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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Stats aren't great, locked to 1-range. The inability to counter 2-range enemies is sort of a problem in a game where Enemy Phase is as important as it is.

    Swordmasters aren't great either, FYI.

  2. Shit units? 8( But I'm given to understand that Anna and Libra can do quite well thanks to their Rescue shenanigans. Also, Henry and Tharja?

    Reguarding Nowi- Is it possible to train her while attempting to be "effecient"?

    Lissa, Henry, and Vaike are not worth your time. Anna and Libra are OK as utility bots. It is "possible" to train Nowi while being efficient, but it's not pretty, because she really wants those reinforcements that show up in some chapters.

    I'd recommend looking at RFoF's playlog, since she had similar aims and a pretty tight team.

  3. Throw out those shit units if you are trying to LTC. Every character you throw in just for funsies is going to cause headaches. Best units are Female Avatar, Panne, the Peg Knights, etc.

    Nowi is extremely good (stay as Manakete, just keep reclassing back into it), especially for the endgame Routs, but you have to be willing to take the time to train her long enough to get her growths going.

  4. True, Miriel is no kind of tank, even as a DM.

    I could get her to 3HKO'ed if I give her Frederick or Kellam, but I will need both of those guys elsewhere on this map. I think that perhaps overwhelming offense (with Ricken and possibly Mjölnir) is the best solution to the problem. Fortunately, she can blast guys over the wall, and none the ones that can actually hurt her (fighters and cavaliers) have 2-range options, so as long as one dies every PP, she can handle herself. She gets free shots for as long as they have to run around to get at her. Chrom will be nearby with a Rapier for an emergency, and Panne shows up quickly as a good partner for him.

    FrederickxKellam can blast a thief on Turn 1, and then huddle next to Marth unequipped for beanbag mode. Avatar and someone else (probably Vaike, I guess, for STR/DEF) is more than able to handle the 1-wide corridor, also taking out a thief on Turn 1. Meanwhile, Lissa can squat in the Emm room with Physic and keep people healthy. If the skills make it too hairy to hold out, I can have everyone fall back to the left corner underneath Chrom's starting position, have Miriel Mire any leftover thieves, and just man-mode turtle style.

    Yes, I think that this will work. I'll try it out later tonight or tomorrow.

  5. Welp, just beat regular Lunatic Classic nogrind with my standard setup (+Str -Res FeMU. Sully, Panne, Lucina, and Morgan as other main combatants.) Sully got a huge favoritism package earlygame, namely the entirety of my Renown boosters, but it was worth it since she got really tanky.

    Congrats, welcome to the Club.

    But without MU

    How possible would it be?

    Vanilla Lunatic? I don't see an issue. You'd just be giving to Chrom/Fred/etc what would normally go to Avatar. The early part would be harder, but once you get going Lunatic is not a BFD. The "hard" chapters are probably easier with an overleveled Falchion Chrom.

    I just beat Lunatic(classic) mode yesterday. Playing Lunatic+ at the moment and I can't get past chapter 2. :(

    Congrats on beating vanilla, welcome to the Club.

    Try some of the strategies in my Lunatic+ thread (see sig). If you focus basically all of your kills into a +DEF/-whatever Avatar, you basically get a second Frederick-level unit for Ch2; makes things much easier, though still subject to getting pwned by anything with Luna+.

    EDIT: and if you are playing Lunatic+ Casual, sacrifice some units to buy yourself time.

  6. I will bulldog my way through if I have to, I know that I have the personnel for the job, but I'm trying to find something that's consistent. I like the idea of the unequipped beanbag decoy; Fred + Kellam and a tonic can get up to 22 DEF, which some enemies can't even damage. I'll try to incorporate that into the final run if I can. Lissa can easily Physic all day through the wall, so I'm not concerned too much except for mages and Luna+.

    One unexpected asset after a couple test runs here is Miriel. I mean, I knew she'd be useful, but she's actually kind of ridiculous. She houses the entire left-hand side: clean ORKO on all of the melee units with standard tomes, and takes no damage from the DMs. Somewhat unbelievably, she can OHKO a lot of units on this map by using Mjölnir: 12 MAG + 2 skill + 2 A-rank + Ricken support + 18mt -> 38atk. Fighters have 37 HP and 1 RES, Cavaliers are 34/2, and with 34/6 the DMs get left with 2 HP.

