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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Its not the first time people state a Jeigan takes away from others exp. Youre seriously overblowing how much exp he takes out of the rest of the party.

    No, you're underestimating it. Frederick starts out getting 11 EXP a kill, compared to 20-30 for other units (and 30-45+ for Avatar). This means that with the EXP that I am giving Fred, I could train Stahl/Sully to replace Fred and add another unit at the same time, like Cordelia. Two units with comparable (and eventually better) stats are better than one ball of mediocrity.

    Feeding Fred is good for Fred, but bad for his army. You saw it yourself: any efficient crew would stomp all over your solo turncounts, because you have too many resources focused into a single unit.

    She is. Literally, try it out yourself. Theyre no longer a threat with quick burn, Tantivy and Lon'qu support. Of course, it also depends on her level.

    And therein lies the rub. First you have to get her to level 10, then reclass her, then level her up again, then promote her, then level her up some more. All this time when you are building up Panne, she is Not Invincible™, and subject to getting blicked by all manner of bows and magic. We can't just ignore her vulnerable period.
  2. Archer as a class is pretty horrific (unless you are playing Lunatic+), but the best one is probably Morgan. Specifically, a FemvatarxChrom Morgan. Has nothing to do with Archers, and more to do with being the best at pretty much everything.

  3. Then wtf is Panne doing so high? This isn't nearly as much of a problem in hard as it is in Lunatic, and even there having a unit or two with flight is still a good idea.

    Seriously, let's have some consistency here. At least with Cordelia/Sumia, they don't get automatically exploded by wind magic, despite effective mt, due to Pegasus RES. Panne not only gets blown up by wind, but pretty much anything that hits RES will crater her HP.
  4. Its more the fact that he didnt have Chrom on his lap anymore. Which leads me to believing Chrom really is the best support bot in the game. He makes anyone have ridiculous dodge.


    Great stat bonuses, Dual Strike+, unlimited weapon, hits three effective types, lacks 1-2 range of his own... he was destined to be in someone's pocket.

  5. Im solo'ing HM as we speak with Fred (well with a chrom pair up anyway). And it hasnt even required any thought on my part. Im in chapter 5, will unequip ricken maribelle and send them to their deaths because wynaut

    Dollars to donuts that an actual team blows your run out of the water, efficiency-wise. Routs are best approached by spreading out force, which you can't do in a solo run. No matter how strong you make Fred with favoritism, you always leave something on the table.

    Wait, so Nowi isn't crappy?

    I actually bothered to check her growths...and...wow. I think I almost regret letting her die in my runs thinking she was going nowhere. Almost.

    She's freakin' amazing, son. Give her a SPD support (Gregor time!), keep the tonics flowing, and she'll deliver. Permanent 1-2 range, tons of durability, levels extremely quickly (after she hits level 30, just reclass her to Manakete again). All you need to do is get her doubling, which happens after a few chapters.
  6. + Speed/ - Defense.

    A lot of horsemen rush on the first turn and none of my team except Frederick can take more than two or three hits.

    You are very seriously under-trained if you don't have anyone who can take some real damage. Is it possible for you to block the two-wide spot right above where you start, and send a small force to deal with the mounts to the left? You should at least have a Beastkiller that you can use. Once you stop the horsemen, you can hold out in the center for as long as it takes (heal by using a staff and then using Olivia to back the healer out). Just deal with any leaks to the left or right as they come.
  7. When is Sully assumed to get up to speed?

    I don't know what assumptions are being made, but in my experience Sully was basically Fred's equal (with both being trained) by Chapter 7 or so. She had gained twelve levels to his nearly-six, and while she lost durability and weapon rank, she was closing the gap on both and had an offensive advantage to boot.

    As a Cavalier. Meaning, if I had promoted her, she would have destroyed him.

  8. But it isnt until Chapter 7...he remains relevant for longer, sometimes up to the endgame, especially if youre using Sumia or Cordelia.

    What's the function of this "relevance" for Frederick? In realistic terms, keeping him up to par is going to cost you, say, a trained Cordelia and Stahl. Wouldn't you rather have two units late instead of one? By the time that either of them get to Frederick's level of leveling speed, they are vastly outstripping his performance (and the other way around: by the time that they get to his level of prowess, they are growing more quickly).
  9. ^ That's my point: he's being included purely on that basis, which is silly.

    What's best for Frederick may be to train him, but what's best for the army is probably to put him in someone's pocket as soon as Sully or Stahl or whomever can replace him in the lineup, since they do more with less. the problem I have, is that being invaluable until Ch7-ish when the kids take over, doesn't sound like S-tier performance to me.

  10. Frederick isn't only killing things earlygame though, he can do it all game long if you choose for him to do it. In one of my draft runs he's level 14 by Chapter 16, and even though he's down a few points of speed from where he should be he's still a solid contributor.

    That just makes the comparison even more straightforward: most of the growth units in this game advance twice as quickly than him or faster, and he gives you "solid contributor" status in return. Is this the kind of performance that we're supposed to expect from an S-tier unit? The training of whom probably prevents two other growth units from being included?
  11. I don't think that Frederick gets enough EXP from incidental earlygame kills and random Dual Attacks to stay ahead of the curve in terms of stats. His growths are alright, but his EXP gain is garbage, so it takes more effort to get the same results.

    Not even Chrom can get away with this, and he's probably the best Pair-up that there is. If he just sits in someone's pocket all day going "HAVE ANOTHER" and also gets random kills where possible, he's not usable as a lategame Lead unit even with his accelerated growth as compared to Fred.

  12. It's very easy to hold it against him. Earlygame units pay off their early investment by being awesome in mid-lategame. Frederick never repays his investment: the opportunity cost of training him is no training for a unit that's probably better than he is. You're arguing for feeding kills not as a path to better performance, but from the perspective of fairness (which won't fly).

  13. Except Frederick gets more exp than the past "Jeigans" with each random enemy kill, not bosses this time around. And guess what? Theres no way to level up other units without stuffing kills down their throat by volume, etc.

    It's still a horrible investment. Other units get more stat-ups from kills than Frederick by something like a factor of 2-4x, depending. The EXP floor doesn't really help you when people are dinging every few kills.

    We're not arguing LTC in this tier list though, you should all make up your mind.

    Just as an addendum to what I posted, it's possible that the Hero shows up earlier than Turn 5. I just remembered that reinforcements stop coming in once Gangrel dies, and I pretty much went right for him.
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