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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. I could see BotW characters showing up as assist trophies. I'd vote for Vatti for playable character with a lasting presence in the series. It's definitely a first to see him outside of his green tunic, but the characters looking like their most recent version is pretty standard for Smash.
  2. Not FE16 news/10. Absolutely disgusting. I suppose I wouldn't mind a Sm4sh port as I never owned a WiiU (although I played the game a lot at a friend's house). I wonder if it would have all the DLC included like an ultimate edition. A brand new game would be even more welcome, however. Ridley, come home. Clearly he is the Hayao Miyazaki of Smash. I think swapping Impa for Sheik would be very appropriate. They hit a similar appeal and Sheik has more appearances in Smash than her own franchise.
  3. Oh Lyon... my sweet boy Lyon.. *crying* I'm fine now. I'm okay. Totally compos- LYOOOOOOOOOOOOON!!! *ugly cries some more*
  4. "There were several nobles on the war council suspicious of you, not just one." Wait, several Hoshidan nobles? That we don't know the names of or even see? We had war councils? I feel like this might have been some decent world building and political intrigue if there existed a world outside of the playable characters and the handful of NPCs in the game. As it stands, Yukimura is the only Hoshidan in the government.
  5. Best support: There are many good supports but I'll go with Knoll x Natasha. They discuss the motives of the main antagonist and the philosophical differences between the magi and clergy. They end up discovering that they are not so different and are united by their desire to save people. Worst support: Azama x Hinoka Azama spends most of the support talking shit about her and displaying zero empathy for the suffering and death of others. Somehow this can lead to marriage.
  6. Duessel is my pick. He's a strong mentor figure to the other Grado characters and Ephraim and has a strong moral backbone as we can see when he calls out Vigarde, even before he's recruited.
  7. But Midori is an adult, according to the localization. I think even in the case where both people are children, romantic ships are a bit weird. Maybe just let them be kids for a while longer?
  8. I had a headcanon of sorts that Iago is actually planning a coup against Garon, which is why he purposely attacks and sabotages the royal children (even in Conquest) in an attempt to get them killed before he goes after Garon himself. The whole "herpa derp, Imma kill the royal siblings on a flimsy pretext and hope Big G doesn't have me executed immediately" then becomes his final gambit, which unfortunately doesn't work out so well for him.
  9. Corrin x any royal besides Takumi or Sakura (they never established an early relationship as family). Judging by fanart, Corrin x Xander seems very popular which has some really disturbing implications. I don't blame people for choosing their preferred lust object in game, but is it not distracting to have your waifu/husbando refer to you as 'brother/sister'? Corrin x any second gen children. It gets worse the more you think about how deeprealms work. Kana x anyone. M!Kana getting rejected in the localization was a good thing and I don't know why you'd want this 10 year old getting involved with anyone. --- In defense of Nino/Jaffar, their age gap looks like the difference of a few years at most, and if you look at Nino's children, who are young teenagers 20 years later, Nino would be at least 18 by the time her relationship became sexual. It's really not that weird. It's better than Soleil x Forrest at least, as far as their Japanese support goes. (Shiver)
  10. Iago Emblem He leads his band of merry puppy-kickers on a quest to pop balloons at childrens' birthdays, loudly announce spoilers to new movies, pushes people in wheelchairs down stairs and doesn't wash his hands. Because he's evil. At the end of the game, he loses his plot armor and gets a Yato shoved up his arse for attacking the royal family. Strangely, little changes in Conquest.
  11. Well, this was unexpected. My first summon session. But I wanted Alm.
  12. There is no guarantee that either side winning the war would result in a long lasting unification of the continent. The winners might oppress the losers, or the winners might go home after collecting their compensation. The only reason the unification works (and even then it's a little shaky to accept that two countries of contrasting values can suddenly become one without a lot of adaption) because Alm is the hero of Zofia and the royal heir of Rigel. Rudolf would have to be a powerful fortune teller to have predicted that those exact circumstances that allowed Alm to become that person would happen. There are a number of ways that he could have made the plan simpler. For starters, he could have talked to Alm and Celica about who they are and what needs to happen. I don't see a war where anything could happen would be a sounder plan to ensuring long term peace. Everything going exactly as planned despite the plethora of ways it could fail doesn't make it a smart one. Azura's plan is a good one by that standard. Everything worked out.