    This is being like 3 points MAG-screwed (12 MAG when she should have 14.8), and still having a Spirit Dust in my convoy. So I could burn that and get the OHKO on everything. Since Miriel fires over the wall at Fighters/Cavs and DMs pick fights with her, she basically can hold the whole thing nearly by herself. This also negates Aegis+, since 17 SPD doubles all of her potential targets.

    The other thing is that with this setup, she also OHKOs thieves with Mire. They have a 29/1 HP/RES combo, and she has exactly 30atk with Mire. I can easily rig it so that two thieves die to OHKOs on Turn 1 Enemy Phase (Frederick with Silver Lance, Avatar with a Killing Edge), leaving only two left to kill from long range.

    Dark Mage Miriel for surprise Lunatic+ badassery? How did we get here?

  7. I wish I had a Master Seal, because I could really use Lissa as a Sage right about now. C'est la vie.

    OP updated with Paralogue 2. Wasn't as difficult as I thought that it might be; the clear is extremely reliable.

    [spoiler=Paralogue 2: The Secret Seller]

    At first glance, this map is daunting: the enemies have high stats, the village is far from your starting position, Anna will get overwhelmed almost immediately, the boss moves, and you start fairly well boxed-in. However, like Ch5, taking advantage of enemy AI and terrain makes this a pretty lucrative training chapter. I started by Second Sealing level 20 Tactician Louise to a level 1 Mercenary.

    Keys to the chapter: bring plenty of Levin Sword uses (buy from Spotpass teams), get to the defensive spot as soon as possible, and pray to the RNG gods that Anna can hold out for a Turn or two.

    Chrom is forced as usual, and we'll be deploying Louise, Sumia, and Lissa. For reasons of logistics, it has to be a skeleton crew, but since the goal here is to train, that won't be a problem. Some tricks and useful maneuvers that we'll be taking advantage of here:

    • As a Lord, Chrom is one of the only non-flier first tier units that can actually traverse Water. It costs him 5 movement (aka, his entire range), but it's still useful here for fording the rivers. Tactician can do it as well, but Avatar is a Mercenary now, and loses the ability to do so.
    • We'll be using a movement trick that I like to call "leapfrogging". Basically what you do is Pair two units together, move them as far as possible, and then Separate them towards your objective. Next turn, you Pair up and repeat. This allows you to get further than normal. If you combine this with the first tip, and drop Chrom on Water, you can get a LOT further than normal.
    • Many enemies on this map won't attack you until either 1) you attack them, 2) you get into their aggro range, or 3) the Village is destroyed. Some don't even respond to being attacked. Every barbarian except the two on the starting bridge, will completely ignore you until the Village is crushed. The same goes for the people linked with the boss. You can actually stand right next to one of them, and they will not attack you (although they do respond to aggression).
    • The group of enemies north of your starting position, which includes the two barbarians on the bridge, are linked together. If you attack or get into range of one, they all start to move.
    • Then there are enemies on this map that I like to refer to as "free agents". The two mages in the center slice will actively move towards Anna, but have no problem diverting to one of your units if they are in range (or if she is dead).
    Take a look at the tiny little four-tile island just to the northwest of the mountain range in the southeast corner of the map. You'll note that nobody except the boss can traverse Water on this map, and two tiles on that island are completely out of range on everyone (not even archers or mages can hit it). So, the strategy becomes clear: get our units there, in a hurry. From there, we can make our stand, Prologue-style.

    You'll want to deploy your units such that Avatar + Sumia can land across the river, as far to the right as possible, in a place where both mages will attack you. Lissa needs to be in a spot where can carry Chrom a couple of tiles (to where Sumia started), and then Switch so that he can ford the river next Turn. Your first movement is going to look something like this:

    [spoiler=This looks insane, but it's actually brilliant.]


    While under ordinary circumstances this would be fatal, in reality everything on the screen except the mages will completely ignore you. Avatar + Sumia can handle both on Enemy Phase with a Levin Sword (Sumia's +RES helps here). If for some reason you can't take two hits, then leave yourself only in range of the bottom mage (the top one will run off to kill Anna). You may want to reset if they have Pavise+, although Chrom with a Dual Strike and an additional Player Phase attack can go a long way, so the decision is up to you. Double Luna+ can also be a pain in the ass. You have options, at any rate.

