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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Does this mean that it's better to feed a ton of exp into one unit rather than spreading the exp?

    As I saw from HM, I could have cleared the whole game with just FeMU and Chrom if I wanted to, so is this confirmation that one/two massive unit(s) is/are better than a bunch of evenly trained units?

    You can totally do the same thing in Lunatic: Femvatar/Chrom destruction machine, complete with midgame additions to the family that are even more broken than they are (Lucina/Morgan is hilariously good).

    Super-units are very powerful in this game, because of the emphasis on a strong Enemy Phase. Veteran makes it even more absurd. Spreading around the EXP is fine as a strategy, but it's not optimal, especially early. You'll want more than one powerful unit (sometimes you will benefit from multiples, like in Ch6 or Ch12), but generally the best way to break the game apart is to focus your resources.

  2. The trick to Lunatic's early chapters is to only use Frederick when absolutely required. Avatar is the best unit to train because of Veteran (always fight Paired, even if the partner is as useful as a potted plant).

    Take a look at this example run of Prologue, which feeds as many kills into Avatar as possible, while mostly using Fred to weaken things. Something like this will get Avatar enough EXP such that you can pair him/her up with Fred and do a lot of fort-fighting in Chapter 1 (avoiding the problem of the Hammer guy), which snowballs into an easier Chapter 2, etc.

    I recommend either +HP/-LCK or +DEF/-LCK as your asset/flaw. Being tanky is super-useful.

  3. If you have no issues delaying a map (although bows at least have some enemy phase that lets it move a bit faster than an unequipped tank), and it's a super unit it should at least be feasible until toward the end of mid-game where that low Def cap starts to catch up to the unit (and with Hit+20 being given to everyone and their mother, dodging attacks becomes rather unfeasible). As for Warrior, it'd probably do a bit better due to the higher Def (and even Res) cap.

    I cannot even wrap my brain around the absurdity of doing an LTC Lunatic+ run. I'll happily take 50 turns to beat a chapter if it's warranted, and still sleep like a newborn.

    Perfectly fine if the thing peters out during Valm, since one would hope that there's a real team around Avatar by then. It can probably be kept afloat a little bit longer with a DEF support and tonics. Warrior (and even Sniper, I guess) are good reclass options with higher DEF caps to extend party-time. My avatar happens to be +DEF/-SKL, so the caps are a little better.

    I like the concept of a Warrior with Counter (which should be showing up at just the right time) being able to leverage some of the spill-over damage into offense when they are face-tanking.

    My MU has still 9 speed at lvl 12, pls kill me ._.

    Sounds like time for a Lord/Myrmidon bailout button, and a constant IV of SPD tonics.
  4. There is a lot of gold available in this game... once you get into midgame, that is. Prior to when Master Seals are buyable from the Armorer, not so much. Especially true if you go for a super-early Seal, before the Bullion Storm begins.

    edit: Say'ried

  5. Second seals and master seals give say, early access to ultra skills like Ignis and Sol, when they wouldn't normally be accessible. Skills like that drastically improve gameplay

    I'm assuming that since you ignored the fact the early promoting wrecks your EXP gain, and cost a lot of your earlygame gold, that you're conceding those points. Nobody said that Seals don't help: the issue is that they are a drag on your resources if you use them. While it's nice to run around and lollerskates things with Ignis/Sol, you have to 1) buy a Seal, 2) gain four levels; in the end, you get one in Ch8, and they are freely buyable after Ch12 (and common drops thereafter).
  6. Is a Bow Knight sneaky-good on Lunatic+?

    I was looking for a way to get Lon'qu up to speed on my run, so I forked my save file to set up a training ground for him on Paralogue 2 (the one with Anna and the Physic village), and see how it went. Originally I was going to just have Avatar sit in a forest and tank everything unequipped (level 20/12 Tactician/Mercenary, DEF is over 9000) to avoid getting gibbed by Counter, but then clearing would be problematic if I couldn't peel enemies off effectively.

