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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. It could also just be a plot relevant thing that she doesn't use in battle, kind of like how in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance promotional materials, Marche is shown wielding the Judge Sword even though he doesn't in game.
  2. I was being facetious guys. I wish they'd tone back on the fan-service as well. My favorite designs in the series were from the GBA era, where women were much more modestly clad. More Priscilla and less Tharja, thanks.
  3. They went overboard on promoting the Nohr side -Edgy evil team -more interesting plot -more challenging -booby lady -drillz imouto The first three points alone are going to draw A LOT of series veterans in just because it's something new AND allegedly a more interesting game. Why Nintendo decided "Hoshido will be easier and have an unambitious plot, basically a game for casuals" was good marketing is beyond me.
  4. It's almost like the female Fire Emblem fans don't like hypersexualized female characters. I wonder why. Besides the boobs and visible underwear, I think there is still plenty to like about her character design. The black and gold armor is exquisitely detailed, she has long flowing hair and unique hair ornaments resembling horns. My reaction toTharja and Aversa was "hey booby lady" but Camilla is a well considered character design. Oneesan of the year! (although I'm still picking Hoshido for my first playthrough)
  5. I voted yes. I think 3D crit animations lose some of their flare compared to what they did with sprites so the cut-ins add some extra dramatic appeal.
  6. I can't see why they would change something so fundamental as weapon durability. It plays a huge role in balancing weapons along with gold management. Why not remove hit rating and critical strike chance while we're at it? No depth, no planning, items only, Final Destination
  7. They might just lock out all royal pairings because you are blood related to Hoshido but your Nohr family still considers you to be their sibling. Marriage is going to be awkward either way. Alternatively, Kamui will be able to marry either group because you've been away from Hoshido long enough not to have a sibling bond with them, and for Nohr, you could have a marriage to create a political alliance.
  8. I think you're going to be playing as the good guys, no matter which faction you choose. My prediction is that Hoshido will be a "Protect homeland, dethrone evil emperor", Nohr will be "Reform homeland, dethrone evil emperor" and the 3rd path will be "Enough of these political shenanigans, let's save the world from the hidden evil". Kind of boring not having a real villainous or anti-hero route to choose. As for chromatic (no ties to Awakening) complaints, I'm more irked by the hair colors people have. 3 of the Nohr camp have light blonde hair, and everyone else that we know about is some shade of blue or purple. On the Hoshido side, we already have 4 confirmed red hair people (Hinoka, Sakura, Tsubaki and Saizo) plus all the red motifs with their outfits. It's getting a little samey for each faction.
  9. As Ranger Jack Walker said, there is a big difference between making a choice by judging a game based off promotional materials and actually playing the game.If I buy the Hoshido version and then after playing the actual game find out the Nohr are actually more interesting and sympathetic, am I just a sucker who bought the wrong version? What if one version's play-style doesn't appeal to me and I want to try playing with the other team? Ninty is telling me "Too bad, so sad, you should have been a more informed customer. Buy our DLC." The whole concept of "choice" is that I can undo my choices and play the game how I want to, unhindered by pay-walls. It's going to be incredibly lame for the player to reach chapter 6, have all the drama leading up to a huge moral choice but the choice already being decided based on the version you bought.
  10. Tsubaki looks and sounds like a guy to me so he might be our first playable male Pegasus rider. People should keep in mind that there is a lot of flexibility when it comes to gender specific names in Japan. Even guys will sometimes take flower themed names.
  11. My point is, making the statement "The Roman empire never had contact with Japan" is pointless because no one in Europe in the time of swords and spears had contact with the far east. And yet that's the fantasy premise IS wants to roll with. Personally I find Rome vs Japan more interesting precisely because it never happened in real life.
  12. This is my thought. I doesn't really fit thematically to carry a weapon that won't let him counterattack at close range. It makes sense for an assassin because the goal is to sneak in somewhere and murder someone. The idea behind a thief is they sneak in to steal things and avoid confrontations. I suspect that the ninja class we've seen is a new thief like class to replace the original thieves. Personally, if they want thieves to not look ridiculous with huge swords, they should just subtly downsize the swords and ditch the whole reverse grip thing.
  13. An interesting thing to note is that the screenshot with the Hoshido archer guy has western buildings in it. Could it be an attack on Nohr?
  14. He could have been around 6-8 years old when he was captured. Assuming he is 16+ by the events of the game, that would give him enough time to bond with his new siblings but still have vague memories of his past life. Hinoka and Ryoma are the only people confirmed to remember him so it's possible they are both his older siblings. I'm getting the older sister vibe from Hinoka because her Nohr counterpart is Camilla who definitely has an oneesan feel.
  15. Did feudal Japan have contact with feudal Europe at all?
  16. It was sarcasm, but I don't blame you. He could very well be born from two human parents and altered via magic to be able to use a Dragon Stone but the slightly pointed ears makes me think s/he's a.half-human hybrid. I can't see them revealing him to not be blood related because that would completely undermine the plot. Maybe they'll make an exception and say "well, he's only their HALF sibling so it's not that bad... and they didn't grow up together so... I guess that's okay. Don't try incest at home kids"
  17. Kamui seemingly abandons his black-clad brothers after he is captured by the wild Hoshido people. He falls in love with a flame-haired girl and has a conflict of loyalties before siding with his adoptive family. Crows before hoes
  18. Hrm, I don't think "bastard" needs to be implied just because he's not completely human. Although it's probably the case he is merely a half-sibling to the Hoshido people. Or maybe it will be revealed that he is not blood related at all!
  19. Not bad analysis. I do hope that durability remains in some fashion, although I don't understand how a simple number display can be improved upon. I've heard this male pegasus knight thing before. Why do people think he(?) will be one?
  20. A friendly reminder to people who hope to do shipping with people on the Hoshido side: as a blood relative, you're unlikely able to have Kamui marry any of them. Unless IS does the incest route like that would ever happen in a FE game
  21. I'm not getting my hopes up but hopefully Kamui's role as the main character will lend itself to some creativity for endings.
  22. I don't expect ALL characters to be freely recruitable (certainly not Marx and Ryoma) but if a LOT of characters are going to be route exclusive, we're going to need a lot more characters than normal to fill each game. My top guess is just to have the royal family characters be exclusives and have most characters recruited under varying circumstances. Her changing outfit along with her placement in the trailer and promotional art makes me think she's going to be a neutral party. Also my understanding of political hostages is that the dominant group takes the hostage to control the lesser group. For example, in Game of Thrones, the Starks put down a Greyjoy rebellion and take on a Greyjoy hostage but the Greyjoys don't get any Starks because there's no reason to give THEM political leverage.
  23. A lot of FE games have choices (or alternate maps) so I doubt the choice between Nohr and Hoshido will be the only one. That said, it might just be like Awakening where you are given the illusion of choice, but your choices not really mattering.
  24. I have serious doubts about both versions having the same amount of content as a full game. It doesn't make sense from a developers standpoint to release two full games at the same time and to offer one of them at a huge discount. I predict that there is going to be a lot of overlap between games (maybe Pokemon Ruby/Saphire levels), less missions and/or less polish for each mission. "3 full games for the price of 2" is suspicious video game generosity on a meta level. I'm waiting for full coverage of the Japanese release before I commit to buying anything.
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