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Posts posted by NoirCore

  1. 6 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

    We don't know if they'll be using relics tho. In fact, no Brave Heroes thus far have used their canon prf weapon so I'm more inclined to think that they won't be wielding any relics. Or at least not their own.


    Ike and Roy used their dad's weapons while Lyn got one of Binding Blade's 8 weapons and Lucina got a brand new lance from a world foreign to her.

    Hector uses one of the 8 Elibe weapons, Celica uses one of Alm's swords, Ephraim uses a relic he learned about but never can use in his game, and Veronica never wielded a staff before her brave self was added.

    Micaiah's weapon doesn't even physically exist and is just magical power, Eliwood's lance is a new weapon that's not in any of the Elibe games, Camilla uses a staff not in her home game...I guess Alm's "Dracofalchion" is the closest thing to using his own weapon though it's not its original form.

    Since I see the legendary/time-skip versions of the TH lords using their relics, I'd say it's a safe bet they're gonna use weapons not specifically for them as opposed to "Burning Failnaught" or something. Probably more original weapons, and I have no clue what Lysithea could wield.

  2. 12 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    The problem is not that it's unrealistic, but that it causes cognitive dissonance that breaks the suspension of disbelief that you're supposed to maintain.

    Cognitive dissonance can be used intentionally to draw attention to itself for various reasons, but this isn't such a situation where that is the case.

    If it's not unrealistic, I don't care much for cognitive dissonance in regards to voice. I understand the voice doesn't serve a purpose in-game outside of defining the character, but if we're going to have most of the young adult women in FE history have the same typical young adult woman voice, I don't mind a curveball once in a while. At least, coming from someone who's seen other LGBT+ communities and having gotten used to voices and identities not being the "expected".

    1 hour ago, XRay said:

    This is what happens when you hire Treehouse. I still hold a grudge against them for butchering Fates. I wish 8-4 would do all the localization work for Fire Emblem. Their dialogue work in Awakening was magical, and their dialogue and voice acting work on Shadows of Valentia was amazing too. I guess the voice acting in Heroes and Three Houses is not bad (although I have to agree that Fiora sounds way deeper than I imagined, but that is just a one time thing), so Treehouse did seem to improve, so I will give them that credit.

    Isn't the voice acting handled by Cup of Tea Productions (a recording studio) while another company handles localization? CoT did the voice acting for Three Houses from what I read of the VA's tweets.

  3. 2 hours ago, Nym said:

    She sounds a bit older than what she is.

    And that's how some people are in real life as well, whether naturally or after getting voice training for whatever their reason is. As a cisgender guy myself who's never transitioned to a woman or non-binary, I've had a few instances in life where without looking at me and on voice alone I've been mistaken for a woman since my voice comes off lighter or younger, and I've never had voice training nor do I feel like bothering with that or any discomfort with my voice.

    My hot take is that putting expectations on what a person's voice should be in 2020 should be something folks should try to break the habit on and accept the unexpected voices. People will sound lighter/deeper/older/younger than they look in life, and if that's the direction they're taking Fiora with this voice direction, then I'm all for it.

  4. Oh, snap, Leila! Guess Matthew's finally getting that reunion since he showed up at launch. :P.

    Also, Heath's the free unit, it seems.

    1 minute ago, Nym said:

    Fiora's voice still doesn't suit her.

    Eh, personally, it's grown on me, especially since people in real life can sound different from how they look, and we probably shouldn't be slapping expectations of voices based on looks. I accept deep voice Fiora.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    The dislike bars on both versions of the trailers say otherwise. They're massive. And I heard some people voted Camilla in that CYL to create salt, not because they like her. As for Chrom, he hasn't been spammed as much as some other characters.

    Again, see the dislike bars on the trailers.

    Not everyone bothers to leave a like/dislike on the trailers, if they're even aware of them or bother to watch them. No matter how loud it is, the vocal minority is what it is; a minority. People who don't talk about Heroes (or anything on the internet) aren't necessarily NOT playing Heroes, so there's a BUNCH of people whose opinions are not accounted for just because they aren't sharing said opinions. And like it or not, fanservice sells; that's sorta how Awakening and Fates sold more than SoV by themselves due to the romance options, and probably a decent contributor in TH's success.

    Plus, even when if we factor in dislikes, look at any video involving Awakening or Fates that isn't Hot Springs or the legendary Azura or Lucina. Those like the Awakening kids and Fates Nohr banner haven't been even close to being overtaken by dislikes. This is even factoring in Year 1 and 2's banners that specifically had only Awakening and/or Fates content.

  6. Just now, Water Mage said:

    I wonder who’s decision was to make the FEH pass. IS wasn’t this greedy when FEH started. Are FEH done by a different team than the ones that make the main games? Maybe there was some major shift in who’s commanding each team. I would explain why they made such a dumb decision because there’s no way they think this would be well received.

