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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. will know that I am starting to suck at blazblue.
  2. MLA or some other? and use easybib to cite. (Google it)
  3. shall know that I made lambda's armor lights on my sculpture by putting hot glue over painted areas giving the appearance of a glow. (I may post a pic tomorrow =D)
  4. So...are all of you fat or skinny? (4-5% BFP here =D)
  5. shall know I am in the process of creating a Lambda sculpture in my art media class but failing. (Stupid cel-u clay never works. It shrinks and goes uneven. Dammit ;^;)
  6. shall know I am almost done with Lunatic FE12 on my second save.
  7. shall know I just read the new negima chapter.
  8. will know sometimes I post ninjaproof facts.
  9. Shall know I found a glitch to bypass the ringtone size limit for my new phone. (Now rocking to GGxBB Gluttony Fang whenever someone calls me)
  10. knows each of us touhou fanboys likes a different character.
  11. would want to mash 5a with platinum to see her make rock paper or scissors hand signs.
  12. will know you can play rock paper scissors with Platinum's 5A (Seriously)
  13. shall know my contacts list is...well...empty right now.
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