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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. You'll probably regret training both of VirionxRicken, though at least they both have 2-range.

    The best Avatar is Femvatar, paired with Chrom, since that gives you a badass Morgan and Lucina (and the whole family can support each other). Anything else is just a less efficient pair, which is fine if you're aiming to do some particular thing or another.

    You can feel free to hit Reply on one of my playlog posts and grab the formatting for a chart; I suggest using a fixed-width text editor for the job (like Notepad or TextEdit), because otherwise you can't line things up correctly.

  2. That's silly. Kellam can't stand on his own: he's pair-up fodder. He can't double even with a Spd support. Sure, he gives better initial pair-up boosts to Cordelia, but it's a one-sided relationship. Paladin Stahl can switch in when bows or wind magic would threaten Cordelia. Plus, Cordelia appreciates a little Spd from her pair-up partner to double the fastest units.

    Definitely would agree with this. You can see shades of what this pairing would do in SumiaxFred; I might have used Stahl if I had thought of it in time. The inability to tag out in order to deal with wind/bows, is limiting for Cordelia. Although I may not opt for Paladin in this case; GK is really good on a Peg even though you lose the class SPD.

  3. OP updated with Chapter 15.

    [spoiler=Chapter 15, Smoldering Resistance]

    This is one of the more annoying Routs of the Valm arc, since mobility is limited, there are a lot of hard targets to kill, and the space is very cramped. Keys to the chapter: get Say'ri to safety, use Enemy Phase as efficiently as possible, visit the four available houses (all have good items: Large Bullion, Physic, Arms Scroll, Second Seal).

    Since there are so many hard targets and a lot of ground to cover, the first thing I do is promote both Sumia and Cordelia to Pegasus Knight; they need the stats and the MV in order to function here. Second thing I do is to pick out my spots: Sumia can face mostly Armors in the upper right (so I equip Frederick with a Hammer), Cordelia can dice it up with mostly Cavaliers and the Dark Knight on the far left (requires Dance, and I give Kellam the Beast Killer), Linde and Donnel can fight effectively on the beach (due to her 1-2 range and hitting RES), Nowi will kill something on Player Phase and plug a hole (funneling some mages to her), while SullyxChrom leave themselves in range of a couple Knights (with Chrom using Rapier). Third and finally, I use Anna to Rescue Say'ri out of the way.

    The end result of that, is a bloodbath on Enemy Phase. Everything except the promoted enemies and a couple random mages/cavs perished on the upper deck, and the beach was headed for an easy finish due to Linde's ability to basically ORKO everything there.

    A three-turn was possible here (Enemy Phase), but I decided to get all four items rather than just three, which meant pulling Cordelia out of the action for a moment, leaving the boss for Player Phase. STR Tonic might have been the difference here, since the Boss only had 1 HP left. C'est la vie.

    Turns (Chapter/Total): 4/87

    Heroes: Linde & Donnel

    Funds: 42,079G

                         Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                 Support
                   Linde  8.38 42 25  24  15  27  15  19  14  D Sword, A Tome      S Donnel + others
                   Chrom 18.52 34 18  4   14  15  15  16  6   A Sword              S Sully
               Frederick 10.71 37 15  2   18  14  7   18  6   C Swd, A Axe/Lance   S Sumia, C Linde
                   Sully  5.41 44 21  7   24  19  20  21  12  B Sword, A Lance     S Chrom
                   Sumia  2.33 34 14  9   25  28  22  11  18  A Lance, E Staff     S Fred
                  Donnel  1.95 34 16  1   14  14  20  12  5   D Axe                S Linde, C Kellam
                Cordelia  3.92 43 19  12  23  23  15  14  14  A Lance, E Staff     S Kellam
                  Kellam  8.32 24 11  1   9   8   3   14  2   C Lance              S Cordelia + others
    No One Will Interfere 25.75 52 21  7   17  12  16  16  14  -                    S Gregor
                  Gregor 13.13 33 13  1   15  11  8   11  2   B Sword              S N.O.W.I.
                   Libra  2.61 40 14  16  14  15  10  11  17  C Axe/Staff
                    Anna  3.87 38 13  19  25  23  28  9   11  C Sword, D Staff

    Maintenance time: restocked on Tonics, javelins, and shifted around some weaponry.

