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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. I have no idea what you mean by using Sumia seriously.

    Using her with the intention of giving her a chance to succeed; not just handing her whatever leftovers are available and seeing what happens.

    Again, I don't disagree with your claim that tome-wielding Sumia is salvageable.

    And I don't disagree with the idea that lance-wielding Sumia is better overall, in most situations, but in this case I'm not defending someone who has a less reasonable position than I do.
  2. Sure, let's sandbag Sumia instead of using her seriously. Furthermore, the worst chapter is the only chapter that matters.

    Stuck at E tomes, even though she's been a Dark Flier for 5 levels. Using Henry unsupported, because heaven forbid that she use Frederick when needed as a stopgap while building a new partner. Spirit Dust goes to Avatar or a staffbot or the dumpster because it has the annoying effect of putting her over over the top offensively and making the comparison look silly. Let's not talk about what happens when physical attacker Sumia with an Iron Lance gets targeted by a 2-range unit.

    FFS, if I was going to use Dark Flier Sumia with Tomes in a playthrough, I'd actually make some attempt to make it viable. Prime her weapon rank with an Arms Scroll if you have to, switch her gradually over to Henry, give her the stat boosters that she needs. Who's to say that we're not also using Cordelia, and have the "flying lance" bit locked up already?

    I mean, in most cases I'd prefer to bench Sumia use her as a lancer, but to go so far as to say that there's no point in a tome-using version is to jump right into Crazytown.

  3. Also at Valm Arc I only have like.... 1 Dust

    What of it? There's another one in Nah's Paralogue, and another one as a Renown award, and you'll randomly find them on Anna merchants. Meanwhile, Tonics forever, and +4 from Henry right off the rip.

    I get that her MAG growth/base are low, really I do. But really, making DF Sumia work is less "climbing Mount Everest" and more "putting on a pair of pants" in terms of difficulty.

  4. Actually... that's an amazing idea. For maps with a lot of high-resistance enemies, equip her with lances and pair her with Frederick, and then for maps with lots of low-resistance enemies, equip her with a tome and pair her with Henry.

    The best of both worlds!

    I solve problems.

    Indeed, but Sumia's has freaking 35% magic growth and a crappy magic base.

    Not exactly a Gordian Knot, since ways to fix MAG are raining from the sky in this game. We have Dusts, tonics, and Pair-ups. Compare her growth to a badass like Miriel or Tharja, and one will note that in 20 levels of training, on average she'll be how much behind? Surely 15 or 20 points, right? Actually, it's 5.

    What's the point?

    There's a bunch, but having a flying magic-user partner for Henry is surely one of them.

    I'm a little concerned that you consistently seem unable to grasp the "point" of things that you don't do personally.

  5. Not to hijack KTT's thread, but you "can" without Sol, too. It's just a question of reliability. The healing comes before Counter's damage (which comes before a Dual Strike), so the deadly mix is always present somewhere. All it takes is one lategame 72mt Luna+/Counter/+HIT Barbarian with an illegal forge landing a glove on you, and you might be cashing in your life insurance policy.

    Don't imagine "possible" or "impossible", imagine running with a raw egg balanced on a spoon, because that's closer to the truth of it.

  6. Nice. This is a cool concept for a playthrough. I also like that water abuse is now a thing.

    And with just one pair, a bow strategy would be almost entirely out of the question

    Not that I'd recommend it at the most optimal strategy or anything, but you can get around the boxed-in problem with Pass. This is how I had Lon'qu operate, as an Assassin, in my first Lunatic+ run. But you have to get out of that class as soon as possible, because the DEF cap is atrocious.

    Is a Sorcerer Avatar really useless as Interceptor claims? I find it incredibly hard to believe because Luna+ is not that damaging and Vantage+ and Hawkeye don't even matter for Sorcerers. Won't Nosferatu be fantastic regardless?

    Good grieving, you are bitter.

    What I actually said was "you cannot Nosferatank your way through that meatgrinder", which is to say that equipping Nosferatu and mashing Start will not be a winning strategy like it is in vanilla. Sorcerers are not "useless" in Lunatic+, you just have to keep in mind that Counter will ruin your day if you aren't careful, and it only gets worse as you get stronger. Doesn't take a mathematician to note that 100% damage return rather quickly outpaces 50% healing, especially when you're also facing normal damage on top of it.

