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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Or, if I can play the part of the devil sitting on your shoulder, there are 10 Spotpass teams that will sell you a Physic staff for 1800g. It will help to have long-range healing available in Ch6. Just Saying™.

  2. What about VaikexPanne? Gives you an S-rank possibility, and she is also a strong source of SPD.

    You can feel free to borrow/modify the code boxes from my playlog, just hit reply on one of the posts and copy the format. Strongly advise saving your log in a fixed-width text editor like Notepad or Textedit to preserve the spacing.

    Save a placeholder post for yourself in case you fill the OP.

  3. How on earth do you deal with the crush of enemies in Ch6 if all that you have is Frederick as a fighter? You can turtle up in the Emm room to some extent, but only if you can remove the threat of Thieves opening the southern door.

  4. Well, they DO have lower skill... Although even with hex an anathema, assuming you use them just to use dark magic, dark magic is like the least accurate magic there. So, I do think accuracy is there deficit. Er, flaw I mean. Even with the 2 skills equipped I miss a fair amount of attacks. Unless of course, using wind spells.

    Sure, it's a thing, but as a drawback I feel that it's pretty minimal compared to the advantages of having innately better durability (never mind the Nosferatu access).
  5. It's not a weak argument, just an incomplete one. Maybe we should settle this in the tiering philosophy thread.

    If there's more to it, that's fine, I was just pointing out that something based just on specific turncounts isn't really going to be super-useful, except maybe as a tiebreaker.

    I would say pair them up with people that aren't each other, but you're already pretty tight on deployment slots.

    Agree with this. One of the things that I would do differently on my last HM run, is to not put together two units that are intended to be primaries, unless supports are flexible (like the Avatar/Chrom/Lucina/Morgan family). It slows down the EXP gain for both of them too much, especially if they aren't units that can face a lot of safe EP activity (like fliers).

    Best supports are the one-way supports like NowixGregor, or one like SumiaxFrederick that switches Lead units as the game goes forward. Something like CordeliaxStahl seems like a mistake if you intend to use them both heavily. I feel like Chrom can get away with it, though, because of Dual Strike+ and early S-rank giving him a lot of quality looks at some EXP.

  6. Good call using the battle saves. I may try that next time myself, it's not like I let units stay dead on Classic anyway, it's always a reset. Damn this game for only having three saves. It needs at least five.

    I guess I'm too late for this now, but Gregor for Bow Knight instead of Hero I think is a strong choice for him once Nowi no longer needs the DEF, since it gives her +1 MV (and more first-turn reach with his base 8 MV).

  7. I'm aware that your playthrough and PKL's playthrough used different teams; my implication was that if we set up a control team for the sake of comparing Nowi v. Cordelia, and if Cord/Stahl + control team saves a turn or so relative to Nowi/Gregor + control team *without sacrificing reliability* (I specifically said this, knowing this wasn't an LTC tier list), then that might be an argument in favor of Cord/Stahl's combat prowess and possible higher ranking.

    I wouldn't consider it a strong argument in either direction. First, we're not micromanaging turncounts here: no "shaves a turn in Chapter X" arguments are going to fly. Second, turncounts are at best a rough approximation; the difference between a 4-turn that ends on Enemy Phase and a 5-turn that ends with a single kill on Player Phase is really not that different at all (perhaps one crit or Dual Strike would have made the difference).

    Thirdly, as you alluded to, reliability matters a lot and it's hard to quantify. To take the Nowi example, everything she touches is 100% reliable on the defensive side because her durability is the concrete variety (her offense can be variable to the extent that it might rely on Dual Strikes). How much is this worth over a series of dodges on an avoid-based unit that has, say, 80% success over a large number of trials? It's not an easy question to answer.

  8. you just described half of the game on hard mode, its nothing special.

    Sure, as long as by "half" you mean "considerably less than half". Most of the cast in this game has some sort of weakness in one of these areas, be it durability (avoid-based rather than concrete, or effective weaknesses), countering (weak or non-existent 1-2 range), or ORKO potential (various reasons). Or, they have some significant training ramp-up time that removes them from serious contribution for a while.

    It depends. If Cordelia (pocket Stahl) can indeed save one or two turns over Nowi *without sacrificing reliability*, then I could see a case for Cordelia over Nowi. I haven't used either on Hard mode, so I can't say anything certain on Cordelia v. Nowi, but my hunch is that reliability does go down for Cordelia due to having to dodge bows and Wind. If Pkl has anything to say on this, I'd love to see it.

