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Everything posted by Tsuky

  1. I'm still trying to decide on whether to go normal or hard classic for Conquest. How does hard classic Conquest compare to lunatic classic Awakening?
  2. Very interesting analysis on your part, and I'm glad that you're sympathizing with both sides. Again, I'm trying really hard to not spoil, but the ending of Conquest may prove to be a disappointment and not what you expected based on what you've said... I guess we will find out. Which chapter are you currently on?
  3. Everything stays exactly the same regardless of your method of purchase. More specifically, there is one girl in Birthright and one guy in Conquest that you can marry regardless of gender, and that never changes.
  4. She's definitely not. Her crush isn't brought up in most of her romantic supports (at least the ones I've read so far), otherwise I would have a really hard time pairing her up like I did with Cordelia... Since there isn't really a sense of canon besides Corrin X Azura, I would say to just go for it. She's a great character :)
  5. Lol, I guess I'm just a lost cause and getting judged so hard since I was instantly attracted to Ryoma from the very first trailer, when he didn't even have a name :P I just thought he was an enemy general, and when I found out, well... too late now, can't retract my feelings anymore. But I can't agree more with the sentiment that this should've been handled more tastefully. IS pretty much chose the worst way to go about it... As for Silas, he is really nice and cute and... that's about it. I think he kinda gets lost in the crowd because there's such a huge cast and he just has so little characterization that makes him memorable :(
  6. Well, with Ryoma and Takumi, you're pretty much set for the majority of the game (if you are doing normal or hard) :P But other good units would include Azura, Hinoka, Scarlet, your first servant, and Kaze. As long as it's not lunatic, you can probably get away with training characters based on preferences alone.
  7. She's definitely not canon, if that's what you're looking for. The reason she's so popular is because she is a well-written character with supports that really shine. But yes, she is a great character and if you like her, I'd say go ahead :D
  8. Depending on what point in the game you're at, it's understandable for you to hold this opinion, and I'm actually very interested in hearing your opinion of the story after you finish all three games. But let's just say (without going into spoilers) that Ryoma and Takumi are certainly not wrong for raging at Corrin. Essentially, the goal of getting rid of Garon is not realized in a way that is acceptable to a lot of the commenters here, which is one of the reasons we take issue with Conquest. With the Ryoma situation, I think there's a bit of a double standard going on. Two wrongs definitely don't make a right, but people are hating on Ryoma's actions while pretty much ignoring Nohrian wrongdoings, such as the attack in Birthright Ch.7. As Sunwoo already pointed out, he is in a lose-lose situation here: don't give the medicine and get hated on by the fanbase for hurting "the precious cinnamon roll," or give the medicine and instantly lose the trust of his army. I don't think Ryoma's action was justifiable for a purely moral perspective, but he's not a saint and under those circumstances, is not obligated to care about an enemy princess. I actually liked this part of his characterization quite a bit. In Takumi's case, it's more of him just raging because she was defending Corrin's decision. The action is definitely wrong, but it should be viewed in a similar light to how he shot Corrin before that, which less people seem to have problems about (or if Takumi had shot Camilla instead of Elise). I personally don't really buy the whole child argument in this specific case since if Nohr really didn't want a child getting hurt, then he/she shouldn't be allowed on the battlefield, or travel with a group who is involved in any sort of combat. Anyone who is willingly putting themselves in such a situation should be mentally prepared for getting attacked. And Elise is technically an adult, as stated clearly in the beginning of the game. Overall, it just seems that the Hoshidans get called out more for their actions than the Nohrians. But why? I thought people wanted gray morality. I've even seen people suggest in other places that it's okay to trash Hoshido because it's a perfect country and can just rebuild itself. Um, what? While I don't think IS took a good approach by depicting Hoshido as such, that line of thinking is pretty messed up. Also, adding on a bit about Xander. I have yet to play the localized version, but what I'm getting from people here is that Xander already knows that something is wrong with Garon and is actively taking actions against him behind his back? If so, then I'm just super confused about his characterization...
  9. Well, Corrin will always be one of the best, if not the best pairing for any character, since you can tailor his/her boon and bane to complement the spouse. Not as broken as Robin, though. For children, maybe you can consider looking at what boon and bane you have and which child unit would benefit from your combination the most.
