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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Blade tomes are good but they do need support, so I'd rather run Dire Thunder that can kill many even without support. Mae/Ursula/S!Corrin/Linde probably want it more.
  2. Cleared them all, only the 3rd one gave me much trouble. Part 3 strat: Camus breaks a wall and baits/kills Sanaki. Celica kills Hector and then moves out of range of Effie to kill Sheena. Nino (with necessary boosts by Hone Speed/Hone Attack/Fortify Res seal) hits Effie and then is danced to kill her. Camus wounds Niles and Nino kills him. Part 4: Hector and Palla head north and Effie and Michalis head south. The armors tanks and weaken the fliers and my own fliers kill off what remains. Part 5: Michalis/S!Corrin/Cordelia/Palla. Palla flies to the right to bait Arthur outside the ranger of the lancer and mage. Michalis one rounds Faye, S!Corrin takes a hit from Gaius and kills him the next turn. Michalis tanks the axe knight and has his health low enough for Palla to WoM warp over and kill the armor. I used reposition shenanigans to move Cordelia close enough to kill the mage and then S!Corrin killed the lancer. Not much point in doing these if you need to spend orbs.
  3. I feel the bottom text should read "Prince of Renais denies affair with sister despite no one asking"
  4. That's fair. Raven tome usage isn't what it used to be (even before CA came out) but earlier on, it was very common to see TA Cecilia and Robin which made running colorless a liability, in my experience.
  5. I think it was a very good skill to add. Bow and daggers really dropped off in value after TA Raven users became so prominent. CA is a very specific counter (especially for colorless as it only counters Raven users) and takes up a valuable B slot, which is probably why so few people actually use it.
  6. I think leveling up seals is very likely, and I hope the price is fair (maybe 10 coins per level). I kind of wish you could level up skills as well. That would greatly expand the options for SI (Bartres will no longer be useless). That seems the most likely. Currently, the skill is almost more detrimental than useful. With the health requirement, it can't reeally be used for QR or Fury users on top of Vantage and Desperation users. That's only my whole army, IS.
  7. The BK threatens to " visit horrors" to Mist which could be a inferred to be torture and/or rape. An empty threat, presumably, with his later RD characterization, but the threat was nonetheless made.
  8. At a rate of 1 orb per 4*, it's not actually that much. Consider you do full pulls, the most orb efficient method, and all of them happen to to be 4* characters. You could send them all home and "make" 5 orbs, but in reality you're just losing 15 orbs with nothing to show for it. No characters or skill Inheritance. Just 15 orbs down. The current feather compensation for sending characters home is irrelevant when you can make thousands of feathers a week doing Arena for free.
  9. The original Berserk anime might as well be a Fire Emblem anime with better writing than Fire Emblem . If they were to make one, they would need to have a balance of the action scenes and quiet character moments. A game has battles all the time for gameplay but a story you watch can't be constant action.
  10. If GRRM wrote the next FE, it would never come out. I think people on SF are generally adverse to Fire Emblem being as dark and brutal as ASOIAF can be, but I think he'd be a good writer for it. FE can and has been dark, such as Birthright spoiler Radiant Dawn Spoiler Sacred Stones Spoiler Among other things. The only thing FE needs to be is less explicit, even if dark things are alluded to.
  11. I like the FE8 approach with 3 trainee classes (maybe give them 1 more promotion path). Ideally, they would start with the weapon that their promotions use so you don't have any nonsense like Donnel --> Mercenary/Fighter. SoV was an example of too many options, and not enough guidance.
  12. I'm going to toss my vote for GRRM for excellent character writing/political drama and the writers of Dragon Age Origin for worldbuilding.
  13. The Fates routes are different continuities of the same world and time frame. It only makes sense that characters are kidnapped "multiple times" when the circumstances that lead to them being kidnapped don't change across continuities.