    Chrom can take his next Turn to walk into the Water and dump Lissa to the right (leaves her juuust out of range of the bridge barbarians). From here, it's all circumstance. If Anna can hold out, you can take your time flying or water-walking people to the island. If she cannot (the more likely circumstance), you'll want to fly Lissa/Sumia over there as soon as possible, and have her burn a Rescue charge on the Avatar/Chrom pair to get them into position. This is possible by Turn 4, easily.

    At any rate, the Village will eventually be destroyed. Once that happens, everyone will start moving, including the boss pack. Victor can walk on Water, so as quickly as possible you want to put Avatar with a Levin Sword (handily countering his Tomahawk perfectly) in a position to kill him. It will probably be a ORKO unless you don't get a DS or he spawns with Pavise+, but you have time. Because of the way that he moves, you have two Enemy Phase + one Player Phase before he'll threaten Lissa (who can always just fly over the Mountain with Sumia if she has to).

    After he is dead, you can kill the rest of the map at your leisure. None of the 1-range enemies can get to you (but watch out for Counter), and none of the 2-range enemies can kill you unless you allow them to by letting them stack up for Enemy Phase, plus Lissa is here for healing. Fortunately, unlike in Ch5, the ranged enemies come at you in a very staggered fashion, and most are lolArchers that can't hurt you badly. Use Sumia as bait to corral the enemies as you please, and don't forget that Chrom can fight on the Water and/or also use the Levin swords. Avatar can stock up a lot of EXP here, thanks to Veteran and an internal level of ten. Get as much as you can, and also try to get Chrom to at least level ten for Charm while you are at it.

    All in all, a breeze once you get on the island.

    Turns: 42

    Heroes: Louise & Chrom

               Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Wlvl
    Louise      5.16 35 23 14 13 20 21 22 7  B Swd
    Chrom      12.06 29 11 3  16 13 13 11 3  C Swd
    Frederick   3.17 30 15 2  13 11 6  15 4  D Swd/Axe, A Lnc
    Lissa      19.79 26 7  14 12 10 21 6  12 A Stf
    Miriel      9.31 32 2  12 14 17 13 9  15 A Tome
    Supports   B - Louise|Frederick/Chrom/Lissa
               C - Chrom|Sully/Lissa, Louise|Miriel, Miriel|Kellam/Frederick, Frederick|Lissa
    Eight level-ups total, including Charm for Chrom. Not bad. I am hoping that this crew is strong enough for Ch6; we're about to find out. And if not, I kept a save. :P
  8. It took a little while to find a strategy that would be consistently repeatable, with a high reliability, but I put one together. OP updated with Ch5:

    [spoiler=Chapter 5: The Exalt and the King]

    This is one of the many "difficult because you get rushed" chapters. You have to deal with fliers that bypass potential choke points, and reinforcements that pour in from the forts. There are two basic ways to clear it: either you throw caution to the wind and go full-tilt offense, or you sit back and turtle in a corner. We'll be doing the second thing, since it's more reliable, and also makes it very easy to get a lot of solid training (particularly for 2-range attackers like Miriel). It has some complicated movements, but all of them are necessary to get the enemies to move the way that we want.

    Keys to the chapter: bring enough healing for a marathon, set up a stable defensive corner, and eliminate the most dangerous threats before doing anything else.

    As soon as you load the chapter, take a look at the two barbarians closest to you (one below the fort, one against the west cliff); if either of them have Luna+, you may want to restart. Hawkeye is acceptable, if somewhat annoying. Any other skill is perfectly fine. We'll have to endure attacks from them for a long time before we can kill them, so it's important that they not be too dangerous offensively. That's why we have the "stable" requirement: you don't want to be spending actions trying to keep the front alive, while you are having Miriel deal with the Riders.

    We're deploying Avatar, Fred, Kellam, Sumia, Lon'qu, Lissa, and Miriel. Sumia needs to start directly above Chrom.

    First, Pair RickenxMaribelle and use Lissa to Rescue them down the cliff. Secondly, we need to set up a decoy: move Sumia three tiles north, and then three west, onto the cliff. The reason for this, is to divert the mages temporarily so that the melee units get to the corner first (mages hit too hard). Then, it's time to set up our turtle shell (don't dally or try to kill anything). The defensive formation we're going to build will be in the lower right corner, and looks something like this:

    Where C is a cliff, and the bottom + right are the edges of the map. The numbers represent unit pairs:
    • Avatar + Chrom - two enemy facings; one ground, one cliff (i.e. a Wyvern Rider). They are good anti-Rider units in an emergency, which is why they are here.
    • Miriel + Sumia - faces only Wyverns, with Sumia included to ensure doubling.
    • Frederick + Kellam - two facings, both on the ground.
    • Lissa + Lon'qu - able to heal both of the forward positions, not in danger of being attacked by anything but 2-range units. Lon'qu included for defensive purposes (don't want Lissa doubled).
    • Ricken + Maribelle - as long as this formation holds, they are not targetable by any enemy on the map. Maribelle is able to heal Lissa and Miriel, and Ricken is able to help Miriel deal with difficult Wyverns (like ones with Counter, for example).
    Sumia is going to be nearly dead and in a lot of trouble after the first Turn, so move her to the right (there's only one safe tile to land on), and next Turn Pair-Up with Miriel. You can swap Lon'qu and Sumia around with Transfer if Miriel needs the extra +1 SPD for something.

    Frederick and Avatar will want DEF tonics here. Even though Lissa can heal back all of the damage, the extra DEF makes it harder for the enemy to find fatal combinations with their back line attackers. Keep emergency Vulneraries on hand. Don't get careless about healing to full each turn: the enemy will swap out positions for a kill if it can (i.e. sending in a Mage). It's entirely possible that Avatar is tanky enough that she doesn't even need to be unequipped (both enemies attack Fred instead), but use caution if you do that.

    Take your time letting the Wyverns come to you, taking them apart with Miriel, using Elwind when needed. Counter can be dealt with by unequipping Miriel, and killing them at 2-range with Avatar/Chrom (the reason that they were put in this spot in the first place). Remember to trade away Avatar's weapon afterwards. Take care not to allow a situation where Miriel will kill something on Enemy Phase after taking a hit; another Rider will potentially fill in the spot, and she's 2HKO'ed here.

    Once all the Riders are dead (including reinforcements), it's time to slowly unwind the gigantic traffic jam of enemies on the ground. There are a few ways to do this safely, but I prefer to take out the 2-range mages first, since they are the most dangerous. To pull off this maneuver, have Avatar take Sumia from Miriel (needs the +RES), have Miriel kill the enemy to the left of Avatar, move Avatar into the space left open, move Lissa to where Avatar used to be, and then Frederick where Lissa was. Now you look like this:

    If you're smart about clearing a spot (Levin works well for this), mages will keep walking in to blast Avatar or Fred. Keep killing, trading, and healing, until there are nothing but 1-range enemies left (don't forget that one barbarian has a Short Axe), which are simple to finish off.

    Finally, once the enemies that move are all dead, you can move out to clean up the rest. The remaining Wyverns (including the boss) act as a single group, so once you aggro one you will aggro them all. Be prepared for that. The final three enemies -- DM, barbarian, myrm -- don't appear to be linked.

    Miriel cleaned house in this map, mostly due to Chrom being unable to really participate in meaningful combat. I had to use a second Rescue charge to save Miriel from being out of position on the final set of Riders (damn the boss), but c'est la vie.

    Turns: 60

    Heroes: Miriel & Lon'qu

               Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Wlvl
    Louise     20.00 31 18 14 10 14 20 20 8  C Swd, B Tome
    Chrom       8.15 26 10 1  13 12 11 10 2  C Swd
    Frederick   3.17 30 15 2  13 11 6  15 4  D Swd/Axe, A Lnc
    Lissa      18.24 25 7  13 12 10 20 6  11 A Stf
    Miriel      9.31 32 2  12 14 17 13 9  15 A Tome
    Supports   B - Louise|Frederick/Chrom
               C - Chrom|Sully/Lissa, Louise|Lissa/Miriel, Miriel|Kellam/Frederick, Frederick|Lissa
    Louise is now ready to be reclassed to Merc. I still need Miriel's offense for just a little bit longer, so although I could reclass to Troubadour in the middle of the next map, I'll be holding off until after Ch6 is done (the last truly difficult Lunatic+ map).
  9. Since when is facing 4-5 mages on the enemy phase unlimited combat?

    ... because you can literally ignore the RHS when she's there, because she can handle it by herself? She doesn't have a limiter unless you wanted to tango with Gangrel.

    LOL at this lie. The Paladins have 31 might, the cavaliers have 25, and the knights have 28.

