrsula/4*Jagen/4*Xander/Leo), and he's pretty shit without his signature weapon. He would be helpful as greens are the only thing Ursula might hesitate fighting. Wish I had Eldigan. Michalis would be good for my flier team (currently 5*Palla/5*Tsubaki/4*Michalis/4*Camilla) but as I'm lacking both Hone/Ward Flier, maybe I should wait? I do like the idea of running QR and bonfire on him. Wish I had Minerva. Eirika doesn't fit any immediate needs I have (no 5* Tharja or Nino) but it's probably something I ought to have down the line. Thoughts? Absolutely! I'm super jealous, I would love that for my Zephiel.
  18. That's true, I can't see Blade tomes being dethroned any time soon. But the speed/def/res boost potential (+6 to all stats plus whatever the spurs give you) sounds interesting.
  19. Same here. This is the first banner I actually want to pull all of the characters, for their skills at least. I wonder in the new owl tomes will encourage Spur based team compositions. With Boey's tome, A skill, and 3 Spur Defense characters, he could end up with +24 defense!
  20. itt: people not realizing that the decapitated Alm amiibo is related to Faye. "If I can't have him, no one will."
  21. All the more reason for Fury, if you choose to use him. Dragons and Hector are pretty popular so I would consider using Marth even with a -speed bane. Your other red options are a bit lackluster. I suppose you could use TA RuorRaven on Henry but I'd rather gift his tome to a better Red mage. If you have the feathers, Erika and Corrin might be viable as 5* characters.
  22. FE is usually based on medieval Europe (and European mythology) so it's only natural that we see mostly horses. You can mount Panne if you S rank her.
  23. If you want to use Gordon and Lukas, I'd add Marth and a green character. Jaffar is a good choice but with 2 colorless characters, you'll get stomped by TA Raven users, especially Male Robin. Death Blow works well with a Brave Bow and Lukas would probably work with Quick Riposte and Bonfire. The Marth I'm running has Fury/Renewal/Spur Speed, but his starting kit is pretty good. How many feathers do you have? If you have enough to get at least 1 character to 5*, you might consider Nino or Frederick. Erika/Nino is another popular combo. Edit: It will cost a lot of feathers but with Gunter/Jagen/Ursula and Odin (for Blarblade), you have the characters to put together a Horse Emblem team.
  24. I've been playing pretty regularly since the game came out and I only have about 800 great badges all together. There isn't exactly a solid metric for "dedicated" playing, but I think such a reward ought to be available from 1.5 months of work. If it took 4-6 months to get the resources it wouldn't really be an incentive to keep playing, it would just be a bonus for people already invested in the game.
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