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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. My opinion is mostly the same. Great music, a good supporting cast and some interesting gameplay mechanics. On the negative side, the story is a mess; not quite Fates tier but still pretty awful. Could have done without swamps and summon spam too. I'd say Rudolf's and Azura's plans are about equal. Both rely on a lot of uncertainties and cause a lot of needless deaths. In some ways, the Rudolf plan is even worse because it's not really clear why he needed to start a war, where Azura at least had the excuse (no matter how insane it was) that getting Garon on the chair would get the Nohrians to turn on him.
  2. The writing suggests that her behavior is problematic, but it never really goes as far as being a deconstruction. She is probably most similar to Tharja, in that while she's not mentally ill, her obsession and surrounding behavior are inappropriate. I think it would have been interesting if Faye was a cautionary tale of being too stagnant in one's life, but there would have to be more dialogue diving into how she's unble to change and it brought her misery.
  3. Cormag and Selena talk about past!Vigarde, both mentioning his charity and kindness towards the common people. I don't think it would be too hard to build a personality for Heroes. That said, a story chapter with Lyon controlling zombie!Vigarde would be pretty awesome. Throw in Orson's wife, Monica. Denning might be fun too.
  4. So, does Amelia's C skill only work for the first turn? I can't see how that would be essential for Armor Emblem teams.
  5. I think Vaximillian and Seafarer have some interesting ideas for dividing them into colors. I mentioned this in the other thread but I think it would be cool if beast laguz had a unique weapon (or laguz locked skill) that let them move through forests unhindered.
  6. Ah, okay. I'm running her with her default Distant Defense, but she's still pretty killer. Spur Spd + Rally Speed + Ragnarok brings her to effective 50 speed
  7. What is this sorcery? I have a +At Celica, and even if I gave her LaD 3 and a Hone Attack, she would only have 62 attack.
  8. Hm, I don't know if they should have all of those buffs but the non-rehabilitate assists need to be stronger. I'd be fine with them not having offensive specials if they did full damage by default.
  9. My list 1. Lyon: One of the best villains to me and Leon's heterosexual brother. I'm hoping for a slow and strong red mage. 2. Micaiah: One of the best protagonists, and a much needed light magic rep. I'd like her to be a blue equivalent to Julia and use Thani. 3. F!Morgan: Best daughteru, no competition. She's kind of interesting because of her class options. A Grandmaster with a Levin Sword sounds appropriate but a Dark Flier would be pretty cool too. 4. Nephanee: The lance-lady who won everyone's heart before Oboro. Maybe she would be a speedy lance infantry for a change? 5. Lethe: Cat girls? Fucking weebs ruining Fire Emblem... If and when Laguz are introduced, I hope Lethe is one of them. I like to think she'll have a strike weapon that let's her pass through forests normally. Honorable mentions to: Melady, Myrrh, Rath, Duessel, Rinka
  10. Yeah, one of my teams is Armor Emblem. Hector (+Def,-HP), Zephiel (Neutral) Effie (+HP, -Spd) and a healer or dancer. Hector cleans up most ranged threats (except for red mages and green mages that double him) so it would be nice to have another unit to counter at range to cover enemies he can't. I wonder if giving Effie DC and Berkut's Lance+ would be worthwhile. Berkut's lance is just 1 attack point less than Silver lance and it raises her res +4 when attacked. She would (with Zephiel's Ward Armor and Hector's Goad Armor) have 53/58/23/37/31 or 53/54/19/41/35 if Hector runs Ward instead.
  11. I pulled a +Res -Def Hector (already have a better one) while hunting for Minerva. Any thoughts on who his Distant Counter should go to? I had considered Michalis and Eldigan but the former is weak to bows and both have low res. Zephiel is another option but he's doing pretty well with Brave Sword + Deathblow. My next consideration is Effie, to stop Red Mages that threaten Hector. Any other ideas?
  12. Caeda is available but then I'd have to give a Fortify Fliers to someone which could be a Goad instead (Current team is S!Corrin, Michalis, Palla, Cordelia). Oh well, I'm not in a huge rush to switch her tome out but I wish there were better inheritable tomes around. Smokestack, did you lose a bet and become part of the Legion?