    Chapter 16 is looking to be a giant pain in the ass, so I might take a short siesta to pick up Morgan and try the Cavalier thing.

  4. Donnel is a goddamn boss. His only flaws are his low bases and the need to feed him a metric fuckton of kills, both of which are easily remedied.

    FOH with your false equivalences. Donnel is garbage, and nearly impossible to train; feeding him kills is anything but easy. Nowi is an immediate contributor to clears, even in her joining chapter.

  5. Nowi is not S-tier (although seeing as how Panne and Chrom are there, maybe she is), but her absolute floor is high A-rank. Nowi needs SPD, but a lot of what she gets is guaranteed: support, stone, and Tonic (nobody is going to complain about 150g, hope).

    Once she has doubling SPD, it's gg. The only target that's even a little bit of a stretch are Knights/Generals, which 1) give almost everyone trouble, 2) will die >70-80% of the time anyway because of a Dual Strike or a crit, and 3) she's borderline clean ORKO as it is because of her high STR growth and leveling speed (which means you can hit her with a Tonic to guarantee the kill if she's not screwed). There is no other enemy type that stymies her.

    Even the damage/healing is overblown. Is Nowi's 43 DEF cap a problem? Only if we ignore supports. An S-rank from Gregor gives her +5 DEF even in the case where he doesn't grow at all and we just slapped a Master Seal on him for Hero mode. In the highly unlikely circumstance that a unit with 80 HP and 48 DEF actually needs more beef, this is what a DEF tonic will solve, never mind that Nowi's perma-forever 1-2 range allows her to spend Player Phases healing herself with items because she counters everything anyway.

    I can only believe that the N.O.W.I. skepticism comes from ignorance, i.e. people have not actually used her seriously. I mean, look at Ch12, which is certainly not a Kill Commander objective, it's a Rout. On Turn 1 I had her face 17 units on Enemy Phase. That's not a typo, literally she fought SEVENTEEN GUYS. Thirteen of them straight-up died, three were in OHKO range, and only one (a Paladin) was in any shape to fight afterwards. Nowi didn't even hit half health, and in fact didn't even up healing at all. This was in addition to killing a Knight on Player Phase, because why not. She faced so much combat in one Turn, that Gregor actually got a complete level as the Support unit.

    Nowi is a goddamn boss. Her only flaws are mobility (which is still better than tier 1 foot units, mind you), and low base SPD, both of which are easily remedied.

  6. You and Interceptor seem to forget that you spoonfeed Nowi a lot of levels that could be fed to units with more mobility...idk, Ive never been impressed by Nowi.

    Spoonfeed? Nowi contributes to chapter completion during her training. What unit can take on half of a map, with mixed axes/mages/bows? Not a flier. Not a low-RES mount. I think that perhaps you don't understand the value of being able to send Nowi somewhere, and then focus fire the entire rest of your team on an objective. Did you happen to notice what she did in Para4, Ch11, and Ch12?

  7. If they came out with another round, I'd certainly buy it. Don't even care what it is, take my money. But if I had my choice, it would be proper models and recolors for the Spotpass/DLC characters, or expanded support options. Or a new post-Lunatic mode that isn't stupid. Maybe some challenge maps with set teams rather than your home-grown units (to preserve some semblance of balance).

  8. No more Arms Scroll; already used it on Morgan's father to get to D Axes. I may go the Cavalier route, that would at least give Linde a partner with some mobility. I can always switch her to Sorc if I need a Nosferatank, since she's got plenty of MAG and A-rank Tomes as it is.

  9. EDIT: As an aside, one does not need to "pass down" Aptitude to Villager Morgan; he'll come with it himself. Since Donnel appears to be a Fighter, I would suggest you just pass down that +5 HP.

    Whoops, almost walked into Mordor; I'm so used to Morgan starting as a Tactician and getting Rightful King, that I completely forgot about that. +5 HP it is. Incidentally, that means that his bases are even worse than I listed, since I didn't take his skill into account (he was already being passed down the +HP).

    Anyone have nominations for his class? It's tempting to make him a Dark Mage, since that will make his training easier to handle.