  10. Also keep in mind that Birthright and Conquest have different difficulty. So maybe you can start with Hard/Classic on Birthright, and if it seems too hard, you can go down to casual. Conquest is more difficult, so Hard/Casual or Normal/Classic would both be good options.
  11. I agree. The Hoshidan characters seem to have more subtle characterization, overall, except for Takumi, but that's fitting for a teenager who is angry and confused :) It seems that a lot of people wrote them off immediately because they were "boring" and never really gave them a chance. And I saw someone saying that Ryoma doesn't really show affections or any real emotions for Corrin. Um, that's just not true. Also, a lot of people are criticizing how the Hoshidan siblings are written overall. While those are certainly valid and I have my own problems with them too, the Nohrian siblings in Conquest aren't really written better, especially Xander. Bro, do you even know what you want? Okay, gonna try to not spoil, but sparing a few lives on the side is just so insignificant compared to what he ends up doing in Conquest. Someone else mentioned that they should explore what the Hoshido did to elevate the tension between the two countries. While that would certainly be interesting to explore in the overall narrative, there is also a possibility that Nohr just, you know, wanted to invade without any wrongdoing from Hoshido. It's not like that hasn't happened in real life, right? Ah, good ol' Imperialism.
  12. I don't have amiibos myself, so I don't know. But you can look up some videos on youtube and try to gauge how difficult those maps are.
  13. You can't grind in Conquest, but you can still raise support by doing My Castle battles.
  14. Ah, this kind of thread feels empty without you, Thane :D
  15. Well, from Corrin's perspective, maybe. But a lot of his anger is justified; Nohr killed his parents and are invading his country, why wouldn't he hate them? His emotions are quite realistic; it's actually the other Hoshidan siblings being unrealistically nice that make him look like a jerk in comparison. Also, he's definitely not the only character who is a "jerk," yet he gets the most flak for it... And OP, it's about how the stories are constructed. I recommend just enjoying Conquest for the characters and gameplay, and try to ignore the plot.
  16. Great! thanks in advance for looking into this. Love everything you do for the FE community, btw :)
  17. Oh god, what did they do to Sakura in her Parent-Child support with Asugi? She literally stutters in every single sentence that she speaks (seriously, the only line she didn't stutter in was "Ok..."). It was painful to read. I checked the same support with other moms and none of the other ones had this problem. I know that Sakura is supposed to be shy and not good at socializing, but this is way too much. Although, to be fair, I haven't seen the Japanese version floating around, either. Was she like this in the Japanese support? If so, that's terrible and they should've fixed it.
  18. This support is so cute, and I'm glad they stayed faithful to the Japanese version. Honestly, this is the only reason I'm willing to screw over Ophelia's stats. Anyway, just dropping by to thank everyone here for their hard work! I'm having a great time reading these, and for the most part, I thought the localization team did a great job; there were even some where they made just the right tweaks to make them even more likable than the original supports. But I do have to agree that Xander X Charlotte's S support could've been a little better. It was just... less emotional, and it made it seem like Charlotte yelled out of the window because she was being weird, which was not supposed to be the case at all. Also, Ryoma, why u no give me a second ring anymore. Forever salty...
  19. LOL, I'm just typing these as I'm opening up the files Ryoma OMFG. And Matt Mercer thought Chrom's lines were awkward XD Shiro sounds sooooo good, exactly how I imagined it Female Kana sounds really cute, but can't say the same for the male Kana, unfortunately... It was really weird Hana's voice makes me think of Pokemon... It's not bad though. And Hinoka's voice reminds of Ash somehow... Not what I had in mind Takumi why are you so precious :3 Benny's voice is also really good, but the lines did get a little too cheesy by the end Saizo's voice is... unexpected. Not bad by any means, but it doesn't feel like it fits Saizo too well. Same thing with Shura I know Nyx is supposed to have a child's body, but I thought she should at least sound like she's older than 10... Oh well, I'll get use to it Xander, take a deep breath... Good Gotta go to class now, but I'll be back. Enjoying these too much :D
  20. Xander definitely does the best with Charlotte with her nice boost to speed (which he really needs) and strength, and Effie's bulk can be better used elsewhere since Xander is already quite bulky. Odin and Leo both have magical children, so they would probably prefer magical units like Nyx and Elise.
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