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Everything posted by someonewhodied

  1. Not using a single core computer that runs faster than a family member's quad core.
  2. shall know I have a team of 5 transformed dragons on FE12 multiplayer
  3. Shall know I am having trouble finding opponents on FE12 random wifi.
  4. And they take up the space two people can use on benches...if they don't break em first. I don't mean to offend anyone overweight here. I just feel that being less heavy benefits both yourself and the world more.
  5. shall know I am ~200 calories ahead of my daily calorie planning. (1200 till dinner~ I'm at 1400 =S...guess I'm gonna exercise today to burn some...)
  6. I'm gonna likely major art, and I'm not a druggy....though the guy and 2 girls sitting near/next to me do.
  7. So? I think fat people are terrible, what with walking slow and being so wide you can't walk past them...
  8. does not have to leave to go to school at 6:40AM
  9. shall know I am speedrushing at the last minute on a project.
  10. shall know that I am having trouble getting all my hw done.
  11. shall know after this weekend, I will have little to no homework left.
  12. shall know that my pokemon clan is making fun of competetive brawl ;^;
  13. shall know I just beat someone in MMSF3 again.
  14. shall know I quit ssbb competetive a good 3 and a half months ago.
  15. not wanting to play ssbb again as much as me.
  16. Knows I am the resident Nu/Lambda fan now. (*Death stare @ ERL*)
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