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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. I did some reconsidering. Since you said 2nd tier to a 1st tier is a no-no. I'm ditching the Mercenary class ( I probably wont even trigger Armsthrift with my luck even after x2 ) and heading straight for Hero ( I want the Sol skill ) then Grandmaster. How's that?

    How are you going to get to Hero without going through Mercenary first? Myrmidon can only promote to Swordmaster or Assassin. Merc makes more sense to limit the reclassing you have to do in tier 2, plus Armsthrift is pretty convenient. Grandmaster will take a while to get to if you're going to be going SM -> Hero -> GM.

  2. Myrmidon is not good, so that sets you back more or less immediately. Mercenary is a much stronger class, generally speaking. Unless you are really married to having a Swordmaster, I would reconsider, especially if you are having difficulty.

    What you never want to do is reclass from a 2nd tier class to a 1st tier one; going from Swordmaster to Mercenary is a no-no. If you are going to collect skills from 1st tier classes, get them all first before promoting, because Avatar's EXP gain goes into the toilet in Lunatic after a few reclasses because of the cumulative levels, despite Veteran.

    The reclass level depends on what your goal is: reclass at 10 (or 15 promoted) if you are just collecting skills, reclass at 20 if you are maximizing stat growth. It's hard to NOT hit 20 Tactician if you are playing semi-optimally (because Avatar is your best earlygame unit to give EXP to), especially since your first Second Seal doesn't come until a few chapters in. I would personally get to 20 Tactician, reclass to your choice of Myrm/Merc, promote to Swordmaster/Hero, stick around long enough to get whatever skills you want and then land in the final Grandmaster class. That's efficient enough such that you can actually train some other units as well.

  3. I hate to pile on, but Awakening's grinding opportunities -- to the extent that they even exist -- take next to nothing to avoid in terms of effort. It's not like you have to slap away EXP while you're busy playing the game; you sort of have to go out of your way to power-level.

    When I was a kid, I played with Legos. They came with directions, but I could totally use the pirate ship parts together with the space ship, and at no point did a Danish lawyer crash through the window and serve me with a Cease and Desist order. I did not dilute the value of the franchise by giving a cutlass to a man in a space suit.

    In terms of Lunatic+, there are a couple of tweaks that I would personally make here and there (I'd introduce Pavise+ and Aegis+ earlier, for one) to smooth out the early stages, but on the whole the mode is well done. Lunatic+ is roughly what you'd get if you tried to unravel all of the most popular classic Fire Emblem strategies. Most of the maps in Awakening are puzzles in disguise (the designers were more clever with unit placement, enemies, terrain and such than people give them credit for), and Lunatic+ is one giant meta-puzzle that forces you to alter your tactics on the fly. They've never done something quite like this before, and I hope that it comes back in a future title.

    Somewhat tangential to this, is that while Lunatic+ is pretty hard, part of that difficulty has nothing to do with the mode: it's a side-effect of some nonsense rule that someone made for themselves. For example, L+ gets a hell of a lot easier if you actually let characters die for real, as mentioned earlier in the thread.

  4. Oh I definitely agree that Lunatic+ is pretty straightforward about its difficulty level. I'm just saying that there's no reason for a Fire Emblem player to bring a Sword to a map full of Lances, so to speak. The game doesn't leave anything off the table, so why should you?

  5. Armsthrift. It's a convenience I suppose.

    Ehhhh... it's a convenience in a world where gold is unlimited, only generic weapons are being used, and it doesn't matter if something breaks in the middle of Enemy Phase. We don't live in that world, though. Armsthrift offers more than just sparing the player some inventory feng shui.

  6. So now, I'm doing another run to see if I can perfect an efficient route, without DLC or Spotpass (Renown items are allowed though). What would you guys personally suggest to be the ultimate Avatar, without DLC? What endgame builds do you usually like?