    My guess is someone within Nintendo that's part of the mobile team is pushing for subscription services. Mario Kart Tour got it, Animal Crossing got it added, and now FEH.

  7. Yeah, add me to the "not cool about the FEH pass being a thing" group. At least the units we know are involved aren't necessarily game-breakers, but this still is a sour predatory taste after what happened with Mario Kart Tour having a subscription service that heavily had a "pay to win" impact (and even then, it was cheaper than FEH's). At the very least, we can just hear the voice clips on YT, but this is quite the hole the devs dug themselves into (or whoever responsible for it, for all we know IS was forced too with the recent trend of Nintendo mobile subscription services). I'll at least drop my feedback and hope they listen.

    8 minutes ago, ZeManaphy said:

    How Rudolf even alive? He died before Alm and Celica were married. Not terribly interested in Conrad or anyone else though.

    Greil was in last year's banner, and the others in that banner acknowledged him as someone supposed to be dead. I don't think FEH cares much for continuity when both normal and soul-sold Berkut exist. 😛

  8. Honestly, another reason why I think the runner-up banners should stay is because it gives incentive to vote for others not in the game yet over just CYL contenders. It was part of the charm (intentional or not) to increase another character's odds of getting in, and I don't think one reported instance of bot activity for one character would have spoiled that for everyone. But with no runner up banner this year, that charm was gone.

  9. There is some (citation needed) alarms ringing with that "bots were used" claim. Got any proof?

    And in any case, the runner-up banner is good because it allows control to help put wanted units in the banner. IS is very much unpredictable with how they do banners, so I imagine some control would be nice. One "disappointing runner up banner" isn't the end of the world in the (unlikely) scenario all four units are disappointing.

  10. 2 hours ago, Jave said:

    I’ve made what’s essentially my wishlist for FP2:


    Sadly, I'd say Dixie's chances seem to be minimal with how many spirits are already in from games she's been in to the point that there's not really much justification for a spirit board. Sakurai mentioned that all DLC characters from the 2nd fighters pass would also get a stage, music and spirits, and DKC seems pretty loaded on spirits.

  11. 7 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    We got the units art in the "Meet some of the Heroes" webpage, and they are pretty good.

    Too bad I will have to wait until Saturday to learn Itsuki's Skills.

    Seeing Sharena mention modern conveniences like TV and entertainment agencies makes me feel sorta amused inside, considering she's from a world where the word "skyscraper" is foreign to her time. 😛

  12. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    If this is really the case, then fine. It does sound plausible too. But you can't really prove that. So I'm not really any less disappointed as an FE Warriors fan.

    Wow, I didn't know that! 😕

    Thanks much, Captain Obvious!

    On a more serious note, read what I've been saying. When FE Warriors released, we didn't get Rowan, Lianna, and Darios. I see little excuse for their exclusion now.

    And if you read what everyone else was saying, maybe it'll happen soon now, perhaps this year. But we all know how unpredictable IS is with banners, so it's just a case of "who knows". In any case, Koei and Atlus are not the same company, so just because they settled stuff with one company doesn't mean they can settle stuff with another, whatever the stuff they need to settle is. So there's your (possible) reason for its exclusion right now. For all we know, maybe they'll add Warriors units around its anniversary.

    I know you've been often frustrated by banners not having characters you want, but honestly, just be content you have more insurance on getting a new character you actually do want, whoever they are and whenever they come up. Focusing on "this isn't want I wanted" is just gonna make you more frustrated.

  13. Hey, it's people Kiran can relate to! You know, because Kiran's from the real world...and knows what Hollywood is...and stuff...okay, maybe Kiran's version of the real world doesn't have Mirages. (Or something; I never played TMS). But still! 😛

    so when's joker getting into heroes

    Might skip this, but this does have interesting implications of modern characters existing in a medieval fantasy world getting involved, not to mention the genuine articles possibly meeting their Mirages. 😛

    And is this the first time the characters have English VAs?

  14. This is a bit more of an unorthodox comparison, but several of FE's VAs have done Dungeons and Dragons campaigns/sessions in some way.

    Matt Mercer (Chrom, Ryoma, Azama, Shigure) runs a campaign on Critical Role, and his players consist of Travis Willingham (Ogma and the original Garon and Camus), the Emmy award-winning* Sam Riegel (Donnel, Stahl and Raigh, where he's credited as "Sam Regal"), Taliesin Jaffe (Bruno, Navarre and Cain, credited as "T. Axelrod"), Liam O'Brien (Inigo's original VA before getting recast), Laura Bailey (Lucina and Palla's original VAs before, again, getting recast), Marisha Ray (Oboro, Effie, Shanna and Mikoto), and Ashley Johnson (who has no roles in FE). Orion Acaba (Gerome) also used to be part of CR, but left due to some of his issues which I won't get into.