  10. Just an FYI, since Morgan is both 1) a Villager and 2) gets a third of his bases from Donnel, I have to warn you that he's pretty bad. Here are his stats at this point in time:

             Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp   
    Morgan 10.00 33 11  11 8   12  13  8   7   C Lance

    Still think that I ought to pick up another project? :P

    EDIT: the one saving grace is that I can pass Aptitude to him, and Veteran as well if I'm not going to Tactician him.

  11. OP updated with Chapters 13 and 14.

    [spoiler=Chapter 13, Of Sacred Blood]

    This is a straightforward two-turn chapter; all that's required is to get someone up to the boss that can handle them. Everyone else gets a couple turns to take whatever kills that they are able to.

    I sent LindexDonnel; since she doubles and hits RES, it's very easy to take out the boss. Turn 1 gets her close (and a bunch of kills), Turn 2 she can fire up at the bridge, and during Enemy Phase the boss will helpfully commit suicide on her.

    Meanwhile, I fly SumiaxFrederick to the west fort to tank a few hits and maybe get some EXP into Fred (too many bows for Sumia to be the Lead unit). SullyxChrom and CordeliaxKellam each take out one of the bottom archers (so that Cord can stay out), and share the axe/sword guys left in the bottom part of the map. Nowi kills off a Myrmidon at the bottom of the east ramp with the help of Olivia, and positions herself to take out an axe guy on Enemy Phase. Turn 2 Player Phase finds everyone finishing off whatever they can. Fin.

    Turns (Chapter/Total): 2/81

    Heroes: Linde & Donnel

    Funds: 35,229G

                         Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                 Support
                   Linde  1.38 36 20  21  14  24  11  17  12  D Sword, B Tome      S Donnel + others
                   Chrom 16.89 32 16  3   14  15  13  15  6   A Sword              S Sully
               Frederick  8.99 35 14  2   17  13  7   16  6   C Swd, A Axe/Lance   S Sumia, C Linde
                   Sully  2.93 42 20  5   21  17  18  19  12  B Sword, A Lance     S Chrom
                   Sumia 17.10 28 12  8   21  24  20  8   13  B Lance              S Fred
                  Donnel  1.00 34 16  1   14  14  20  12  5   D Axe                S Linde, C Kellam
                Cordelia 17.38 35 15  8   18  17  13  11  10  B Lance              A Kellam
                  Kellam  7.55 23 10  1   8   7   3   13  2   D Lance              A Cordelia + others
    No One Will Interfere 21.63 45 18  7   13  10  15  15  11  -                    A Gregor
                  Gregor 12.24 32 13  1   15  11  8   11  2   C Sword              A N.O.W.I.
                   Libra  2.37 40 14  16  14  15  10  11  17  C Axe/Staff
                    Anna  2.85 37 12  18  24  22  27  9   10  C Sword, D Staff

    And now, finally, enter Lucina:

                         Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp   
                  Lucina 10.00 31 14  4   16  15  15  13  6   C Sword

    She is not quite as strong as her father, but has solid stats and should be able to contribute immediately with that hax PRF Sword of hers.

    I build Lucina's C supports, upgrade NowixGregor and CoredeliaxKellam to S-ranks, and go shopping for Dragonstones, Rescue staves, and a bunch of other little things while I am at it.

    [spoiler=Chapter 14, Flames on the Blue]

    Defeat Commander. Strictly speaking this can be one-turned (doesn't even require Rescue: clear an enemy with Cord, forged Hammertime the boss with FredxSumia), but there's no real value in it. The treasure chests on this map contain a medium Bullion, Recover staff, and a Second Seal. I only really care about the Seal. The plan is to take one Enemy Phase worth of kills, and then end it on Turn 2.

    NowixGregor handle the west ship (I break a hole first, Dance, and then get her deeper so that she can kill one of the promoted enemies), with SumiaxFred hovering over the water to deal with mages and stay in position for the boss kill. LindexDonnel handle the east ship, which largely cannot hurt Linde due to the high DEF coming from Donnel's support. Finally, I have Cordelia fly over the southwestern ocean to fight Peg Knights, and SullyxChrom on the southern ship to clear a path to the Second Seal chest.

