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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. We're going to need a ToC for all these playlogs soon... makes for some good reading, though.

    If your goal is to minimize total turns, I'd consider skipping the paralogues entirely, unless there is a really good reward at stake (like Morgan's, for instance). You won't be recovering those turns lost in most cases.

    Consider using N.O.W.I.

  2. Donnel would still be recruited too. So to everyone that says Donnel costs turns to recruit, stop. He costs two kills, and nothing more. All you need is for Kellam to exist.

    That's a nice strategy, and kudos for coming up with it, but your conclusion does not follow: Donnel still costs turns, you're just minimizing the effect by feeding him the kills more efficiently. Using Kellam, Miriel and Chrom isn't all that different from using Avatar, Fred, and Sumia (how I did it), except the former units are less valuable for clear than the latter.

  3. The question I have for you Intercept is how much was Morgan KO'ing with the Pair-up bonuses? Where they pretty close to ORKOs on the verge of 2RKOs with javelin or any doubling problems? I am not sure the enemy stats of chapter 16.

    Hmm, unfortunately I don't have a save at chapter 16 anymore, so I couldn't tell you exactly. The promoted enemies are -/3 in Chapter 17 though, so they were no higher than that. The unpromoted enemies were limited by their level; Morgan took care of them no problem. He was borderline on Heroes: needed the SPD Tonic to double at first (so did Sully), and did not cleanly ORKO them (or any promoted enemies, for that matter). He was roughly 64% ORKO on things he doubled, due to 40% chance of Dual Strike from Linde.

    It's possible that the loss of stats from Donnel would have required boosters to get him over the hump, like Naga's or the generics ones. Then again, I also didn't need to three-turn this chapter, it just happened to work out pretty well due to what he had available.

  4. Yes, I used the site's growths calculated with +mag and -skl when calculating the stat increases for Morgan.

    When seeing the stats lost from an untrained Donnel, I removed the class stats before doing the 1/3 of base+growth of stats.

    OK, good; I didn't check the math, that's why I asked. I guess I should also point out (since it wasn't very obvious in the write-up, now that I am re-reading it) that I didn't wait until level 20 to promote Morgan. Since he was already capping STR/SPD/SKL, I just Seal'ed him during Turn 2 Player Phase, which I believe put him at level 15 or so.

    The losses are probably that bad without training Donnel. Donnel gains more experience more quickly than your MU would as MU is consistently at a higher level. So, unless you threw MUF into more enemy dense regions to gain more experience than Donnel did, you won't really recuperate those losses.

    Yeah, that's precisely what I was talking about. Since giving Donnel kills meant keeping him away from dangerous situations, I didn't have many opportunities to just throw Linde into a cloud of enemies. Without the imperative to train Donnel, she would have gotten more levels; probably at the expense of another unit in my army, but it is what it is.

    EDIT: for reference, another big part of this was Linde's Pair-up bonuses. She has auto-C with Morgan, so:

    5   5   4   5   1   2   1

    ... that's what she delivers to him as a partner.

  5. Morgan is laughing at everything I can hear him o3o. Now I want to do my own playthrough.

    Go for it if it interests you; I always like reading playlogs.

    See man? Told ya recruiting Morgan was a good idea.

    Hard to argue with results. The guy is Captain Badass right now, and he's not even a Sorcerer. I'm glad that I picked up another Arms Scroll, though; he will want it.

    Morgan's growths after the 20 levels of growth.
    Hp   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
    21.2 15.6 10.6 15.0 16.2 16.2 11.6 9.20
    Assuming that you reclassed him to Cavalier immediately after getting him and using the cavalier growths for the one level you got during Great Knight. 
    @Author: Red Fox
    At Cavalier base:
    35.0 16.0 11.0 12.0 17.0 13.0 14.0 7.0
    First stats. His average Great Knight stats at what they should be currently ignoring the Cavalier caps you might have gotten. 
    Second stats. Your chapter 16 finished stats for Morgan. 
    Hp   Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
    64.2 36.6 21.6 28.0 32.2 29.2 32.6 17.2
    59.0 33.0 18.0 24.0 26.0 25.0 29.0 17.0
    Assuming I did this right, you capped Strength, Speed, Skl
    So ignoring those stats, Morgan is actually under performing in all other stats save for Resistance where he is actually spot on average.

    Just -10hp, -3 str, -3 skl, -3spd, -6lck, -3 def, -2 res to all of Morgan's stats for if you never trained Donnel at all. I guess other than the lck and Hp, the other stats are not as debilitating. I guess Morgan is usable without having Donnel trained at all. Then again, those general lose to def, spd, and str, might be enough to prevent him from killing stuff in one round.

    Did you use Linde's +MAG/-SKL when you calculated the growths? And did you remove the class bonuses from a third of DonneI's bases? I should also mention that I accidentally included the +5 HP for Morgan from the skill that Donnel passed to him as a Fighter (I usually don't include the stat bonuses, but HP is hard to separate if you don't remember it).

    I feel like the losses might not be quite as bad as that, since one of the casualties of training Donnel is that Linde herself saw less action (so her stats would be higher).