  7. All true; the Sniper class really isn't that great outside of Lunatic+. The skills are more useful outside of the class than they are in it.

    The leavings of Sniper are pretty important for Morgan, though. His SKL cap as a Warrior is 41 in this file, he's not going to have an S support with his partner (max of A-rank with Chrom or Lucina), and regardless of anything else he wants Bowfaire for the extra 8-10 damage on Grima. His HIT is going to be 170 with a Brave Bow. That will get modified by Pair-up and possibly forged +HIT, but he's still short. Not short enough where I actually care (very easy to repeat a Grima attempt), but even if he had 93% true hit, that's still a 25% chance to miss at least one of his four attacks.

  8. That sounds like a good plan. I haven't really thought ahead to Grima and I have no experience with endgame Luna+ to base anything upon, so I have no idea what endgame Luna+ stats look like. Do you think it will be reasonable to get Avatar to cap stats (everything I've heard seems to imply that hitting caps is pretty reasonable before endgame, but those people might not have been using a full team for all I know)? Also, I wasn't sure how the money situation looks in end-late game since max forge braves are expensive, but considering you've done this before I'll take your word for it since you've done this before.

    As KTT said, Lunatic+ Grima is the same as vanilla, except for the Pavise+ swap (which makes little to no effective difference, because Grima would already have max SKL and Rightful God anyway).

    Honestly, a bow-using team is better positioned to take out Grima than basically anyone else. Grima's DEF is the same as his RES, and a Brave Bow is better than Waste or a Celica's Gale (because of HIT/mt, respectively). An underrated benefit of bows is the HIT rate: people laugh at skills like Prescience or +20 HIT, but Grima has 90 avoid! He is no joke to land four consecutive attacks against.

    I had no trouble maxing everything but RES and MAG on my Sniper Avatar, but the real MVP of Lunatic+ lategame isn't Avatar, it's Morgan. Morgan has better caps (because of being a child), and levels more quickly (Avatar can pass him Armsthrift, so he doesn't waste time as a Mercenary).

    As for money, it's no issue on this team. First, I have three Armsthrift users (Avatar and Morgan with an easy 100% proc rate, Gregor with a pretty good one), and two units with infinite PRF weapons (Chrom and Lucina). Secondly, Gregor has to spend some time as a Barbarian in order to promote directly to Warrior, so he picks up Despoil. Since the strategy of this team revolves around Player Phase kills, that means small Bullions basically rain from the sky even with his modest LCK stat. This limits my expenses to tonics, Physics, Levins, and random consumable heals as needed. That's a lot of money left over for arts and crafts. In my Endgame Lunatic+ file, I have a forged Brave Bow, forged Longbow, and still have 10k gold in the bank, plus a pile of sellables that I could use to raise some quick cash.

  9. I really like how you did this, since I tend to use these strategies without explaining them, but doing so makes it much more clear and easier to pick up on for players inexperienced with Lunatic+.

    That's the idea. I feel as though at least some of the frustration with Lunatic+ is due to people trying to make vanilla Lunatic strategies work, when this mode is specifically designed to unravel such things. You need employ some truly insane tactics to make the most of your army, but some of those moves are counter-intuitive, so I figure it will help to spell them out.

    As for your characters, I am really impressed with how you got Miriel to level 8 already and I am surprised that Avatar surpassed Fred as early as chapter 2 (when in my run I am at Chapter 11 and Fred still has a significant lead).

    It's very easy to train a 2-range unit in Ch3 because the only 2-range threats are the three Archers that you didn't already kill on the LHS. I wanted to train Chrom, but it would have been seriously difficult to do so, and I'll have opportunities for him later on. I very nearly trained Virion instead of Miriel, but he has no future on this team because of the complete nonsense that is his class set. Archer, Wyvern Rider and Mage? What?

    I think that Louise is as far along as she is, just because I intentionally stuffed her full of everything that I could. Prologue and Ch1 were used to level her up; she got almost every resource. Frederick would have only gotten a few levels if I had done the same with him, and his Silver Lance would be gone by now.