    On Turn 2, clean up whatever that I am able to. I have Anna Rescue Olivia to herself, get Danced, and then open the Second Seal chest. I decide not to use a chest key on either of the other items. FredxSumia land on the west ship to kill the boss; NowixGregor were on standby to finish him off in case they didn't get any procs (but they did, so it wasn't necessary). Not a complete Rout, but a lot of enemies took a digger, so we'll call it a good day's work.

    Turns (Chapter/Total): 2/83

    Heroes: Linde & Donnel

    Funds: 35,229G

                         Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                 Support
                   Linde  6.17 40 23  23  14  26  14  19  14  D Sword, A Tome      S Donnel + others
                   Chrom 18.15 34 18  4   14  15  15  16  6   A Sword              S Sully
               Frederick 10.24 37 15  2   18  14  7   18  6   C Swd, A Axe/Lance   S Sumia, C Linde
                   Sully  4.10 43 21  7   23  18  20  20  12  B Sword, A Lance     S Chrom
                   Sumia 18.96 29 12  8   22  24  21  9   14  B Lance              S Fred
                  Donnel  1.66 34 16  1   14  14  20  12  5   D Axe                S Linde, C Kellam
                Cordelia 19.48 37 16  10  19  19  14  12  10  B Lance              S Kellam
                  Kellam  7.62 23 10  1   8   7   3   13  2   D Lance              S Cordelia + others
    No One Will Interfere 24.17 50 20  7   16  12  16  15  13  -                    S Gregor
                  Gregor 12.83 32 13  1   15  11  8   11  2   C Sword              S N.O.W.I.
                   Libra  2.37 40 14  16  14  15  10  11  17  C Axe/Staff
                    Anna  3.53 38 13  19  25  23  28  9   11  C Sword, D Staff

    Frederick finally hit level 10; I don't know what to do with him at this point. I have a Second Seal that he can use now, but Dual Guard+ is also pretty good if I can power my way up to level 15. I would have liked to train Donnel or Lucina, but that chapter was no good for units that couldn't take a lot of abuse.

    You can't unlock the next level of support in consecutive chapters it seems. The points to unlock the support will build, but you can't raise the level until you do another chapter.

    I guess that this makes sense. I'd like to know how it works specifically, eventually, but it took a long time to get the data for Radiant Dawn.

    EDIT: I'm not sure which chapters to do next, now. I'm going to skip the children paralogues for now (if I even do them at all; the children suck), and keep going with the main story.

  12. (reads...) Wow. I am genuinely surprised Nowi can level up so quickly. Your turn counts didn't seem to suffer, either.

    I'm about to update my playlog with this, but it's worth noting that I haven't even completed Ch15 yet and my Nowi is already level 24. The combination of fast leveling speed and high durability (which allows for more exposure) is just ridiculous on her.

  13. OP updated with Chapter 12; it's a doozy.

    [spoiler=Chapter 12, The Seacomers]

    I promoted Linde to Grandmaster. I thought about reclassing to something else first, but Veteran should be good enough to keep the EXP flowing, and I'd like to get Rally Spectrum sooner rather than later.

    This chapter is Rout, with several promoted enemies; there's a big difficulty spike here. But before I get into the chapter's strategy, I'd like to share this specially-modified chart, which has my best combatants listed, adding in their support and other stat bonuses.

             HP ST MG SK SP LK DF RS 
       Linde 36 20 21 19 24 17 17 12
       Chrom 32 21 3  17 18 13 19 6
    Frederick 35 15 2  19 20 8  16 12
       Sully 33 16 4  19 21 23 16 5
       Sumia 27 18 8  22 26 19 14 13
    Cordelia 33 19 7  18 18 11 17 10
    N.O.W.I. 38 23 9  16 16 14 23 16

    Notice how Nowi is beating the snot out of the rest of the army, so long as she doubles. This is with only two real chapters worth of training (Paralogue 4 and Ch 11). She wants a SPD Tonic for this chapter (some of the Cavaliers have 13 SPD), but once her normal SPD gets past the tipping point, she's going to be ORKO'ing and never dying. The only unit that comes close to this is Chrom (against physical), and he can't counter at 2-range. Cordelia may begin approaching this eventually, but it depends on some good level-ups.