    So I grabbed a Master Seal from a local Anna, promoted to Bow Knight, tossed Avatar a Bronze Bow + Frederick partner, and sat on a forest. Archers and Mages had no chance, they died on counter. This left a cloud of barbarians, who couldn't hurt Avatar unless they spawned Hawkeye/Luna+ (there was one; I just pre-emptively shot him on Player Phase). Peeling them one-by-one was no issue; got Lon'qu 4.66 levels, Not Bad™. Avatar got to 2.47 and most of the way to D Bows in the process, because Avatar. It's worth noting that this map was absolutely lousy with Counter barbs: easily three out of every four.

    I may not keep the fork, since Ch6 is kind of hard with only three real combat units, but I thought it was sort of interesting to have a unit that could basically ignore every Counter enemy on the map. Swords as a secondary weapon isn't terrible. Makes me wonder about Warrior, too.

  7. Idk

    Selective quoting can get you into trouble.

    Anna merchants are mainly a factor because of Master Seals, since the number of those you buy drastically affects how fast you can promote your team.

    Master Seals are a double-edged sword. Sure the promotion bonuses are nice, but not only do they cost 2500G to buy, but now you get EXP like a level 21+ unit. I feel the downsides sufficiently temper the upside.
  8. It seems like we are actually agreeing here. We both agree that bonus box items consistently make the game less challenging. Some people would rather take advantage of these because Luna+ is so unfair. I choose not to. It's that simple.

    If people have their own self-imposed challenges, that's fine, but I don't care to talk about them. My interest in this topic concerns the relative usefulness of the bonus stuff in Lunatic+.

    In other words, if people are going to claim that such and such is OP, I want to see the defense for that statement. I don't buy the argument for the legendary bonus box items: can't use them early, and the first person that they help is someone you don't want to train in the first place. Anna merchants and Spotpass both provide gear that you must pay for with limited funds (that Brave Sword carries a 2.5x price premium over Steel). Renown doesn't get silly until the high end: a typical value with 1-2 clears prior to Lunatic+ won't make a huge difference.

    I personally like the Spotpass team item sales in particular for Lunatic+, since they let you actually expand (Ashera forbid) your strategic options.

  9. Well, just considering the weapons that have been released so far, that's 3 weapons that Fred can use in his base class that are all better than the silver lance. Not only does that provide you with no incentive to conserve the silver lance, but it further creates a disparity between Fred and everyone else because he can use 3 extremely powerful weapons that no one else will be able to use for a while.

    That's just a description of what happens when the weapons are available. Why is it a problem that Frederick becomes a more useful unit? He's already a ticking time bomb because of the inevitable arrival of promoted enemies, and any kills that you feed him early are going to come at the cost of kills for your growth units.

    Basically I don't understand the imperative for people to avoid bonus items in Lunatic+, a mode that's already 1) super-random, and 2) cheats like a mother f'n bastard. You have a pretty statline at the end, but the hidden cost is resetting the game a bajillion times due to playing with a handicap.

    The bonus box weapons basically the same as getting any other item after a certain point in the story. I don't see any reason to ban them. On the other hand, the Anna shops can be seriously abused with stalling real-time, which is a hassle yet randomly effective. Personally, I use them when they're there, but for any competitive of "hardcore" purposes, I can see plenty of cause for banning them.

    What is the problem with Anna shops? She doesn't give you the items for free, they cost money, which is a limited resource. The stuff that's available early isn't even necessarily amazing. I feel the same way about the Spotpass teams. It's not like Lyn just hands you a Levin Sword with a smile and a thumbs-up; it costs 1600G, no discounts.

    There's an argument for some of the really high-tier Renown stuff, Gradivus+ perhaps, but none of those items are really reasonable in the first place.

  10. What's the BFD with the free legendaries? They aren't available until after the earlygame chapter are already over, and are too high rank for any of the growth units to use right away. Is it really a problem that Frederick actually has good weapons after Ch4? I mean, he already has a Silver Lance, is it the end of the world if he also has Luna?

    EDIT: incidentally, I have a 20/12.75 Tactician/Merc Avatar after Chapter 5. This with giving as many kill as possible earlygame, Second Sealing at the start of Paralogue 1, and basically ignoring everyone except a little bit of Chrom charity training. Chrom is 6.24, Frederick is 6.89. Nobody else has even leveled up other than Lissa.