    I'll be generous and grant that Nowi will be level 13. An average Nowi at level 13 should have around +6 def and +12 hp. 30 HP and 18 def. B support Gregor gives 2 defense, for a grand total of 30 HP and 22 def with a Tonic. An improvement over Ricken? Certainly. But a valuable one? Well, she gets:

    1. 10HKOed by Cavaliers

    2. 5HKOed by Knights

    3. 4HKOed by Paladins

    It's impressive, but it certainly isn't unlimited by any means. She isn't facing "17 guys with a 0% death chance."


    Nowi at level 15 has about 22 adjusted DEF and about 32 HP. She's leveling up during this onslaught, which can quickly make the bases irrelevant. The biggest badass (of which there is only one) does something like 10 damage at 60% listed hit. Enemies equipped with javelins are basically tinking her, and tinks make up the bulk of what she faces. Steel Lance Knights (there are only five in range, and she probably killed one with no counter) are closer to a 7HKO. Gregor is blocking about 15% of incoming attacks.

    In the unlikely event that you are concerned by a death chance that requires significant digits to represent, you can keep her out of range of the Paladin, although you're wasting your time.

    Pretty sure other people here used the term babying, as well.

    You can all feel free to be wrong; maybe you can make a fan club.

    Anyway, one can 2-3 turn most boss kill chapters without assuming any Rescue uses or Galeforce at all. Nowi isn't getting much action at all really.

    Based on your breadth of experience using her in efficiency runs, naturally. I find her pretty useful for efficient clears of the later chapters, and she sees a lot of action. Eventually Gregor just becomes a Bow Knight to give her 7 MV (with 8MV reach on the first Pair-up turn).
  10. She can't do that in Chapter 8,9, 10, 11 and 12, I'm sure we can agree on that. That is, she can't face unlimited combat.

    Not a chance.
    • Ch8 - off the table; she's force-deployed, and the clear is worse without her.
    • Ch9 - can't do it.
    • Paralogue 4 - does a ghetto version of it, since 1-2 range countering everything and self-healing lets her approximate the feat in a corner. Useful since Rout.
    • Ch10 - irrelevant, a self-improvement map where she doesn't fight the boss, but she's pretty unkillable especially on a fort.
    • Ch11 - basically can kill every mage on the RHS without breaking a sweat.
    • Ch12 - if facing 17 guys, which includes two badass promotes and several people with high mt, with a 0% death chance, doesn't count for "basically unlimited combat", you need to get your gauges adjusted.

    There are, however, 3 rout chapters after Chapter 11: 15, 23 and 24. So who cares if Nowi can face unlimited combat? It's not worth babying her for 3 chapters. It's not worth sacrificing turns just so you'll have an easier time clearing those chapters.

    First of all, you aren't sacrificing turns. Nowi levels up in the flow of normal clears, within the bounds of this tier list's criteria. That's why you look like an ignoramus for using the term "babying", as if she can't even chew her own food.

    Secondly, she's still super-useful in non-Rout chapters, just by virtue of the fact that she can kill the hell out of things and never die. First in, last out. Never mind that those actual Rout chapters she's retardedly useful for, since the game's idea of difficulty is to ramp up the effective stats and hurl them at your team. They bounce off of Nowi's 1-2 range kill-zone like Skittles.

    It's also worth noting [...]

    Not in this thread it isn't. I'd strongly advise that you learn to accept that this isn't an LTC thread, because it's not viewed kindly to argue otherwise.
  11. Uh, you can get one support level per chapter for 4 chapters.

    Not here you can't. No event tile abuse, no Seeds (other than the single Renown one), no Harvest Scramble. If you read the information on the site where you are posting, you'd notice that Vincent discovered that there is a per-map limit on support points. I have never seen NowixGregor go up more than a support rank every two maps, and certainly they had faced enough combat for it.

    I'm trying to start a proper debate with you by asking why favoritism given to Nowi is justified: ignoring my argument with some sarcastic remarks isn't going to make you right. Try answering the question instead. Why is it justified?

    This is Sumia redux. The question has been asked and answered, but you're apparently incapable of whatever critical thinking is required in order to see it.

    EDIT: the tl;dr version, is that the primary benefit of a strong Nowi is that she can basically face unlimited combat in a chapter once she gets established. This is especially useful for Routs, and it allows you to lard up your teams with worse units and still not suffer a drop-off, since you can focus power where Nowi isn't. That's usually the mark of a good unit.

  12. Here's the issue here: we all know Nowi can get even S support with Gregor with the right amount of favoritism.

    Speak for yourself; those of us who aren't completely ignorant of support-building mechanics know that there is a per-chapter cap on the amount that you can earn. It's impossible to get S after four chapters without using things that are banned in this list.