    Anyway, as you can probably guess, I'm going to use Nowi heavily as a front-liner. If you blow apart one of the Knights blocking the two-wide spot near the start, re-move Nowi with Dance, running her as deep as possible (need to Rescue Olivia after that), you can actually get her into a position where she is in aggro range of:

    • 10 Cavaliers (she ORKO's 100% of them)
    • 5 Knights (67% ORKO, due to crits and Gregor Time)
    • 1 Bow Knight (2RKO)
    • 1 Silver Lance Paladin (from the ship, 3-4RKO)

    … and they are completely incapable of killing her. All of the Cavaliers plus people with 2-range weapons either tink or deal 1-2 damage. Only the Steel Lance Knights actually injure her (4 damage), at less than 50% displayed hit. The Paladin with the Silver Lance admittedly does 9 damage at 59% listed hit. Which would be a problem if there were, say, four of those guys. I don't even bother using a DEF tonic here.

    This allows me to focus fire on the left with more units. CordeliaxKellam and ChromxSully are going to fight the majority of that knot of mounted units on the immediate left (facing a Paladin, two Knights, and four Cavaliers), since both of them have enough durability to reasonably survive without DEF tonics. Cherche can hang a little bit back in order to ORKO the Beastkiller Knight on Enemy Phase (need this later for the hard targets). There are two lonely Knights on the right that Nowi won't draw over, so I send LindexDonnel to deal with them.

    And so it goes. There are a few small tactical decisions that need to be made here (kill the Elixir Bow Knight with Player Phase before he heals himself or trades to other people, use Beastkiller on the tough Paladins, promote Sully to Paladin herself mid-chapter for the stat bonuses and to draw out the left-side Bow Knight, use Rescue on Olivia to get her into good Dance spots etc), but this is otherwise a by the book clear. Donnel finally manages to hit level 10 at some point, so I dumped my Second Seal and made him a Fighter (not going to take my chances with Merc, he's far enough behind as it is).

    Whew. That was a short, but extremely active chapter.

    Turns (Chapter/Total): 4/79

    Heroes: Gregor & Nowi

    Funds: 39,589G

                         Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                 Support
                   Linde  1.38 36 20  21  14  24  11  17  12  D Sword, B Tome      S Donnel + others
                   Chrom 16.89 32 16  3   14  15  13  15  6   A Sword              S Sully
               Frederick  8.99 35 14  2   17  13  7   16  6   C Swd, A Axe/Lance   S Sumia, C Linde
                   Sully  2.93 42 20  5   21  17  18  19  12  B Sword, A Lance     S Chrom
                   Sumia 17.10 28 12  8   21  24  20  8   13  B Lance              S Fred
                  Donnel  1.00 34 16  1   14  14  20  12  5   D Axe                S Linde, C Kellam
                Cordelia 17.38 35 15  8   18  17  13  11  10  B Lance              A Kellam
                  Kellam  7.55 23 10  1   8   7   3   13  2   D Lance              A Cordelia + others
    No One Will Interfere 21.63 45 18  7   13  10  15  15  11  -                    A Gregor
                  Gregor 12.24 32 13  1   15  11  8   11  2   C Sword              A N.O.W.I.
                   Libra  2.37 40 14  16  14  15  10  11  17  C Axe/Staff
                    Anna  2.85 37 12  18  24  22  27  9   10  C Sword, D Staff

    I wish I had been able to reclass Donnel sooner than this; Hammertime would have been useful. C'est la vie. No supports after this chapter, not even NowixGregor for some reason. Speaking of Nowi, she is technically four-levels SPD-screwed at this point, although it's not any kind of problem at the moment because of supports/Tonics.

    Promotion round-up: Linde to Grandmaster, Sully to Paladin, Donnel to Fighter. Dropped my Arms Scroll on Donnel.

    You have the RNG godddess ;3; Now you will save 2 turns per map at the cost of 3000G. Bye Lissa hi Libra and Anna. Oh i'm glad Donnel is getting to be a good unit. I'm very surprised with Nowi, she is very good I like how clutch she was in chapter 11. Now Sumia and Frederick will switch roles still I think they are a great pair.

    N.O.W.I. is amazing; if you liked her performance in Ch11, you'll probably sign up for her fan club in Ch12.

