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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. I prefer Lissa slightly from a gameplay perspective, due to her superior healing. The Mage vs. Cleric thing is a wash; Dark Knights are nothing special. Although it's worth noting that the two of them are extremely close to each other in terms of potential, which was probably intentional.

  2. Bumping this topic to pick everyone's brains. I'm currently on Ch20 in my Lunatic+ playlog, and I want to make some headway on the Counter thing, i.e. figure out just how reliable a particular strategy might be. Here's the situation:

    [spoiler=Come at me, bro.]N4btyTi.jpg?2

    Sorcerer Laurent (rocking Nosferatu, with Bow Knight Lucina as his partner) is about to get attacked by twelve guys plus Cervantes. The breakdown of enemies is as follows:

    • Four Sages, with various tomes
    • Two Snipers, with Silver Bows
    • Two Warriors, with Silver Axes and Silver Bows
    • Two Heroes, with Silver Swords
    • Two Generals, one with a Spear and one with a Tomahawk
    • Cervantes, with a Tomahawk and a bad-ass mustachio
    Given Laurent's current position, all of the 1-2 range guys could attack him at 1-range if they preferred. The Heroes are guaranteed to attack at 1-range since that's their only option, but everyone else has a choice. Roughly four of the enemies will have Counter at any given time, but obviously it can be more.

    In practice, hardly any of the enemies will choose to attack him at 1-range. Sometimes the Warriors will attack at 1-range (technically they have 1 higher MT with their Axes, and 5 worse HIT), but they seem to prefer their Bows unless they have Hawkeye. FWIW, Laurent has 85 combat avoid (+10 from his support), with an extra +5 possible from Lucina if I were to squeeze Charm onto her. The Warriors have 138 HIT with their Axes.

    I'd say that Hex had something to do with it, but honestly Laurent is at 149 HIT without his support bonus, and even the Heroes only have 57 Avoid (in other words, he is 100% against everyone regardless because of Anathema).

    Any thoughts?

    EDIT: this is an easy test to run, naturally, because it happens on Turn 1. I've done it about a dozen times now, and only ate two deaths. One of them was avoidable with stat boosters. Both were Counter-related in one respect or another. In none of these am I opening by killing a Hero or Warrior (which is easily possible) to remove a Counter beforehand.

  3. You could try a treasure room rush.

    This is on the table. I have a feeling that I'd need to do full deployment for that though, because of Pass. The doorway is still two units wide, and there's nothing slowing anyone down in terms of terrain, so yikes.

    I have a decent statue strategy; you can cram units behind either one of the side statues if you kill off a Hero and a Sage (the latter which can be done through the wall via Longbow). The problem that I am running into here are the Sages, who hurt like a sonofabitch and are reasonably accurate. I may even end up using Miriel's Rally RES, who knew?

    What's the worst combination skills for a longbow Sniper? The one who make you want to cringe in pain if you see them appeared.

    Hawkeye and Luna+ Snipers, no contest. If they don't have Luna+ I don't care about them (because they do no damage), and Hawkeye means that 1) I can't evade them normally, and 2) Lucina/Louise's Bowbreakers don't do anything useful. Luna+ also means instant death for Olivia (she can survive a normal shot if not doubled).

  4. You beat my nightmare so quickly, I feel so shitty.

    It's just because my army is perfectly suited for that chapter. Don't give a shit about Counter because of bows, high base avoid (Demoiselle, Patience, Avoid +10, Charm etc) combining with Forts to keep hit rates at stupid low levels... all I had to do was target the Hawkeye enemies, which is easy when you have two ranged attackers side by side. Gregor was the squishiest unit on the map, and he never went below half once.

    If it makes you feel any better, Ch20 is going to be a pain in the ass for me because the forts are gone. I haven't decided how to approach it yet. My first exploratory run, I made a 3-deep corner formation, but that won't be too reliable because of hit rates and Longbows. I might stuff a hallway, or hide behind one of the statues.

  5. Special double-update: Ch18 and Ch19 both.

    I am getting close to the end, now. Gregor has hung on longer than I thought, although he's about to fall off for good. I need a reclass option for Lucina. She's still a primary combatant, so I guess I will make her a Bow Knight again; I like having her Parallel Falchion as an option.