    Counter never really ceases to be an issue in Lunatic+, so my ideal Avatar would be equipped to deal with it. That means a female, for Galeforce. The rest would be situational, but I like Sol, Vantage, Vengeance, and even something like Miracle, Armsthrift, or Lifetaker. Support partner would need to have Dual Guard+ at minimum, since that's a strong answer for those lategame Luna+ enemies with laser-sights.

  7. Is this a normal experience, or did I just get lucky?

    This is normal; if you focus resources in a Fire Emblem game, you will quickly blow through the curve that the game is balanced for. Try raising a lot of people simultaneously if you want it to be a heavy lift. I mean, that's what's so difficult about the early chapters: everyone sucks. If you play with people only gaining a level every chapter because you're spreading EXP around, enemies can keep up with you stat-wise.

  8. The only thing I'm really dreading now is Chapter 4, as that chapter has given me trouble even in Hard mode. Any tips?

    Bring your best units, and be proactive about seeking out combat; don't turtle, try to kill things as quickly as possible before the late-round enemies start moving. The Fighter/Mages will move first, then the Knights, then the 1-2 range Fighters, and finally Marth.

  9. BTW, any tips for chapter 21 Luna+? One-turned chapter 20, but it seems that Ch. 21 has even higher enemy density than Ch.19

    Wait, what? You one-turned Walhart v2.0? Chapter 21 is the chapter with the Mire guys, is that the one you are stuck on?

  10. The best two for Lunatic(+) are Travant and Ashnard, who start with high Mov/Def, Swordbreaker, and Renewal. Ashnard also has high Res, which is odd for a Wyvern Lord.

    I'd also like to throw in a good word for Jaffar, when it comes to Spotpass mercenaries for Lunatic+. He has Pass and Galeforce plus Bow access by default, which is kind of an awesome combination.
  11. I just beat Lunatic my just grinding out MU to a sorcerer with Aversas night I've a feeling that won't work in Lunatic+...

    It won't. Lunatic+ is a frustration-fueled migraine, gift-wrapped in a rude awakening. You'll have to abandon a lot of your old tactics, and embrace some fresh ones, if you want to avoid resetting every chapter until the L+R+START buttons on your DS break.

    The safest start is +DEF/-something, and by "safest" I mean "I haven't figured out anything that's remotely as reliable as this". Once you decide to tackle Lunatic+, check out the SoC video that someone posted above, take a gander at the guide in my sig, and post about your trials and tribulations in The Lunatic Support Group Club thread if you need help.

  12. I really need to subscribe to this thread, since I am not here as much anymore.

    Out of curiosity, was there anyone who performed better or worse than you expected?

    Basically what the others said, and also what's in the Retrospective (which I've now added a link to in the second post of the thread). Laurent by far wins the "found a $20 bill in your pocket" award, although it's important to note that he peaked at exactly the right moment (second Walhart chapter, when the rest of my team was starting to fray at the edges) and in circumstances that were pretty favorable for him (two key lategame chapters where enemy 1-range density is low, and thus he can safely Nosfera-tank).

    Gregor was disappointing, as stated, but I think that Laurent bailed out the investment a bit there. I'd definitely approach Gregor's training differently in a do-over, but I'd still use him, because he's solid even outside of a primary combatant role. The ability to just promote him immediately and not having to train for AT is a major plus.

    One of the things I'd like to try in another run would be to de-emphasize Miriel's buff-battery role, in place of having her focus on being a strong early damage dealer. That would save me some Second Seals (plus prevent a damage drought during reclassing), and allow me to slot in Maribelle as my primary Demo unit, to later be a partner for Anna. There's a stretch of midgame where Anna would be particularly useful, and I think that Dual Support+ would give her some legs later on.

    Speaking of Miriel, I expected her to be useful, but i did NOT expect her to be as good as she turned out. It was so easy to train her in Ch3 that she reached high-level performance earlier than expected, and I have to say that she was the anchor of my non-Avatar offense for a good stretch because of that. Had I not curtailed it with the Troubadour reclass, she would have had an even longer run.

