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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Wait..

    How are you supposed to get money [easily] if you don't have the Golden Gaffe?

    Isn't it a little difficult? I mean, bullions, sure would be good.. And I guess Despoil would be good too..

    How else are you supposed to earn gold postgame, without DLC?

    You get a lot of money in the story. Post-game, Despoil and Leif's Blade are both adequate for lining your pocketbook.

  2. I guess that Lucina is a good person and all, but I don't understand why she's so popular..

    It's because she pushes a lot of buttons for a variety of people. She's cute, on an important mission, she's powerful, we see her vulnerable side, she's a big part of the story, dresses like Marth, is involved in a lot of the FMV, you can marry her as the Male Avatar, she uses a sword, her English VA has a strong voice, she's a little bit lonely... Lucina casts a wide net. It's pretty easy for her to hit a few checkboxes for a lot of people.

    Other characters may be "better" in a particular light, but they have a narrower appeal because there isn't as much to them (compare her to Cordelia, for instance). That's why Lucina is popular.

  3. Why are we bashing characters? Everyone's allowed to have an opinion, so saying "X is overrated and I hate them" is pretty disrespectful to the people who do like them. So is saying that you hate a character out of absolutely nowhere. It's even worse when you hate a character because of their fan base, which I'm seeing a lot of people do. :| At least put it respectfully and say something like "In my opinion, I don't like X because (reasons)." Don't voice your opinion objectively, because it's not a fact. No opinion is fact. (I'm sorry but character bashing is one of my biggest pet peeves and I just find it so disrespectful and I know I'm policing everybody and please don't take offense to this because I don't mean any).

    Summary of half of the thread: "stop liking what I don't like!"

  4. I don't like to have a unit soloing an army, I like to have my own army, but well, if you say training a lot of units is a bad choice I'll just trust you and run with Avatar, Chrom, Sumia and Panne/Lon'Qu.

    This is a good start. Lon'qu has his best training chapter coming in Ch7, so you'll have a solid base to work from by then. If you don't like Sumia, by the way, train another of the early guys (Miriel, Stahl, Sully, Vaike or whoever) instead and just use Cordelia as your Peg once she shows up in Ch7.

  5. Well Freddy got quite some skirmishes cleared too. How should I anyway play if I restart? I can't really decide if spd asset is the best, and are there some recommended units (outside of obviously Avatar and Chrom) to give exp to when I have the opportunity to do so?

    SPD asset is whatever. You get to doubling earlier, that's about it. I personally prefer +DEF with -SKL or -LCK, since that makes it possible to get Avatar trained extremely quickly (basically invincible after a few levels).

    Sumia is an excellent unit to train amongst the non-avatar/Chrom growth units, and one of either Stahl or Sully can be a solid choice as well. Don't train too many units, though: that's as bad as over-using Frederick. You sort of need to create opportunities for growth units to level up, you can't just give them whatever Fred doesn't turn into road pizza. This is especially true for squishier units.

  6. Your mistake was Frederick over-use. Level 15 GK, and then level 4 Paladin before Chapter 6? Jesus Christ. If you don't spread EXP into growth units for Lunatic, this is what happens.

    Choices are: start over with a better plan, grind DLC for EXP, or strategic miracle (might be possible if you play your cards correctly).

  7. MU took her fire. Thunder broke from the water trick and C2. Stats are 12 STR, 9 MAG, 11 SKL, 11 SPD, 6 LCK, 16 DEF, and 8 RES. Avatar + Kellam leaves Fred screwed epicly, but I think if I fight in the hallway, I can probably do it. I'm thinking Fred+Kellam at the entrance, and MU+Miriel can stand behind them.

    That's not too bad, you have solid DEF on Avatar. I agree that fighting in the hallway is probably your best bet. Shame about the tome, Miriel is useful for weakening things here. Don't forget that you can get some DEF for Frederick from the cavs if you need to.

    It's fine to low-man a bit or feed a lot of kills to Frederick, since you're going to be grinding anyway.

  8. But like this the Archer will kill Donnel I think...

    The trick is to surround the Archer so that he can't move. Since Bows cannot attack at melee range, that means Donnel can stand right next to him (with Donnel's allies boxing the Archer in), and just beat the snot out of the guy.

  9. Ok. I have the EXP DLC. I guess I'll stop powerleveling avatar and go train the other units. I see it'll be hard to recruit Donnel, am I right?:

    It's not super hard, but it does require some finesse. You can either weaken a thief and another unit for him to kill (that combo will level him up) or you can corner an Archer and just let Donnel wail on him for a while.

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