    Anyway, I am sort of worried about your Chrom being underleveled, but I suppose if you've done it once with essentially an Avatar bow solo, you could do it again. Just out of curiosity, what is the exact path you plan on taking with your Avatar?

    Grima is as troublesome as a rainy day to this crew. He has Pavise+ (which the archers will ignore), and Lucina is Good Enoughâ„¢ with Parallel Falchion. Consider that Warrior!Morgan with Bowfaire, a STR tonic, 49 capped STR, A-rank GK Lucina Pair-up and a max forged Brave Bow has 81 atk. This is 15 damage a shot (17 with Rally STR) to Grima, leaving me to come up with only 31-39 extra damage to finish him off. Lucina as a GK with say, 40+2 STR (not even close to the cap) does 14 damage per Dual Strike, meaning if I proc DS on three out of four hits, Grima is dead. This is with one attack. I can still follow-up with a couple blasts from Avatar's Longbow (5x2), or give her a Brave Bow too (6x4). Training Lucina is very easy because I pass Veteran down to her; she made it to Level 13 Great Lord without ever being the Lead unit (just sat in Morgan's pocket for the whole game).

    But I will train Chrom. I need Charm to make this work smoothly, so at the very least he needs to hit Lord level 10. Even though things are slow-going now, I expect it will pick up once he is able to be Louise's support partner more often (she uses Frederick a lot at the moment).

    Louise's class path is probably going to be Tactician -> Mercenary -> Bow Knight -> Sniper. Bow Knight is just a promotion of convenience, because of Mercenary, although Bowbreaker is legitimately useful once enemy hit rates get to 150+ (the bow strategy results in a lot of focus fire from archers/snipers on Enemy Phase, for obvious reasons).

  10. I know that bows are not the most efficient way to deal with Lunatic+, but they have an advantage that other strategies don't: they will never get overwhelmed by a high percentage of Counter spawns, and in fact it gets easier the more often this happens (because Counter is now a wasted skill slot). You don't have to kite, you just have to turtle. In other words, bows are more reliable.

    It's not even the case that you are limited to Player Phase offense. For example, Morgan is going to be a Warrior; he'll have a 43 DEF cap, and he can pull out Axes any old time that he wants to have a 1-range or 1-2 range option. This is also true to a lesser extent for Gregor (another Warrior), or any Bow Knights that I might have (especially Avatar, who can use a Levin Sword effectively). I may or may not have a usable Sorcerer for Nosferatu, it depends on how the Miriel experiment turns out.

    It should work, since I've done it once before already. This isn't a "let's see if this is viable" thread, this is a "I've already done this, so here's how to repeat it" thread.

    Thanks for sharing the advice anyway, those are useful tips for dealing with Counter that other people can use, or are helpful in the early stages before bows get going (I'll have to do some of those things in Paralogue 1).

  11. I haven't decided about Celica's yet; probably like most of the strong bonus items, it will be a "break glass in case of emergency" sort of thing. In some cases, literally. I used a Glass Sword on Marth.

    Probably I will do Paralogue 1 first, but also not sure about that. The enemies are higher level in Ch5, and it's annoying to keep Maribelle/Ricken alive without the Rescue staff; on the other hand, Avatar needs to be reclassed soon, and I'm not sure that I want to throw down that map as a Mercenary. Although, I do have Miriel for Elwind bombing. I might try them both and see how it plays out.

    No Patrick, mayonnaise is not an instrument.

  12. I don't mess around, son.

    OP updated with Ch4:

    [spoiler=Chapter 4: Two Falchions]

    This chapter is fairly short and straightforward. There are only six deployment slots, it's a Rout, and you'll randomly get screwed over by skill distribution. The strength of the enemies, the small size of the map, and the speed at which they come after you, can make certain combinations difficult to deal with.

    Keys to the chapter: kill as quickly as possible, be efficient with offense.

    I chose to deploy Avatar, Kellam, Frederick, Lissa, and my newly-trained Mirel. This gives a pretty good balance of tankiness, recovery, ranged attacks, and damage types. AvatarxChrom was able to double and ORKO the Fighters with the help of a STR tonic, FrederickxKellam can OHKO the mages with Silver and play a running game with Javelins, Miriel was deadly to Knights and strong vs. the Fighters.

