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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Thanks for this. The Demon King isn't a character so much as a means to explore Lyon's character. While there are plenty of supernatural elements, the main antagonist is acting on his human flaws.
  2. I've written the dialogue for the prologue and first two chapters, along with a series of other chapters here and there. I wonder where I should post it as I complete it. Name: Darcness Class: Soul Reaper Likes: Blood, knives, killing innocents, King Garon-sama Dislikes: Love, Justice, Hoshido, my mom Original character for my Nohr retelling, do not steal. Caution: These edges are SHARP
  3. Not really. Games like DAII have no one I want to root for so there's nothing to get invested in. I don't see why you think "everyone is an asshole" fits FE (or even DA). People want nuanced factions, not everyone to be jerks. The most problematic element is her abusive relationship with her superior officer being framed as a positive thing. This article discusses the game's flaws in greater detail.
  4. You can get her class and outfit in the game, so I think that's enough of a tribute. The only other playable, non-amiibo bonus character in the game is Anna, and she's something of a series mascot.
  5. Harold even laughs in American. The hero we all deserve. In terms of fan reception or his in-game dialogue? He's a little meme-y, but there are plenty of ways to present those jokes. Kellam jokes are just "who?"
  6. The mage/templar conflict was interesting and a positive example of world building... when it was covered in Dragon Age: Origins. Not only was DAII completely obsessed with that conflict (every other line from Fenris and Anders is "mages are eeeeevil" and "templars are meeeeeanies!", respectively) but it doesn't even do a good job at making it morally grey. Both sides constantly prove the worst stereotypes about their faction, making both of them unsympathetic. As awful as Fate's black vs white story is, I'll take it over asshole faction vs asshole faction. On the subject of personal avatars, I'd still say DAII did it worse. You are supposedly given a lot of control over what Hawk does (with wonderful dialogue options such as 'saintly', 'puppy kicker' and 'smug assclown'), he still mostly acts as a bystander in the conflict. Nothing he does really changes the flow of the story. This is even less excusable than Fates, because they had all the dialogue and time necessary to let you shape the character and story as you want. There are always worse stories, so "worst in recent memory" is probably a more appropriate title for Fates. If you have even the slightest investment in Metroid, or even if you don't, count yourself blessed for having not witnessed that travesty. It's not hyperbole to call that game a character assassination of Samus Aran. You post a lot of unpopular opinions around here so it probably gets tedious responding to everyone. Thanks for the acknowledgement!
  7. Oh come now, I may be a big critic of Fate's writing but worse than Dragon Age II? That's a game I stopped playing in the first act because of how awful the story was. muh mage vs Templar conflict, forever and ever
  8. Their signature weapon should be usable with their default weapon ranks and class (which wouldn't give many options for Elise and Sakura, unfortunately). Preferably, they would be able to attack at range as well, but most ranged weapons have significant drawbacks. My votes go for: Hinoka: Guard Naginata or Tsubaki's Gold Naginata Camilla: Killer Axe or Camilla's Sexy Axe Sakura: Pipa Yumi or Shining Bow Elise: Moonlight Themantically, Hinoka gets a protecting weapon, Camilla gets a vicious weapon, Sakura gets a weapon for team support and Elise one for healing.
  9. This echos my sentiments. Nohr has some really great map design (chapter 10 for example) but a lot of the characters are kind of... eh. Hoshido, while not ambitious with its story, is at least serviceable.
  10. For me, the end results of the Nohr and Hoshido will be similar, with differences in who died and who was in power at the end. Obviously, tension between to countries won't simply evaporate but I prefer to have the story wrap up by... well, the end of the story. The ending of Nohr will have Marx become King of Nohr, Hinoka as Queen of Hoshido and Kamui as the Nohrian official in charge of a section of Hoshido that was annexed into Nohr. Maybe for Hoshido, Kamui or Ryoma/Hinoka will be married off to either Camilla or Leon, in order to secure the Nohrian throne.
  11. For a single playthrough, you have more than enough characters, even without children. Having a surplus of characters is more about having options and replayability.
  12. It was better than the GBA system of getting support points but still flawed. There were plenty of maps where you'd want to deploy some units more than others (such as maps that make it preferable not to use cavalry) but if you didn't use BOTH units for the required number of chapters, it was impossible to max out their support level. The current system (some pairings are still difficult to manage because of contrasting roles (healers vs frontline fighters)) allows you to pair of characters and grind out as much support bonuses as you need.