    A shouldn't be an issue assuming you slow down and take your time, but this goes against the premise of what efficiency is.

    Yes, the hilariously difficult task of facing four combats in one map, which is all that it takes to max your support points.

    Why are we slowing down for Nowi and feeding her kills and support points when we don't need her overkill durability? The enemies are not strong enough to warrant it in this mode.

    For those playing Chiki Logical Fallacy Bingo™, this may count for "begging the question". Judges would have to make the final call.
  13. I thought it was common sense to use averages for the sake of simplicity, but that makes more sense. I guess we need to ditch the averages system.

    For the sake of anyone reading this who is ignorant of years of tier list debating history, like Chiki, we already take this into account in more or less precisely the same way that Redwall detailed.

    I'm not gonna argue Nowi under Ricken (mostly because this isn't a LTC tier list), but I am gonna say that Nowi is overrated.

    Perhaps she is over-rated (I'd disagree), but not as the result of your Ch12 tear-down.

    If we're arguing over details, surely we need to consider the possibility that Nowi actually has +6 SPD from Gregor, from an A-rank support. Four chapters, two ranks, lots of combat, completely plausible; especially since this pair in particular seems to be on on the the "accelerated" support path. Who else gets a C-rank after one chapter of combat?

    But assuming she whiffs the mark anyway, what's the result? One of two things:

    1. She 2RKO's some of the Cavaliers. The net effect on the clear is close to zero, since all of them will die on the next Enemy Phase anyway, and there's a good chance she gets the needed SPD during the chapter regardless (I got about six and a half levels in Ch12 when I used her).
    2. You give her the Ch11 Speedwing. Since other units can use this booster, this is a negative hit for her, although it's a negative hit that only comes <40% of the time, and it has benefits that go far beyond just this map.

    Some people won't understand the nuanced position here, but hopefully this makes sense to everyone else.

  14. babying Nowi

    Nowi contributes to the clear in all of her training chapters. She's not Meg.

    overkill durability

    So overkill, that she kills more than a third of the maximum possible enemy units that can be present on the screen at the same time, in one Turn. The reason that Ricken can't get punched in the face 17 times and still survive, is clearly because he just doesn't feel like it.

    @ Interceptor- Why not? Forges are an option that's there and there's a LOT of money in this game.

    There isn't a lot of money in the earlygame. That's the problem that I have with the forge. Bullions don't really rain out of the sky until you get going. But it's not a deal-breaker.

    It seems I was wrong with averages due to forgetting Ricken's base level is 3 not 1. Anyways...Even if Ricken promotes early, it won't hinder him much later on. The fastest enemies around are in Chapter 17. With 22 spd heroes (iirc) and 24 spd valkyries. Since Ricken can take care of himself as a Dark Knight more than as a mage, he will be able to get lots of kills and stay functional. With A Gregor support Ricken gets +6 spd +4 def from Gregor, his HP growth is 100 and his def growth is 40. His durability will only get better. If he doesn't promote to Dark Knight, he can still do fine and get some kills of his own with 28 HP and 10 def. With a tonic thats 12 def and with a Gregor support, it's 15 def. Enough to at least be 4HKO'd by most of the enemies. Ricken can also go Sage to abuse Rescue and get lots of levels with it by spamming it, but that's another story.

    What's useful about this at all? He's a leper once promoted enemies show up, stuck staff-botting (after ANOTHER reclass) with crummy offense because you sealed away his growth level. Nowi eventually starts doubling again, because she never stops getting fast 50% SPD level-ups; once she hits level 30 (same EXP class as 11/10 Ricken), she reclasses back into Manakete again and levels-up like a level 15 unpromoted unit.
  15. Erm, did you not read the thing you quoted?

    It seems that you haven't realized yet that Kellam doesn't support with Ricken.

    Sorry, I thought Nowi started at level 1. The stats are exactly the same because of my mistake. She's at level 10 instead, then, but the level makes no difference because the stats are the same. The calculations are the same. I gave her 7 levels to grow.

    This is your third dumb mistake in a single afternoon. Hopefully this lends insight into why I am barely paying attention to your bleating.

    Anyway, it's worth noting that Nowi can't ORKO anyone in Chapter 12 even with a B Gregor support. Nowi gets +5 speed bonus from Gregor, 2 from the Dragonstone, and around 4 from 7 level ups. That means she has 11 speed. 11 + 3 (her base speed) = 14. Cavaliers in that chapter have 12 speed. You need 17 speed to double them. Nowi needs at least 5 more level ups to double them, and she won't be anywhere above level 10 or 11 by the time Chapter 12 comes.