    You'll want to watch out for Pavise+ (prevents OHKO) and Vantage+ (forces Fred to take damage) on the mages, Counter (for obvious reasons) on the Fighters, and Aegis+ on the Knights. Also you'll want to be aware of what skills Marth is carrying; depending on your approach, some combinations are worse than others. The Fighter/Mages will move first, then the Knights, then the 1-2 range Fighters, and finally Marth. You don't have a lot of time to take care of the waves, so plan ahead and don't waste any Player Phase opportunities.

    I had to have Louise do most of the combat here, but everyone contributed, even Kellam (had him soak a hit with an Iron Lance equipped while I ran Lissa over to heal Frederick).

    Turns: 7

    Heroes: Louise & Chrom

               Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Wlvl
    Louise     15.78 27 16 12 8  14 16 18 6  C Swd, C Tome
    Chrom       3.60 21 8  1  10 10 7  8  1  D Swd
    Frederick   2.52 29 14 2  12 11 6  15 4  D Swd/Axe, A Lnc
    Lissa       8.98 20 3  10 7  7  13 6  7  C Stf
    Miriel      8.96 23 1  8  10 10 11 5  8  C Tome
    Supports   B - Louise|Frederick
               C - Chrom|Sully, Louise|Lissa/Chrom, Miriel|Kellam, Frederick|Lissa
    Good thing I stocked up on tonics, since the first order of duty after Ch4 was for a Skirmish to spawn right on top of The Longfort.
  13. Something you may want to know Interceptor, the AI itself doesn't know it has Luna+, so if the enemy can kill an ally with Luna+(only with Luna+) or deal more damage to another unit, it will choose to do higher damage instead of getting the kill. In short, the AI doesn't know it can Luna+.

    Believe it or not, this actually came in handy during Ch3. Thanks for the AI tip.

    OP updated with Ch3:

    [spoiler=Chapter 3: Warrior Realm]

    This chapter offers a welcome reprieve from the mindless reset-mashing of Ch2, and now "strategy" replaces "pick a god and pray" as the best way to approach a battle. Chapter 3 adds three new Lunatic+ skills to the possible pool: Aegis+, Pavise+, and Counter. It's also the first time that you'll have the opportunity to train someone else other than the Avatar (incredibly important for upcoming chapters like 5 and 6), and is a good map to showcase some of the tactics that will be necessary going forward. In fact, let's list out a few of them right now; some are map-specific, but others represent things that are important for the rest of the game:

    • The enemies on the bottom floor don't attack unless you end your turn in their range. This means that you can walk up to Kellam, Talk, Pair Up, and walk out of range on Turn 1 without having to deal with combat. This lets you spend as much time as you need to get your crap together. Top-half enemies work similarly.
    • Learn to love the "Remove" command. It will unequip a weapon. This is how we deal with Counter. Note that if you trade afterwards (even if it's not a weapon that's being traded), a unit will automatically re-equip the topmost usable weapon.
    • Enemies with Pass can ruin your day when it comes to setting up choke points, but while they can pass through your units, they still need an empty space to land on at the end. This means that you can make choke points work by clogging up every available spot on the other side of your tanks. This comes in handy on this chapter, which has natural chokes available.
    • While Pair-up is important, you also need to know how to effectively use the Switch and Transfer commands. When you are operating in tight quarters, or need to provide a temporary stat boost, or need to pass someone down a line, there is no substitute. You always move the Support unit, so Switch will get the right person in that slot.
    For this map, we'll be using full deployment. Having ten units (don't forget Kellam and Sumia) out makes it harder to turtle against the right-side enemies, but makes the Player Phase rush of the left hand side considerably easier. If the Knight on the left-hand side has Aegis+, or the Soldier has Counter, you may want to reset to save some aggravation. Your job doesn't become impossible, but it's a lot harder than normal.

    Strong choices for Lead units include Avatar (obviously), Frederick, Sumia (she can double Archers with a Chrom support), Miriel (Lissa support helps her offense), and Virion. Vaike is alright if you need a non-Aegis weapon type, but he'd have a miss chance even if his target had 0 avoid, so it's a chancy pick.