  13. A lot of people talk about axing some of the sibling characters but I think they could all be given unique roles to play off each other and Kamui. That IS failed to deliver on developing all of them (the sisters in particular) is not indicative of a problem that can't be solved, in my opinion. There were 6 Stark children and all of them got unique story/character arcs (save for the youngest who faded from the story completely). Granted, FE doesn't have as much room to develop so many stories. If Sakura, Elise/Camilla and Hinoka were axed, what exactly would you do with the remaining characters? Would you give them some of the qualities of the axed characters, or would you develop the remaining characters further with the extra screen time? In what ways? If I had to cut any sibling characters, it would probably be Sakura and Leon. Sakura overlaps in a lot of ways with Elise, but Elise actually gets some focus in Hoshido. I feel like Leon's coldness and tactical foresight could easier be given to Camilla. Camilla's personality is already a little ruthless and some keen oversight could do a lot to subvert expectations about her just being Miss Fanservice.
  14. That's what Phoenix mode is for. Evidently, IS believes that the non-strategy elements are enough to carry the game, for some people at least.
  15. It would be nearly identical in function to Fates (up to one shared class via heterosexual marriage [exception for the two bisexual characters] and one shared class via a buddy seal to a same gendered character) minus the horrible writing and worse implications. They could also just dismiss the connection to supports and let us customize the class sets of characters via a certain item. It can be as flexible or restrictive as they want it to be, but it certainly doesn't need to be tied to marriage.
  16. With buddy seals, we don't even need marriage. They should just let you buddy seal two people of any gender.
  17. I wouldn't mind a Valkyria Chronicles style (art, not setting) Fire Emblem. A good WiiU Fire Emblem release would probably get me to buy the system.
  18. This was one of my biggest hype points and disappointments. Dragonstones can't double or attack at range, making them a poor weapon choice and the story barely even acknowledges Kamui's status as a manakete. I wouldn't mind the protagonist, or a MU being a manakete in the future, but give it the fanfare it deserves!
  19. You are still thinking too small! We need: -a 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation, all around the sames ages -all characters should be underage, related to you by blood and bisexual -the ability to change your economic class in addition to your combat class -character outfits falling off after every weapon hit -a T&A groping minigame that is required to advance the story
  20. Thus, so much. This is something that irked me since Awakening. The partical effects (the yellow 'magical' thing that appears when any spell hits) obscure a lot of the spell itself so spells (Nohrian tomes at least) look very similar. I miss when we had the flashy animations of the GBA or Tellius games. On the subject of magic, I hope they put more effort into animations for those. For the magic hybrid classes (Revenant Knight, Shura, Dark Flier, Basura, Dark Blood) they simply hold the tome up and nothing interesting happens. Even the crit animation is unchanged! This goes for magic weapons as well. The only classes that look good with tomes are Sorcerers and Grandmasters.
  21. Did it really matter in the GBA era? Gameplay wise, genderlocked classes didn't make a difference until eugenics and skill collecting became a thing (ie the 3DS era). As for flavor, I guess that's just up to the individual.
  22. A good story with nuanced characters and factions If dragons are present, give us something more interesting than them trying to destroy the world More magic types (such as Light and Dark) that each function in unique ways. Remove marriage and children unless they are well integrated into the story* Remove gratuitous fan-service Remove player pandering. Make the MU a character that doesn't affect the plot in a big way.** More victory conditions and map types (Nohr was pretty good on this front) *I had an idea where the lord (or MU) would marry a character from a certain faction in order to get their support, so rather than marriage for shipping and eugenics, it would be for political (ie story and strategy) reasons. **I'd like Avatars to stay, because it's always fun to have an OC in the game, but reduce their role so they don't derail the story and characters with player-worship. You'd be able to choose their class, appearance and one of several personalities (that determine who they support with) but they would be minor characters in the story. Alternatively, they could be one of the characters used for political marriages, as outlined above.
  23. I can't say I was overly fond of it in RD. A game that needs to split up its cast is a cast too large. I'd rather they just focus on one group than do the "epic scale" approach. I guess if you had to do it, IK would be the one for it.
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