    [spoiler=Chapter 18: Sibling Blades]

    This is a straightforward slug fest. There are no reinforcements, lava is everywhere, and promoted enemies hit pretty hard.

    Preparations: Fortify staff and plenty of Physics for Miriel.

    Deployment: Miriel, Gregor, Avatar, Lucina, Morgan, Lissa, Olivia, Laurent, Anna, Cherche.

    I'm including Anna to account for the slim possibility that you can get to the chests before the lava eats them, but in reality there are too many 1-range combatants here to make it very feasible. You might get to one, maybe up to three if you are quick. Cherche is here to give you some flying mobility, and a partner for Avatar.

    The most dangerous enemies here are the Griffon Riders, since they have long reach and can bypass your choke points, although it's very helpful that they cannot attack excerpt from solid ground that other units can stand on. Your units are going to take a LOT of damage, often spread out, which is why you want Fortify and Physics on Miriel with Olivia nearby for Dancing.

    There is no complicated strategy here: just focus everyone in a pack in the middle (safer for bow users), and grind your way down towards the boss. I chose to keep Laurent with Lucina, since I want to get them built to S-rank ASAP. I made up for the EXP loss a bit by sniping Yen'fay with Mire as I approached him.

    Turns: 16

    Heroes: Lucina & Laurent

               Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Wlvl
    Louise      3.66 69 35 24 31 40 39 39 21 A Swd, A Bow
    Chrom       2.95 40 19 3  22 20 19 17 7  A Swd
    Gregor     18.82 70 37 3  39 32 21 24 7  A Swd, A Bow
    Miriel     17.56 60 7  33 37 41 29 20 37 A Stf, A Tme
    Lucina     17.31 80 37 15 38 42 45 36 18 B Swd, B Bow
    Morgan      4.34 80 42 23 37 39 41 36 24 A Bow, E Axe
    Olivia     24.44 34 11 6  24 25 21 12 7  D Swd
    Lissa      11.08 37 12 26 22 20 28 11 15 A Stf, C Tme
    Laurent    19.93 60 18 20 29 26 26 25 21 A Tme
    Supports   S - Louise|Chrom, Gregor|Miriel
               A - Louise|Frederick, Gregor|Lissa, Chrom|Morgan
               B - Louise|Lissa/Miriel/Lucina/Morgan, Chrom|Lucina, Lucina|Morgan, Laurent|Lucina/Miriel
               C - Chrom|Lissa, Laurent|Gregor
    A few scattered supports gained here, plus Miriel picked up Dual Support+ during the chapter.

    [spoiler=Chapter 19: The Conqueror]


    Preparations: Consumable heals on hand for your non-Chrom group.

    Deployment: Whoever is being trained.

    There's only one way to approach this chapter, and that's to sit on forts and tank the reinforcements until they stop coming. Hopefully you have four strong unit pairs and can sit on both sets of bottom forts, otherwise just use one set. Reinforcements stop after the Turn 8 wave. Don't be lazy about killing people: they won't spawn if there are 50 enemy units on the map, so keep the numbers down to maximize EXP.

    I sent Louise/Fred and Gregor/Miriel west, with Morgan/Chrom and Lucina/Laurent going east. Laurent was able to do some Nos-tanking for EXP when Counter density was low. Gregor reclassed into a Warrior (final class), and Laurent promoted to Sorcerer.

    Walhart was a complete badass and took two rounds to kill.

    Turns: 30

    Heroes: Lucina & Laurent

               Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Wlvl
    Louise      5.76 71 36 25 32 40 40 40 22 A Swd, A Bow
    Chrom       3.57 41 20 3  23 20 19 18 7  A Swd, E Lnc
    Gregor      2.24 80 43 3  36 29 21 26 9  E Axe, A Bow
    Miriel     18.49 61 7  33 37 41 30 20 38 A Stf, A Tme
    Lucina     19.43 80 38 15 40 43 47 36 18 A Swd, A Bow
    Morgan      7.15 80 44 24 39 41 43 38 25 A Bow, E Axe
    Olivia     24.44 34 11 6  24 25 21 12 7  D Swd
    Lissa      11.08 37 12 26 22 20 28 11 15 A Stf, C Tme
    Laurent     9.18 73 20 26 35 32 30 30 26 A Tme
    Supports   S - Louise|Chrom, Gregor|Miriel
               A - Louise|Frederick, Gregor|Lissa, Chrom|Morgan
               B - Louise|Lissa/Miriel/Lucina/Morgan, Chrom|Lucina, Lucina|Morgan, Laurent|Lucina
               C - Chrom|Lissa, Laurent|Gregor/Miriel
    Gregor's SPD is in trouble, though Miriel's Pair-Up bonuses really help. He's screwed big time, and I haven't used any stat boosters yet, so I may throw them on if it starts to become a problem.
  6. Back in the saddle. OP updated with Chapter 17.