    Start by recruiting Kellam (see above), and setting up your initial groups and placements. If Avatar is strong enough (and the skills allow it), having AvatarxKellam attack the Knight with magic is a strong opening move, since you'll kill the Knight on Enemy Phase and also damage both archers and the soldier. If that's not possible, two to three enemy facings are better than nothing, but keep in mind that the right hand side starts moving immediately, and you only have three turns until they arrive. Clean up the mess with the rest of your units, remembering to not keep primary units Paired together: you need maximum offense. Use scrubs as Support units.

    After the left is clear, the right will be hot on your tail, so quickly cram everyone into the corridor leading to the door. Since you have five unit pairs, you'll need to make a reverse "L" shape, with FrederickxKellam in the left-hand corner (one enemy facing), and AvatarxAnyone at the entrance to the corridor (two enemy facings). Keep in mind that the enemy archer can shoot over Avatar's head; make sure that whoever you put there can take a hit and also potentially retaliate (Miriel with a +2 DEF support works for this unless the archer has Luna; Sully can take one shot if he does).

    Unequip both Fred and Avatar. This is where they tank with their faces, and allow a 2-range unit like Mirel, Virion, or Sully/Sumia (with Kellam's javelin) to plink away and get some kills. Kellam and Sumia come with fresh Vulneraries, in case you are running low. Clean up the archer first if you can, and then the rest is just academic. Get Avatar and Fred involved sooner if there are dangerous Luna+ enemies, remembering to unequip (or trade with another unit after combat if you attacked). If you want want to be manly, crack open the door and kill the Knight outright; that will give you a little breathing room and allow a tighter choke.

    Once both of the bottom sides are dead, take a breather. The hardest part of the chapter is over. When you're healed up (don't be shy about healing, the Knight from the RHS drops a Heal staff), crack the door open and kill the Knight. From here, it's very easy to make a death-zone choke point, since you can sprawl your ten remaining units out behind a face-tanking Avatar that only faces one enemy at a time. Be careful of the archers. Enemy AI is smart enough to move a melee unit out of the way to shoot someone over Avatar's head, so don't get careless and leave anyone exposed. Kite the enemy rather than walling, if there is too much Luna+ to deal with. If you lose, it was because of a strategic mistake. Kill the boss when you are ready, and complete the chapter.

    I chose to train Miriel here, since I'm curious to see if she'll make a decent Troubadour/Laurent. She did such a nice job on the scrubs (gained 7 levels), that I gave her the boss kill.

    Turns: 58

    Heroes: Miriel & Kellam

               Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Wlvl
    Louise     14.05 27 15 12 8  13 15 18 6  D Swd, C Tome
    Chrom       3.38 21 8  1  10 10 7  8  1  E Swd
    Frederick   2.06 29 14 2  12 11 6  15 4  D Swd/Axe, A Lnc
    Lissa       8.34 20 3  10 7  7  13 6  7  C Stf
    Miriel      8.49 23 1  8  10 10 11 5  8  C Tome
    Supports   B - Louise|Frederick
               C - Chrom|Sully, Louise|Lissa, Miriel|Kellam
    Wireless features unlocked! Bonus items up to Armads, Renown up to Large Bullion. Anna shop spawned, so I picked up a Second Seal and a Concoction. Also got a healthy stock of STR/DEF Tonics, and replenished some weapons (Thunder broken, Fire down to 4 uses; Miriel trained hardcore).
  14. I decided to do a standard clear, which is to say that I had to mash reset until the map wasn't full of Luna+ enemies. There is just no way to beat this chapter that has a high chance of success. OP updated with Chapter 2.

    [spoiler=Chapter 2: Shepherds]

    Welcome to hell. Even after careful training of an over-leveled high-DEF Avatar, success in this chapter depends not on your strategic abilities or preparation, but how many Luna+ enemies that the game decides to throw at you. This is a chapter where I wish they'd have started the Aegis+/Pavise+ train just a little bit earlier, to give a normal strategy a fighting chance of success. But alas, this is what we've got.