  14. OP be like "Why are the mods getting on my case? All I did was break the rules and be obnoxious when called out on it. " I think a trading system and/or shop would be fine features with certain limitations. A good game makes everything useful in some way, so having nothing to do with unwanted characters (besides getting a pittance of feathers by sending them home) is a flaw. In order to keep the alure of pulling, I'd restrict trades to the 3-4* pool (which is honestly where a lot of the good SI is at) and have orb returns instead of feathers for sending home 4* and 5* (1 orb and 10 orbs, perhaps).
  15. ER and WoM can be more easily planned around because of the health requirement. Don't drop people's health down and you won't have to deal with it. Guidance can greatly alter the course of a battle depending on the order that units move.
  16. I have an extra Hector too. What do people think of Berkut's Lance+ and DC for Effie? 1 less atk than silver lance for +4 res when defending. I know Brave Lance is a popular build but I don't think that would combo well with DC. I could give it to Zephiel but I'd perfer to have someone who can kill red mages that Hector can't.
  17. I don't really like how it will affect predicting AI. Dancers are bad enough but now you'll be have to consider a whole bunch of units warping without any health requirements.
  18. It adds some flexibility and replayability, which is a good thing, but there are other ways to accomplish this.
  19. I've probably said it before but in the Japanese version, she's legitimately more creepy, something even the devs acknowledged in a recently translated interview by Kirokan. Maybe it was intended to be funny-creepy but these are real people existing in the world. Like Thane said, you would need to give her more attention to really examine what she does wrong and how it afffects herself and others. There are hints about her behavior being negative but her two supports don't really criticize her character (Alm still likes her and Silque is too much of a doormat to take offense). That's in the context of Corrin abandoning Nohr. "Everyone got super sad that you left." I don't think Camilla's mental health (that explains her extreme attachment to Corrin and behavior outside Birthright) is ever commented on directly unless you consider Camilla x Niles to be that.
  20. Kirokan, the hero Serenes deserves and also the one it needs right now. (Hey, if IS gets to make a Batman reference, so can I.) A very interesting interview that covers a lot of topics. I'm pleased that they are thinking a lot about what fans want and expect (such as the "removal" of marriage). This to me speaks of integrity that I saw less of in Fates. I'm also glad that they're thinking about themantic elements, granted they missed the mark on some (Fernand and Berkut aren't humanized enough and Alm is too perfect to be a foil to Berkut). It's interesting how Faye was percieved by the devs as being creepy. Also noted, 'Echoes' was indeed intended to be used for future remakes. I don't know if they'll stick with it but this interview lends credence to the idea.
  21. I'd like to see a return of Anima/Dark/Light, crossbows and hidden weapons. Crossbows could have their damage calculated by skill instead of strength and hidden weapons could be divided into 1 range daggers that prevent counter attacks and 2 range knives that debuff enemies. For new weapons, I could see guns happening if it's a Renaissance level era. I envision them being 1-2 range, not being able to double but having a high crit rate. They could use bayonets as well.
  22. One thing to keep in mind is that mechanics in SoV worked in the context of the other mechanics (ex. the relationship between terrain bonuses and spells). Some things won't work as well copy-pasted into a new game. To keep: -Villages/base conversations -Forging -Rings/Shields -Multiple protagonists To modify: -Artes. Have them replace proc skills and be tied to classes. The cost to use them can be either a limited number of uses or HP. -Terrain/Magic. Lower the bonuses on terrain and don't use fixed hit rates for magic. -Keep the turnwheel but give it more limited uses for Classic. Casual can have unlimited uses. -Use tomes instead of spells. -Give characters a 5-6 slot inventory. Give them a specific slot for shields/rings. -Archer range. Make them 2-3 range and magic 1-2 range. Snipers could have 2-4 range. To remove (unless conditions are met) -Summoners unless their summons are limited. -Witches unless their warp skill is tweaked so they can't warp literally anywhere.
  23. I'd still hit it. Chromelia, did you say your name was?
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