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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Letting Femui be able to S-rank Soleil would have done a lot to improve people's impression of the character (although the Mamui support would still be problematic). If there are no other gay/bisexual women in the army, then Soleil would be SOL, such is life, but we know Femui can be gay so there is no excuse. "Bait and switch lesbians" are terrible. . . . SOL...Soleil...Everything makes sense now.
  2. Swordmasters with a Spirit Katana. Normal people: Don't use the Spirit Katana, it's terrible. NekoKnight: Dual Wielding. Normal people: But it's- NekoKnight: D U A L W I E L D I N G Lancers are also pretty rad.
  3. My Aqua is doing pretty good with 29 HP, 20 strength and 25 speed at level 23. squishy as hell but she can double quite a few enemies.
  4. Not the initial class but the spouse's base class will be one of Kanna's options. My Oboro!Kanna had Dark Princess as her default class and Mercenary (Kamui's second base class) and Lancer has her reclass options.
  5. If the game is advertised as being about reforming from within, and yet the bulk of the game is not about it, that's not players making incorrect assumptions, that's false advertising.
  6. I think they should redirect her characterization into safer territory, rather than unnecessarily add new elements into it. It's as simple as turning "girl lover" into "cute lover". All instances of lines referring to Soleil's attraction to cute girls can just be reframed as being obsessed with cute things. Players will still suspect she's bisexual and if they're aware of the Japanese version, they'll know she's hard gay strongly inclined towards women but we'll escape all the unfortunate implications of her supports.
  7. Kanna starts as a Dark Prince(ss), the same as Kamui, regardless of Kamui's partner.
  8. Zero: Sorry for all the sexual harassment, shit talking you and mocking your love for Kamui. Marry me? Camilla: Oh my god, that makes me so hot. YES! Well done IS, another ball knocked out of the park. But more seriously though, I think there was some promise in the supports but it was marred by 1)The bizarre and inappropriate transition into romance and 2) Zero being so goddamn creepy. I really don't need to hear in so much detail that he jerks it to the suffering of others.
  9. I think they don't want to do a FE4 style time skip because players wouldn't like losing access to half the cast partway through the game and aging up characters would be too much of a hassle or players wouldn't want old versions of their beloved youngsters. If they had to use time travel again, I'd prefer they do a "travel forward" in the style of Ocarina of Time minus the aging part. Either way, we still have the icky implication that the child characters were impregnated at a young age.
  10. Hm, good point, then again most time-travel stories run into problems with paradoxes. Any "go back in time to save the world" story invalidates itself without a multiverse and with a multiverse the question of "what happened to the other time lines" often goes unaddressed. I am a little happy that the children bullshit is removed from the story, but I'm of the opinion that if you can't do something well, you shouldn't do it at all (as far as adding game content is concerned). Marriage and children was definitely a weakness for Fates' writing.
  11. Hm, it's a little subjective. You might not like stories with time travel but it made sense, at least (barring a second gen Morgan). Fates handling of children is "...it's best not to think too hard about it" which is never a good sign for competent storytelling.
  12. How do the seals work exactly? Like say I buddy seal Kamui into a wyvern rider. If someone buddy seals Kamui after this, can they be a wyvern rider too or would they only get access to Kamui's default classes?
  13. Who could have anticipated that Fates would tell a less coherent story than Awakening... In other words "It's outrealms, I don't gotta explain shit!" -Intelligent Systems I wonder how much the main story writer was involved in this element of the story. Normally I'd write it off as meaningless fanservice but the existence of some Awakening characters make it seem that this is indeed tied to the main story.
  14. You make your character before the route split, so yes, you can choose any base class.
  15. Can someone give me the run down of how the children are...possible in this game? I know that
  16. Jeez, I know IS is shit at writing romance but this is a new low (not as bad as Camilla x Zero but I digress). Even looking at the interaction in the most positive light, it's still garbage because of something so random and unfounded as "magic dust that makes you see people as the opposite gender". I'm going to agree with others and say that writing a character who is a bisexual with a heavy preference for girls, but have all her partners be men was nonsensical.
  17. This is only true for some classes, such as the Paladins and Trueblade. Many classes don't keep their color pallet even if it is their "natural" promotion path. Hinoka doesn't keep her red pallet for Holy Pegasus Warrior or Golden Kite Warrior, for example. Honestly, it seems completely random who does and doesn't get recolored. Oboro's kimono changes from orange to white after promoting to Holy Lancer but Shinonome keeps his red robes.
  18. Ah, I forgot about the forge. I should probably upgrade a few of my weapons. The lotto (kujibiki?) keeps giving me kunai weapons that I don't need. Considering the limited resources, and how expensive weapons are, I feel like this system discourages forging. This is... a really good idea!
  19. Infamous Pokemon localization. Onigiri? What is that? Some kinda oriental food? Americans eat sandwiches and jelly donuts.
  20. I don't think fanservice to the degree it appears in Fates belongs in a Fire Emblem game but out of principle, I think the localization should stick to the original material as much as possible. If your intention is fanservice, then it's pointless to only meet that goal halfway by censorship. I don't think the visuals will be censored (some of the DLC content might be) but the Amie lines will definitely be altered to be made tamer and probably remove incest undertones.
  21. Paired up units can't use dual strike as the lead unit but they can dual strike if they are the support unit. For example, if Kamui is next to a paired Nishiki-Rinka and attacks someone, he will be in attack stance with Nishiki as his support.
  22. Guard stance is not as useful as attack stance but it has it's uses. Guard stance blocks enemy dual strikes which can make a big difference if the enemy is attacking you with a mix of ranged and melee units. Dual Guard is risky to rely on because it may activate to block an attack that would have done little damage, leaving you vulnerable a stronger attack. You can tell when it will activate, however, so this can be used strategically to lure in a powerful enemy with impunity. Sometimes the stat gains from guard stance can make a big difference in a unit's performance, as I discovered with pairing Nishiki and Rinka. Attack stance is generally preferred because the supporting unit can add a lot to your attack. This is especially apparent when they have debuffing weapons (ninja) or effective weapons. One map I played had a lot of flying enemies so I put a high defense unit next to an archer and watched as horses fell from the sky.
  23. Just stuff based on the first two routes, primarily Hoshido because that's what I'm playing.
  24. With the reveal that Kamui's Hoshido siblings are actually how do you think this reflects on the story. Is Kamui's choice to side with Hoshido cheapened/undermined completely without the originally advertised premise of "Birthright" or did he have enough reason to choose them, even before learning the truth of his family? For those who read the supports (I haven't S-ranked any siblings yet) does the writing do a good job of explaining how his siblings can see him in a romantic light or is it a Do they only reveal this information in the S-rank support and if so, why don't they mention it before? This question also goes for how convincing the writing is for the Nohr siblings. Personally, I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, Kamui already had reason to suspect that Garon tried to kill him TWICE which is probably enough reason to consider switching sides. On the other hand, it's hard to imagine Kamui abandoning his Nohr family and culture just for his mother that he only knew briefly. If I were Kamui, I'd probably be pretty pissed my Hoshido siblings lied to me to get me to betray Nohr.
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