    Keys to the chapter: stretch before you start, so that you don't get a cramp from pushing L+R+Start to soft-reset constantly; get the Elixir to your main combatants (trade, or Pair them with Chrom); prioritize killing Luna+ enemies, especially if they have Hawkeye; keep the squishy people away from the action.

    You have two basic ways to approach this map. Either put Avatar and Fred together, or separate them with different partners. The advantage of the FredxLouise tandem is that with a C support, Fred is giving +5 DEF from Pair-up, meaning that enemies just can't kill you fast enough without Luna+. The advantage of a split, is that while both units will have lower defenses, you have better offense with two Player Phase attacks, are able to fight side-by-side to limit enemy facings, and have more total health to go around. The choice largely depends on how good Avatar turned out.

    In my case, Louise is a giant pile of defense, so I opt to go for the single pair strategy. Chrom hands off the Elixir, and FredxLouise head north past the mountain to attack the Mercenary from afar with Thunder. Meanwhile, everyone else retreats to the left-hand side. A good way to facilitate the escape is to have Sully carry Vaike (or someone else) as far to the left/down as she can, and drop him to her right. This allows Lissa to run up and pair with the dropped unit, and saves a lot of aggravation. It's possible to have a slightly modified version of this if the Axe guy on the Mountain doesn't have Pass, and you block him on the right.

    If you go with a two-pair strategy, note that you have four people that give +2 DEF on Pair-up (Sully, Stahl, Virion, Vaike). Fred cannot quite OHKO the Merc in the forest unless you've been incredibly lucky, but he can weaken for Avatar to finish off (use Avatar to hit with Thunder first if the Merc has Luna+, otherwise Fred takes too much damage). Fred can use Stahl's Sword in this chapter to get WTA against axes, but if the axe guy on the mountain has Hawkeye, you are probably in a lot of trouble. Don't be afraid to use the Elixir if you have to; there won't be another one until Valm in all likelihood, but Concoctions will suffice until then.

    In any case, you'll want to use the defensive tiles to your advantage. There are nearby forests, and you can also sit on the Mountain for Fort-like defenses without the healing. I had Louise fight on a forest, so that the masses of enemies didn't overwhelm my group down in the bottom left.

    It's OK if an enemy leaks out towards your group of squishies. You have a healer, several people who can take at least one hit, and both Mirel and Virion can soften up a target from safety. In my clear of this chapter, I had the scrubs take down two of the starting-zone enemies.

    The second group of enemies past the bridge are much easier; just note who has Luna+, and fight accordingly. Forts make it much easier, since you can actually dodge some of the Luna+ enemies (as long as they don't have Hawkeye).

    It's worth noting that this chapter becomes a lot easier if you are willing to sacrifice units. On Casual mode, I'd advise suiciding as many units as possible in order to buy Fred and Avatar time to work safely (this helps deal with large numbers of Luna+ units). On Classic, you can probably afford to give up one or two units that you weren't intending to use anyway.

    Anyway, Louise was doing well for me again, so I gave the boss kill to Chrom.

    Turns: 13

    Heroes: Loiuse & Frederick

               Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Wlvl
    Louise     13.13 27 14 12 7  12 14 17 6  D Swd, C Tome
    Chrom       3.33 21 8  1  10 10 7  8  1  E Swd
    Frederick   1.85 28 13 2  12 10 6  14 3  D Swd/Axe, B Lnc
    Lissa       4.57 18 2  8  6  5  9  4  7  D Stf
    Supports   C - Chrom|Sully, Louise|Lissa/Frederick
    Louise has effectively surpassed Frederick at this point, for base stats. He still has a weaponry and mobility advantage.
  15. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have my first moral dilemma: Chapter 2.

    Instead of the standard method, there's a way to increase the reliability of the clear by making a sacrifice. Sully and Stahl can pull a maneuver that puts Avatar on a Fort -- and Frederick right beneath her -- on Turn 1. This results in their deaths, but draws away enemies from the starting spot, and puts FrederickxAvatar in a position to Pair Up on the Fort and tank the whole map (they won't die unless a bunch of things have Luna+ all at once).

    Sully and Stahl have no place in this bow-user playthrough. So, are you as cold-hearted as Marth? Do you send them to their deaths?

