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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Map is too claustrophobic, basically. I have no place to hide people from Wyvern Riders, because the reinforcements come from behind the starting position at the end of Turn 5. No matter where I put Louise (and especially not if she is on a fort), once enemies start stacking they are able to peel off and kill people.

    Currently I'm working on a strat where I don't move onto the forts until Turn 5 Player Phase. That is enough time to kill all of the starting enemies except a couple of stragglers.

    I *may* be able to squirrel someone in the bottom left corner if I stick her on the edge of the corner of the wall, although that's going to hurt. I'll fiddle with that a bit and see how reliable it is.

  2. Haven't tried that yet, but it's because Louise is capable of smoking the starting zone enemies with just a Levin Sword and a Chrom support. There are two Wyverns, two Soldiers, one Mage, and one Archer in immediate range. The first Wyvern and both Archer/Mage are fought at 2-range.

    She is a clean ORKO on everything with Levin, and 80% Dual Strike chance means a 96% chance to activate at least one Chrom hit; that's enough to also ORKO the non-Soldier Pavise+ enemies (and even those guys are still 64% ORKO with a double DS). Since Levin hits for less than half of her health against the Soldiers, she can actually face up to two Counter enemies and still have a high survival chance here.

    So that part is pretty consistent. Assuming she survives the first phase, she can make it all the way to the top fort and just chill all day. If I take the second turn to get both her and Fred just outside the Soldier's range, it's possible to put them both on forts and have Libra recruit himself on Ally Phase.

    The trick so far seems to be surviving Turn 3. Fred gets mauled if I don't kill the mage next to the forts immediately. Chrom deals with him pretty handily if he doesn't have Counter, at least.

  3. Lissa can be a Rescue bot here, 15 MAG is enough if I hit her with a Tonic. I also still have a Dust in my convoy. I just didn't bother with it because Miriel is almost as good (just loses for desert mobility).

    Fred can make it to the fort on his own (the top one only), Cordelia is not strictly necessary. He gets full MV on the strip on Plains along the wall, and as long as I stay out of range of the Soldier, the bottom-right enemy group doesn't aggro until Turn 5 EP when the reinforcements show up. I hadn't thought of using Libra as the tank; he has the same DEF as Chrom, but better HP/RES, and Frederick would put him at 16 DEF. Might be workable. I'll try that first.

    Yeah, the 8-man box is basically the least reliable of them all. I was intending to train Gregor here, but the reinforcements really eff up the plans, because you get pinched and there are no good places to hide people.

    Thanks for the feedback; I'll try to make the four-man work, and default to the solo if it's necessary. I would really like to successfully recruit here.

  4. Bumping for dilemma. Ch9 is proving to be a pain in the ass; I've been poking at the problem all week. The basic issue is one of acceptable results. I'll detail the general options:

    Louise + Chrom solo. This is dead easy and highly reliable, since Bow Knight Louise can get to a fort by Turn 2. It's somewhat susceptible to Counter spam, but high base health relative to damage dealt allows some wiggle room (can take two Counters safely in any given Enemy Phase). Killing Edge makes it relatively safe, since listed crit is like 40%+. Downside: Libra has no chance whatsoever, and Tharja is very difficult to recruit without killing her.

    Four-man deploy. Same as above, except includes Frederick (or whoever). The two forts are side-by-side, so you rescue Libra, and then squat with Chrom and Avatar on forts with their partners, and then just hold on. Downside: Chrom gets 3HKO'ed and there are a lot of things that can kill the shit out of him. So it's not super-reliable, and I don't have anyone that's better at tanking than him.

    Eight-man deploy. Now includes Miriel, Lissa, Cordelia, Kellam. Fly and Rescue Libra with Cord/Miriel, and pull everyone back into the top corner before reinforcements show up, making a box with Avatar on the corner. Downside: fewer facings than option #2, but no fort bonus. There are a lot of ranged attackers here. Unreliable if some Hawkeye dudes sneak in.