  6. OP updated with Chapter 16.

    [spoiler=Chapter 16, Naga's Voice]

    This is a boss kill, and since nobody on my team can hurt Cervantes except Linde, the goal is to get her up to him as quickly as possible, before the reinforcements arrive and ruin my day. There is some treasure to be had on this map (via killing Thieves), but there's nothing particularly important aside from a Speedwing.

    There are fast units on this map, so I distribute SPD Tonics (plus STR/DEF Tonics for Morgan) to the people that need them. I decide to train Morgan at the same time as using him as a ferry for Linde. Turn 1 finds me killing off a Hero that's blocking the way (combination SullyxChrom + MorganxLinde), Dancing Morgan as far forward as possible, and setting him up with a Javelin for Enemy Phase. CordeliaxKellam took the right hand side, and Nowi joined Sully on the left.

    What happened next, was a sight to behold. Morgan went apeshit on everything that attacked him, getting ORKOs (both clean and proc-assisted, for the promoted units) all over the place, netting up to 100 EXP per kill. Remember how he was level 8 at the end of the Paralogue? He leveled up so many times that he was green-capping stats at level 15, and I ended up using the plunder from a Sniper (Master Seal) to promote him to Great Knight, since he was just wasting growth headroom at that point. I kept him healthy from afar with Physic from Libra, although once he promoted he basically stopped taking damage altogether.

    I goofed up the second-to-last Enemy Phase, since Morgan's javelin broke and his replacement was underneath a Steel Lance (so he couldn't counter three of the promoted units that attacked him), but seeing as how he's already blown the doors off of basically every unit in my army at this point, a couple levels won't make that much of a difference. Cervantes was an easy Linde kill (3HKO with Arcthunder) for a three turn clear.

    Turns (Chapter/Total): 3/93

    Heroes: Linde & Morgan

    Funds: 39,519G

                         Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                 Support
                   Linde 10.67 44 25  24  16  27  16  20  15  D Sword, A Tome      S Donnel + others
                   Chrom 19.10 34 18  4   15  15  16  17  6   A Sword              S Sully
               Frederick 10.71 37 15  2   18  14  7   18  6   C Swd, A Axe/Lance   S Sumia, C Linde
                   Sully  7.29 45 23  8   26  20  22  22  13  B Sword, A Lance     S Chrom
                   Sumia  2.93 34 14  9   25  28  22  11  18  A Lance, E Staff     S Fred, C Linde
                  Donnel  1.95 34 16  1   14  14  20  12  5   D Axe                S Linde, C others
                Cordelia  5.21 45 21  13  24  24  16  16  14  A Lance, E Staff     S Kellam
                  Kellam  8.53 24 11  1   9   8   3   14  2   C Lance              S Cordelia + others
    No One Will Interfere 26.99 53 22  8   18  13  17  17  14  -                    S Gregor
                  Gregor 13.19 33 13  1   15  11  8   11  2   B Sword              S N.O.W.I.
                   Libra  3.31 41 14  17  14  15  10  11  17  C Axe/Staff
                    Anna  4.64 39 13  20  26  23  28  10  11  C Sword, D Staff
                  Lucina 11.72 32 15  4   17  16  15  14  7   C Sword
                  Morgan  2.60 59 33  18  24  26  25  29  17  E Swd/Axe, B Lnc     C Linde/Donnel

    Holy hell, Morgan with Veteran/Aptitude is ridiculous. He just blew past Sully and never even looked back.

    It sure is... So this would be the payoff for putting up with Donnel for so long, huh?

    Payoff is putting it mildly. I just won the offspring lottery. It probably didn't even require training Donnel at all, just getting the support.

  7. Well this is a nice surprise.

    ...A surprise that it's showing up a week earlier than expected, not that it's showing up at all. Jesus. So many people so sure that Nintendo just wants so much to give up all the money people will keep spending on these maps. Come on, guys.

    No way, dude. NOA is going to shut off the firehose of cash any minute now. I've already put half a dozen copies of the latest DLC inside a Faraday cage secured in my concrete bunker just in case they decide to retroactively take them away.

  8. Situational. I like to promote Pair-Up bots as soon as possible, for the promotion bonuses, but otherwise I'll hang around in the unpromoted classes as long as possible in order to maximize stat gains from level-ups. I don't worry about skills all that much. I tend to reclass Manaketes repeatedly until they cap their stats.

  9. OP updated with Paralogue 12.

    [spoiler=Paralogue 12, Disowned by Time]

    Morgan's recruitment paralogue, a Kill Boss. Keys to the chapter: recruit Morgan, get him promoted and fed as much EXP as possible, and collect whatever else I can in the meantime, while I rush the boss. There are three treasures here (Bullion, Seal, Fortify), but I don't particularly care about any of them.

    Linde is the only unit capable of ORKO'ing the boss (a Griffon Rider with Lancebreaker… yikes), so she hops on Sumia's back and makes a beeline for him with Elwind. It will take three turns to get there, so I use this time to get Morgan set up.