    I thought since you didn't care about turns, you were going to support grind on this chapter by breaking the boss' weapon. Oh well :/

    I thought about it, but it's tedious and doesn't really lend any large advantages, so I just did it the usual way.
  16. OP updated with Ch1:

    [spoiler=Chapter 1: Unwelcome Change]

    This chapter is half the reason why I started with a DEF asset, and spent as much effort training Avatar as I did in Prologue; the map is lousy with physical attackers, and has a Hammer Fighter that can OHKO Frederick even on a Fort. As Louise is slightly above-average on DEF (11 base, +3 in five level-ups), that means with a Frederick support on a Fort, she has effectively 17 DEF. This means that the Archer in this chapter, for example, literally tinks her (has 17 atk).

    Unfortunately, her SPD is the same as it was at base, and she's doubled by the Mercenaries. Under ordinary circumstances (vanilla Lunatic), this wouldn't be a huge problem, however on this mode, with Luna+ they will tear through her defenses. Fortunately, there are only two such Mercs. Fred can handle one without putting himself in danger of the Hammer Fighter, and the misfit group of Chrom/Sully/Virion/Lissa can handle the other one.

    Keys to the chapter: train Avatar, keep Frederick away from the Hammer, and be careful of the boss (you may want to reset if he has Luna+; it can be irritating).

    Since I already took care of item Feng Shui at the end of Prologue, I start by pairing Frederick with Avatar, and killing the left-side Merc (with his +1 MV bonus, you barely make it). Frederick either needs +STR, or Avatar needs 10 STR base in order to OHKO with Silver, but even if he misses by one point it's not a huge deal: the Merc hardly hurts him without Luna+. Alternately, you can stop one spot above the Merc, to attract an extra hit for an Axe Guy. It depends on skill distribution and your ability to safely take risks. Chrom creeps down the right hand side, with Lissa close by, taking care to stay out of range.

    After Enemy Phase, Frederick is probably beat to hell, so you'll want to retreat to the nearby Fort and switch to Avatar. It may or may not be safe to take a kill with Thunder, depending on positioning (don't forget that Bronze Sword gives you WTA here).

    Meanwhile, Sully and Virion have shown up. Sully is doubled and ORKO'ed by the Mercenary nearby, but if you Pair Chrom on top of her, she stop being doubled and is 3HKOed as long as she is on a forest tile. Trade Virion's Elixir to Chrom. Pair Chrom/Sully, sit on a forest and wait with Lance in hand; take care not to attract one of the axes. Keep Lissa nearby to heal, but safely out of range.

    After you (hopefully) survive Enemy Phase, Sully will need to fall back onto another forest and possibly be healed. If it's not safe to do so, that's fine: as long as the Merc doesn't have Luna+, she can take one more round from him. Switch with Chrom if necessary; he doesn't have WTA but can eat a hit.

    The rest is clean-up. Avatar should be able to handle the remaining Risen and the boss with Sword/Thunder on the Fort. Eat Vulneraries to stay healthy. If you get a bad roll on skills, it's fine to fight a running battle through the north/west forest to limit Enemy Phase exposure (this can happen if you have some unlucky Hawkeye/Luna+ enemies). In an emergency, you have Sully/Chrom/Virion/Lissa to draw an enemy over to kill, or Frederick with his Silver for a quick OHKO finisher.

    Louise nearly made it to level 9, and got a couple of good level-ups, so I gave the boss to Chrom.

    Turns: 7 (don't get used to this)

    Heroes: Loiuse & Frederick

               Level HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS Wlvl
    Louise      8.86 25 12 8  6  8  9  13 5  E Swd, C Tome
    Chrom       2.36 20 8  1  9  9  6  7  1  E Swd
    Frederick   1.55 28 13 2  12 10 6  14 3  D Swd/Axe, B Lnc
    Lissa       3.72 18 2  7  5  5  8  4  6  D Stf
    Supports   C - Chrom|Sully, Louise|Lissa/Frederick
  17. As for event tiles, the only things that are absurd are Aversa's Night and maybe Celica's Gale, but I had no problem with CG since although they really helped train Miriel they only allow 5 full rounds of combat each. So, as far as items fromevent tiles and barracks (i am assuming barracks are legit if event tiles are), they don't have much of a long-term impact so I wouldn't worry about it using them if you get one here and there.

