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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. There are a few possibilities: A. Kamui is a half sibling to Ryoma and Sakura. Porcupine Dad tapped some dragon tail. B. They are full blooded siblings but the manakete gene is recessive and Ryouma and Sakura didn't get it. C. Kamui was chosen by a oracle or something to receive manakete powers from their dragon god.
  2. It would be impossible for everyone to get dynamic romances but they could give special treatment to Kamui. Let's say Base conversations return and there is always *someone* who talks Kamui about this or that. That someone would be with whomever he has the most support values with, so the closer Kamui is to different people, the more he interacts with them. That way it will be like two people getting close and falling in love over a long period of time. There could be other perks like the two characters exchanging a skill after reaching S rank support or Kamui's lover getting a free deploy on top of the usual unit cap for each level. There could be a few events in game which are effected by having an S rank buddy. Say Kamui is ambushed so he has to clear a level by himself, but if he has a romantic partner, naturally they spend more time together and are together for the mission.
  3. In the trailer he points his bow at (presumably) Kamui and angrily says "You betrayed Byakuya!" I don't think a guy prone to betrayal would get so upset about Kamui turning his back on him. I like the theory behind Hinoka, Archer Dude, Camilla and Evil Blonde Marth being the fiance of the opposite gender Kamui.
  4. With the inclusion of ninja, I think it'd be remiss not to have shuriken or some other kind of throwing knife. I can see Buddhist things making an appearance as well, such as the shakujo staff carried by priests or Buddhist rosary beads. Since Hoshido is the "White Night" kingdom, PLEEEEASE let them have light magic!
  5. That's fair. I don't have a problem with determining what play-style you enjoy ahead of time, although story remains an important aspect of the choices for me. Thanks for understanding. Speaking of the story, with 5 missions (not counting the mission you actually choose an allegiance), will they even be able to makes a strong case for joining both factions? You need to have Kamui somehow meet and connect with all the members of BOTH families, in the midst of tutorials and other warm up style missions.
  6. Maybe the dancer lady can see several possible futures/worlds. I'm still curious to know the context for why Kamui was choking her in his dragon form.
  7. SMT x FE had a bra and panties with crotch zipper outfit and I'm sure that didn't create nearly as much internet buzz. I think Fire Emblem if had a highly engaging presentation for anyone watching.
  8. The problem with that scenario is Hoshido are still the flawless good guys and it's only Kamui's moral duty to choose what's best for the world. You might be forced into some serious dickery, but Hoshido remained unsoiled. That's also kind of a shitty arrangement for Nohr players. Siding with Hoshido means you save a country at the cost of betraying your adopted family. Siding with Nohr means you betray your blood family AND further brutalize an innocent country in the process to save your own country.
  9. I'm sure there will be some faction specific classes in the game but unless they made a ton of new classes, there won't be enough to split the number in half. The game would be less fun if a large amount of the classes aren't even usable for a single play through (and that's a big deal considering the other routes are behind a paywall). Keep in mind also that we've seen precious little game-play, no doubt chosen to emphasize a different feel for each faction. EDIT: Watch the Japanese version of the direct. There is gameplay footage of the blue haired cavalier girl and another character who is most definitely an Archer, and they are clearly fighting Hoshido soldiers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me-9kWzxKoo (at about 2:40)
  10. You're ignoring the dramatic implications of the "choice". If you picked up the Hoshido version of the game, you never had any intention to side with Nohr. In fact, you were planning on betraying them since before you put the cartridge in the 3DS. All the story and drama leading up to that climatic scene is a farce. As far as player investment is concerned, those players may as well skip the buildup of the first 6 missions because the choice already happened.
  11. I find it hard to believe something as basic as Archers will be faction specific.
  12. Mouth of Truth, Venetian boats, Paladin helmets, and Marx has a Roman emperor feel to him. In truth they take influence from a lot of European cultures, if not sraight up fantasy.
  13. And yet her back is completely exposed for some reason. Different fetishes but it's there.
  14. I suspect that the Skull themed guys will be the faction most loyal to Garon and the people you need to fight while on the Nohr side. Perhaps some of your allies will come from subjugated people in the Nohr empire who want to start a rebellion.
  15. Perhaps Hoshido could be made darker by having them be highly xenophobic and rule their people with an iron fist, kind of like real life Japan in the Edo period. This would be a dream come true for history buffs like myself. The Hoshido would be "peaceful" in that they aren't looking to expand their territory but they will murder the f**k out of you if you try to enter the country without permission or rebel. Nohr and their black ships show up in Hoshido demanding trade or access to some resource, Hoshido kills their envoys and a conflict is sparked. EDIT: Ninja'd by Blah2127. You can't do that! You're on team Nohr! Considering Kamui is at best a half-sibling to his Hoshido kin, I also wonder if he was simply taken from actual dragons.
  16. Dislike for splitting the game is NOT an unpopular opinion. Whether it's true or not, this marketing tactic still looks like a cash grab and that's already draining a lot of people's enthusiasm. No one will question Nintendo's right to sell the game how they want to, they are just criticizing what appears to be a very consumer unfriendly move. The success and continuation of the series is being decided now. If Awakening was a flop, we wouldn't be having FE14. If FE14 is a flop, we won't have FE15, and I'd like to play FE15. Fans have a right to be concerned and critical of potentially bad moves.
  17. I'd like to see her again as a traveling merchant. She could be a neutral character that appears on certain maps. It would be different than a simple shop because she can be attacked by enemies or leave after a certain number of turns. Perhaps her status as as RNG Goddess allows her to be in several places as once. She still governs chance but also has several physical manifestations in the world.
  18. Cool theory. Personally, I don't think the lack of shoes is simply a design choice. I suspect it will have something to do with their Manakete ancestry. Perhaps this new dragon type pokemon has an earth affinity and needs contact with it to transform.
  19. It's funny all the wild mass guessing that Awakening enabled through the out-realm gate. People see a conqueror and think "Whoa! Awakening had a conqueror too!" and forget most games have such a person. They see white hair and suddenly they are convinced they are descendent from each other. I wish people would just appreciate Awakening for the fanservice (ie letting you interact with characters from other FE titles) and not take it as something that connects all the canons.
  20. It's a toss up between the Oneechans. Can't argue with the appeal of Camilla's design but a part of me wants to believe that Cordelia cut her hair and went through the outrealm gate to take on the role of Hinoka.
  21. How can people dislike Awakening? Between Tharja boobs and Frederik crotch, truly there is something for everyone. Joking, please don't hurt me, I bruise easily.
  22. While I think the sea horse dragon model was unique to Awakening, I'm pretty sure Tiki and her ilk are Divine Dragons. Ice Dragons are more serpentine and wingless. I am curious about what kind of attack they'll have. It can't be too strong because if it is, there won't be a reason to use a sword.
  23. Um, is it news to you guys that male genitalia is on the outside? Anyone with tight pants is going to have a bulge.
  24. I request an image of Camilla doing the Mega Milk pose. Get to work artists!
  25. Mia has long leggings for all of her classes, Nephenee for her 2nd tier and Micaiah has tights for her first two classes. I wouldn't describe any of them as overly fanservicey. Not liking zettai ryouiki, what is wrong with you?
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