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Status Updates posted by Tables

  1. Okay time to have a less stupid status. Or not.

  2. Happy Birthday! First!

  3. Lol you're older now. I mean, um, Happy Birthday!

  4. Just discovered that SF does actually have an ignore function. My enjoyment of this forum is likely to have just increased about 50%.

  5. When I play FE4 and read the story I still imagine everything with the voiceover from your blindplaythrough. It's crazy.

  6. Dude... happy birthday. Have a great day.

  7. Been going as just Tables for quite a while. It's less weird, and shorter. Plus it leads to funnier jokes, rather than just a WTH moment.

  8. Resistance IV is a go!

    1. Blitz


      funny how resistance is going

  9. The thing to remember is, I'm following as accurately as possible a real commercial game in a forum setting. So I'm following the real rules. I might try with more players again later, and if people ask, I might put some more flavour in?

  10. Suddenly, birthday messages

  11. Hi

    1. Darros
    2. Zanarkin



  12. In my second year of uni, studying maths. So a moderate amount.

  13. All of those happen to be related to the module I'm worst at (vector analysis) but... yeah.

  14. Pretty close! The integration by parts is, well, it's how you'd do it but it's just an identity derivative really. The force=ma is actually more general forces on an object on an inclined plane. There's also matricies (2x2 Identity) in the top right, and complex numbers on the right. Looking back, that picture is very out of date, it's all A level (17-18 year old level) ...

  15. Not easily now I'm at university, no.

  16. <3 Hope to see you here when I'm in 3rd year then

  17. So what subject are you thinking of, and what other uni's are you looking at? I presume you're going into upper 6th from your age & the fact you're visiting a university.


  19. http://alexdaymusic.com/music/ Chameleon Circuit, song 7. EXTERMINATE! REGENERATE!
    1. Blitz


      these soundboxes don't work

  20. Oh, wow. I never realised. Almost done, as well? That's pretty impressive. I know someone who's working for CERN in, uh, Sweden (somehow), doing a PhD in particle physics, although he only started about 6 months ago.

    Hope the last bits of it goes well then :)

  21. Wait, you're doing a PhD? What in?

  22. finds a lot of people on SF awesome.

    1. Blitz


      I wish that were true atm

  23. Don't be mean to Baltar. Watch another 1 1/2 seasons then say bad things about him.

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