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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. tfw Senpai notices you. Canicus is a real hot-head isn't he? I liked the support but I am curious about how well known Canius' heritage is. If it's announced to Joker in a support, then is it never revealed to others in game? It's okay but most of the stuff people have been writing is reasonably PG. I won't tell you what to write or not write, however. Yeah, I was being facetious about her lack of personality. I just found her default personality a real waste her character. Nothing will fix her NA!voice.
  2. Nice ideas OP, but if Hoshido is conquered so early, I think you will need more stuff going on in the story besides Hoshido's occupation. I know you mentioned the neutral territories but that could use some expansion. Also, if there is going to be a civil war, it should get it's own arc and not just be a few missions. Maybe Ryoma's sacrifice would happen around the end of the story in a joint effort to finally defeat Garon. I like these ideas. Iago and Hans could use some actual motives and it would be interesting if using dragon blood as a normal human would drive you insane. I agree completely with this. Garon being too brutal to let live but still a human is a goldmine of legitimate drama for his children (and for Kamui who has to convince them to overthrow him). If the corruption were gradual and subtle, it would be easy to see how Xander and friends would defend or at least not be immediately swayed to take action against Garon. Even the players might be swayed into thinking Garon is reasonable until he starts to go over the edge. Garon being Slime Time contributes nothing to the story and actually undermines the drama because there is no reason to feel bad about killing a monster.
  3. TOTAL DEFEAT When even your genderbent self is seduced by another avatar.
  4. Even on Normal, the well considered map design is going to punish/reward you for your strategic choices. I found it to be adequately challenging and you can always replay the game on higher difficulties. Considering the guy has only played Awakening and Birthright, Conquest Normal is going to be a more natural learning curve. Playing Fire Emblem like Dark Souls is for series veterans.
  5. This is your friendly reminder that this is a joke thread and no one is forcing you to be here.
  6. I'm surprised no one mentioned Pieri x Yuugiri considering their similar personalities. Anyway, more Kamui-sexual supports. Yuugiri x Yukimura Yuugiri x Pieri Yuugiri x Orochi Yukimura x Ryoma Yukimura x Orochi Scarlet x Ryoma Scarlet x Oboro Shura x Hoshido Ninjas Shura x Niles Flora x Gunter Flora x Joker Gunter x Mamui Gunter x Felicia Gunter x Joker Fuuga x Rinka Fuuga x Ryoma *insert Shia LaBeouf meme* You have other talents. I expect a redesigned Camilla outfit on my desk by Monday. Please?
  7. Did anyone else feel that Brave Weapons were too weak in the campaign? They only have the might of an unforged Iron (and by the time you have Brave weapons, you'll probably have some +2 iron forges) and they only double on the PP. Worse, if you can't kill the enemy in your first two attacks, you're setting yourself up for a painful counterattack because of the defense drops. You don't use Berserkers. Berserkers can easily reach 80% critical with a Killer Axe and are pretty much guaranteed to OHKO anything they hit. Even for classes without innate crit bonus, a killer weapon can still one round an enemy that you wouldn't be able to otherwise.
  8. Fresh off the presses, a new support. I thought it would be neat if Selkie had a personality so I gave her one! [spoiler=Oboro x Selkie C-A] C-rank Selkie: Four, five, six gold pieces. Kya ha ha. This city is full of such gullible people. I feel like a fox left alone in the hen-house. They almost make this too easy. Oboro: Stop right there, criminal scum! Selkie: Tsk, someone was eavesdropping? No matter, there isn't a man alive that can resist my charms... Hello Miss! Oboro: Hmph, I heard there was a thieving fox around here but I didn't know they meant it literally. Selkie: Dear me, are you sure this isn't a case of mistaken identity? Oboro: Blonde hair, red kimono top with fur trim and a white, silk under-robe. Just like what was reported. Selkie: Well, you have done your homework, but I still feel you are mistaken. Everything on my person was acquired lawfully. Oboro: I don't believe you. An army stipend isn't nearly enough to purchase such high quality fabrics. Which means you must have stolen them! Selkie: Nonsense, I happen to be a major patron of fashion. I'd never resort to stealing. (What's with that glowering face? Even when I'm telling the truth, she makes me feel guilty...) Oboro: Oh, then how about we talk to those merchants and ask if they've seen you before. Selkie: T-there's no need to make a scene. Look, I'll show you my receipts to prove my innocence. Oboro: ...You did purchase these! But where did you get the money? Selkie: Gifted to me by generous men with heavy purses. Now, are we settled? Oboro: No, we're not. I misjudged you and I should apologize. Selkie: Y'know what speaks louder than words is actions. If you buy me that scarf over there, I think I'll be able to forgive you for making