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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Only thing that I can think of in my case, is that Gregor had the lowest hit rate of the available targets, due to his SKL/LCK and Gamble. Although, since this was with a bow, and he has a Cordelia support plus Patience, "low" in this case is still 155 HIT while doubling.

    Oh well. Not gonna complain about lucky breaks!

  2. The more I see the enemy AI, the less I understand it.

    I had a sequence in Ch20 where I was making the final assault on Walhart, and miscalculated the damage that I'd need to throw down on him. As a result, Player Phase ended with Walhart at 2 HP, and his little coterie surrounding him still. I was prepared to restart, but gave it a try anyway. What happened, was that Walhart acted first, and suicided on Gregor at 2-range. Fin.

    This was weird because Gregor is a Warrior, without Counter (he is level 12), and had a bow equipped. Walhart could have fought him at 1-range with Wolf Berg, no problem. Also, Lissa was nearly right next to Walhart, and he ignored her 51 HP and 12 DEF (!!!) squishiness (although, she had a Wind tome equipped).


  3. Disclaimer: my style of play may not appeal to you.

    - Your best non-Veteran character in terms of stat boosters. Boots are up to you.

    - Choice is yours. My choice was to reclass to Mercenary, promote to Bow Knight, and then reclass to Sniper. Infinite uses of Blessed Bow and Longbow. Morgan can get Rally Spectrum on his/her own if needed. I passed down Armsthrift.

    - Morgan is excellent, Gregor is really good as well. I like Lon'qu sort of, but if I did it again I'd use Gaius instead since he can become a Warrior.

  4. I only like -SKL or -LCK as flaws, personally; particularly LCK, since it leaves your defenses alone, and the lack of crit avoid is not a BFD. The "hidden" penalty to your SPD (growth and cap) is kind of annoying with a -RES flaw.

  5. JActually, there's no "try different strategies" in Lunatic+, as outlined by Interceptor.

    Oh nice, now we're doing the thing where we put stuff in quotes that nobody actually said. This is my favorite part of discussions, because parrying straw-men is more awesome than jelly beans.

    What I actually said was that Luna+ forces you to "use the game's mechanics in ways that you're probably not used to", which means employing things that work in other modes, but are either 1) superfluous, 2) sub-optimal, or 3) nonsense. Things like using bows heavily, or trading away weapons so that people can't counterattack, or intentionally sacrificing units for the greater good, or stuffing spaces full of garbage units so that Pass enemies can't get by, or using a weak weapon that's shot to hell by Aegis+/Pavise+ and relying on a Dual Strike for damage because Counter hurts too much, or breaking a hundred Rescue staves in the name of hit and run attacks, etc etc.

    You know, using your brain and dealing with new challenges by using old things in different ways, because Lunatic+ punishes you in ways that make dumb things smart.

  6. like Othin said, bows in particular are pretty nice. While 1-2 range attacks leave you susceptible to Counter during the enemy phase, bows do not; the complete absence of 1-range offense that makes bows near-worthless in Lunatic actually makes them worthwhile on tanky units like the Avatar. According to what I've read in the Lunatic thread, a bow-heavy team has less to fear with increasing numbers of Counter enemies since they will have only one dangerous skill.

    Truth, here. My Lunatic+ team is nothing but bow users: a combination of Warriors, Snipers, Bow Knights, and Assassins. Once you have enough Avoid/DEF to survive face-tanking, it becomes a powerful strategy that makes Counter useless.

    I'm considering adding a Mire user for funsies.

    I see no issue with a requirement that you modify your tactics each time rather than trying the same strategy over and over and hoping it works.

    Nor do I see a reason to say that a brutal skill that requires thought and encourages otherwise unconventional tactics is at all poorly designed. This is not a matter of the game being poorly designed; this is a matter of you trying to use the same strategies you always have and whining when they're not good enough for a game with more complex enemies.

    Also truth. There are issues with Lunatic+ and how it is balanced in the earlygame, but one of the nice things about it is that the mode actually makes you think. Plus, it makes taking chances actually have consequences: if you reset, you have to come up with a new strategy, because the skills will be different next time. It's not like vanilla Lunatic, where you can keep bashing your head against the wall with suboptimal strategies until you finally break through.

    And speaking of which, a lot of trouble that people seem to have comes from their rigid adherence to tactics that work in other modes, but get punished in Lunatic+. The skills are designed to make you break out of your comfort zone:

    • Aegis+/Pavise+: forces varied damage types
    • Luna+: counters concrete durability
    • Hawkeye: counters avoid-tanking
    • Pass: makes walling more difficult
    • Vantage+: adds threat to finishing off enemies that could counter attack
    • Counter: prevents creating a super-unit that kills everything on Enemy Phase; they'd kill themselves first
    There's plenty of stuff to help deal with those skills, but you have to use the game's mechanics in ways that you're probably not used to, and prioritize offense differently, etc.
  7. Zerkers tend to have hit at the lower end of the spectrum, though. I do know how awesome a high avoid can be (I've run a +Spd/-Luk FeMU every run), but I seem to remember enemies pushing closer to 170 toward the end of the game (and it only goes up in the Spotpass Paralogues where I think I was facing ~80 displayed hit from Priam's lackies), which forced me to rely on Sol, Rescue spam and Galeforce kiting a lot more.

    There are some of those in Ch21: Swordmasters and Assassins, rocking around 173-174 HIT for the most part. That'd be a problem if they had higher mt, but they don't, at least not yet. An SM with Swordfaire and a crazy Silver forge is as good as it gets here, and 56mt is not really scary at all when you have 44-46 DEF. In the worst case, it's a 7HKO at 45% listed. I guess if a lot of them have Luna+ that might get crazy in a hurry, though.

