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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Ah excellent. Nothing like a nice non-sequitor. Nice to see some intellectual honesty here.

    You are either taking this thread entirely too seriously, or you are JSND's secret apprentice. I wonder what you thought about the hard-hitting, raw documentary on Cordelia's outfit.

  2. And a 45% STR growth is decently reliable. And she's a good candidate for the Renown energy drop, too.

    Decent for a leper, maybe. Sumia's raw STR growth is so weak that Lissa could reclass and be competitive with her.

    I refuse to accept canon. Its a semi-self insert game so no two playthroughs will be the exact same.

    I understand your feelings; it was kind of IS to allow a male Avatar.

    Because conveniently ignoring Sumia's availability over Cordelia, her support advantage and stat averages which are identical is just illogical.

    So how would you classify something like, ignoring the fact that it wasn't ignored? Party-time?

  3. Hold up one more.

    Except for MU!Severa

    Ok I'm good now.

    Don't be silly; Avatar is canonically female.

    You know you guys if you don't want to pair up Sumia with Fredrick for some reason, just pair her up with Kellam, Vaike, or Stahl. I mean yeah, it's not as good as pairing with Fredrick since she's missing the support bonuses but she still gets a lot out of the pair up bonuses and it's not like Kellam or Vaikeare great at anything besides being pair up bitches.

    Yeah, that's a good point; there are alternatives. For example, this morning I was going to compose a beautiful love song, but instead decided to repeatedly slam my fingers in a door.

    (Also since Interceptor is posting, I expect thinly veiled insults dressed up as colorful metaphors to be thrown around).

    Implying that I care enough about this subject to insult people, and aren't just trolling like JSND posting for funsies.

    Sumia has options as well. Actually, Sumia has a lot of options, as I've previously listed. You can mix-and-match those skills in several different ways... plus adding to the fact that she makes amazing use of the Bride class.

    Frederick isn't Sumia's ONLY option you know. She also has Henry and Chrom for great feasible options, and all three make amazing fathers for the one and only Cynthia. The only option I wouldn't consider save for story/supports/favoritism reasons is Gaius. Being able to use 80% of her options isn't bad at all, where as a good number of Cordelia's options are better off placed on other children.

    [/shrugs] To be honest, I never payed that much attention to the outfits. In the end, it didn't matter: I rarely get to see them anyway.

    And actually, I can name one particular thing your Stahl!Severa doesn't have... or any Severa for that matter...


    I'm not arguing DLC, just facts. It's a shame about Aether, but not being perfect is what gives Severa all of her tsun-strength, so it evens out in the end. I am glad that you've now noticed the natural superiority of Cordelia's outfit: an under-rated victory here.

    Why does defending Cordelia automatically make Interceptor or me blind Cordelia fanboys and the same isnt being said about Sumia?

    Think of "blind fanboy" as shorthand for "I have nothing useful to say here, oh SHI-", and it makes more sense.

  4. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Game's not over yet. [...]

    Credits are rolling, I already put "HND" on the leaderboard.

    Cordelia doesn't need to run both offensive skills together; she has options, which is more than we can say for Sumia. We can also say that about Sumia's partners, which is probably not a coincidence. Cordelia = OPTIONS. Sumia = I HOPE NOBODY ELSE WANTED FREDERICK.

    Their outfits are different. Look again, paying close attention to the sides, skirts and boobplates. Cordelia's is amazing shiny contrast, Sumia's is dull-looking poop.

    [spoiler=What is better than Stahl!Severa?]NOTHING IS BETTER THAN STAHL!SEVERA.

  5. Sumia can only support Frederick and Chrom for potential earlygame husbands. Assuming the smartest possible play, you're going to give Frederick to Sumia so she can get that strength and def bonus she desperately needs, since Chrom only gives speed and luck.

    Newsflash: "I need this specific support partner or I suck" now considered an advantage.

    Cordelia class set is better?