    [spoiler=Chapter 17: Inexorable Death]

    This map is full of promoted units, although they don't all move at once, so there's time to get into a good defensive formation. The goal here is to secure all of the chests while leveling up on the masses of reinforcements.

    Preparations: enough Mire for Laurent to siege, and plenty of staff healing (including Physics).

    Deployment: Miriel, Gregor, Avatar, Lucina, Morgan, Lissa, Olivia, Laurent, Anna.

    Focus the majority of your forces to the left-hand side and middle. Keep a good balance of offense between each one. The general strategy is this:

    • On Turn 1, use Player Phase offense (unpaired if necessary, for maximum damage) to steamroll through the enemies that start to the left and middle.
    • If you deploy a Long-bow user in the middle, it's possible to kill one of the three enemy Longbow users through the wall on Enemy Phase if you position properly.
    • Priority targets here: Longbow Snipers (range) and Valkyries (SPD and hitting RES).
    • The enemies from the right-hand side will come from behind, so deal with them appropriately. Take care not to aggro extra things inside the keep unless you have to.
    • The reinforcements will show up at the end of Turn 8; by that time you want to have a defensive knot set up in the center-left hallway. There are a lot of ways to do this, but I prefer to sandwich Olivia between the double walls so that she's untargetable by anything but Longbows (which are priority targets anyway), and leave Miriel adjacent to two primary fighters to the right of Olivia for maximum sustainability.
    • Make sure to Mire-bomb the lone thief on this map with Laurent. You have plenty of opportunities, even if he has Aegis+ and gets healed by the boss.
    Finish the boss last, as usual, after using Anna to take care of the chests here. I had to use a SPD Tonic on Gregor in order to get him doubling against the Heroes here.

    Turns: 22

    Heroes: Louise & Lucina

               Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Wlvl
    Louise      2.55 69 34 24 30 40 38 39 21 A Swd, A Bow
    Chrom       2.22 40 19 3  22 20 19 17 7  A Swd
    Gregor     17.34 69 36 3  38 32 20 24 7  A Swd, A Bow
    Miriel     13.37 57 6  29 36 39 29 19 36 A Stf, A Tme
    Lucina     15.34 80 36 15 37 41 43 35 18 B Swd, C Bow
    Morgan      2.08 78 41 22 35 37 39 36 23 A Bow, E Axe
    Olivia     22.83 32 11 6  23 23 20 11 6  D Swd
    Lissa      10.40 37 11 25 22 19 28 11 14 A Stf, C Tme
    Laurent    17.15 60 18 20 29 25 24 25 21 A Tme
    Supports   S - Louise|Chrom, Gregor|Miriel
               A - Louise|Frederick, Gregor|Lissa
               B - Louise|Lissa/Miriel/Lucina, Chrom|Morgan/Lucina, Lucina|Morgan
               C - Chrom|Lissa, Louise|Morgan, Laurent|Gregor/Miriel/Lucina
    Chrom and Lucina built a support level, and I reclassed Morgan to Warrior once he hit level 15 and picked up Bowfaire. Warrior will be his final class. Laurent has a few stats capped, but I'm still going to hold out for a couple more levels before I promote him to Sorcerer.
  7. I just wanna know if any of this was a good idea [...]

    What's your goal? Powerful team for postgame? Ease of play in story mode?

    A minor note is I dunno if I should waste Dread Scroll on my Avatar or wait for someone more worthy of it.... and that I wasted All Stat +2 when Limit Breaker was coming up.

    Just repeat the DLC for more.