    So the reliable clear is a solo that lets Libra and Tharja die. Realistically I am only out a Ward staff, since I wasn't going to use them anyway and the other items are replaceable. Meh. Anyone have any genius ideas?

  5. I wasn't having a proper debate with him, was I?

    You also weren't, to my knowledge, eating a ham sandwich. What do these things have in common? Their truth or untruth is irrelevant to the point.

    You did say this:

    Actually, I'm pretty sure people will agree with my view of better.

    Which is the ORLY moment where you made the fallacy that you accused someone else of making.

    "In your opinion, who do you think is the worst character in the game?"

    "In my opinion? Ricken"


    Same thing, really.

    It's true, this is basically the same thing. Chiki makes a thread, asks a question with vaguely defined parameters, aggressively fights with people who didn't read his mind and/or agree with him. Although this thread is an even better data point than that one, since the basic disagreement is harder to argue about. There is really not a ton of room to defend a claim that Armsthrift is only useful when grinding.
  6. Okay, it's pretty clear that you've lost this debate, since the best argument you can come up with is "no one agrees with you." That's a very basic argumentum ad populum. Since you completely ignored my argument, we can try again in another thread, if you like. But I hope that next time you'll be more mature and prepared.

    Is anyone keeping track of how many times that Chiki has unilaterally declared himself the victor of this "debate" that we are not having? I think I am up to at least four or five. This has got to be some kind of record.

    Incidentally, you do realize that you're the one who made the argumentum ad populum, right?

    Actually, I'm pretty sure people will agree with my view of better.

    "People", huh? Not only is this weasel-wording, but the contradiction is as visible as a sore thumb at the top of every page of the thread. It was your poll.

  7. Yeah I was thinking the same thing, at this point any unpromoted class skill's is unreasonable. I would've reclassed to mercenary but my entire playstyle is based on rally spectrum.

    Any specific class you are proposing?

    Dark Knight is a decent choice, as others have been suggesting. You'll need to fiddle with your support partner to get the 50 SPD for Grima, though. You need +6 over your max in that class, so at least +4 from support after a Tonic.
  8. Actually, I'm pretty sure people will agree with my view of better. For a skill to be good, it has to do well in a way that we consider meaningful. For example, the easiest way to beat L+.

    It's amazing to me that you can say this without a hint of irony, in a thread where 1) nobody else is supporting your position, and 2) your opinion got crushed about six to one in your own poll.
  9. Are you cognizant of the fact that you asked an entire forum for its opinion on a skill in Fire Emblem, you gave no parameters for judgment, the forum is filled with people who have different styles, and that these people are not wrong/degenerates for having different values than you?


    Right, I thought so.

    Why is the bow only playthrough different from the Donnel solo on normal mode?

    Is this a trick question? There are a lot of differences, and one of them is that Donnel isn't in the bow playthrough.

  10. If you just want the DEF, you have better options than Gregor. A DM, Sorc, or Dark Knight will all give DEF/MAG and maybe another stat or two. I don't feel like Miriel needs a SPD support when she has a 7 base, 60% growth, and is available early. Henry is a great option if you can wait that long. Libra has some potential, after a reclass.

  11. I'll care about it if you can demonstrate to me that it's better and easier [...]

    Christ on a cracker, it's like trying to explain to concept of swimming to someone who has never seen a body of water deeper than a puddle.

    Are you cognizant of the fact that you asked an entire forum for its opinion on a skill in Fire Emblem, you gave no parameters for judgment, the forum is filled with people who have different styles, and that these people are not wrong/degenerates for having different values than you?

    If I just blew your mind, put the word "sophistry" in your response. That will be the safety word.

  12. But this is the question: why should I care about them?

    Yes, the question mark on the end of the sentence was a dead giveaway.

