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Everything posted by Belmont

  1. I like the name Leon alot, I'm just iffy if it fits his character design. But I do like Mohawk Kamui.
  2. Well I need to get a 3ds anyway so Im counting on this coming west.
  3. This and new Dragonball softened the blow of my PS3 perishing.
  4. February because it would make such a nice birthday gift.
  5. No plans whatsoever. And FE is older than me.
  6. All I want is that Hinoka/Tsubaki arent garbage like every Peg Knight I tried to use. Hinoka because I want to use all the family members and Tsubaki cause I like him.
  7. Saizou. I like ninjas. I like badasses. Saizou is a ninja badass.
  8. Not sure. Will probably just watch a playthrough on mute in case the player is translating as he plays.
  9. Jun'Ichi Suwabe as anyone. His voice is literally like sex in my ear(in a good kind of way).
  10. If they handle it like they did in the show, well, let's just say we dont have to worry about not being able to recruit everyone in a single playthrough.
  11. I only saw the Gerbackers anime(and in spanish) so maybe Im not the best judge of it but from what I remember it was above average. The series follows 2 friends who do odd jobs(mainly item retreival, hence the name Getbackers).One controls electricity and was once known as the Lightning/Thunder Emperor( from the spanish Emperador del Trueno) and the other had super strengh and could create illusions. It was okay but had alot of ''we used to be friends, but not anymore so we must fight to the death!'' plotlines.
  12. Dude, I had not seen this version of the trailer! Pretty cool to see Tsubaki and the blue haired cavalier in action!
  13. Here's my 2 cents: It can be inferred that Marx, the stoic mage and the drillhair girl(I refused to use Imouto) are siblings and the children of Garon. They are too similar not to be. Camilla on the other hand, maybe she's the daughter of the Jeigan-like man in the Nohr box art? Maybe the Jeigan is Garon's brother, making Camilla Marx's cousin. So shes still family. As for the Hoshido side, I have no idea. Ryoma and Sakura are def your siblings, but Hinoka is just described as your kin. Theres also the archer guy, presented alongside the others. I mean, if the man that gets killed IS your father, and the Hoshido lady is your (very milfy) mother, how does such a pairing give birth to a brownhair, a light brownhair, a redhead, a reddish pinkhead and a silver haired manakete?
  14. This would be an ideal scenario for me. Unfortunetly I doubt it will happen.
  15. As I said in another thread I believe this is the case. As this are always my favorite characters the green and red ninja(Saizou) will be in my main team. The problem is if these characters are as good as the cavaliers have been. Its no exaggeration that Kent/Sain and Alan/Lance have been the cornerstone of my offense in their games. The fact that they are on foot already hampers their mobility(unless as ninjas/shinobi they are foot units with mounted level mobility).
  16. I prefer Femui/Mamui. Not that it really matters, anyone should use most of these without causing confusion.
  17. I'm going Hoshido for a number of reasons. 1. As a fan of Samurai and the like this game is like a dream come true. 2. I like the revealed Hoshido cast more. Tits MgGee and the walking pigtails can GTFO. 3. NINJAS! Probably. 4. From the shown footage it seems the red and green knights have been replaced with the red and green ninja(Saizou and his unnamed companion). As that is my favorite character type that I always choose for my first playthrough I am morally obligated to go with Hoshido. Unless it turns out there is a red and green cavalier pair, then I'll....nah I want the ninjas. 5. I'm not no Commie.
  18. Thanks guys. I should clarify, I forgot to add the reason I chose that thread name. It's that in my current playthrough of FE6(currently at Chapter 16x) I noticed I miss waaaaaaaaaaaay too much. Like, my Dieck had a 94% Hit Rate and missed, twice. It's like it your hit rate isnt 100% you actually have a six in ten chance of getting screwed and missing. I have had countless 80% hit rate attacks miss, followed by a 55% Hit Rate counter attack landing.
  19. Hey, new lurker who tought to make an account. Here''s a list of things you should know about me: FE games I've played: MotE,SC,PoR FE games I've played and actually beaten: BS Current FE game: SoS(BB) Favorite FE: Dunno, gotta beat them all first. Favorite Lord: Ephraim Favorite archytype: Red and Green Knight Favorite Band: The Beatles Favorite Movie: Goodfellas Childhood Hero: Craig Ferguson Do I think LynXEliwood is canon?: None of your business Outside of that I'm a Castlevania nut and Guilty Gear Fanatic. Hope to get along with all of you!
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