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Everything posted by Blademaster!

  1. I wouldn't really call it dead, since it can still be used. Mediafire and Rapidshare are still around, so it's all good.
  2. I specifically said it has nothing to do with the bill you know... It got shut down because the people who run the website supposedly paid people to upload copyrighted material to the website.
  3. No matter what you do though, don't do Shizune's route last. Hanako and Shizune should be done before Lily's because there are plot points shown in Lily's route that pertain to Shizune and Hanako that are portrayed much better in their respective routes and the same is true for doing Emi's route before Rin's route.
  4. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/entertainmentnewsbuzz/2012/01/file-sharing-megaupload-shut-down-for-piracy-by-feds.html So megaupload is gone.
  5. Probably not, but you're probably one of the few that might explicitly hate such people. There is nothing wrong with the sex scenes, but people playing this game solely for the sex scenes will be disappointed. You should do Emi's route before Rin's route. The best way to playthrough the game is to do so in an order like this: Do Kenji's route first, then do Emi's route before Rin, and Hanako and Shizune's route before Lily's, essentially making the last route you play be either Lily's or Rin's.
  6. I thought it was pretty great, and I enjoyed reading it. IMO: Route: Lily>Hanako>=Rin>Emi>>Shizune Character: Hanako>Lily=Rin>Misha>Emi=Shizune Opening Animation: Rin>Lily=Hanako=Shizune>Emi>Opening All the ero scenes are pretty bad, with Lily and Shizune being the only characters that have ero scenes like those you would find in a typical eroge. If you are playing this game for the eroge, then you are doing it wrong, as hard as that may seem to be. That said, I personally would advise against disabling the adult content since I found the censorship they use to be a bit more disturbing than the sex scenes, but that's just me.
  7. Wow, that kinda sucks. I really enjoyed playing Bomberman 5 for the SNES.
  8. Polls and award contests done in Japan and such: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slam_Dunk_%28manga%29#Reception Stuff not listed there are things like how it was one of the pillars of Weekly Shounen Jump during the Golden Age of Jump. But like I said, it's just a general thing like how people would say Shawshank Redemption or The Godfather is the best movie ever made.
  9. There are non-borderline manga with better fanservice than To-Love-Ru darkness that still manage to be shounen manga. Stop using words that you don't know the meaning of. Which is derived from Fist Of The North Star and Journey to the West. And Fist Of The North Star is derived from Mad Max. But yes, Dragon Ball is very inspirational. The best manga ever made is generally considered to be Slam Dunk, and One Piece is the best selling manga ever made.
  10. And none of the characters you mention in the second paragraph, along with Bowser Jr. technically, aren't furry characters
  11. If the Ice Climbers got kicked out, I'd be really surprised, considering they are really popular characters in the smash bros games. Also, I doubt they would add in anymore sonic characters, though it is possible they could if Nintendo and Sega are still contracted or whatever. And even if they did, they would probably just add in one more character, and it would hopefully be Tails, if anyone. I think we should be more likely to expect a dragon quest character to show up in Smash if they were to add in anymore third party characters.
  12. Wow, that's a pretty cool easter egg to have.
  13. Isn't the summary for that show essentially supposed to be "One Piece with lesbians" or something?
  14. Doesn't seem surprising since the government was willing to pass legislation that could potentially damage parts of the industry (or was it all of it?) that otaku seem to favor the most, and receive for the most part wide support for it. I could say more of what has already been said, but that would just be repetitive.
  15. You should listen to your own advice. Part of what makes RPG's so much fun to play is that you can customize how you play the game using your own rules, hence why things like Nuzlocke runs in pokemon exist. I know for a fact that Golden Sun Dark Dawn was made with this mindset in place, and I still remember the SSBM game manual encouraging players to do such things to add on to their own enjoyment of the game.
  16. As people have already pointed out, with the possible exceptions of FE6-10, FE has generally used an anime art style, especially with the early games. If anything, this is just IS going back to a style they used in the past only to bring it up to par with the modern age. I think you might be being a bit picky with that statement... Doesn't FE sell better than most SJRPG's anyway already making it mainstream in a sense? I mean, it is a Nintendo series after all. Flopped is a completely incorrect word to use to describe the sales of FE internationally. Sure, sales started to slightly fall, but to say they flopped is just excessive. I am personally looking forward to this game, should there be an international release. The "art direction" or whatever doesn't bother me at all, and the gameplay changes look to be pretty fun so far. If I understood this correctly, Capcom is a poor example to use for such a statement since there are currently regarded as one of the few companies in Japan trying to start to appeal towards western audiences. But at the same time, they are a company that has generally tried not to change their formulas too much out of fear of losing the fan base.
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-16239693 "North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has died at the age of 69, state-run television has announced. Mr Kim, who has led the communist nation since the death of his father in 1994, died on a train while visiting an area outside the capital, the announcement said." This has been quite the historic year. Osama was caught/killed, Gaddafi died, and now Kim Jong-Il is dead. What a world.
  18. This just keeps looking better and better. The addition of biorhythm was quite unexpected.
  19. It's always a good thing to take advantage of every option available in situations like these. Go for it.
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nocturnal_emission Last time I had one was when I stopped fapping for about two months straight about two years ago. They're annoying as fuck.
  21. I'd rather see new games on the 3DS than remakes. Just saying. But I haven't play MM, so it would still be like a new game for me.
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