    I'll be avoiding the Barracks as well, I think. I used it on my first run, but those random stat boosters can be pretty potent. I'll update the OP on the next push.

    I am wondering approximately at what pace you think you will be going. It's probably too early to tell but I am still curious if it will be a snail's pace 1-2 chapters per month like me or more like 1% critted's half a dozen or so updated chapters per week. Not that it really matters much, just curious.

    Something in between. The early chapters are the most difficult and time-consuming to detail. Honestly, once this train gets going, it turns into a slug-fest because of the nature of bows. Every chapter write-up will look like this:
    • Welcome to Chapter X
    • We're going to [turtle in a corner/rush like hell] somewhere. The best [defensive location/reckless strategy] is Y.
    • Here's a few random bits of trivia that you may find useful when tackling the skills here.
    • If you need to train some scrub-bag, here's a couple tips Z specific to this map.
    • Absurd turn count Q.
    • Stat chart C.
    • Shopping list for next chapter.
    At least, that's how it was in my first, unwritten run. Which was like an episode of Survivor, where only Avatar and Morgan made it to the end.
  18. The exp gained for every team is going to be very similar for most Lunatic playthroughs, as the chapters are rout. So yes, it is necessarily. Most teams are likely to be near each other in strength.

    For unlikely values of "likely". This is a pretty ludicrous assumption, when one has no answer to who, how many, and what.

    Not once did I mention Lunatic+, meaning that I am not considering it. I do not understand it well yet, and if wrong, I am willing to admit that Veteran midgame may be broken there. That does not deny the fact that it is not broken in Lunatic.

    It also doesn't make julienne fries. But what both of those "facts" have in common, is that each have nothing to do with anything that I'm talking about. It's a tangent, because your point was irrelevant to begin with, but Lunatic+ does happen to undermine it.

    There's no need. Midgame and lategame are not difficult enough to warrant such overpowered units. Why add more powerful units to an easy part of the game?

    Is this a rhetorical question, or is it actually the case that you can't think of a single reason?

    Too bad you didn't admit it 5 pages ago, lol.

    The real tragedy here is that you thought your obvious point was being disputed in the first place; it means you've been blissfully unaware of the point for going-on five pages now.
  19. Interceptor, you probably don't care about my opinion on this

    Nonsense; feedback from the Lunatic+ Brotherhood of Masochists is always welcome. Nobody else truly understands the insanity like someone who's been in it before.

    I like the idea of trying to make it repeatable, but this is still probably going to cause quite a bit of heartache XD. I guess you could have banned Anna shops for more repeatability but I agree with your decision to allow them because I've always been an advocate of Anna shops on Luna and Luna+.

    On another note, are you using Event tiles?

    Even though I am allowing Anna shops, in reality they will only be used for Seals. I don't expect that I will buy other items, even if they would be useful. Everything that's necessary for this run is available via Spotpass, for the most part.

    I'm using Event tiles, in the sense that I'll keep whatever I get if I accidentally land on one, but otherwise I don't worry about it. If I happen to pick up something absurd, I'd just sell it.

    Overall, this looks to be another great addition to the growing "Luna+ club" if you will. Good decision not to use DM Cordelia and it was honestly very insightful of you to reserve the second post for overflow, I wish i had done that. Also, that glitch with the water was pretty interesting. Lastly, I would recommend not recruiting spotpass team characters (I know you aren't planning on using many anyway, but still, spotpass team items and spotpass team characters are a different thing entirely--I'm looking at you, Jaffar).

    Well, we're all standing on the shoulders of giants, right? I've picked up a few things along the way, and with any luck, someone will be able to use something here to improve the next pass.

    I had fully intended to use Spotpass characters in my first run-through, but no-grind didn't turn out to be as impossible as I had feared, so I'm staying away from them here. Although it's worth mentioning that I have no philosophical objection to it. To your example, I feel like if someone wants to invest 16,500G on Jaffar for what he brings, I feel like that's legit. It's not an insignificant sum of gold, and Jaffar is not going to be able to hang lategame.

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