false accusations. Oboro: (Tsk, 60 silver pieces for one item. But I do need to make amends...) Alright, here you are. Selkie: Wow, you really bought it! Thank you for your generosity, Miss...Oboro, was it? I'd love to stick around and chat some more but I have another appointment. Tata~ Oboro: She's gone...I shouldn't be so quick to judge people. Wait, just because she purchased them legally, doesn't mean she acquired the money legally. Drat, getting that scarf must have been part of her plan too. Where did that fox get off to!? B-rank Selkie: Kya ha ha, another big haul! With this money I'll be able to feast on turkey tonight. Maybe two! Oboro: There you are, Selkie. Selkie: WAAAAAH! How...how do you keep sneaking up on me!? Why don't you greet people normally? Oboro: I did greet you normally. You're the one off in your own world. Selkie: I see... well, how can I help you? Oboro: Last time we spoke you mentioned getting "gifts" from men with heavy purses. Something about that seems suspect. Selkie: I thought we settled that matter. I already told you, they just give me the money. Oboro: And why would they just give it to you? Selkie: It's all very simple. I find people in fancy clothes who look like they could spare a few coins and I invite myself into their party. I win them over with my looks and conversation and then I get them to buy me the things I like. If they start to get grabby, I lose myself in the crowd and look for a new patron. I even made a game out of it. Oboro: Don't you think that is cheating people out of their gold? Selkie: Not at all. They get the pleasure of my company for an evening and I get to go shopping to my heart's content. I'd say both parties are well compensated. Oboro: How vain... Look, I think you need to stop your 'business' and find more wholesome ways of making money. You could get some real negative attention. Selkie: It's not easy for me... When I first came down from my village to the human cities I was dazzled by all the goods I saw. The thing is, we foxes don't have a use for currency in our village so I didn't have a copper piece to my name. I don't have trade skills nor anything to market so I'm as poor as a pauper without people's...donations. Oboro: I understand your feelings. When I was a child, I helped out in my parents fabric shop. There was a certain kimono that I wanted but it was far above what my parents could afford to just give me. I worked hard for several weeks, scouting work for my parents and selling things on the side. Eventually I earned enough to purchase it with my own money and made my parents proud of my determination. You'd be able to appreciate your things more too if you put in some honest work. Selkie: Hmm, I wonder. Thug: There she is, that two-timing bitch! Selkie: W-who are you? Thug: Ha! Did you really forget about me? I'll be taking back the money you took from me and then some. Oboro: Whatever she owes you, I'll pay it. There's no need for violence. Thug: It's far past that point now. She'll need to pay in blood! Selkie: Eep! Oboro: Not while I'm standing here! <battle sounds> Oboro: Phew. That low-life will think twice before attacking us again. Selkie: Because of me, you got your robes cut up... Oboro: It's nothing that I can't fix with some stitching. More importantly, neither of us were injured. Selkie: Still, I need to repay you for helping me. Oboro: If you want to repay me, Selkie, you can stay out of trouble from now on. I'll see you around camp, okay? Selkie: This won't do... Father always told me that debts need to be paid back completely and in a timely matter. But what can give her? A-rank Selkie: Hey, Oboro, you there? Oboro: Ah, Selkie. This is probably the first time you sought me out. You haven't been getting into mischief again, have you? Selkie: No, I've played around for enough. Lately I've been working hard like you told me to and I made this for you. Oboro: Wow! What is this cloth made of? It reflects the light so beautifully and it's incredibly soft! Selkie: Of course it's soft, I made it with my own fur. I'm going to look like a fashion disaster until it grows back but I do feel a little proud of my work. Oboro: Thank you for your gift, but isn't it a little much? Selkie: It's the best gift I could think of and worth exactly what you gave me. I understand now that my actions affect more people than just me and I can't act selfishly to get all the things I want. Oboro: I'm glad that you took the advice to heart. I used to think you were quite devious but I know now that you are someone I can trust. Selkie: Oh stop it, you'll make me blush. Oboro: Say, Selkie. Have you ever considered selling your fur? Selkie: Eh? People buy this sort of thing? Oboro: Of course! Spirit fox fur is incredibly rare! People would pay a fortune to have bits of it sewn into their collars and cufflinks. Selkie: Well, you would be the expert of this sort of thing. I'm not too good with numbers so maybe I can just donate some to your business and you can sell it for me. Oboro: It would be OUR business, but yes, let's do it. I'm confident that you'll be well fed and dressed after we make a few sales. Selkie: Sounds like a plan. Just don't ask for too much. I need to keep my fur perfectly groomed if I'm to go outside where people will see me.