  13. -Protagonist nation is the one known for Wyvern Riders instead of paladins or pegasus riders. -Main character is a king/queen, and a parent of young children. -A civil war instead of a continent spanning conflict. -A female protagonist who is not naive or usurped by a male protagonist. -Dragons are either more present (Scouring prequel pls) or are successful in their revival instead of there just being a few in existence -The final antagonist would not be in charge from the beginning of the game but would be scheming and working towards a position of power, just as the hero is working towards defeating that power. -Have more allies with prejudices (not enough to make them villains). -The Jeigan is a well intentioned extremist who did things behind the protagonist's back that he felt were necessary for the stability of the country but the protagonist would hate him for it if he found out.
  14. I haven't played the FE4&5 but I'd say Rudolf's plan. For it to work, he needed Alm to survive with only Mycen protecting him, for him to be accepted as the leader of Zofia's military (which normally wouldn't accept a commoner), for Zofia (the country of hedonistic layabouts) to somehow win the war despite a civil war, monster attacks, famine and all against a nation that is known for their military strength, and THEN have the strength to take down Duma himself. There is also the matter of Celica's role in stopping Duma. Now, it's true that Alm and Celica were prophesied to end the age of gods in Valentia, but if the prophesy was absolute, why did Rudolf need to do anything to ensure it succeeded? Dishonorable mention goes to Azura's throne ploy that counts on: 1. Garon actually going to Hoshido. 2. Garon actually sitting on the throne. 3. The throne working as she believes it will (I don't imagine "dispelling glamors on slime monsters" is a tested ability of the throne) 4. The Nohr sibs actually opposing Garon after the reveal. (They only do because Garon attacks them for some reason) Azura doesn't even get as far as planning how to kill Anankos.
  15. I guess the point I'm making is that despite the players identifying Azura as a main character, she's just in the shadow of Corrin as far as most characters are concerned. Fates has always been the Corrin show with Azura whispering in his ear. Look at every chapter and tell me who is framed as the protagonist.
  16. In defense of Sonya's ending, her becoming a witch is just a rumor, and no one actually saw her again. It could be that she just became a recluse at Nuibaba's mansion and people assumed she was a scary witch because the last master there was a scary witch. It's not actually that hard to imagine. Azura is very secretive and even in Revelation where she plays the largest role, the story is focused on the Great Uniter Corrin™. People generally make note of the actions of kings, not the women who birth their children. The children epilogues are a little BS, but you need to pick and choose your battles when it comes to bad Fates writing. You clearly didn't read her endings. She's unable to marry two of her support partners because she's a noble and they're commoners, and she can marry the 3rd (Erk) because he has connections to Pent . None of her endings specify following her brother and in Raven's paired ending with Lucius, he gets over his hatred.
  17. Maybe it's not completely congruous but I like his character in FE7 more. There is more pathos in a man who became bitter from parental abuse (which is well written in itself) than a man who just hates humanity without much context.
  18. Hector's character in Heroes is both humorous (the Love Abounds paralogue) and tragic (his TT dialogue). Despite his blunt nature, he cares deeply about his friends and loved ones, even keeping it a secret and accepting that he is fated to die on the battlefield, because the knowledge would sadden his friends. Also, if people are going to mention how SoV improved Grima, I'm going to mention Zephiel in FE7. He's kind of a generic evil emperor type in his base game, so it is heartbreaking to see him as the virtuous prince with a final wish that he could have a happy family. "Local Desmond Ruins Everything" reads the Bern Tribune.
  19. Oh, I use DC + Berkut's Lance together with the DD seal. What I was saying was that my Effie uses this build and I'm wondering if Eliwood would be better for it (and inherit her skills). Eliwood reaches 46 res when attacked by mages with this build (Effie gets to 44). The pressing question is, is Effie a better choice for the build because of her better bulk (+4HP and DEF) or is Eliwood a better mage tanker/slayer because he can probably run QR without being doubled by many threats. In any event, I don't have any of the Christmas armors or Hardin.