    Its like going back to 4 months ago

    Or Last year

    Or 15 minutes ago.

  6. SO we should give Stahl EXP that Sumia can use better so that Cordelia can be better than Sumia?

    Stahl + Cordelia > Sumia + nobody

    MATH. Sumia can still have her early contributions, and then be dropped like a bad habit once you have a FREE CHARACTER who immediately does 70-80% of what she does, and eventually becomes better.

    And the replacement unit who gets all the EXP Cordelia would have gotten to catch up, will also be kind of badass.

    It's way easier to train Cordelia at the tail end of earlygame, since you have an established army already. Who is Cordelia competing with? N.O.W.I.? Pannecake? There's a lot of EXP to go around.

    Thank you very much. [...] And now, I hand it over to you, my good sir.

    Cordelia has access to the only thing that matters: Lancefaire and Galeforce. Her Merc/DM set is so much better than Cleric/Knight, that Sumia wore a paper bag over her head during the interview with her guidance counselor. Cordelia has Vengeance and Sol. GG.

    When it comes to plugging holes and RNG-screwage, Cordelia has fourteen band-aids called "support partners". She has access to anything and everything she could ever want to buttress whatever weakness you wish to. DEF supports, MAG supports, SPD, STR, whatever you want, unless what you want is Chrom (sorry).

    Fact of the matter is: Cordelia has better martial stats, a superior class set, a snazzier outfit, and a super-powered daughter.

  7. ...So I go through the effort to cripple myself through 5 chapters and waste tons of resources to dig out an underleveled scrub...

    And in exchange I merely get a unit who might be a slightly better version of that other unit, should they be on the same level (which they wouldn't be) and get another useless, undereleveled scrub thrown in for free.


    The only thing awesome here, is the cornfield full of straw-men that you just lit up with a flamethrower.

    Cordelia is perfectly serviceable at base stats, and she levels up quickly. The replacement unit, which ate the EXP that Sumia normally gets, is probably going to be kind of a badass. If it's Stahl, for instance, you even get a natural support partner for Cordelia.

    I read the story. Cordy's survivor's guilt was a good hook but nothing ever came of it.

    Sort of like Sumia's character development, except the entire thing. This is a game with a lot of characters, and not a lot of time to spend on them. Cordelia is not up against Sir Patrick Stewart, here. She's up against Pie-face. Her survivor's guilt in Ch7 by itself makes her a more interesting character than Sumia.

    In terms of what is actually discussed in supports Sumia edges Cordy out a bit. She's clumsy and she bakes and she doesn't feel that she's as good as Cordelia, or anybody else for that matter. Also, she gets confused and punches Chrom in the face instead of slapping him (not a support, but bear with me). For the most part, all Cordelia does is wish she could be with Chrom and she discusses why she hates being called a genius with the Avatar. Part of me is more intrigued with the backstory for Cordelia and that fuels a lot of headcanon that makes her a lot more likeable in my mind. I really like her, but not so much certain big aspects of her personality.

    It's worth noting that Cordelia notches a quantity win, here. Sumia has all of six partners with which to showcase her vapid gaze, only four of which even care enough to tie the knot with her. Cordelia has fourteen pairs, twelve of which are husbands.

    This is a win for everyone involved, since it cuts down on the Sumia bullshit considerably.

  8. My Sumia ALWAYS gets RNG blessed, without a single exception, and I've played this game over 30 times lol. Supported with Fred she one rounds almost every thing even at base level. I don't think I should fear her being RNG screwed. Also, I don't think two pegasus knights is overkill. I mean, both Sumia and Cordelia turn out great for me, so there's no reason to not use both.

    PEMN. Although it's true you could use both. Sumia + Cordelia equals effectively one Pegasus Knight's worth of personality.

    Although... Mind if I take you on in terms of gameplay for Sumia, Interceptor?

    You don't need anyone's permission to rock and roll. Break out your electric guitar and start shredding.

