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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. No game is worth buying an entire new system for.

    Total nonsense. If you have unlimited disposable income, the cost is clearly irrelevant. So the decision is a personal one, based on circumstances.

    This soldier will pick up a system for 2-3 good games. My PS3 was born solely from Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea 4, and MGS4. Considering how much time I've spent enjoying Awakening, it justified the 3DS all by itself. I also thought that Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars was underrated as a TBS game, so that was a nice little bonus to discover in the 3DS library.

  2. By the way I made a post in the lunatic club, I want the opinion of someone that already beat the lunatic/classic mode. Not sure if its ok to make the same post here.

    SoC's advice was spot-on: your Sumia is way underleveled, and you need to pick up the pace if you want her to be usable.

    I advise against training too many characters in Lunatic if it's your first time playing. You'll find yourself still in the midst of getting your army together when Valm comes, and it'll be really tough.= to deal with. Use no more than roughly half a dozen primary combatants, if you can help it.

  3. The first question may sound a bit silly, but here goes: how do I improve at the game? Practice definitely makes perfect, and I guess I shouldn't be tackling Hard/Classic as early as I am... Because Awakening is my first experience with this kind of game. Then again Normal/Classic is a bit boring sometimes because it starts relatively easy and it only becomes easier. I hate myself so much, I make silly mistakes all the time. Reminds me of when I played chess.

    I am late on this; but if you want to get better, you need to take off the training wheels and push yourself. Playing to learn is different than playing for fun, and you need to put yourself outside of your comfort zone in order to develop new personal strategies.

    This doesn't necessarily mean playing a harder mode. You can create opportunities to improve by increasing your pace, for instance: finish a chapter as fast as you possibly can, instead of turtling and going slowly. Keep repeating the same chapter until you've wrung out as much performance as you can. You can also train more characters than is strictly necessary: this will teach you to do more with less powerful characters, and eliminate the option of just having a single super-powerful character kill everything on Enemy Phase.

    Also make sure to read the write-ups and watch videos of good players, especially the speedrunners or the people playing Lunatic. Most of them have pretty strong fundamentals, and there are lots of little "tricks" you can pick up, and apply to your own style.

  4. Children aren't that hard to make useful in Lunatic if they have good parents. Veteran is a huge benefit, but even passing down good bases helps a lot, because it usually means you can cap most important tier 1 stats after one reclass (this is what I ended up doing with Gregor!Laurent in my Lunatic+ run).

  5. Dodge is better if you can get it low enough, but all face-tanking methods fail by the time the promotes roll around. DEF can't keep up, and neither can Avoid.

    If you can squeeze your guys into that small corridor slightly northwest of where you start, you can limit your facings and better control the damage you're exposed to.

  6. I remember this. It is quite good; I wish I had the hands for it.

    In all honesty, I don't get what's up with society and piano. It's never touched my heart in the way a brass, woodwind or string instrument has. It always amazes me how I'm literally alone in this.

    I suspect that it's because a piano is a glorious combination of strings and percussion. But there's no accounting for taste. I personally can't stand brass.

    Shame about the song. I'ts great and all but the story took a dive off the deep end a long time ago.

    Thanks for your content-free contribution to the thread.

  7. Oh...that's actually pretty cool, thanks. I find that Mercenary/Hero bonuses are amazing, and yes, they're what Nowi wants, pretty much. But Tharja also benefits from extra Spd/Def. GaiusxNowi is cool because if gives her Spd/Skill & Mov, which is really cool for having a 7-Mov tanky unit.

    You can do this with Gregor, too. Once you no longer need the DEF support for Nowi, just promote Gregor to Bow Knight. Gives SKL/SPD and MV, just like Thief.

    By the way, I'm sort of "rushing" (relatively rushing it, going faster than my normal Lunatic pace) because I don't want the Thieves to get away. Do you have any advice on what to do with them? (they have nice items)

    Chase them down with fliers or high-MV units. Generally at this point I have Sumia or Cordelia able to handle the far-flung enemies. Sometimes a promoted ground unit can do it as well (I used Avatar as a Bow Knight). If you need to stall for time, block the exit point for the thieves, which is in the upper left hand corner behind the boss (that's how I did it on Lunatic+).

  8. I think the start of her training is heavy lifting, as she gets doubled and 1HKO'd in her start...although she can avoid it with some help, and that's Gregor. Should I use Gregor on her, for this chapter? (they have a C). I didn't do it because I didn't want to halt them building a support (Nowi Gaius)

    Gregor is her best training partner, because they start with basically an auto-C after their joining chapter, and he gives her exactly what she needs in terms of stats.

    You don't need to stop NowixGaius, you just need to make sure that the two of them participate together in the minimum required number of fights per chapter. You can build multiple supports at the same time, you just need to be able to count to four. NowixGaius for four battles (doesn't even need to be a kill), and then NowixGregor for the rest. Or do the NowixGaius ones at the end, like on the boss. It literally doesn't matter.

  9. I want to build Gaius x Nowi, but it's getting a little hard for Nowi's durability, because she's still getting borderline 2HKO'd...on Forts. If I pair her with Gregor, maybe I can avoid that by getting her a level or something, but I want to do Gregor x Tharja as well, and they're fighting in a different area.