    Kaiji Tang (Owain, Narcian, Lloyd) also has a couple of shows under his belt. Cristina Vee (Lachesis, Athena as "Cristina Valenzuela") has shown up on both shows, and Amanda Miller (Elincia and Sully) and Erin Fitzgerald (Sanaki and Olwen's old VA, also voiced Emmeryn) have shown up as guests. Erika Ishii (Loki) also showed up as a guest in a since-defunct D&D show before being cast in Heroes.

  15. @Anacybele"Two injuries sustained in one game?! Lost cause, cut him!" Give me a break. You saw how brutal that hit was on Juju. Cutting him is a bad idea now like it was any time during this season. He's a great WR who needs help.

    And nice whataboutism trying to direct attention to Raven when it's not even relevant to the point I was making in that paragraph. We're not talking about that incident, like I said. Back to the matter of hand, "fuck up" usually means "To destroy or severely damage something", and your wording very blatantly sounds like a threat to Lamar. Don't tell me you've never heard that as a physical threat to someone else when used like that. Choose your words wisely; research their implications.

  16. @AnacybeleFirst off, this is the first time Juju's been injured, and he had a nasty hit in the first place. You want fragile, out-of-shape Ben back (and no I don't believe him when he says he'll be ready), but want to cut the Steelers' best WR (and a very solid RB to a lesser extent) on the basis of "cut em they're injured for too long" after their big hits and some small accident? Hot takes, but not good takes.

    Second, the fact that you want T.J. to "fuck up" Lamar Jackson just goes to show either you don't know how to word things appropriately or you have some really violent ideas, and I hope it's the former.

    And for everyone, can we please be more mindful and civil with our criticism of people, players, etc. in the future? I get "that incident" was a serious issue and I have my opinions on it, but acting obnoxious isn't gonna help more than it will scare people away. I'll leave it at that and say nothing more. If you don't agree, then whatever, I'll go too. 😕


  17. 45 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    You're very wrong on both of those statements.

    I just tend to talk mostly about my top favorites and not as much about other characters I like to some degree. I like most of Tellius's cast and I'm cool with most of the Three Houses cast too. I like several characters from Sacred Stones, a couple from FE7, a couple from Fates, and a few from Awakening. I also admit that I might mention characters I dislike a bit too much. Also, and this is really unfortunate, but the characters I dislike the most tend to be popular, like Lyn, Camilla, Tharja, and Micaiah.

    Question: How many Elibe characters do you like across both games? Because if you only have "a couple from FE7", that's actually extremely restrictive with how many characters there are across both games, and if Sigurd's any indication, I know you specifically can still like a character without playing their game in the case of FE6.

    I think you're usually just not necessarily familiar with what others tend to like outside of what's popular and/or how many like said thing, or maybe you have trouble understanding the logic to why people like some things. I've definitely noticed you tend to make surprised reactions to many people really liking something you hate if the first dancer banner is any indication, plus certain game franchises and other examples.

  18. 59 minutes ago, Mercakete said:

    Doesn't justify the unproportionate response. If she was responding that way to her boyfriend when she realized he was cheating on her, then sure. Kicking and screaming because he was helping others and not JUST you is beyond petty. She'd get a lecture for that if I was in Bantu's position, and it'd be good for her. Letting someone stay a brat isn't helping them. And as I said, this would only be IF I was in Bantu's position. I know when it's not appropriate to lecture someone. You need a certain kind of relationship with the person in question for that.

    Anyway, this is my stance on it. Hope that clarified things.


    Further clarification: compare Tiki's reaction to a 3-year-old crying because you wouldn't let her eat the spatula. Also, kids making a scene because they didn't get exactly what they wanted in that very moment. Not respectable behavior.

    Yet further clarification: An appropriate response would be Tiki walking up to Bantu, maybe a little annoyed, and politely asking, "Did you forget about your promise?" (skip this first bit if he really did tell her a story and is just spreading the love to other Tikis.) "These other Tikis aren't me."

    There was no kicking and screaming, though. Just a dramatic gloom and a shout for a scene that was very clearly exaggerated for the sake of funny as is usual in this kind of media.

  19. On 12/4/2019 at 12:47 PM, Mercakete said:

    Igh... Tiki's way too sensitive. 😕 I am reminded why I don't like her.

    She's a child who had nightmares about going on uncontrollable rampages where she hurt and likely killed people she likes non-stop; can't really blame her for having a strong desire for affection, especially at such a young age for her species.

    Maybe Bantu should enlist the help of Tiki's adult self; shouldn't she be caring for her possessed self, anyway? 😛

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