    I can't tell you why you "should" care about something. Either you do or you don't. Clearly, you don't. I'm not going to try to widen your horizons in an attempt to make you a more tolerant human being, I'm just going to ignore you.

  13. Interceptor's argument is that his long-term strategy is more robust than yours specifically when it comes to skillset distribution. Your task is to show that the odds of an optimal Sol/Nosf player losing are less than or equal to those of an optimal bow player.

    While I appreciate the even-handedness here, this is a distraction. Digging into this argument means accepting his implication that only the "best" [playthrough/strategy] matters. It's a ludicrous proposition.

    The only reason that we are here, is because of this:

    I personally think it's only good for grinding. Postgame, you only have to worry about the Brave weapons anyway.

    Well, you're wrong here -- to nobody's great surprise -- though it's mostly by omission. Armsthrift is useful any time that money is a factor, which includes a large number of no-DLC and/or no-grind runs that you'll see. And that is by no means an exhaustive list of runs where Armsthrift is good, just a couple obvious ones.

    He can't accept the concept of Armsthrift being considered useful in contexts outside the little rock that is his entire world. It doesn't even matter if my L+ run is more reliable than his, since it's irrelevant to the point; that's why I don't bother to defend it. I am not so easily distracted.

  14. Too bad you didn't use Merc when you were still unpromoted. It's hardly worth it at this point with the internal levels you'd eat from sealing out of a promoted class.

    Assassin and Swordmaster are alright for a bit (especially Assassin), but lategame those DEF caps are going to destroy you. You may want a sturdier final landing spot, particularly since your SPD asset will allow some of the "slower" classes to still be viable late.

  15. My Avatar is always some rough approximation of another character. Avatar has too much personality from the storyline to really be a self-insert, so I just go for the mild nostalgia of a familiar face. I've made a Rydia (with green hair and all), Linde, Lucia, and Louise in my various past playthroughs. There will be a Lyndis some day.

  16. The mages in Ch6 are highly inaccurate for the most part because of Dark magic, but giving Avatar a support with Sumia will go a long way to helping you there (gives both SPD and RES). Lissa or Maribelle would also be decent if you had an issue.

    I always just reclass Nowi back into Manakete, for fastest leveling speed. There's nothing she wants in the Mage class set, and while +STR and Tantivy might be useful for her, she technically doesn't need them. It does help a little if you can put up with getting her 10 levels with E-rank Axes, but it's not a huge payoff or anything.

  17. I tried to follow your playthrough actually, but apparently my avatar is mag and def screwed that even the Knight won't die after receiving two dual strike from Frederick. For clearing the left side, I reliant on Frederick dual strike to make the enemies squishy enough for other unit to finished them off. When I'm set up the formation, my avatar can tank just fine until he get swarmed and the Archer decides to put an arrow through his face.

    Its either a good or bad luck since two units unintentionally fell on Frederick's critical strike when I'm just about to squish them up. I can't really reset because Both Chrom and my avatar stats really good and the heavy RNG factor to clear to left side already put too much stress on me (I played through all the chapter without rest).

    Maybe I'll max out the level of my avatar first so he can reclassed to mercenary (hopefully Marth can do the job) and then feed kills to Miriel and Chrom in Chapter 5 and Paralogue 1. I need magical attacker because I'm gonna built my unit mainly as physical attacker.

    That's a bummer about getting screwed. Also kinda crazy that you couldn't kill the Knight; it doesn't require much MAG for a 3HKO. Hopefully some more levels on Avatar will fix it up for you.

    My Lunatic+ walkthrough is actually pretty conservative, so since you are doing vanilla Lunatic without the crazy skills, you have a bit more latitude with your tactical choices. Much easier to set up choke points, for example, since nobody has Pass. You also don't have to worry about Counter, so having to 2RKO is not a huge deal.

    Miriel is a pretty solid choice as a mage, especially if you're looking to go the Nosferatu route. She's never going to be super-tanky, though, and will always rely on either evasion or healing to stay alive.

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