  14. Maybe a Hard-Classic to know what to do before challenging Lunatic.

    This comes highly recommended. You want to know the general layout of the game before you jump in; my first Lunatic run was immediately after my first playthrough of Hard-Classic.

  15. Double-header update: OP now has Chapters 10 and 11.

    [spoiler=Chapter 10, Renewal]

    It doesn't get much more straightforward than this Kill Boss map. The fastest that anyone can run to the boss (no Rescue-skipping) is four turns, even for an 8MV unit, so that time can be spent on getting EXP into people. There aren't even any archers or mages to worry about here.

    I happened to send CordeliaxKellam up the first path, SullyxChrom (my boss-killers, since Chrom doubles with Swords) in the middle, NowixGregor and LindexDonnel along the bottom, and Sumia playing free agent and hunting down the Thieves (a OHKO with a Steel Lance, usually).

    Turns (Chapter/Total): 4/71

    Heroes: Chrom & Sully

    Funds: 17,949G

                         Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                 Support
                   Linde 19.35 32 17  18  12  22  11  15  10  D Sword, B Tome      S Donnel + others
                   Chrom 15.06 32 16  3   13  14  12  14  6   A Sword              S Sully, C Lissa
               Frederick  8.87 35 14  2   17  13  7   16  6   C Swd, A Axe/Lance   A* Sumia, C Linde
                   Sully 18.67 33 15  4   18  15  17  15  5   B Sword, A Lance     S Chrom
                   Sumia 13.87 24 10  6   19  21  16  8   12  B Lance              A* Fred
                  Donnel  9.49 24 8   1   9   9   19  8   4   C Lance              S Linde, C Kellam
                Cordelia 14.32 32 13  7   17  16  11  10  9   B Lance              B Kellam
                  Kellam  7.25 23 10  1   8   7   3   13  2   D Lance              B Cordelia + others
    No One Will Interfere 11.15 33 11  1   6   7   11  7   5   -                    B Gregor
                  Gregor 10.60 30 12  0   13  11  8   10  2   C Sword              B N.O.W.I.
                   Libra  1.91 39 14  16  13  14  10  11  16  C Axe/Staff
                    Anna  1.56 36 12  17  23  22  26  8   10  C Sword, D Staff

    I probably have too many units being trained here, but I'll keep this going until it seems like it will be detrimental. The nice part about spreading out the EXP so much, is that I haven't used a Seal on a single person yet.

    LindexDonnel is now S-rank. I threw up in my mouth a little. I think that it's safe to call Donnel an actual unit at this point; he still gets 2-3HKOed, but is not doubled, and sometimes doubles himself for halfway decent damage. He ought to be reclassable soon.

    [spoiler=Chapter 11, Mad King Gangrel]

    It's not entirely clear to me why there are two treasure chests randomly in the middle of a battlefield. Keys for this chapter: get to Gangrel and Rout before reinforcements arrive, secure both chests, and watch out for the two promoted enemies.

    Nowi is borderline doubling and needs some EXP, so I am hitting her with a SPD Tonic and having her battle the big pack of mages in the lower right portion of the map; with Olivia helping her to get there sooner. If you blast her with a shot of Ward before she goes, everything down there (Sage included) barely scratches her. Just as before, this strategy is very lucrative, since it allows me to send the entire rest of my army to the left/middle to deal with the enemy Hero and the impossibly-fast 24 SPD Gangrel.

    This is a four-turn for no other reason than that's how long it takes to get Anna to both chests. The battle is basically over by Turn three, realistically.