    Apparently I was too subtle with the Donnel comment.

    Comparing these two playthroughs doesn't lend itself towards any meaningful Nowi vs. Cordelia conclusions. Firstly, the armies around them are very different from each other, and in fact Cordelia was on Nowi's team where Nowi wasn't on Cordelia's team. Also, mine wasn't an LTC, it was a run that specifically eschewed solutions that didn't have high success probabilities (magic ninja dodges, Dual Strikes, etc). And finally... training Donnel. Turns out that he's so bad that he actually slows you down in any chapter where you try to get him meaningful EXP.

  9. You're severely overrating the usefulness of a tank.

    No, what I said was entirely accurate. This game is best approached with a strong Enemy Phase, which requires things like 1) ability to counter effectively, 2) enough durability to survive, and 3) a high ORKO percentage. Nowi is a unit that's highly effective in all three areas, and she even has decent mobility. She is not just a tank.

    I cleared C11 and C12 faster than your nowi clear with Stahl and Cordelia. Who cares for defense if you still have enough to survive with other characters that have better offense?

    You seem to have some real difficulty with drawing useful conclusions. How is your Donnel training going?
  10. Pass for an archer seems like a waste of a skill slot to me, there isn't really a conceivable situation where they should be boxed in unless you do something weird like deploy them alone and run into the middle of a big group.

    Here's a situation that you can conceive: a Lunatic+ run where a large number of enemies spawn with Counter, and you need to play the delay game. An Assassin (or other bow-using class with Pass from a previous life) can disarm a dangerous group of enemies by face-tanking on a forest/fort. Bows allow you to have a weapon equipped without killing yourself on Counter. Pass allows you to keep from getting boxed in, and snipe enemies with dangerous skill combinations like Hawkeye/Luna+.

    Without Pass, you need a 1-range option (dangerous with Counter enemies) or a adjacent partner.

  11. It brings up another point. To directly compare, do you use both at the same time, or see what the both can do without the other available?

    Generally when comparing two units, you will want to put them in their best situation, which may or may not include playing them together. It's "Vaike's army" vs. "Miriel's army", or whatnot. And even if they are likely to be played together, they won't always be. The one constant is the unit being analyzed.
  12. Defense frequently IS offense in this game.

    One of the things that makes Nowi such a great character in an efficient run, is that her concrete durability is such that she can face a dozen units or more on Enemy Phase and have 100% survival chances while wrecking face in the process. Frees up your other resources to do something else, since Nowi can handle herself; especially useful on Ch11 and Ch12 in particular.

  13. Some queries I have about Nowi:

    -Nowi is stuck with her Dragonstone until Chapter 12. Doesn't this limit the amount of powerlevelling that can be done with her?

    -Nowi seems to have bad speed (only a smidgen above Kellam's).

    -Does Manakete have inherently better EXP gain than other unpromoted classes?

    - Nowi's combat limitations due to her single Dragonstone is a thing, but 50 uses does actually last you until you can secure a steady supply. She doesn't need to be "powerleveled" all that much, since she's a unit that contributes immediately.

    - Her SPD is horrible, but she levels quickly and has a decent growth rate. SPD issues are solved with 1) a SPD support (Gregor is her best partner, since they are effectively an auto-C), 2) SPD tonics, and 3) a potential Wing if she gets screwed.

    - Manaketes level at the same rate as unpromoted units of the same level, but Nowi starts at level 3 in Ch8 and therefore basically rocket-packs her way through the first few levels. After her first Second Seal, she's still leveling pretty quickly as an effective-level ~15 unit.

  14. Not easy to get Kellam to level 10, unless he's paired with a very active Lead unit. Never managed it in my run. I had my Kellam with Cordelia, who had to be used sparingly due to being a flier (contrary to the breathless claims of Panne fanbois, bow weakness actually does matter in this game). I think that you need to go out of your way early on (while he can still deal damage) to get Kellam a few kills towards that five-level hill that he has to climb. He's not at all like Chrom, who Dual Attacks so often that he can actually level up in someone's pocket to some extent.

    Also, N.O.W.I. is definitely at least A-tier. Permanent 1-2 range, levels incredibly fast, excellent growths, gets tinked by everyone and their mother. Someday, the people here will figure out that ORKOing everything and never dying is a positive thing.

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