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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Just WTF with Chapter 25. The amount of surprise reinforcement annoyed me to no end. I don't want to rush the boss, so is there a sane way to complete this chapter before I resort to Golden Gaffe, forging weapons just to oneshot those guys with hax forges.

    Fall back to the mountains to either the west or east. The fliers can still get to you, but none of the Mire guys can reach, and the ground-based enemies are slowed down significantly in getting to you. That may release enough pressure for you to clear it; just hold out until the reinforcements stop coming (iirc it's around Turn 13 or so).

  2. I see. I appreciate the advice. Any recommendation for a decent Cherche support? Vaike is a hero and I would've thought the boost in speed and skill would be good as well as the boosts in attack and defence

    Vaike is fine, it's just not optimal. As a Fighter he's not giving Cherche the stats that she wants (STR/DEF are nice, but she has a ton of both and really wants SPD instead), and as a Hero he represents a gigantic chunk of EXP that has been wasted on a unit in a Support role. Gregor would be a far superior partner, since he only costs you a Master Seal to get in the right spot (gives SKL/SPD/DEF right away, and has the option to to Hero or Bow Knight). What you have is the worst of both worlds: two units that aren't that great.

    I might just grind on DLC a little bit then if everyone thinks I'm under levelled. I'm not proud of it but I'm not going to put this playthrough on halt. As much as I'm failing I am enjoying it when I am successful and I can rub it in my friends face for a little while if I do succeed

    It's your playthrough, you can do whatever the eff you want. Nobody has a smooth experience on their first Lunatic run, your subsequent ones will be better. My first time, I barely made it to Endgame, and basically got carried on the backs of Nowi, Tiki, and Sorcerer Avatar. Everyone else was garbage, because I spread EXP too thinly.

  3. I know it's easier not to use a fully deployed team (or in the way I do) but that's just the way I am.

    Well, this is the reality of Lunatic. Enemy stats are crazy, they use illegal forges, and they get free +10/20 HIT skills, so if you aren't prepared to adjust your playstyle to compensate, you're in for a world of hurt.

    Depends if you count CherchexVaike B support, SumiaxFrederick S support, Lon'quxOlivia A support and NowixGregor S support good units, which I think they all are

    Cherche is OK (homeless man's Pannecake), even though that's a weird support for her. Sumia is excellent with a Frederick support. Lon'qu is going to have a lot of problems if you are trying to dodgetank with him, especially with Olivia as his support partner (enemy HIT is high now, and will only get higher as time goes on). NowixGregor is very good, but only if you get her stats to critical mass: she needs to have decent offense and be able to shrug off hits with high DEF/RES, otherwise it doesn't work.

    You have the seeds of a good team, but need to focus your EXP a little more unless you feel like being frustrated. I had a strange team in my run, but I was only using about 4-5 units as combatants at this point (Avatar, Gregor, Morgan, Lucina, secondary Miriel).

  4. You are in a great deal of trouble if your best units are getting smoked at this point in the game. When Sumia is getting 3HKO'ed by fliers and Nowi is getting doubled, you are too underleveled. The game doesn't get easier from here, it just gets harder. Ch17 is full of promoted enemies, Ch18 is lousy with fliers and harder to turtle on, and Ch19/20 will crush you with reinforcements. Etc.

    I'd suggest cutting down your team's size before it's too late. Nowi can take you all the way to

    Endgame just by herself if she's trained properly.

  5. If you want basically unlimited time to deal with the glut of enemies in Ch16, use the island on the right-hand side of the map. You'll need to use fliers and Rescue staves to get everyone there, but with Olivia and a couple of staffers you should be able to do it within a Turn or two.

    Once you are on this island, there are only two types of enemies that can attack you: fliers, and Longbow guys (but the Longbows can only reach the people on the left). You can use the edge of the map here to wall in your squishy units. Just turtle there until all of the fliers are dead. Once they are toast, you can take out the guys on the ground at your leisure.

    I used this strategy in my Lunatic+ run, and it worked pretty well for limiting the amount of enemies I had to face at any given moment.

  6. Since you've put him as a perma Support unit, you'll probably want to keep him as a GK for triangle control on Dual Strike attacks. The only other reasonable option might be Griffon Rider; you give up two weapons and +1 DEF, but you gain a bunch of LCK and eventually pick up Deliverer for a small Turn 1 movement boost while he gets Sumia into position.

    I'd keep him as GK, personally. Sumia never stops wanting that STR/DEF/MV bonus.

  7. I would much rather be able to hit things more reliably early on than have an additional 1% chance to dodge and a 2% less chance to get critted.

    I find Armsthrift to be pretty useful for Avatar and all of her children, so I always hate going -LCK on any file. The thing to remember is that while a miss may not be fatal in Lunatic, a random unexpected crit probably will be.

  8. Can the Dual Strike rate ever be 100%?

    The most I ever saw was 94%.

    You'd need something like 60 SKL average between both partners (S-rank + Dual Strike+ gets you to 70%, leaving 30% to go), so it'd be pretty unlikely to see it in a realistic scenario. You could probably get there with Rallies, temporary stat boosters, special weapons etc.

  9. That question specifically doesn't even make sense for the pairing thread; also, there isn't even any sort of rule that pairing questions HAVE to be answered there. You're coming off as just plugging your own topic instead of answering questions, and I personally am finding that grating.

    It is about a hundred times better to go to a more specific topic for a complicated question (which might be followed by people who care) than to stack up too much stuff here, in this thread that's better suited for quick-hits that can be repeated frequently. The Lunatic Club is a good example of such a thread.

  10. Lunatic+ Chapter 2 - 3

    Do you usually need to use a Vulnerary at those chapters?

    Not so much in Ch2 (usually you need to use an Elixir if you are healing at all, although Vulns can sometimes be handy), but in Ch3 I tend to use a lot of them if I am training people.

  11. It eases up a lot because the more options the player gets with which to deal with Counter-spam (or Hawkeye-Luna+ if you're using Interceptor's method), the more it becomes like a vanilla Lunatic run.

    Truth. Once you establish your chosen strategy, it becomes just a matter of execution.

    Here's a slightly theoretical question: If the Luna+ skills included the five breakers (bringing the number of Luna+ skills up from 7 to 12) from chapter 3 onwards, would that make things easier or harder? What if the breakers were like Hawkeye (perfect hit/avoid against weapon type X)? And would it make things more or less interesting?

    It would make things easier. Working around breakers isn't all that different than the Pavise/Aegis skills; harder to brute-force the counter, but easier to evade it completely (switch weapons or just ignore it). You'd also be reducing the appearance of the other Lunatic+ skills, which would dilute the impact of stuff like Pass and Counter on your strategies.

    EDIT: and since I forgot to answer your second question, I think it would make things more interesting. Although I'd group the Lunatic+ skills and impose some limits, to cut down on stuff like Hawkeye + breaker or double-breaker.

  12. As far as I'm aware, the stats of all the enemies are exactly the same as lunatic, the only difference being they get 2 random lunatic+ skills which is why many maps have to be constantly resetted in order to have a load of non-broken enemies. The stats of the enemies in the last few chapters might be increased but I'm not sure

    Stats are identical between both Lunatic modes in all cases. In addition to the two random Lunatic+ skills, there are also a few boss replacements (Walhart always has Aegis+ and Pavise+ along with Conquerer, for example).

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