    Turns (Chapter/Total): 4/75

    Heroes: Gregor & Nowi

    Funds: 17,949G

                         Lvl   HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WExp                 Support
                   Linde 19.95 32 17  18  12  22  11  15  10  D Sword, B Tome      S Donnel + others
                   Chrom 15.33 32 16  3   13  14  12  14  6   A Sword              S Sully, C Lissa
               Frederick  8.93 35 14  2   17  13  7   16  6   C Swd, A Axe/Lance   A* Sumia, C Linde
                   Sully 18.76 33 15  4   18  15  17  15  5   B Sword, A Lance     S Chrom
                   Sumia 16.33 27 12  8   21  23  19  8   13  B Lance              A* Fred
                  Donnel  9.49 24 8   1   9   9   19  8   4   C Lance              S Linde, C Kellam
                Cordelia 15.32 33 14  7   18  16  11  10  10  B Lance              A Kellam
                  Kellam  7.49 23 10  1   8   7   3   13  2   D Lance              A Cordelia + others
    No One Will Interfere 15.06 38 14  4   8   8   14  9   9   -                    A Gregor
                  Gregor 11.16 31 13  0   14  11  8   11  2   C Sword              A N.O.W.I.
                   Libra  2.37 40 14  16  14  15  10  11  17  C Axe/Staff
                    Anna  1.90 36 12  17  23  22  26  8   10  C Sword, D Staff

    Corde and Nowi both upgraded their supports to A-rank. I also finally bit the bullet and made S-rank SumiaxFrederick; Sumia is getting strong in her own right, so Fred can serve as Support bot and/or arrow pincushion if he happens to fall off a cliff.

  16. All valid points, although I'm somewhat hesitant to count the speedwings since she doesn't really have an exclusive claim to them, and I've heard a fair few people (not here, though) who are hesitant to give her the pairup because they could be giving that pairup to someone who doesn't have a weak start.

    Well, keep in mind that we're only talking about Speedwings in a super-screwed situation: down to the point where Nowi is in danger of getting doubled, and can't level up fast enough to compensate. If taking them is a big negative, certainly we'd have to take into account that this happens only a small percentage of the time; there's probably something silly like a 95%+ chance that someone besides Nowi gets the Speedwings on her team. It's almost negligible.

    As for Gregor, I'll argue that support all day. He is not a good unit on his own, and for people who want +SPD supports, there are many (many!) others available: Chrom, Sumia, Cordelia, Lon'qu, Panne...

    What level do we see Nowi making it to by the time Tiki's recruited, anyway? That feels pretty relevant to me, since if she's close to 30, she's closer to lowering her level, boosting her exp, and boosting her leveling rate than Tiki is.

    Too early for me to say, but I don't think that Tiki necessarily needs to be compared to Nowi in the first place. They are both Manaketes, but that's about it. Nowi's contributions to the game are in the bank before Tiki even shows up.

  17. RNG-screwage is a thing, and it's something you can take into account in arguments. It's one of the reasons why I like Cordelia over Sumia as a long-term flier: she comes with good bases for Hard Mode, which essentially makes her midgame more or less RNG-proof. But on the other side of the coin you have being RNG-blessed, and in Nowi's circumstance in particular you also have the following:

    1. 50% SPD growth (probably), at a high leveling speed (this is better than a higher growth on someone who levels more slowly)
    2. Guaranteed +5 SPD from Gregor after her joining chapter, which goes up to +6 once at A/S-rank support, and +7 SPD if he hits 20 SPD base
    3. +2 SPD always from Dragonstones
    4. +2 SPD available from Tonics on an as-needed basis
    5. Speedwing available in Ch11, and again in Ch16

    The tools exist to deal with it if Nowi is a little bit screwed: keep her on the Tonic IV drip for a little bit longer, maybe hit her with a Wing. I think that she'll generally be fine in almost all circumstances (and if she is blessed... look out, world).

  18. I don't mind at all, on the contrary. In addition to providing a place for me to post my log, I also intended for people to discuss Luna+ strategies here. So, by all means, you can share your notes and even criticize my moves as long as it isn't the "you cheated because you got an Orsin's hatchet from barracks" argument (which luckily I haven't had to deal with from anyone yet!)

    Lunatic+ is already cheating with hax skill combos; I say all's fair in love and war. Luna+ puts one of your guys in the hospital, you put one of theirs in the morgue, etc.

  19. Nowi benefits from showing up during a time when it's easy to train a new unit. I just finished Para 4 in my playlog, and she banked 5 levels from going Manakete-mode on half the map (she did not slow down my clear, and in fact made it easier because it allowed me to focus the rest of my army on a single objective). Ch10 is always a good training ground, because it has forts, and a Boss Kill in a far flung location, giving you plenty of time to turtle near the starting position with units that need EXP while your MVPs rush for the finish line. By the time Ch11 hits, she's already a rotation player.

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