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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Lunatic+ will make you miss Lunatic.

    So, I'm still stuck on chapter 2. Freddy-tanking does not work. On a good randomization, I get Pass and Vantage +. At worse, it's Luna and Hawkeye.

    Same situation here, and I have a pretty badass Avatar as well (went out of my way to feed nearly every kill in P/Ch1). It's so tedious to make decent strategies, since trial and error just gets you a different layout every time. Resetting until the number of Luna+/Hawkeye dumbasses is minimal, winds up being pretty time-consuming.

  2. I'm in North America so this demo doesn't really apply to me, but I noticed on the site that "Casual" was changed to "Newcomer." Is it just me, or is that kind of insulting? You don't have to be a novice to just want to have a...casual run through the game, especially if you're on freaking Lunatic or, God forbid, Lunatic+. I play Casual all the time myself.

    Even "Casual" is mildly pejorative. I have always thought that they should just call it Marth Mode, and really embrace the "I don't care how many people die" aspect of it.

  3. Killed all reinforcements, and I'm currently contemplating whether Olivia (Chrom's wife) should dance herself to level 30 once or twice before moving on. Dunno how it will affect Lucina and the rest of the gameplay for ch14 onward...suggestion?

    Well, it will make Lucina stronger, naturally, but it's probably not worth the effort. Lucina only gets a third of her bases from her mother. It's not like she'd be unusable with just a strong Chrom and her personal bases.

  4. Second person implying I'm a pedophile because I'm not a unbathed, unemployed loser who pretends to be smart on the internet.

    Don't be silly. Certainly I wouldn't hire you to babysit, but I'm not suggesting that you're a degenerate pedophile. I'm saying that your position is more than a little bit breathless, and might not be as mainstream/reasonable as you seem to think it is.

    She's wearing stripper boots and very little clothing. She plays house. Nowi says she's been around the block thousands of times. You, the player, can marry her. She has a child. She has a confession scene. She is sexualized.

    Is your copy of Awakening different than mine? I don't remember a Nowi H-scene. Maybe my memory is fading in old age.

  5. Puritians? Sure...

    You know, I can build straw men too. And considering the purpose of Nowi's predecessors in "No more Heroes", it's not going to be a pretty one.

    Do your worst, bro. This is a thread that contains the phrase "visible garters". I feel like I intruded upon a church meeting where people are complaining about the latest issue of "Bare Ankle" magazine, and how it represents the unraveling of polite society.

    I believe this is less a matter of "Puritans" and more a matter of "I'm not a fat sweaty weeaboo who needs sexualized children in my strategy RPG title."

    Whoops, Legault beat you to it.

    I agree, but don't forget her personality: she plays house. She has the mind of a preteen.

    Not that I am condoning her character design or anything, but Nowi's supports suggest that this is just an act.

  6. They're written exactly the same. They're either both creepy or they're both just cute kids.

    Or there's actually something about them that's different. The Morgans may be cute, but they aren't anywhere near as adorable as some of the strongly-held opinions in this thread.

    It feels like we're excluding nurture in favor of an argument about nature.

    That's funny, because I see it as the other way around. I don't see anyone denying the impact of society and/or environment, but I see lots of righteous indignation surrounding the idea that men might be more biologically inclined towards aggression than women.

    I'll not deny that women and men are wired differently in certain ways that are intrinsic to our nature, perceptions, and thought processes, but across demographics our love for our parents (or lack thereof, depending on the person) doesn't appear dictated by gender. Given that, I'd conclude neither gender combination to be creepy, as that seems pretty unfair/biased. Morgan, male or female, loves his/her parents. As others have also said, it's written exactly the same in either scenario. You have Oedipus and Electra, or you have healthy functional parent/child relationships, but I think it's both versions of Morgan or neither.

    I disagree with you, but I can respect your standpoint for being consistent/logical.

  7. Oh please, any differences between males and females besides genes/biology are only put there by society and kept alive by statements just like yours.

    Yes, genes and biology aside, since those immutable things have nothing whatsoever to do with human behavior. Just like any difference between forks and knives, besides their shape, are only put there by the Silverware Cabal. Who are they to tell me that I can't use a spoon to cut a steak? Equal opportunity for cutlery, I say.

    In terms of Morgan this an even weirder claim to make considering it's the exact same character regardless of gender, but apparently some people will still want to force a gender binary.

    Yes, exactly the same, aside from the thing that isn't. But what's one thing? It's probably not even important, really.

  8. I loved Chapter 10. It was such a hardcore Nowi training ground. Not a single bow or magic user on the entire map, and nothing promoted or forged at all.

    Literally for Nowi approximately 12 levels in that one map alone, with minimal effort.

    I know, right? It's like a vacation from Lunatic. "Welcome to Chapter Ten! We have soothing music, convenient forts everywhere, tons of stuff to kill, free swag on the thieves, an unlimited salad bar, and whenever you get bored, just go kill the fat guy!".

  9. In my honest opinion, this is a pretty poor justification for giving female Morgan the pass when she and male Morgan are essentially identical when it comes to adoration of their parents, and is a byproduct of a society that thinks it's strange for boys to be clingy to mothers while saying it's all right for girls to be clingy to fathers.

    Boys and girls are different from each other, despite righteous protestations to the contrary. But I lest I overstep my bounds, perhaps this is a discussion you should have with your parent and/or guardian. :P

    Speaking of Lucina, though, if female MU is her mother, then she almost DID kill her mother for her father. Do you find her creepy?

    "Almost" only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Regardless, in the interests of both Chrom AND countless other members of the human race, I would argue that it's appropriate to support an "evil god" exception in this case.

    EDIT: and no, I find her scary.

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