  9. I bet 50 bucks that I could mathematically prove to you that Sumia is better than Cordelia personality-wise.

    I'll bet you the balance of Sumia's value as a human being -- AKA, nothing -- that you can't.

    How does "kicking tons of ass for 5 chapters" translate to "wasting resources"?

    Because the kills you fed to the Black Hole of Pies and Idiocy could have gone to someone else. Ergo, you can choose Cordelia as initially 80% of Sumia's prowess, but with 100% of an extra growth unit (Miriel, Stahl, Sully, Vaike, Chrom, whoever you want) that didn't have to fight with dumbshit Sumia for EXP at the trough. And then Cordelia ends up being better in the long run, with more marriage options, and a better daughter.

    It's called OPPORTUNITY COST comma son.

    can someone please give me an example of cordelia being remotely interesting

    And now we're up to twelve people who don't read the story.

  10. Personally I find it difficult to believe that so many people even used Cordelia, let alone consider her to be superior.

    By the time I was in chapter 7, Sumia was laughing at Cordelia's low level butt and lack of supports.

    That's funny, since Cordelia was laughing at all of the resources that you wasted on a Pegasus Knight that had a RNG-proof drop-in replacement with a better future.

  11. Well, this is certainly interesting indeed. Cordelia's beginning to beat out Sumia in EVERYTHING. Hmm.

    Even Sumia's mother would vote for Cordelia. At the time of this post, there are apparently at least nine people who mash the START button during Chapter 7.

  12. Personality: Sumia is dumb, and the way she's forced into the front row ought to be a felony.

    Gameplay-wise, Cordelia is better than Sumia in a significant portion of things that actually matter. Cordy's class set set is useful, Sumia's is ridiculous and stupid. Cordy has good marriage options, Sumia has... Frederick. Cordelia is strong in terms of combat stats, Sumia is weak. Cordelia can train another early unit for her army because she comes as a RNG-proof level 7 unit, Sumia takes calories away from units like Stahl and Chrom and Miriel and such.

    Also, Cordelia is red. I rest my case.

  13. But Berserkers have a whooping +4 Spd, they can dodge...if that's what you meant with "when you are getting punched in the face".

    The SPD lead is basically irrelevant. Warriors can double anything that matters, just like they can ORKO anything that matters. Fun fact: you can double Lunatic Grima as a Warrior given an appropriate SPD partner, and because you're using bows, you don't get dicked over by Pavise.

    +4 SPD is only 6 avoid, and by the time that caps actually make a difference in a mode that's not a joke, you aren't dodging things anyway. Even Swordmasters marvel at the accuracy of lategame enemies.

  14. Prologue is very easy to repeat. Just keep at it until you get an Avatar that you are satisfied with, and then there should be no more trouble going forward (because Avatar + Fred can roll everything from that point on). A few points of DEF and one +SPD level-up are all that are strictly needed, really.

    The last legit difficult chapter in Lunatic is maybe Ch5; anything after that is probably a result of poor planning.

  15. They're not particularly tanky.

    Compared to Berserkers they are. Warriors have a respectable DEF cap, which is important when you are getting punched in the face.

    I agree wholeheartedly, the Warrior is the much smarter route to go on Lunatic+ considering the two classes. But generally people don't play that mode, so people don't have a reason to like the Warrior passed aesthetics and potential bow usage, which is also not worth it on the CarebearTM modes. Further, should one begin to like a class because it's good in a mode that will probably never be played? I don't really think so.

    You can respect the potential of a class or skillset even if you don't use it personally.

  16. Wouldn't that be the one from chapter 15? I seem to remember you ended up not getting the one in paralogue 4.

    That's true, I had forgotten about that. I also don't have access to the child Paralogues that might have more, and of the six (!!!) Anna merchants on my map at the moment, none of them stock any. Oh well. Face-tanking remains the logical option.

