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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Two things worth noting in this thread, for the benefit of people with ADHD and/or short-term memory problems:

    1) We're not measuring turns in this tier list (it's very specifically not an LTC list), we're measuring unit performance. The point of going fast is to expose the difference between units (because turtling covers up things like bad durability), not to see how fast that we can go. Again: if your standard for measuring unit positions is based on "turns saved", you are Doing It Wrong™. Keep reading this paragraph until you either understand, or your eyes fall out of your head.

    2) Please don't chase Singed make a bad situation worse by engaging with people who can't follow directions. In 70+ pages of discussion, this has never ended well. Learn from history.

  2. It's not her "rightful EXP", but if you are playing her seriously, she's one of the best returns for the investment. A couple boosters and she can handle half the map: this is more than one can say for other in-training units. Giving the kills to a less-efficient unit is literally sandbagging Nowi by denying her resources that she uses well. It's less "this is why Nowi is over-rated" and more "this is why Miriel sucks".

    The earlygame units could certainly give their kills to Frederick. There's a reason why you'd avoid doing that, and in fact it's in the same family as this issue.

  3. Well, Nowi wasnt exactly reliable in that map (Paralogue 4 is the one you meant right?) vs the mages. She was taking 7 damage vs them out of her 20ish hp. I guess I could have used Ward on her with Libra, but that wouldve meant I wouldnt have recruited Anna earlier and maximize my experience gain elsewhere.

    Plus Ward, RES tonics also available at this point, and alternative Pairs.

    Nowi definatly isn't entitled to all the exp in paralogue 4, and PKL still got her two levels there, which is still quite a bit of exp, only one less than a level 2 Miriel.

    I don't see the issue.

    What is this "entitled" you speak of? You have to put units in a position to succeed, otherwise you're just sandbagging them and not getting a good read of their performance. Nobody bats an eyelash at training the earlygame scrub-bags, who need to be fed kills. Here you have Nowi, who is contributing to clears during her training, but has to step aside to let a lesser unit (who ate a Seal and is chomping on Nosferatu) grow instead. Mirel, by the way, was +4 cumulative from the reclass.

    Lesson here is one of opportunity cost.

  4. I haven't used any bow-users and didn't really think much about the differences between bows and magic, so I'm gonna have to take your word on this one. It does make sense for the most part, though, I suppose in theory you could just let people gang up on a dodgetank with bows and snipe people with counter. I've never tried it, but if it works for you I'd say it is a pretty good and unique strategy.

    It's gotten me to Ch20 so far, with AvatarxChrom and MorganxLucina as the primaries, and Lon'quxNowi and GregorxCordelia as strong secondary fighters. Everyone has a bow. If I make it to Endgame, I'm going to run a log/guide that uses the strat.
  5. Good units shouldn't require the rest of the team to conform just to meet their own needs.

    Your argument is rejected for putting words in my mouth. Nowi doesn't require a specially built team, she requires that people not eat her lunch. Miriel Nosferatanking in one of of Nowi's best training chapters, for instance, which snowballed into denying her another one due to missing training.

    It's fine if people are on the sandbag patrol, as long as it's recognized. Not easy to do a playthrough where you can test multiple things at once without give and take.

  6. So all the Nowi hype is just because of extreme favoritism early on? She's becoming good now, but Im not seeing how she's worthy of S tier and some would claim.

    Consider the possibility that you didn't train her properly in the first place. Your team doesn't support N.O.W.I. because of the army that you built.
  7. I don't understand why Sully's not below Chrom.

    It's because Chrom is a bag of mediocre. His only hope for 1-2 range is Cavalier, which takes away Rapiers, and also costs the team a Second Seal (at some point in this thread, people will properly take this into account). He's also a better Support unit than a Lead unit in a lot of cases, which is a double-edged sword for him.
  8. Although the lack of sol would probably make that a problem...

    Not if turns spent have no meaning. Avatar as a bow-using class can dictate match-ups pretty readily, Blessed Bow is a thing, and Elixirs exist en masse as soon as Morgan is available.
  9. I'm not experienced enough in Nowi usage to know for sure, but the principle behind the team is to focus on overwhelmingly fast growers like Nowi!Morgan and Avatar!Nah with Veteran (Tiki also has silly good bases for her level. Nowi has low bases and is low level. Promoted human units do slow down growth a bit even with Veteran.). The Manakates are the focal point of the formations and the rest of the team supports them by dealing with Luna+/Counter (and Aegis+ somewhat). There's also a few Avoid stacking units like Lon'qu, who deal well with most stuff except Hawkeye/Counter (and Pavise+ somewhat). It's a team effort to kill the right enemies and have the right positioning for units to get favorable combat matchups since enemies get 2 Lunatic+ skills each. That's the theory at least. >_>

    I will feed kills to Nowi and perhaps use her more if it seems like she grows fast enough. Though Nowi can't really do her normal tank-everything and get a bunch of exp due to Counter.