  11. I considered that and if it is, it's a bit of a sloppy solution. Mostly because as the EXP spreads around, units get weaker. To deal with the upper end of spawns the required units gets a bit high, which probably means they're underleveled and still get hit by the enemy, then murdered by Counter, which leaves the team no better off. A medium sized team of moderatedly level characters (usually three pairs that can easily kill stuff, two that can kind of win in combat and then the rest filled with utility like staff users) can handle a lot of the situations, but the upper end will still cause many resets.

    I think that it makes more sense in the context of looking at the other things that they included. Every other option seems to unravel some aspect of typical gameplay. Luna+ hurts the brick wall tanks (Nowi, Kellam type), Hawkeye the avoid tanks (Lon'qu, Panne), Pass punishes hiding squishies behind walls of meat, and the combination of Aegis+/Pavise+ forces variety in your offense (else you watch your damage crater). It's a certainty that Lunatic and higher discourage grinding intentionally: look no further than Spotpass for that, with it's completely different-than-Hard-mode 1XP and lack of WEXP.

    So if you put all that together with Counter, I have a feeling that the point of Luna+ (poorly balanced earlygame aside) is to generally encourage a playstyle that's not the typical "low man everything to death" that you see in every other title. Every single of those things, Pass aside, is arguably better approached with a balanced team that can react on the fly to whatever randomly shows up.

    Maybe this is imparting them credit for something that's just accidental, but the pieces generally seem to fit. Especially if you compensate for being underleveled, by dipping into the Renown, Bonus Box, and Spotpass purchased items (which aren't really game-breaking, and give access to things like Longbow, early reclass, Levin Sword, stat boosters, Physics etc).

  12. I wonder if Counter spam is intended to discourage low-man teams. The army configuration that's most likely to have problems with it are the small super-teams, after all, which will kill themselves on Enemy Phase and not have enough breadth of targeting capability on Player Phase.

  13. I suppose you're being sarcastic because I wouldn't say it's fun when I'd have to reset a gazillion times to get a skill combination that is actually beatable.

    And that's my big complaint - Counter is way too common.

    I was not being sarcastic.

    Yeah there's no way someone could actually have a different opinion than you huh

    This guy is being sarcastic.

    In reply to you, though: while I agree that reseting is annoying, some of the "unbeatable" skill combinations are actually just really difficult to deal with. Lunatic+ is flawed, but in my experience (earlygame only), it does provide some fresh tactical challenges by accident.

  14. There are fun things in Lunatic+. It gives you some random tactical variety due to the need to deal with various pockets of skills, and makes weird things more useful in the process.

    The early stages are poorly tuned, though, and Counter is too common.

  15. I am slowly crawling through Lunatic+ at the moment; so far the Counter enemies have been as irritating as advertised. I just finished Paralogue 1, cleared with a level-capped Tactician Femvatar re-classed into a Mercenary and given a Levin Sword (paired with Chrom). Lissa had many healing opportunities from inside Fred's saddlebags. Donnel sacrificed himself for the good of all. Avatar got to level 6.49... Not Bad™. Wanted to train some of the other units, but sort of impossible when you get rushed at the start.

    Should I get a list of people who have beat loony+ and put it in the first post? Lol.

    Good luck with that, there have been a lot of people who took down Lunatic. Or did you just mean Luna+?
  16. Uh, quick question, but did I screw myself over by making my latest Avatar +mag, -str? Will my Lucina be gimped as a result?

    She will be a little weaker, but I wouldn't call it "gimped". Only a third of Avatar's bases are contributed to her starting stats, and the cap/growth adjustments are minor. You'll probably have a Lucina with decent base MAG, which is very handy for Levin Sword use.
  17. Chrom is probably the single greatest dedicated Support in the game, honestly. He has a free weapon, Dual Strike+ works in the back line (which he can hit three different effective target types with), and has a SPD support (so a lot of people want him as a partner). Even his class set (Cavalier) is a good backliner. Plus being a support unit covers up his biggest weakness (lack of good 1-2 range options).

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