    First: an Anna Rescue, Chrom recruit, pass him a Seal and Javelin, reclass to Cavalier, clear a spot with Sully, Dance for another turn, Ward Morgan, Pair him with Lucina (for the SPD), and then start dicing it up with mages. Whew. Morgan gets 100 EXP a kill, and 24-25 for every non-fatal attack. Since he can take a good 3-4 hits from the enemies here, as long as I keep him topped off from behind with Physic, he's good to go. He rockets through levels in this chapter going from baseline to halfway to level nine before the end. It was pretty impressive.

    Nowi takes the right-hand side for the Bullion (because why not), and CordeliaxKellam run interference and clear things out of Morgan's way so that he can face as much Enemy Phase activity as possible. A short, but very successful chapter overall. I wasn't able to get Linde to level 10, so I'll just have to handle Ch15 the old-fashioned way.

    Turns (Chapter/Total): 3/90

    Heroes: Lucina & Morgan

    Funds: 39,519G

                         Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                 Support
                   Linde  9.39 43 25  24  16  27  16  20  15  D Sword, A Tome      S Donnel + others
                   Chrom 18.69 34 18  4   14  15  15  16  6   A Sword              S Sully
               Frederick 10.71 37 15  2   18  14  7   18  6   C Swd, A Axe/Lance   S Sumia, C Linde
                   Sully  6.11 44 22  7   25  19  21  22  13  B Sword, A Lance     S Chrom
                   Sumia  2.93 34 14  9   25  28  22  11  18  A Lance, E Staff     S Fred, C Linde
                  Donnel  1.95 34 16  1   14  14  20  12  5   D Axe                S Linde, C others
                Cordelia  4.62 44 20  13  23  24  15  15  14  A Lance, E Staff     S Kellam
                  Kellam  8.46 24 11  1   9   8   3   14  2   C Lance              S Cordelia + others
    No One Will Interfere 26.45 53 22  8   18  13  17  17  14  -                    S Gregor
                  Gregor 13.19 33 13  1   15  11  8   11  2   B Sword              S N.O.W.I.
                   Libra  2.96 40 14  16  14  15  10  11  17  C Axe/Staff
                    Anna  4.31 39 13  20  26  23  28  10  11  C Sword, D Staff
                  Lucina 10.39 31 14  4   16  15  15  13  6   C Sword
                  Morgan  8.60 43 22  15  19  20  18  18  11  E Sword, C Lance     C Linde/Donnel

    Morgan builds supports with his parents, LindexSumia advances to C. I pick up a couple of Rescue staves for my Pegs, just in case. WTF@ Morgan being better than Lucina after only three Turns worth of training. Aptitude is serious business.

  10. I don't know. I do think that IS is trying to create an actual strategy game and not a strategy engine.

    That's why they bother to include a difficulty setting and apply stats to everything instead of simply allowing the player to choose how much money to pay for something or how much damage they want to deal.

    Goodness, are we already at the part where the person with the lame argument starts talking nonsense? Awakening is an actual strategy game, and like all FE games before it, it has broken shit included. It's not perfect, and the entirety of the product offered does not align 100% with my personal desires. For some reason, I don't feel inclined to make a thread describing the exact consistency of the sand in my underpants.

    I don't like the Barracks.

    [spoiler=Oh noes, how does he handle the crushing disappointment?]

    Therefore, I choose not to use it.

    Spoiler tags to protect the forum population from dying of shock.

  11. But what about the people who expect an actual strategic experience from a self-declared strategy game? What's wrong with giving them the capability?

    They need to fix their expectations, since Fire Emblem has been full of broken shit since the dawn of the effing NES, which was released before some of the people in this forum were even born. You have the "capability" to use your own scrub rules to create whatever strategic experience that you can cull out of the engine.

  12. I used Sumia and Cherche in my last playthrough, kind of ignored Cordelia so I may give her a shot. I'm not too big on reclassing characters either. I really only want to reclass them to get the skills I want passed down to the children. And for a Manakete, I'd want to use Nowi considering Tiki comes much later. Should I switch to her once I recruit or stay with Nowi? Or both? Or drop both for Nah?

    Cordelia is nice because she comes leveled-up already and has better supports and combat stats than Sumia, but you will still find Sumia useful early even if you don't commit to her long term. It's up to you what you do with the MKs; there is no need to replace Nowi with Tiki/Nah. All three are good/viable, just require different amounts of training and show up at different times (give them SPD supports).

  13. At this point, its a little of both. Right now I'm mainly looking to just get through the chapters no matter what without losing any units and level up my core group of characters as evenly as I can. Unfortunately, I've relied on Chrom a bit much and therefore he is at least 3 levels above my next closest unit.

    As long as you are using Pair-up to make a small team of super-units, it doesn't really matter what you do, as long as you take care not to spread yourself too thinly by trying to level up everyone and their mother in full deployment situations. I'd suggest as a general strategy, to try to have some variety in your army. You'll want one or two fliers, cavaliers, people who can hit RES, a good distribution of weapon ranks across the board, and I'd highly recommend training yourself a Makakete as well.

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