    In other news, I played around with the bonus chapters a bit, and I think that this wouldn't be as difficult as I anticipated, because Aversa is stupid good with Shadowgift/Galeforce and flight. The reasoning:

    • Aversa - no Lunatic+ skills to deal with.
    • Emm - boss kill.
    • Gangrel - boss kill, terrain where ground units can't reach.
    • Walhart - Aversa can Mire-bomb as a Dark Flier over the Sea all day long. No Armsthrift, but easy Convoy access and Mire is buyable in the Ch21 shop.
    • Priam - See Walhart. Also, Laurent and Lucina are very good here.
    • Yen'fay - cramped and crowded, full of fast dudes, might be legit difficult and require whole team. Seems like the hardest one.
  17. it's also, probably, the most un-touched mode too. so the amount of praise we should give warriors due to it, generally, should be minimal.

    "Minimal" is the difference in stat caps between Berserker and Warrior, especially as it matters in the various Carebearâ„¢ modes that don't have enemies worth giving a damn about. Runner-up descriptor: "gnat's pubic hair". Meanwhile, in Lunatic+, having a tanky bastard who can use Bows is a significant advantage over the hapless Berserker.

    Maybe it's just me, but I feel like if you're going to compare two classes, you shouldn't ignore the one difference between them that actually sets them apart in the first place.

  18. Hmmm, yeah, that could be a problem. Too bad Towering Bows aren't purchasable. I can't remember, did you already use the Arms Scroll from chapter 15?

    I don't remember using it, but I must have for some little thing or another, since I just checked and I only have one in my Convoy. Thus, my options are either 1) some light training or 2) don't recruit Walhart.

    Or I guess I could just let him beat the shit out of me until both Wolf Berg and his Spear broke. What's 50 Turns between friends?

  19. Sniper!Chrom with a Longbow, then Rescue him out of range?

    Yeah, that's pretty much the only thing that will work, though unfortunately I don't have an easy way to get him to C-rank Bows. I'd have to check, but unless I have two Arms Scrolls, he'd need some training first. Although this is only if I want to actually recruit Walhart.

    In other news, I gave Priam's chapter a try. Laurent with all of my stat boosters and a Lucina support can actually double the Swordmasters (he can get to 52 SPD, and needs 51 for it), and abusing the walls in the center to funnel 2-range enemies towards me actually worked out well. Priam was dead on Turn 2 Enemy Phase (thanks, shit RES). It's potentially clearable if I kite the remaining enemies with the help of Falco Lissa, throwing out Physic/Ward/Rescue as needed.

    Can't get careless, though. Luna+ hurts like a mofo, and those Counter/Astra Swordmasters are a bitch. At least there is plenty of running room, and a safe place for Lissa to hover over the water in the Sea.

  20. Just a heads up, the stats are even higher than Endgame on the easiest bonus chapter (Gangrel)

    I just noticed; took a quick pass around all of them, and I think it'd be a heavy lift. I mean, Priam's chapter is kind of a bro in terms of enemy weapons (the stats are totally ludicrous but they have a lot of 2-range, so Laurent + Lucina could handle a lot of it), but yikes at some of the SPD and mt values for some of these guys. Super-Walhart has guaranteed Aegis+/Pavise+/Conquerer and two additional Lunatic+ skills, and it's not entirely clear to me how my Chrom is supposed to be able to survive a around of combat from him.

    I'd probably have to cheese them to death.

  21. Congratulations on completion of the playthrough! I guess after that doesn't really need a guide since we assume we are free to grind the hell out of it yes? The suppsed weakest class and child turns out capable stomping out the Lunatic+ afterall.

    There's that, and there's also the fact that I don't really do postgame stuff. This team would probably be adequate because of the cross-supports and Armsthrift spam, but I only optimized for the story, not anything else.

    I guess I could poke the bonus chapters and see how that goes, as a sort of epilogue. Technically, the bonus chapters do have the Lunatic+ skills, after all. I'll think about it, might be interesting.

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