    In my next run, I think I'm going to spend more time working Demoiselle into the mix, so that Avoid-tanking is more reliable. It will be raining men. Gregor has access to both Myrm and Merc, so that ought to be fun times.

  8. Healing is a "by committee" thing. There's:

    • Lissa, my main staffer (Cleric -> Troubadour -> Valkyrie). On most maps she can usually stay waaay out of range (32 unmodified MAG at this point) with Physic. In an emergency, with a parnter she can usually take one good hit.
    • Blessed Bow, which is unbreakable on my two high-LCK Armsthrifters (Avatar and Morgan), and good for both kiling and +10 HP per Turn.
    • Elixirs, which are buyable after Morgan's chapter and pretty cost-effective.
    So when Lissa out of action, yeah, it's mostly items. Although usually I can get something to work. In Ch20 for example, I carved out a corner of the map where Lissa was only targetable by Longbow users, which was acceptable (she can take a stray hit from one, and my Snipers can pick them off easily anyway). Although something like Ch19, totally impossible.

    But another nice thing is that Avatar in this scenario has 99 avoid, too (maxed 40/47 SPD/LCK, +8/7 from Chrom). That's before support bonuses (usually able to get at least +15), before Charm, not counting Patience, and she also has 24% Dual Guard from Chrom vs. physical attacks. Mr. Badass with 72 mt, only has 134 HIT, even with the +10 from the bonus skill. Those swings don't connect very often.

    I tend to prioritize killing Hawkeye enemies, as you can imagine.

  9. Well, it depends on how you are playing. I've never had to reset for Counter past Ch5 or so, and in fact the more Counters that spawn on the map the easier that it gets (since those enemies can only have one skill that I care about). Avatar (and later, Morgan) are just too good at face-tanking.

    EDIT: as an example, in Ch21, my +DEF/-SKL Avatar has capped 43 DEF as a Sniper. The biggest, baddest enemy on the map is a Berserker with 72mt (Axefaire, illegal 23mt Silver Axe, 43 STR). That's a 3HKO, and with +3 DEF from another source (+1 from Chrom support, +2 from DEF tonic) now it's a 4HKO. Completely workable, with healing.

  10. Yeah, I'm off the Virion train before it even left the station. I like bows a lot in Lunatic+ (lategame, too), but Lon'qu as an Assassin already has unacceptable concrete defenses, and he's mostly used for Pass utility at this point. Avatar and Morgan as Sniper and Warrior respectively are RES-light, but untouchable physically; they are the primary beefcakes for me.

    EDIT: "unacceptable" in this case means that his DEF is capped at 29. He gets a little more from Nowi, but against 60+ mt he takes some serious hurtin'.

  11. I have all of the recruitables up to Ch20, other than Tiki (to hell with that chapter) and Donnel (died gloriously in battle). Far fewer are actually trained.

    Also, just to throw a wrinkle in this, I also had a Ch19 clear save from the same file. This one spawns fresh Skirmishes on Ch18 (level 11-13, lvl 16 boss), Ch17 (level 8-10, lvl 13 boss), and Ch16 (level 8-10, lvl 13 boss).

    The elapsed time on the saves are around 38.5 hours, since I tend to leave the DS open on my desk.

  12. I reloaded my save, and this time visited a skirmish that spawned on top of the Anna merchant in Border Wastes (Ch11): it has the same level distribution as the one I just fought in Ferox (the boss is a Berzerker with 50 capped STR, though).

    Then I reloaded one more time, and went into a stale Skirmish that was already sitting on Valm Harbor (Ch15). This one has a level 6-11 promoted level distribution, plus a level 28 Entombed (...wat?).

    Finally, visited Midmire (Ch10), another stale skirmish, enemies range promoted 8-13, with most being level 10. No capped stats.

    This file has never fought any Spotpass, DLC, or Skirmish battles: story and Paralogues only.

  13. Color me confused. I loaded up my Lunatic+ file that's up to Ch20, and went to a skirmish that JUST SPAWNED on top of an Anna merchant, in Port Ferox (Ch12 area). The enemies are promoted level 9-14 (most are level 11). There are no capped stats, other than on my own units (which have a one or two each on the Leads). It's entirely beatable, and in fact I just cleared it for grins using AvatarxChrom and MorganxLucina.

  14. No reason for units to be married (literally and figuratively) for supports all the time. It's perfectly reasonable to me for Henry's team to have a Sumia that rides A-rank Frederick until Valm, and then takes her as a trained partner for the duration of the game going forward. What's important is making the best moves for a team that includes Henry on it, and then taking the downsides into account appropriately when he's compared to someone else.

  15. I get that this is the concept but I find it almost impossible to understand this place where neither tharja or sumia/cordelia are top teir. Why does mov matter at all? There are just no set standards. While I really like the concept of the teir list there really needs to be some sort of specification. There's a reason we come back to this point every few pages.

    I don't see any reason why they should be top tier units. All of them have significant flaws (effective weakness and squishy combat stats for the pegs, early accuracy and issues with hitting RES for Tharja, etc), none are some unstoppable god unit that kills everything and never dies. Avatar is pretty solidly in this category, and the Cavaliers are excellent at it as well.

    MV matters for all the reasons that MV is good in the first place (other than running ahead to Rescue chain skip entire chapters). If you have higher MV it's easier to get units into good positions, or assassinate a dangerous enemy, or keep up with a charging army. Things like flying MV enable strong units to use their strengths more effectively (ferrying someone over a river/cliff). Etc.

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