    It's easy to get support points in this game. Just have N.O.W.I. and Gaius participate in at least four battles as Lead/Support partners, and boom, they've maxed out their points for the map. Then you can switch to Gregor or Kellam for the heavy lifting training.

    This ain't Radiant Dawn.

  10. I'm doing a lunatic+/classic thing and stuck on chap 3. I can kill off the bottom floor pretty easily but how the heck do I go about killing everyone on the top floor bc those freaking axe guys are nuts. How did everyone else go about dealing with the top floor? o:

    Well, you already beat the hardest part. Once you clear the bottom floor, you have the easiest choke point in the world in those narrow corridors (just clog everything with trash units to keep Pass enemies from making it through). Stick your biggest badass at the head of the class, unequipped, and just fire over their heads with Miriel or Virion or whomever. Watch out for the Archers.

    If there is so much Luna+ that you can't hold a position, just kite them in a circle. Lissa gets a fresh Heal staff in this chapter so you should have plenty of sustain.

  11. Donnel is worth it if you don't value your time or effort. He's busted in a similar way as Avatar (both of them get stuffed full of stats quickly: Donnel because of Aptitude, Avatar because of Veteran), but his class set is pretty limited and he's a pain in the ass to train (whereas Avatar is stupid easy to train, and can be almost anything).

    It's not like Donnel has some sort of monopoly on "kills everything and never dies", because you can get there defensively with Nosferatanking (anyone with a DM reclass), or high concrete defenses (Manaketes, etc), and any offensive limitations you have go away with a suitable Pair-up partner.

  12. Also damn it all. I was hoping to be done with this game after this playthrough, but I'm definitely going to have to play again and use Nowi. Everybody is always talkin about her. What exactly do you guys do with her? I imagine that first dragonstone runs out pretty quick.

    N.O.W.I. doesn't need any special training, just feed her kills and let her amazing growths do the work. Reclass her back into Manakete against once she hits level 30 (for leveling speed purposes: Manakete has caps like a promoted unit, but levels like a tier 1 unit), and make sure that she always has a +SPD Pair-up partner (she's a little slow). The Dragonstone does run out, but you get another one from Gangrel in Ch11, and then they are buyable after Ch12. But you can get enough training before then, as long as you don't feed entire maps to her.

    That's it. Once she gets going, stuff just tinks her. When Endgame arrives she can have 56 DEF or more, and 51+ RES. Donnel cannot even sniff that.

    EDIT: Tiki is really good, too, if you don't want to put up with the early training of N.O.W.I. in Lunatic.

  13. I think that Apotheosis has become Awakening's version of "let's compare units at max level and come to conclusions".

    When you play Lunatic+, you have to deal with a lot of those busted skills for the entire game, not just a handful of Turns in a postgame map. DG+ is a breath of fresh air if you can make it happen.

  14. [...] Avoid skills like Avoid+10 still work better than Dual Guard does for reasonable levels of enemy hit, up until perhaps late game.

    Yes, Avoid is arguably better, except in perhaps that circumstance where Dual Guard is at its most important phase in the first place: where enemy mt has grown to the point where Luna+ is going to carve huge chunks out of your max-DEF badasses.

    If my sarcasm isn't getting through here, let me know.

    I was even contemplating posting it here (I was doing it primarily for my own curiousity). But since you apparently can't form an argument without insulting people [...]

    I don't mean to be overly pedantic here, but surely you mean "won't"? I mean, you have no idea what I'm capable of, after all.

    [...] because of that, I'm not going to bother posting the numbers. I'll just keep them for personal reference.

    You're conflicted, I get it, and I wouldn't want to be the reason for information to stay hidden. In order to resolve the situation, where you want to share the information but also want to be petty, maybe you can put it into spoiler tags labeled "INTERCEPTURD DO NOT READ" and I'll promise not to click on it.

  15. :facepalm: You ARE joking right now? You can't seriously think it's my fault that you said something was the only way, and when questioned, decided you meant something else? This is no better than a LOLwen vanity argument at this point.

    At the time of this posting, you seem to be the only one who didn't appear to understand what my point was, and got stuck in the weeds on the particulars of something that wasn't actually relevant to the question. I just want to make sure that we've satisfied whatever OCD requirements exist in order for you to comprehend where I am coming from. Do we need to have a three-paragraph throwdown about the strange edge cases where we wouldn't WANT to Dual Guard? I can go get my calculator.

  16. Beating vanilla Lunatic basically means focusing your resources into a small team. If you're having trouble on Endgame, it may mean that you spread EXP too thinly.

    The nice thing is, Endgame isn't that difficult. Even with a half-ass team you can probably still two-turn the thing. If you have enough Rescue users, Olivia is still alive, and there's some pair where Chrom or Lucina can hit hard as the Support unit with a Lead unit a Brave weapon, you're probably OK.

    My first run through Lunatic I had some trouble, but Nowi and Tiki basically carried me the rest of the way. Haven't had an issue since.

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