    Chrom was a let-down, but I think that was my fault for not investing in him properly. I think he has a place in a Lunatic+ run, maybe even as an Archer.

    The other characters had no surprises. Avatar, Lucina, and Morgan were as silly as you'd expect them to be with Veteran. Olivia retains all of her utility from other modes. I was mildly amused by how long that totally-untrained Kellam was useful as a DEF bot for Miriel -- I was still using him for the job in the second Walhart chapter, FFS. But of course, nobody remembers him anyway.

  13. Shadowofchaos, do you have a walkthrough for chapter 2 of lunatic+? I'm so stuck on it... I've reset on that level about 30 times -_-

    Look at the first video he posted, around the ~34:10 mark. FYI, the strategy depends on doing certain things in Prologue/Ch1 (namely over-leveling a +DEF Avatar), so YMMV if you did something differently.

    And resetting 30+ times isn't even strange; on Lunatic+ it's crazy luck-based. I've pushed L+R+START on Ch2 more than any other chapter in the game.

  14. Whats the water trick? Afaik none of the starting 4 can water walk either

    Just as he described. Avatar and Chrom can occupy a Water tile, so just hide Frederick and Lissa on them. It's a good idea to actually drop them ON the water, since next turn you can Pair Up and have them move one square further, out of range of everything but the mage.

  15. My mind is always searching for ways to make every unit usable as an end game unit, so I've been wonderinf, if crosbows were in Awakening would Sniper (whit a small max stat boost) be a better class?

    Not really, but Snipers are already a good unit in Lunatic+. A way to make them "better" without just breaking everyone's stats apart and introducing new weapon types, is just to give them a good environment to thrive in the first place. They are a player-phase class with access to 3-range, so rewarding that would make more Snipers useful.

  16. This is question that has been on my mind for awhile. I know both the east and west Khans select champions to battle for them and receive power but why do this to being with? Why not just have one ruler instead of battling for the power every few years?

    Keeps the current ruler on their toes, makes sure that Ferox is always ruled by the strongest. Doesn't seem that strange to me.

  17. Not a huge logistics problem, though. Four attacks with a Pair are going to max out your points for a chapter, and you can hide scrubs behind actual combatants. Olivia should make this pretty academic. As long as you make sure to build supports on chapters where you have the ability to waste time, you can avoid the nightmare-mode ones like Ch21.

  18. Well, since you can delay the Paralogues until whenever, you'd just need to make sure to spend enough time in chapters to max out support points for the parents. Then just swing in and pick up the children whenever you are strong enough.

  19. Anyways my question is this. How many units should I bother training for this run? Got a bunch of characters now. And I figured I cant try to make everybody I come across get kills, due to limited enemies. Anybody have a rough estimate of how many units I should be leveling?

    This is basically entirely up to you. A Robin/Chrom solo at one extreme is completely possible but boring, and at the other end full deployment is very difficult once you get to Valm and the promoted enemies. The specific sweet spot depends on where you are picking up units and how much you are leveling them. Basically you want to keep tabs on the stats of your units relative to enemies, making sure that they maintain good defensive statistics while being able to double/3HKO with their partners.

    And if its not too much to ask, which units are these?

    A good, balanced team for Lunatic would probably include something like this:

    Robin/Chrom (if female) in the Tactician line.

    Sumia/Frederick or Cordelia/Stahl for your flier/cavalier team.

    Miriel and someone as your magic-user, or re-purpose Lissa for the job once she promotes to Sage.

    Panne and whoever, with Panne as a Wyvern Rider.

    N.O.W.I./Gregor (keep Gregor as a support bot, reclass N.O.W.I. back into Manakete whenever she hits level 30).

    Throw in maybe one more pair depending on need or circumstance, and you've got something for everything. Morgan/Lucina make a good combo if you have a female Robin. The other children are hard to use (though possible, with some babying) without Veteran.

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