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Everything posted by GuiltyLove

  1. You just recruited me into Marth's army! It was just a random question :P What do you think about reddit? Is it a good or bad site?
  2. But......... Cinnamon Toast Crunch is square-shaped! ... :0 answering that would imply that i don't live in those countries so i would be giving classified info jk I've been to Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong Do you have insomnia?
  3. *runs away* Yeah probably lol Ugh these arena maps are annoying. So hard to reposition well esp when I'm not using a flier team I hope we get the rewards from the omikuji event soon!
  4. 4642 now. meh there were a few deaths. the bridge map is annoying since i'm not using my flier team!
  5. @Arcanite I killed an Oboro in the training tower and felt remorse over it It was with Catria too
  6. I had a pet turtle once but we were terrible at taking care of it I've never had green curry in Caribbean dishes before :0 I hope it's spicy! Can you see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?
  7. Yeah, definitely been chased by dogs before... ugh Do you like Thai green curry?
  8. Yeah, definitely been chased by dogs before... ugh Do you like Thai green curry?
  9. Well, the kanji means "Super Lucky" if you read it according to the Chinese characters. I don't know Japanese very well but I assume it means the same thing
  10. I agree. The first time I saw M!Corrin in a picture and looked at his weapon, I legitimately thought it was edited to look like corn. Imagine my surprise when I found out it was actually the Yato...
  11. They'll grow up and not be cute anymore What color are your favorite sauces?
  12. I'm not... fond of animals :/ I know most people do but they kinda scare me Have you played the Ace Attorney series?
  13. gonna pull a bad IV Hector and give Distant Counter to Catria
  14. Nope. It didn't work on my computer. I just watch stuff though. Although now it's not working for me either... WereGarurumon? Is that whom you're thinking about? That's not my question btw Digimon games are bad though. Dusk/Dawn were ok at best Would you choose to have the power to walk through walls or to walk on water?
  15. Because I plan on getting these glasses in the future. I really want them so I can look like Sailor V It took me a few months to get back into shape last year. I biked a mile to a friend's house and I was exhausted! Now I'm more fit :) What is your favorite Digimon?
  16. Nope. I don't wear sunglasses in general. I would need prescription ones because my eyesight is horrible :( I'll just assume you're an ageless robot then Do you know how to ride a bike?
  17. No idea! My answer to most food related things is that if it tastes good and not unhealthy, I'll eat it Do you drive?
  18. I took Life and Death off my Zephiel. I think lowering his defense defeats the purpose of him being an armored unit. Just my opinion though!
  19. Probably! I don't eat stew much but now I want it... Would you dare to eat this?
  20. I can't read lol. I made that same mistake once too when someone was talking about FE7 and I thought he said FF7 -__- I meant running. Female: Catria, Palla, Oboro @Arcanite, Florina (I like fliers) Male: Camus, Ike, Hector What do you think about chopsticks?
  21. Ooh... that Bonfire from Frederick is going to hurt!
  22. Hm, I should listen to FFIV then. I've mostly listened to VI, VII, XIII and X I've only played through VI so I'm only able to choose from there Males: Kefka, Locke (mostly for the stuff with Rachel and Celes), and... not sure. Shadow maybe? Females: Celes, Terra, and Relm I guess. I don't really remember if there are any other female characters in that game What was your fastest mile time?
  23. Probably Dragon Ball Super. I know it's not good but it's entertaining enough for me What is your favorite Final Fantasy OST?
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