  13. Her default tome isn't half bad honestly. 12 might plus +1/+1 Atk/Spd to nearby allies that stacks with Goad Flier, but it just looks so silly. Obviously it makes more sense for my Summer Corrin to be shooting blue doves.
  14. I dunno, people say you "need" Hinoka but I'm liking the flexibility of Goad Fliers. -Spd might be a bad IV but if you slap +12/+12 Atk/Spd from 3 goads, any nature is viable! Blarowl could work, as Fliers usually stick close for buffs.
  15. While we're on that S!Corrin train, there there any inheritable tome that works better than her default? I'd give her Blarblade but I don't have a Hinoka and Goad Fliers on everyone has been working pretty well already. Blarowl?
  16. There is no official timeline or unified world. There are fan theories and easter eggs in Awakening but the confirmed linked worlds are: FE1-5 and the remakes, FE6-7, and FE9-10. I think it's telling that these supposed connections aren't brought up in the actual games and just have it retconned in later.
  17. I still don't know why people are stuck on "It's a popularity contest! Multipliers are unfair!" The devs have been adjusting each Gauntlet to be a more fair competition, but people still flip out because the word "Voting" is in the title. If they wanted a straight popularity contest, everyone would have one vote, there would be no battles or bonus units and there would be no reward for winning to prevent bandwagoning. But look! It appears they want to have gameplay and a way to keep even the losers enaged. It's not and never was a straight popularity contest.
  18. Effective weapons vs Cavalry aren't really a solution to Reinhardt because he's easy enough to kill if you attack him first. The issue is surviving a Dire Thunder attack. A real Reinhardt counter would be a ABC skill (or seal) that prevents Brave weapons from striking twice. Anti-cavalry weapons are good against horse tanks, however. No one uses wolf tomes so I wonder how valuable this theoretical Thani would be. 14 attack is good but it might still fall behind other legendary tomes. Micaiah deserves the best. THE BEST. For me at least, supporting Corrin was a matter of not having any horse in the race so I sided with the character that: 1. I had. 2. Is a rare flying mage. 3. Is visually pleasing. Corrin's still a bad character, but Heroes doesn't concern itself too much with the writing.
  19. I got a +Atk Celica on the first free pull, so I'm going to give a BIG YES to "Do you like this update?" I still think the Sacred Coins will be for seals but in my heart of hearts I wish for a "reroll nature" feature. It's nice that you can set the difficulty of Arena Assault so it's not just the territory of people with tons of awesome units.
  20. The main points I would want to hit are tidying up the story (addressing plot holes, making more connections between games), making the FE7 gaidens more accessible/intuitive, and installing a proper support system (no 5 support limit and let characters build support points in a variety of ways). I don't think the games should be on a single cartridge (Fates showed us what happens when they spread themselves thin) and there aren't enough loose ends to justify a 2 generation system (eugenics leads to bad supports anyway). Releasing a FE7 remake first might be best. I'd like Mark to become playable on the condition that his role is minimal and it doesn't detract from the lords' story.
  21. These were uncalled for. Keep it civil guys. -------- Dat Valter artwork tho. He's rocking that cape.
  22. I like this solution. The flags could be like dueling swords where you have a limited about of trys to get the best score for your team. The matter of team sizes is always going to leave some people salty so we should just ditch it entirely.
  23. I agree with this. People talk about that 'golden' period when the Gauntlet was exciting and memes flowed like water but it was just everyone trying out a new toy. There are two kinds of outcomes, a landslide match that we have to wait for to end despite already knowing the winner, and an artificially even, back-and-forth that we similarly wait for to end. The concept was getting stale from Gauntlet #2
  24. Perhaps, but the current system can end up giving people tons of multipliers AND winning the match.
  25. So how do people feel about your team score and cumulative score not taking into account multipliers? I feel the biggest issue with the multiplier is how much it changes your score to be available at the right times.
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