    Well, good luck with that strategy. I'm as big a N.O.W.I. fanboy as anyone, but I didn't even bother trying to train her. I feel like Luna+ is the domain of Snipers and Warriors. It's very dangerous to be unable to stop yourself from countering at 1-range, although Manaketes are really strong backliners, so if you can protect her from 1-range, it's probably strong.

    Also how do you do that stat table thingy people do in logs?

    You use code tags. If you want an example, just click on my Playlog thread, and Reply to one of my posts to see the specifics. You'll want to turn off the autoformatting mode (click the light switch in the upper left above BOLD), and I suggest making all of your changes in a fixed-width text editor (like Notepad or TextEdit) offline.
  10. ^ Worth noting that a lot of the time you can avoid listed crit chances by using supports. Sometimes it's handy. The boss in Prologue, for example, doesn't have listed crit even on a -LCK Avatar if you fight with a Pair-up and two adjacent units.

  11. Probably going to center mostly around a largish team of Manakates, particularly Nowi!Morgan, Avatar!Nah, and Tiki (not going to use Nowi long-term) + various glass cannon types like Sumia!Lucina and Lon'qu

    Why Manaketes, incidentally? Just for the consistently strong 2-range?
  12. I'm thinking of starting a Lunatic+ playlog (There aren't ENUF lunatic ones) of my most recent one but I'm already in chapter 5 and I've never done a playlog before. I have to give Walhart some company.

    I am considering this as well. Waiting until I finish my current run though, so I can be sure that the concept I want to use will work all the way. I'm up to Ch20, and the wheels are sort of coming off the bus.

    You should probably still do it if it something you're interested in, even if you have to give up and grind later, just to get more data out there. There isn't a lot of collective Luna+ discussion.

  13. I don't have access to that Paralogue, but I wonder if putting four units around Tiki would make the enemies attack you on turn 1 enemy phase?

    Nope, doesn't work that way. Enemies will still fly right past your units.

    Oh right, manaketes count as unpromoted. But In no grind runs I usually get tiki after chapter 20. By that time I had most of the children paralogues that I could do done so I just didn't feel the need to train her since I already had my full team by then. I will probably give her a try in a Luna+ run.

    I don't think you'll find her all that useful in Lunatic+, since Counter spam sort of undermines her best role. Recruiting her in Lunatic+ is also a huge pain in the ass since the standard "box out" strategy doesn't work when enemies can randomly spawn with Pass.
  14. Tiki's advantage in Lunatic comes from her difficulty-boosted base stats being pretty solid. Not that training Nowi is exactly difficult or anything (can you move units onto a fort? congratulations, you've mastered half of Nowi's training regimen), but basically with Tiki you can just let her solo a child Paralogue with some tonics and Anna, reclassing back into Manakete at level 30, and you're Good to Go™ for the rest of the game.

    Nah is similar, but depends on the father for her bases, so it's a little touchier getting started.

  15. Which is the biggest difficulty jump in this game (normal to hard, hard to lunatic, or lunatic to lunatic+)?

    Probably Hard to Lunatic is the biggest jump. The enemy stats in Lunatic+ are the same as Lunatic's, right down to the weapons, so it depends on how you gauge the difficulty level of dealing with the new skills.

    How does Lunatic (CLA, no +) compare to FE11 H5 and FE10 HM? Those are the hard difficulties I'm most familiar with so it'd be nice to have a comparison.

    It's not quite as bad as H5 in terms of difficulty. The first chapters are punishing, but you can quickly grow faster than the enemy stats increase. Probably similar to FE10's HM, although with fewer platforms of difficulty due to the fact that the game actually lets you keep your damned units.
  16. Dark Mages have lower Mag? I thought that was another specialty of them, to hit hard and take a few more hits than neutral mages. Hit is certainly an issue, but it's never been enough as to be a burden. Just pair them up with a unit that gives more hit and give Tharja a Secret Book.

    Dark Mages are -1 to MAG base compared to Mages, and also -1 to MAG cap (and Sages are +2 to cap compared to a Sorcerer). Plus, don't forget that Mages get a +2 MAG skill on top of all of that. So realistically, a vanilla Mage is going to be +3 over an equivalent Dark.
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