  9. Mostly agreed with OP. While the new system is mostly good, it does have a few problems. In addition to what OP mentioned, I'll add: -Weapon experience takes too long to earn and base E-rank skill on new weapon types makes using high ranked weapons a slog. -Bronze weapons shouldn't exist and/or make promoted classes have a minimum D-rank in weapons. In regards to Hidden Weapons, I like the idea of a weapon type that is for support in combat rather than your hardest hitting weapon, but they made them too strong. A Shuriken has only 2 less might than a Katana but it can attack at 1-2 range without penalties (which is huge, considering how ranged swords/axes/lances work now), buff your speed by 2 and can give devastating stat drops (-4 speed/defense/resistance on Silver Shuriken).
  10. Story-wise, I'd rank them Birthright >> Conquest = Revelation. Which is not to say Birthright is good, it's just the least problematic story. Conquest's story is a trainwreck and Revelation will bore you to tears. For gameplay, Conquest's level design can't be beat and it's the good kind of challenging. Revelation has a few interesting maps but many of them are painfully tedious, especially early on when you don't have a lot of units to use. Characters and classes are more up to personal tastes and I'm not biased one way or another. If there is a class from the opposite version you really want to play as, you can always give it to Corrin as your secondary class. Revelation is fun for flexible team building but it's the worst for almost everything else. If you already have Conquest and Birthright, you probably have 'enough' of the Fates experience, in my opinion.
  11. Sowwy. To apologize to my joke overlords, I offer you this. The real ending for Revelation.
  12. [spoiler=Revelation Villain] When I said "the villain no one asked for", I didn't mean know one wanted to know about them, just that they weren't anymore interesting than the main antagonists of the first two routes. One would think that the greater scope villain might make the conflict more interesting but it's just another omnicidal dragon-god.
  13. I'd say they are worth the price if you get the discount. $40 the base game and $20 for the unique maps and supports on the other routes. Overall, I'd describe the pricing model as fair.
  14. I heard a lot of people talking about how Revelation was the definitive story and the 'best' route but I found the story incredibly bland and bare bones. Revelation answers questions you didn't care about and provides a villain you didn't ask for. It is fun for flexible team building, however.
  15. This is pretty good, but who is on the top left?
  16. I don't object to the routes being sold separately when they have as much unique content as Fates does. What I do object to is the greater story only being told in a route that isn't sold separately from the other routes. IS actually did this twice, with Revelation and then Hidden Truths. I won't fault a company for trying to make money but their money grabbing scheme really sunk the story.
  17. Does MegaTen make you pay extra for its neutral routes? If not, there is another strike against IS for their execution of the third route. It's one thing to have a comparatively happy ending, but quite another to lock that ending (and a lot of the most critical plot details) behind a paywall. If I were (forced) to include a 3rd route, I'd make the stakes just as high as the first two. There isn't really a reason why you had to be able to recruit almost everyone in Revelation. Even if you kept all of the sibling characters alive, you could kill off more the supporting cast to make it clear that there is no perfect ending. If I got my numbers right, [spoiler=death counts] 7 characters die in Birthright, 9 in Conquest and only 2 characters in Revelation. The important thing for any multiple route game is that choices have consequences, good and bad.
  18. When Azura and Hinocopter join forces. Phillius' waifu CAN lift.
  19. I picked the door Mikoto suggested, but I was wary of a trap. I suspected something bad would happen but I didn't imagine my whole team would be brought to one health, with many right next to the wall. Somehow my team pulled through anyway. Troopers, every one of them.
  20. Ana just being Ana and Loki just being Loki. Out of curiosity, what other Norse mythology inspired names have appeared in Fire Emblem? Ginnungagap, Ragnarok, Nidhogg...anything else?
  21. [spoiler=Revelation] That's basically what happens in Revelation. He doesn't have any plan whatsoever but he at least as the smart idea of not going bad to Garon. Revelations is the "what if Kamui and Azura weren't morons" route.
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