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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. I don't want to split tier lists for something such as this. I mean, I'm not gonna argue this to hell and back, it just seems odd not to include them since there is no random chance involved and they aren't exactly Seth-level broken.

    We haven't even settled the children paralogues. I don't see the point of throwing another monkey wrench into the standings.

    I don't like Spotpass for Hard mode anyway. Its easy enough as it is.

  2. But okay, even if we do eliminate Merchant/event tiles (which I don't completely agree with but understand), Bonus Box and Spotpass team shopping should still be allowable. Nothing random there.

    I'm not sure why this is a discussion. They are specifically banned, and units are ranked in accordance with said ban. If people want a tier list that includes these things, it should go in another thread. And it should probably be a Lunatic tier list, since the buyables will actually make some of the borderline units usable.
  3. About usefulness I'd say Lucky Seven>Quick Burn>>Slow Burn. Again, that's my way of thinking since I usually rush through the maps, while trying to cover everything. If it takes me too long it's more due to the maps' size, than enemies might. Still, I haven't played through Lunatic+, so I can't speak for that difficulty, but from my point of view, the more you advance in a map, the less enemies you have left to fight and the less you need the skill bonuses.

    The particular way that I've been playing Luna+, the most dangerous part is usually during Turn 5-20ish, depending. Even with the avoid turning off after Turn 15, it would still be useful. Useful, that is, if it wasn't stuck on a crappy Luna+ class. I'd take the skills (Lifetaker also good), but can't afford to spend 15-25+ levels in a bad class set.
  4. I've only played about a third of the way through Lunatic+, but that doesn't sound right at all... The danger of the enemies often means you have to move extremely fast to get them out of your way as quickly as possible, to whatever extent their skills will allow. Foes with Counter in particular need to die fast so they don't start triggering high-damage counterattacks and sending them right back.

    As Redwall said: Counter enemies are not dangerous to someone with a Bow. In fact, Counter guys are totally nerfed against Bows, since that means that they only have one potentially dangerous skill.

    I'd love something like Slow Burn on my Luna+ run, since I'm going to take 30 turns to train units anyway, so I might as well maximize dodge potential on the beefcakes. It's much easier to pick off Hawkeye mooks for a dodge tank, than it is to kill off the Counter guys for your units that can fight at 1-range.

  5. Sometimes it makes sense. You'll want to reclass a Manakete back into a Manakete usually (so you can use the Dragonstones), and if Chrom is not a Lord or Great Lord he can't use either of the Rapier weapons even if he still has Sword access.

    For that specific example, Chrom is a crappy archer, so you may want to avoid it entirely. Archer doesn't even have good skills. He's pretty good as a Cavalier.

  6. Frederick's problems are his bases (and internal level), not his growths. His growths are quite decent.

    Ah, now we get to how Freddy performs in battle. People seem to look at him and go "oh, he's the Jagen, better avoid using him, since he'll end up sucking later." Which is honestly pretty stupid since past Jagens like Seth and Titania have actually been very good even at the end of their games. They're not even giving poor Fred a CHANCE here. And there's nothing wrong with using Jagens at all, really. In fact, they're often placed in high tiers on tier lists, and Frederick is no different. He's also required for lunatic mode.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think that Fred is worthless late, but comparing him to Seth and Titania (especially Titania) is a little bit lollerskates. They are legit excellent lategame characters. Frederick is not going to get there without babying and grinding. Someone like Titania just need resources (Knight Ward and forges in FE9, forged Hand Axes and a Speedwing in FE10). By comparison, Fred needs a complete makeover.
  7. At least in storymode + nogrind anyway I haven't played the DLC or know what those are like turnwise so maybe Slow Burn would have some use there? But afaik most of my turncounts during the story did not exceed double digits per chapter

    I wouldn't mind seeing Slow Burn on a bow-using class for Lunatic+ (like Bow Knight); it's not that useful out of the mage tree on Dark Knight.
  8. Well, I've solved my Cordelia problem.

    Even though Ch12 is a rush map, I managed to get some training done on it. There's a spot just to the northwest of the starting zone that has a small 2x1 alleyway where Lon'qu/Cordelia and Avatar/Chrom can fight back-to-back and each only face one 1-range enemy at a time. Between the Blessed Bow and infinite Convoy access for healing items, this was easy even against the promoted units. I handled Cherche by pairing her with Frederick (for +1 MV), and flying her out over the water where nothing could reach. This only involved having to take one hit from a Knight, which is 100% reliable (could have unequipped her if he had Counter). Cordelia got a lot of secondary EXP, and then once I had whittled things down a bit, I had her take flight and get some kills of her own.

    Then I went back to Paralogue 4 to pick up Anna, which quickly devolved into a running battle, since the enemies start right on your nuts (MAG tonic let Lissa Rescue Anna safely). Once I cleared the initial wave, though, I fed a lot of the remaining kills into Cordelia. Even managed to kill the Thief before he made off with the Arms Scroll, although it involved boxing him out.

