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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Well it would be effective if you didn't care about how fast you went. In Morgan's recruitment Paralogue (I'll post it later), he basically gets a complete level on every kill after reclassing to Cavalier, with a high chance of perfect level-ups. A Pair-up with Femvatar keeps him from getting housed, and actually gives him some doubling targets. So it IS good at catch-up, but the problem is that you don't have a whole lot of runway left once you recruit him.

  2. Gets worse before it gets better, but after about Ch5 or so you start to be able to keep your head above water (although the game does smack you in the face midgame, and then again prior to the end). Lots of ways to trivialize the difficulty level, gameplay-wise. I don't suggest Lunatic as your first playthrough, because game knowledge is a very important part of conquering it (run Hard first).

  3. If this was an LTC, I'd definitely go for something like that; but for the purposes of this particular log, I'd like to avoid things with pretty catastrophic failure conditions. Mobility aside (I think pulling that off might be difficult... as you said, some creativity would be required), Linde would probably not survive the 16% whiff chance, since a lot of potential hit combinations would end up killing her. It's not as if Cerv always acts first on Enemy Phase, either, which would made it academic (she could certainly survive two hits from him, though just barely).

    Lesson learned: always have a Nostank available. You never know when you'll need to hit RES and never die.

  4. That'll be my Plan B. Between Rescue and Olivia, I can get Nowi to face a lot of action pretty much right away, with good ORKO numbers. Certainly she (and Sully, for that matter) can clear a path for Linde and the Pegs, no sweat. Cervantes is obviously no problem at all if I peel away his promoted bodyguards. I'll see how Morgan's chapter plays out first; Linde needs a couple levels before she's eligible for reclass anyway.

  5. Which tonics? Linde would need 45mt to cleanly ORKO the boss (not reasonable even with forged Arcthunder and a MAG booster), and 21 DEF isn't much better than 19 DEF when you're facing two guys with 40+ mt and three with 31-34mt... she only has 42 HP. I suppose I could come in from the left, but if one of those 40+ badasses lands a glove on her, that's gg.

    Morgan is trash; I don't have the Femvatar/Chrom version. His stats as a Dark Mage are hilariously bad. Only 36 HP, 11 DEF, 14 SPD, 14 MAG... yeesh.

    I mean, I could always fight my way to Cervantes. Nowi certainly gives zero effs about the promoted units, but I'm trying to maintain a decent speed, here.

  6. Will you be doing a Lunatic playlog using the Number One Wishbone Infractor Interceptor? laugh.gif

    I don't think so, although it's possible; I'll consider it after this one is over. Mostly this playthrough is for collecting Hard Mode data to use for tiering for particular units. Lunatic would be pretty serious business, and difficult to maintain a steady pace. In my first and only Lunatic run, I used strong units and didn't make any particular attempt to go quickly (Routed boss kill maps, stayed for reinforcements, trained on forts, etc).

    In other news, I poked my head in Ch16, and Cervantes is beyond the capability of all of my fast units to kill/survive. Getting to him is not a problem, but Pavise stops Hammertime, and the Pegs + Fred certainly cannot survive a crush of promoted units on Enemy Phase. Linde can bypass Pavise, but she can't ORKO, and certainly is not surviving Enemy Phase with nothing but 19 DEF and Peg Knight Pair-Up partner.

    This is annoying, but I think that I will have to put Rally Specturm on hold and reclass her into a Sorcerer.

  7. What was the stuff in the chests? Is it really worth the effort? I skipped a few items that I thought were useless, along the course of my run (Blessed Bow from Village, Mend staff from chest, etc). Probably should have skipped the Ch15 Second Seal too, seeing as how they are buyable almost immediately afterwards.

  8. EDIT: Say Interceptor, how do you get the tables to stay aligned when you edit your OP? They start fine but when I edit the OP to add a new chapter in they get messed up and I have to re-copy and paste them from notepad.

    I don't edit the OP, I edit the source document where I have the data. Whenever I "edit", the OP, all that I am doing is copy/pasting from the file.

  9. I take it Frederick is in Gaius's range during the enemy phase? I dunno if Gaius attacks if a unit is in his range, since I just bait him out and then have Chrom talk to him. As for the other thief, just blockade the passages ways as best you can. Masked Marth can help.

    Gaius does attack. You can rig it so that he fights you from a Pillar on Turn 1 Enemy Phase though, for an easy recruit on Turn 2 (Pillar usually saves him if people can't double).

  10. It is? Well, my swordsmen have god-awful movement on that map. The only people who can navigate are Silvia, Lissa, Ricken, Sumia, Tharja, Libra, Miriel and Cordelia (Nowi's movement gets an honorable mention because it doesn't suck at first, but the more you move her the worst it gets). Can't even use Kellam here and Kellam is my super-duper knight-tank destructobot.

    Yes, it is; check out the map, that small band of space underneath Virion and above the Wyvern/Soldier is actually Plains. If Sully starts in that spot where he is, she can actually almost make it down to an enemy. So the trick is to get your land-based non-mage units to that part of the map. There's a similar path in the middle of Ch8, though it's wider and more obvious.

  11. Yeah, that sounds about right for my game too. But... I don't know if my sister has some sort of magical shipping power or whatnot, but her Avatar is always married to Chrom by around chapter 6 or 7. She admits she glues them together but I also thought that was a little fast and early game doesn't give you much support grinding options.

    AvatarxChrom at S-rank by Ch7-8 is completely reasonable. I married Chrom to Sully before the start of Ch6 (Paralogue 2), and obviously Avatar has an extra chapter + turn of support-building with Avatar compared to that.

  12. I love how everyone's mentioning their Lunatic runs and I'm just sitting over here playing Normal.

    Gods, I suck. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

    Shrug, Normal mode exists for a reason. If that's the difficulty you are comfortable with, who cares? A lot of the frustrating maps are tough because of their layout, not because of the difficulty level.

  13. Hopefully you get enough SPD from Maribelle. She doesn't even give the +1 from her bases, since her SPD is only 6 (and going nowhere fast). Here, by the way, is a nicely formatted chart that was posted in GJ's thread:

    UNIT             LEVEL    HP ST MG SK SP LC DF RS WEXP                  SUPPORT
    Avatar           18.60    31 12 14 12 18 16 10 07 E Sword, B Tome       S Chrom, C Fred
    Chrom            13.08    28 13 03 15 17 14 12 04 B Sword               S Avatar
    Frederick     ??/08.35    36 17 03 16 13 09 17 03 B Swd, C Axe          S Sumia, C Avatar
    Vaike            09.25    35 13 00 13 07 09 08 00 C Axe                 B Sully, C Panne 
    Sumia            10.35    29 11 04 15 18 13 08 08 C Lance               S Fred
    Miriel           11.62    26 00 15 11 11 13 05 08 C Tomes               C Sully, B Lonqu
    Cordelia         08.76    26 11 03 13 12 10 09 08 C Lances              C Kellam
    Panne            09.71    31 10 02 11 13 09 09 05                       C Vaike
    Gregor           01.87    35 16 00 08 12 08 08 02 E Axe                 C Nowi

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