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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Play Heroes outside? But the glare from the sun will block my screen! There is life outside of Heroes?
  2. Just got Lyn (+Spd - Def) on the free pull for the female banner. My choice for the VG is clear.
  3. Wouldn't that be crazy if there was an upcoming banner that provided DC fodder for Brave Ike?
  4. You gotta read the subtext of the script. Racial tension is almost always caused by the absence of one culture's pantaloons.
  5. He did not, which is why Marquess Araphen had a permanent "Disgusting" reaction to Sacaens (besides Rath who does wear underwear).
  6. With Lyns and Brave Lyns everywhere? Risky business.
  7. I'm more of a Eliwood x Ninian shipper but can't argue with those true facts. Somehow I doubt that Lyn's father wore the same clothes that Lyn does.
  8. I mean, you still get your special character, so second place works out pretty well for you all the same.
  9. You seem more than a little embittered. No one doubts that Lucina is a hyper popular character, but Lyn is special to those who started with FE7. You sounds pissed off that a girl who probably wins 9/10 popularity contests actually lost that 1/10. Let Lyn have her day,even if it's just for an insignificant poll on the internet.
  10. So is anyone concerned about powercreep? Those weapons and skills, while locked to their owner, are pretty insane. Also, I wonder if the free character will be before you summon on the banner or whenever you want.
  11. BOOOOOOOOOW KNIIIIIIIIGHT LYYYYYYN!!!! This banner is amazing! Wish there was a manakete Roy though. I must have them all but Lyn is first.
  12. There are plenty of good skills that are available at lower star levels too. All the Blade tomes, Wo Dao, Brave Bow, among others. Desperation, Fury and Vantage are all in the 3* pool.
  13. At some point they should start demoting characters (less relevant 5* like Saber, and various 4* characters). They adjusted the summoning rates to make 4* more common, but eventually the proportion of 3* to 4* and 5* will be absurdly low. In regards to past limited banners, I think it would be cool if there were a special pool to pull them, with some extra cost to access it (Sacred Coins or whatever). This pool would be the same characters as normal banners but all the 5* replaced with limited characters. Alternatively they could rerun their banners during that part of the year.
  14. And this is the true essence of colorless hell. Each character might have a use for another player, but you never pull the ones you want. An ironic punishment for everyone who enters this gods forsaken realm. It is a place devoid of color, light and life. Those seeking Klein, abandon all hope, ye who roll here.
  15. Wrys gives Rehabilitate, Heavenly Light and Live to Serve, so that's probably one of the better encounters. Saizo is the real colorless trap.
  16. And yet he did look and act like a cartoon villain, so players blame Celica for even trusting him a little. When someone who looks like Dracula, asks for your soul and tries to murder your friends, that's usually a sign they are up to no good. While I can understand Celica's desperation in regards to Mila, Jedah did everything in his power to suggest he was a bad guy. Celica went along with it and kept her friends and family in the dark. I think you misunderstand. There is no battle at the dragon mountain if you get to Duma tower before Alm does his half of chapter 4. I'm not sure on what grounds you have to say that isn't canon. Berkut wasn't in Gaiden, is he not canon?
  17. Is tons of limited banners what people want? Don't you want more characters added to the general summoning pool?
  18. Wary Fighter and Obstruct would be good ways to make them live up to their tanky potential. Dual Guard+ too
  19. Alm may have proven himself a competent soldier by that point but it was under the leadership of Lukas, who really should have become the head of the Deliverance after Clive stepped down.
  20. So he sends Alm away and tells him when he's old enough to fight Duma. Why did Alm have to kill his own father again? I'm not denying that Azura is a massive idiot and horrible person. I'm saying Rudolf is just as bad.
  21. If you are surprised someone deceived you, that means you trusted them. Also, fun fact: If you reach Duma Tower before Alm gets to the dragon mountain, Alm never gets stuck in Dracozombie hell and never needs Celica's help (besides the magic mirror thing but it wasn't Jedah who stopped the magic).
  22. Or he could just tell Alm what's up instead of starting a war? If you want to say "It's fine because of prophesies and shit" then Azura's plan was fine too because Corrin is prophesied to save the world too. Azura told Corrin her plan, just as Rudolf did to Massena and Mycen. Neither of their actions prevented the tragedies that occurred in their stories.
  23. To be fair, Hero Fest was a pretty strong incentive to spend big this month. Also, we had two banners with limited characters in summer.
  24. I don't know what possesses some of you to get tens of thousands over 99k. I got to 90k and was pretty satisfied with the feathers and orbs I got.
  25. I wonder if the use of Sacred Coins will be revealed then.
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