  8. Is that a reclass after hitting level 20 Tactician? You should be able to smoke-show the chapter, especially if you've trained a second unit like Chrom. Frederick is still strong enough to rock and roll even at base level.

    It's even easier if you don't care about Dicken/Maribelle.

  9. What do you guys think Lunatic+ should have been? Or are you happy with how Lunatic+ turned out?

    I generally enjoy Lunatic+. I like where they were going with it (unravel vanilla strategies that work in other modes, make every chapter newly different), I just think that there are some issues with it.

    The early chapters are too punishing because of Luna+ density. I would have liked to see them introduce Aegis+ and Pavise+ earlier than Chapter 3, to smooth out the curve a bit. Also acceptable would be to limit the early enemies to a single Lunatic+ skill rather than two of them. For Chapter 2 especially.

    The other problem is Counter, which serves its purpose in small doses (preventing a super-unit from man-moding the entire map), but it's a meatcleaver (as KTT once put it) that quickly makes chapters effectively impossible when you have a map with high Counter density. I'd like to see Lunatic+ where there was some sort of limiter on the percentage of enemies that could spawn with that skill, or a reduced-effect version. If we assume that all skills have an equal chance of showing up, this implies that there is almost a 30% chance that a particular unit will have Counter. This is too high, in my opinion.

  10. The best part is just trying to imagine everyone's reaction when Avatar starts giving those kinds of orders.

    Avatar: Frederick, drop all of your weapons and run into that cloud of bad guys. Chrom, attack that Lance user with WTD, and take a Counter to the face so that I can take all of your weapons away and then have Gregor OHKO someone at melee range. Lissa, as soon as Sumia flies up and hits that guy, Rescue her back down. Everyone else spread out and fill up the hallway so that there's nowhere to stand on the other side of the door.

    Gaius: So uhh, did you find your Tactician degree in a trashcan somewhere?

    BTW, since this thread was bumped, I haven't updated due to a lack of free time. I'll get back to it in a while.

  11. Check the write-up for that chapter. Basically I ferried people onto the island on the right-hand side (only Pegs or Longbows can reach here), and then just make a defensive formation to protect your squishies (this works because you can use the wall as part of your defense). The fliers are pretty easy for me to deal with because my army is full of bows. Once the pegs/falcos are dead, you can deal with the rest of the map at your leisure, since they can't get to you.

    If you don't have bows, standing unequipped works too. Just wait for the reinforcements to show, and then you can deal with any Counter guys as normal.

  12. Yeah, I'm trying to wean myself off of Frederick dependency right now but I feel like I still failed a bit given that he's level 8 already (As of Chapter 6)

    I'm trying to rectify it by letting Sumia kill things while Frederick stays behind her, as they have B support at the moment. Here's hoping Sumia and her Beast Killer can take this map xD

    That's a good way to use Frederick, BTW. He makes a strong Support unit, because his high weapon ranks allow him a lot of flexibility on Dual Strikes. Plus the stats he gives Sumia are more or less exactly what she needs.

  13. Chrom/Sumia (Lovebirds, Rigged Poll, Intro)

    Lon'qu/Lissa (Arrows. She's the first to approach him. That whole she wanders off, needs bodyguard deal. The fact that he falls for her, and his gynophobia isn't involved.)

    Vaike/Miriel (Vaike misplaces things. Laurent's father misplaces things. Their intro is together.)

    Stahl/Sully (Unique Paired ending. The only paired ending that isn't generic.)

    Ricken/Maribelle (Their whole intro. The fact that Ricken's been in love with Maribelle for longer than he's been in the game. (He went and pulled what he did because he's in love with her, ala Azel joining with Sigurd because he loved Aideen))

    Gregor/Nowi (Official Art together.)

    Virion/Cherche (Master and Servant. They've known each other for years- and she's faithful to him.)

    Robin (M)/Lucina (Unique Confession Scene (47 scenes, only hers stands out as "different" (no bubbles)), Fits with the theme of the game, she always loves him/her (Final chapter intro), Alternate Chapter 21 scene (also applies to Chrom/FeMU, but Chrom/Sumia is too much of a thing.), the OST cover features her with the flowers from her confession with him.)

    Incidentally, I consider this to be the canon of canon pairings. There is not a single one that I disagree with, not even Robin/Lucina, because Male Avatar is the default choice.

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