  20. Speaking of Effie/Eliwood, I'm thinking about building a DC Berkut Lance Eliwood, the problem is, I already have that build on a +Res, -Spd Effie, and I don't have any other DC fodder. So the question is, would it be worth it to sacrifice the Effie for Eliwood? By comparison Effie has +4 HP and Def and +2 Atk. Eliwood, meanwhile has +13 Spd and +2 Res. Effie is clearly a more durable tank but Eliwood (after a Hone Armor boost) might be fast enough to escape most doubles and open up his B slot for QR. The reason I'm considering this is because a +Atk Effie can do a better Brave Lance build, but Elliwood could carve out a niche as a QR mage tank that Effie never could. Thoughts? Is there a better build for Eliwood? For the record, I don't have Bold or Vengeful Fighter.
  21. Unfortunately, the last request list was deleted so it's being built anew on a first come, first serve basis. Remember, the better you're able to describe how you want your request put together, the more likely someone will pick it up. Only your first request will be recorded. Edit: Ninja'd. All's well that ends well.
  22. OP has been updated with new requests. Have at em, you crazy kids. Hm, I suppose we could make a "short list" of easier requests, although it's a little subjective which requests are "easy". Most edits are "so-and-so's parts with these colors". Maybe I'll divide it between detailed requests with specific parts vs complicated requests requiring new assets or complex scenes. Most of the completed sprites are on my computer so it's mostly just the uugh task of re-uploading Naga knows how many images and reformatting the image galleries. Yup, that was mine. You can be the Clippy of this thread. "Looks like the OP hasn't been updated in 2 months, need some help?"
  23. Hello IS, I'd like to report a bug with the Love Abounds banner. The Hector I pulled is less dapper than advertised.
  24. I've made a new thread here. This will serve until the mods can revive the old thread, and if not, become the new thread.
  25. Hello all, as you are probably aware, the previous thread seems to have been deleted and in the event it cannot be revived, this will be the new sprite thread. I'm going by memory of how the last OP was laid out, so there will likely be frequent updates until things are up to standard. These are our official Spriters, past and present. @Apples @BANRYU @Kon @Lord_Grima @LordConqueror @Luchi @Luna of Dragonblood @NekoKnight @Vaximillian @peevthesheev @Xaos Steel Wing @Nankaina We're always accepting new spriters if you want your name added to the OP. You can be added if you complete at least 3 requests. The rules for making requests: 1. Be specific: The more work you put into describing your requests (specifying parts, colors, weapons, poses, etc) the easier it is for us to put it together and the more likely someone will pick it up. 2. One request at a time: Many people will make requests and you will likely have to wait in line. If you make multiple character requests at once, only the first will be added to the request list. 3. Don't request specific artists unless they have the assets to prior projects they've worked on. If an artist wants to go out of their way specifically to help you, they may, but more often than not, it's more efficient to let someone else handle it. These are open contracts. 4. Basic edits of characters currently in the game may be used by anyone without permission. For OCs and other custom edits of things not in the game, please do not repost without permission from the spriter or person who made the request. Want to try your hand at spriting? You can download the game assets here. Current request short list: 1. Hayato for @Poimagic 2. FE7 Scene for man of culture, @Interdimensional Observer 3. Custom for @SoulWeaver 4. Delmud for @Fala~of~Velthomer 5. Custom for @Grima the Fell Dragon 6. Anthony for @Hero_Lucina 7. Hoshidan Corrin for @animefreak425 8. Shiny Chrom for @SoulWeaver 9. Fates and Awakening Anna for @Grima the Fell Dragon 10. Weapon sprites for @NoahStratos If you see anything missing or want added, let me know. Planned additions are the galleries of completed requests. Have fun and remember, Sword Wyvern Rider Generic is, and will always be, best girl. EDIT: 2/21/18 - There may be a new best girl who also rides a dragon.
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