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Everything posted by NekoKnight

  1. Do you think Kamui's inability to dance well will become plot important?
  2. Perhaps they just wanted to emphasize the two factions having a distinct feel but was it really necessary to classify Hoshido as "peace loving"? When was Japan EVER peace loving before the post-war era? If they want to do even a little bit of historical justice, they could at least make Hoshido isolationist and xenophobic.
  3. Considering Kamui was raised with Nohr, it's likely you start the game with them and only consider switching sides until later.
  4. I thought it was mentioned in the direct that most characters would be unlockable with either route but the circumstances of recruiting them would be changed. Or perhaps the characters that appear so far will be the only characters to be exclusive.
  5. Hoshido because I like Japan things, but hopefully I'll be able to play both (without buying a second game...) I hope that stuff about Hoshido being the more accessible and familiar route won't translate to "easy and cliche". Way to incentivize a choice by making it "the version for casuals vs the version for people who like good games"
  6. A shared ending with a single character for a single playthrough if you maxed out their support rank. Basically what we have now, but the paired endings will be much more limited for non-Kamui characters.
  7. How foolish. This is a model that works for Pokemon because Pokemon is EXTREMELY popular and a very accessible genre. It's easy enough to play for all ages and has something a lot of players can enjoy. Fire Emblem, a SRPG? Not a chance. I hope this is just Ninty buttf**king Japan (ironic because I have a JP 3DS) and not something they have planned for the west.
  8. This sums up my feelings on the matter. No forced romances/relationships please. People should talk to those it makes the most sense to. It'd also be pretty cool if the Avatar had a shared ending with all characters.
  9. Agreed. If monsters are to be in the game, I hope that they are either A. a part of the world, unaffiliated with any "demon lord" like figure (and there is a lot of interesting directions that could be taken) or B. they are summoned by human magics. Whoever or whatever the villain is, I hope their motive is better than "destroy all creation, because sure why not" I want to know about what new classes will be appearing and maybe some discussion of what sort of choices (without getting into spoilers) we'll be getting. I'm a little concerned that we're overhyping the next Fire Emblem and it will be an unambitious copy of Awakening.
  10. While it's true that players will try to get as many kills as they can, even if Rout isn't the win condition, proper map design can fix this. If it's a defend map, make the juiciest rewards difficult to acquire unless you make bold plays. If it's an escape map, make the enemy you are escaping from actually lethal. I do agree that Seize is little different from Kill the Boss and Rout.
  11. I'd rather have a more focused story, using only one side. I don't like rotating teams such as we had in FE10. If this is going to be a Fire Emblem with significant choices to be made, there will be enough variety already, not to mention all the possibilities for interesting maps/objectives.
  12. To 4chan's credit, sometimes they get things right. I remember seeing a leak for the latest Smash Bros roster and when I saw they had Dr. Mario included on it, I laughed and laughed, and laughed.... flash forward to full roster reveal day...
  13. I know people are really hoping for another title set in Magvel but I think the story they wanted to tell is done and not enough lore was alluded to in SS to warrant a prequel. I'd rather see a distant prequel to the Elibe saga if they're going to revisit another world. As for the leak, I don't believe a word of it. The plot gist they give sounds exactly like SS. Why would IS add heavy East vs West themes to a world that had no such theme before?
  14. Another idea in the spirit of "actions taken in a mission affecting subsequent missions" is having an Escape map where you are faced with overwhelming odds (low deploy count and lots of enemies). If you stick around too long, you will get surrounded and overwhelmed but for every enemy you kill, it will be one less you have to fight for the next map. There could also be chests deep in enemy territory to test the player's ambition.
  15. A combination of these options. There are far too few anti-cavalry weapons in the game. Archers can be used to balance fliers. For indoor maps, you can limit movement of mounted units and for outdoor maps, limit them using terrain.
  16. I think it's funny how much they try to rely on subtext to hint at who might be gay and then they have things like incest more out in the open. You can have Morgan marry her uncle among other things in Awakening
  17. I'd like to see a Defeat the Boss map where the boss is too strong to defeat by conventional means and must be lured into a trap. Another cool map would be one where you must sabotage one of the enemy's resources which will affect what they can use next map. For example, release all their horses = no mounted enemies next map, or raid their armory so they only have basic weapons next map. One-rounding might be difficult for a lot of units unless you make the enemies really weak. My idea is to have a character with a literal Silence staff that mutes all sound, including the sound from fighting. It would be balanced by low durability or short range so you have to choose carefully when to use it. The important thing for a stealth mission is that the player has a clear understanding of the 'alert' conditions.
  18. >advocating for the option to wed old men to lolis Hardin, wat are you doing? Hardin stahp! But more seriously, though. I'd like some diversity for age ranges. I really liked the mentor/older bro feel of Marcus and Oswin for Blazing Sword. Most of the awakening cast felt like they were on the same tier, socially speaking.
  19. Some of the archetypes are meaningful patterns, such as Jagens and Pegasus trios but quite a few of the archetypes people list are just two character sharing a class and obviously having similar stat gains.
  20. The only inclusion of gays in Japanese mainstream media (ie not including works that are built around homosexual relationships) has them as a source of comedy. Even for the characters that aren't a vehicle for homosexual stereotypes, "gay-ness" is just treated like an immature phase people will get over. Alternatively, homosexuals are just used as fanservice. If people want a fair treatment of gays, they're going to have to look to "gay media", which Fire Emblem is not. Fire Emblem will never be Dragon Age.
  21. The difference between Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem is, Animal crossing characters just fall into personality categories and aren't fleshed out in any way. You could make 100 Fire Emblem characters but there would be no reasonable way to develop any of them, and a lot of created content would rarely or never be seen by many players. I think your idea is more akin to FF:Tactics, where you recruit generic units for your clan. Players do a lot of this voluntarily. The way it generally goes is to have 1 attack skill and a number of support skills to suit the purpose of the unit.
  22. How about "giant country invades small country"? Plegia attacks Ylisse but it's not like Ylisse is occupied before you take the fight to the enemy, like most games. I guess a case could be made for Valm getting conquered by Walhart but it's not really explicit where he comes from. Also, no late game/story based promotion for the main Lord.
  23. I could see that working. Shapeshifting could just be another kind of magic that can be studied by humans.
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