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Everything posted by GuiltyLove

  1. I just got a Nowi today. I heard she's good :) Caeda is ok. I use her on my flier emblem team but she needs a lot of support. it sucks that you don't have the other buffing skills! LOOK AT THIS MONSTROSITY I THINK I'M GONNA SEND HIM HOME OR USE HIM AS FODDER IF I EVER GET HIM R U C K F E I N H A R D T
  2. funny, flier emblem was the easiest for me since i already have my flier team :D infantry is hard for me though... there's Tharja and Sharena, both of whom are good and then... Roy Lukas?? and a bunch of 4* potatoes like Chrom and Marth
  3. What's wrong with girls (or people in general) that have country accents? I also want to point out that I don't like country music. I like country voices. I do like this though I saw that double posting is allowed in this section of the forum so... No, I don't like snakes. They scare me One time I lived in a co-ed apartment and one of the guys was some dude from the south and he was unbelievably annoying. His loud southern accent made me hate them. That guy was pretty unreasonable, rude, and also punched a dent in the wall once >__> good thing I moved out Do you like macaroni and cheese?
  4. Probably biking or reading manga in Chinese to practice my parents' native language more As for my username: Who is your favorite celebrity?
  5. Probably biking or reading manga in Chinese to practice my parents' native language more As for my username: Who is your favorite celebrity?
  6. I don't usually watch movies country accents???????? Well, to each their own What's the worst birthday you've had? if robots have birthdays, that is
  7. Batman because I haven't watched the Ironman movies What sort of voice do you like in girls?
  8. Hmm... looks like I have no one I can use for the arena this season. Anna is still only 4* and not decked out with any skills D: maybe I'll skip on this
  9. Violin! Should have learned when I was younger................... Favorite video game OST?
  10. It looks prettier :P somewhat Favorite Alolan version of the Kanto originals?
  11. I'm gonna say a 9! so that's what it's called! Would you try marijuana brownies?
  12. dunno but i recently bought this ghost pepper chip from trader joes and it's pretty good. i don't normally eat chips though i think cheez-its might be my favorite? not sure; haven't eaten them in a while What is more annoying: losing a sock in the washing machine or those moments on the sidewalk when someone is walking your direction and you turn to move out of the way, only to find out that the other person moved the same way, and both of you accidentally keep on copying each other's movements until you can finally move ahead?
  13. Nope. Sounds fun though! Yeah it's weird when people get grossed out when others talk about "gross" things while eating. Why are you imagining it? Just because someone else mentioned poop doesn't mean you're eating it! Favorite brand of lotion?
  14. that looks disgusting i also don't like burgers anyway Probably... 536! 134 lbs *4 people/lb just a random guess What are your opinions on this?
  15. It's ok, I clearly have the same...influences.......... in my head too.......
  16. Believe it! Yeah, never watched it though Haev you actually eaten a spider before?
  17. Guess I didn't click on her enough to notice it before. False alarm! @Arcanite
  18. Oboro said she grew up hating dark clothes. Is that a new line? I never noticed it before
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