    Nowi has a shot of getting A-rank Gregor by the end of Ch11, actually, it's just not something I'd personally guarantee forever, because it still requires building a support every two chapters, and our data on support points is still rather raw at the moment.

    And though it does rob me of watching you make a fool of yourself, I'll just tell you in advance that NowixGregor builds to C immediately after Chapter 8 if they are being used to finish the the map (which they should be). Her contribution in Ch9 is limited (function of the layout), but she can Manakete-mode Paralogue 4 (results in B-rank), and put together two high-combat performances in Ch10 and Ch11 for an A-rank, just in time for Ch12.

    Secondly, your levels are too low for Nowi. She can be as high as level 15-16 on the outside. Nowi is an unpromoted unit that gets a lot of double-dip EXP during the time where she is not doubling. It does require that you know what you are doing, naturally, but that's something we assume the tier player is capable of executing.

    I'm sorry [...]

    Apology accepted; no hard feelings.

    I don't know what kind of kindergarteners you are used to arguing with, but this soldier is not the type to be impressed by your ability to regurgitate vocabulary words, or be distracted by your Gatling gun of logical errors/fallacies.

  16. even at level 15 nowi fails to orko knights with strength tonic and b gregor (or A gregor if you're picky) and fails to double cavaliers, its not exactly a performance for the ages. Level 15 is still too high in my opinion, but again level 7 is too low, so I don't really know what to think anymore.

    A-rank Gregor is not reasonable for Ch12, but B-rank is fine. N.O.W.I. is something like 67% ORKO on Knights thanks to Gregor Dual Strikes, and a tonic gets her doubling the Cavaliers if she's a bit screwed.
  17. Level 11/3 Dark Knight HP 39 Str 11 Mag 18 Skl 15 Spd 12 Lck 18 Def 17 Res 9

    Level 12/1 Dark Knight HP 36 Str 9 Mag 16 Skl 19 Spd 11 Lck 10 Def 18 Res 6

    He's not that hard to train and with the right resources, can be a nice unit. Dark Knight is an amazing class, who doesn't like 8 move, bulk and ORKO'ing by hitting res? He's dependent on tonics and the right supports, but there's enough money and we shouldn't penalize units for being used the right way.

    I don't like your Elwind forge, but other than that, you are eating the seed corn. Forcing an early promotion upon him so that he can tank a handful of mounts, knocks multiple useful levels worth of growth off of his potential. What is Ricken even doing in Ch17, for example? An early promotion to deal with the last of the unpromoted enemies is just going to make him a leper later on.

    I'd doubt that this is the best way to use him (it's just the best way to use him to sandbag a Manakete).

    My showing of Mage Ricken's durability was to show that even Mages in this game can be perfectly durable.

    Truly, you have a dizzying intellect. What's the purpose of the Kellam support in this showing?

    Nowi's durability is overkill. Is this clear enough for you to understand?

    Nowi's "overkill" durability allows her to tank 17 guys and remove half of a Rout map from your having to worry about it. If something is overkill, doesn't that mean that it shouldn't afford you any extra options?

    Anyway, Nowi has around 24 might when this chapter comes around, at level 7.

    Is seven the new fifteen? How is it that she only gains four levels? I think that perhaps you don't know how to use her at all. We can have a discussion when you're able to meaningfully participate in one.
  18. im assuming dicken was a dark knight by the time chapter 12 rolled around, he wouldn;t have much of an issue. The enemies there do have around 22-27 attack (excluding the paladins) which really is pretty unimpressive.

    I know that, but I'm not here to wipe his nose for him, especially when he's making elementary dumbshit mistakes all over the place.

    Yeah, a couple Silver Lance Paladins. That doesn't represent the majority of the enemies here.

    There are also several Knights with Steel that hit pretty hard.

    Anyway, as I said, once we establish that Ricken can actually "tank", how about we compare what he does to what Nowi can do here? For example, tanking:

    10 Cavaliers

    5 Knights

    1 Bow Knight

    1 Silver Lance Paladin

    And ORKO'ing about 80% of them. You know, just for grins, since that wipes out a huge portion of the Rout requirement for this map, and let you use the rest of your army for whatever the eff you want here.

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