    Ch13 was next, which I thought would be a nightmare, but was actually extremely lucrative as a training ground. The trick was to rush the right-hand cliff and keep someone on the fort to prevent reinforcements from coming in. The ramp to get up is only 1 space wide (easy to block it off and feed people kills), and one or two units could easily handle whatever leaked in from the top. Pass ended up being extremely useful here, as it let Lon'qu basically do whatever the eff he wanted in terms of roaming around and picking up kills. Cordelia hit level 20, so I promoted her to Dark Flier, pulled a tome out of the convoy, and ended up getting her to level 5 before I ran out of things to kill. I'm going to keep her with Henry, since he gives her basically all that she needs stat-wise.

    And now Morgan is here. I just got a Longbow for him, so it looks like Sniper Time™... after I run Ch13 again, since I accidentally passed Bowbreaker down to Lucina. -_-

  9. If Avatar is getting enough, she'll be able to keep going for a while yet (face tanking is quite a bit more risky once enemies are all promoted), but I'm afraid the whole training opportunity thing won't get much better. 13 likes its zerg rush and 14 has the Pegs (although if you can off them and then face tank, you can probably train a bit there) and 16 has more Pegs and Falcons. 15 is probably the only upcoming one where it's relatively easy to set up a training scenario.

    Also, it's not always worth saving the scrubs on this mode. If you're not going to use them, don't be afraid to let them die. When I did my run, I murdered Tharja when she tried to get in the way. >.>

    Femvatar is at 28 DEF and ~79 listed avoid at 12.53 Bow Knight... not looking forward to the promoted enemy spam, that'll be when the party ends, since Lon'qu is nowhere near that, and third place probably gets ORKO'ed. At least he almost has Pass, which is probably going to be sneaky good since he can get bracketed easily when he's alone.

    I'll let scrubs die if I have to (Donnel already perished), though I didn't have that option for Emm or Olivia. Ch7 and Ch8 were the only ones other than Paralogues where I actually had a free hand. I'll grind if I need, we'll see how long I can drag it out. I know what the mistakes I made were, for next time.

  10. I'm about to either start grinding or start drinking. The last few chapters have been impossible to train people on, because either I get rushed with no safe place to stash people, or I'm given some jerkface that I need to protect. Still stuck with using Lon'qu/Avatar at Ch12, and that combo is going to be running out of gas soon.

    Which is a bummer, since I reclassed Gregor to Barbarian, and I'm trying to get him to a point where I can promote to Warrior.

  11. ^ Or they realized it was dumb, and fixed it. Localization also got us the PRF weapons for the Dawn Brigade, which really needed them. Regardless, it is what it is. Forges were a big part of FE10, even in the case where they could be limited-availability. It was much the same with FE9, and the one-per-chapter limit.

    Daggers missed out, and it was huge.

  12. Got FE13 on friday, beat lunatic on sunday. I´m currently playing lunatic+ and I´m curious to learn how to play that mode without grinding. Prologue and Chapter 1 were fairly "easy" (I didn´t even grinded MU, big mistake), chapter 2 was the pure hell though. Now I´m on chapter 5 and have lost patience and spirit. I´m just grinding everyone at the DLC chapters, building supports and buying overpowered stuff by the Spotpass teams. L+ kind of forced me to do so (even though it´s more like i´m unexperienced), as it doesn´t seem to me to be a mode of strategy and a wide team that is supposed to counter specific formations of enemies but of a grinding contest to see how overpowered your team needs to be. It isn´t really a Fire Emblem game in that way.

    But as I said, I´m looking forward to read/watch a well-thought game log of that.

    Congrats on taking down Lunatic.

    Lunatic+ requires a different sort of mindset, since the random skills on enemies tend to unravel the standard approach (particularly Counter). Making super-units is sort of like running up the down escalator, since while they can easily shred enemies, they are also badass enough to kill themselves at 1-range on guys with Counter.

    I'm in the middle of a Luna+ attempt at the moment (no grind, though I freely use Renown and Spotpass items), up to Chapter 11, where I'm leveraging Bow-using classes as an answer to Counter. I only have two real combat units: Bow Knight Avatar and Assassin Lon'qu. I'm trying to train Cordelia, but it's a heavy lift, since it seems every map is either a rushfest or has inconvenient reinforcements. If I can make it to Morgan, the plan is to have him be my Sniper. I'd also like to get a Warrior in here somewhere.

  13. I still think Cordelia needs to be above Sumia.

    I agree with this, though not as strongly as I did before I used them both. Sumia is really important for the pre-Cordelia chapters. The red peg is better in the end, although I feel as though no matter where they go on the tier list they should probably be close to each other.
  14. Except that the inability to forge Daggers in FE10 is immaterial to the question of whether or not they should have been included in FE13, since you can forge every non-legendary weapon, cooking implement and log you come across.

    Forging doesn't have the same place in this game that it did in FE10. There's no "welcome to the Shepherds, here's your max MT critforge" stuff in Awakening. It's super-expensive to forge weapons in this game.

    And the basics are important. You compared a Silver Dagger to a naked Silver Sword... why? Forged Steel swords are better, vanilla Steel/Silver Blades are better, forged Silver is obviously far superior. You can't ignore the heavy weapons if you're going to pretend that Daggers are "competitive" with Swords in FE10.

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