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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Part of me doesn't understand how tanking without some form of self-healing (Sol/RK!Aether/Nosferatu) works, since in my experience enemies had enough attack to leave sizeable dents in my units anyway (well, panne, and i'll admit freely that i didn't use her full potential by stacking avoid on her).

    Nowi has a DEF cap of 43, which she can easily reach because of a 65% growth rate. She gets another +10 DEF from a Dragonstone. There are very few enemies that can seriously threaten 53+ DEF (more from supports and tonics, or another +3 from a Dragonstone+). The biggest badass Berserker in the game might have 72-76ish mt by the end, and ordinary enemies are basically tinking. Then you factor in that she has decent avoid from SPD/LCK and Odd. Keep an Elixir for an emergency, that's about all it takes.

    EDIT: and as for Pannecake, she doesn't quite have the raw concrete stats, but hers are still pretty good as a Wyvern Lord, and she has more options in the way of Avoid.

  2. it wasn't that bad once i cleared chapter 2, but I'm curious as to what are most of the other methods people use?

    I prefer using a unit like Nowi. Takes a few chapters to get going, but then she just never dies due to her massive DEF/RES, and stays good all the way until the end. Nosferatanking works pretty well, also, on a variety of people including Avatar.

    Also did a nice "balanced" clear, with a little bit of everything (Cavalier, Swordguy, Flier, mage, etc).

  3. Unfortunately you've missed you best Miriel training ground (Chapter 3), and you might find it difficult to train her in Ch5 because of the fliers (depends on her stats), but Paralogue 1 is rather excellent for her because of the choke points and the ability to fire over walls. Ditto for Chapter 6 if she has a good meatshield in front of her.

    But do you only want her for Ch7? You don't need a mage for that chapter. It's full of physical attackers, and almost everyone has an Axe. You can put a Sword-user (like Chrom or Lon'qu) on a Mountain with a good partner and they are pretty unlikely to be hit. Chrom even does effective damage with Falchion.

    Lon'qu is pretty good, I used him heavily on my first run. He doubles easily and the Killing Edge helps get his offense going, although his defenses are always going to be made of paper. I don't have any experience with Gaius in Lunatic, I typically just use him as a chest bot.

  4. So, I decided to start my Lunatic run recently. I need advice, kind of.

    Now i'm in Chapter 4. My avatar, Martin is level 15 with stats 16 10 11 16 11 14 10

    The problem, no other unit beside Lissa and Martin have level above 4. Am I screwed and become avatar-dependent or am I still able to secure some EXP for other unit in Chapter 4?

    Chapter 4 is not a good place to train underleveled units, because it's wide open and there are no choke points. Chapter 5 is not much better, although at least you have some forts there.

    Who do you want to raise? If it's a Sword-user like Chrom, Paralogue 1 and Ch7 are both excellent, due to axes and defensive tiles.

  5. Do they switch Rallies, too?

    If this actually happened, I think you'd see a lot more of both types of classes. Dark Fliers now have a defensive advantage over Falcos, and Bow Knights would give you a way to add bows to your offensive mix while still retaining the ability to equip a Sword for Enemy Phase. Niche, but fun.

    Merc also becomes even better than it already is, for a class set.

  6. No, that is wrong. Armsthrift isn't needed in any playthrough - neither in yours, nor in a Bow playthrough. It's simply more useful in certain playthroughs than it is in others, which happens to be one of Interceptors points, if I'm not mistaken.

    True story. Armsthrift is not "you will fail without this" necessary even in my run, it's simply very useful because of the costs of replacing broken weapons and forges. Alternatives exist without grinding (like Despoil, or Leif's, or just spending less), although not without sacrificing some reliability.
  7. Yeah man, pass that shit over here!

    What are some good ways of doing the first chapters of Lunatic without reducing it to Frederick Emblem: The Awesoming That Is Frederick?

    EDIT: Interceptor posted at the same time i did. Ok cool beans, brah. I might actually give it a shot if i can leave Animal Crossing alone. har.

    You'll still need to use Frederick a little bit, but over-using him is one way to make Lunatic a lot harder than it would normally be (because he falls behind, and you need your growth units for later).

    For anyone that wants a leg up for Lunatic, I'd suggest a +DEF/-LCK or +DEF/-SKL Avatar, and use the strategies in my Lunatic+ guide (see sig) for the first couple of chapters. The motions are the same for vanilla Lunatic, and you'll have an Avatar that's strong enough to solo the game. It's hard to lose at that point, and you can add whatever other units you want.

    EDIT: and post in the Lunatic Club thread if you get stuck somewhere. People are nice about helping with strategies if you need them.

  8. Hard mode is my default difficulty because Normal is too easy. But i fear Lunatic may be a bit too hard for me. How bad is it from Hard mode?

    Lunatic sort of requires that you employ one of the (many) methods available to break past its difficulty. That might mean focusing a lot of EXP into your Veteran unit, abusing AI, Nosferatanking, prepping specific counters to particular tough challenges, etc.

    You don't have a ton of flexibility early in Lunatic. The best ways to clear the early chapters are so much better than "alternative" ways, that you can really shoot yourself in the foot if you don't play with an eye towards upcoming chapters.

  9. If two people are debating, then it's their job to respond to each other's points. It seems like you've given up the debate, since you didn't respond to any of my points.

    That supposes that both people are well-adjusted and can stay on topic. If two people are debating property taxes, and the second brings up the other's SAT scores, you can excuse the first for not chasing that particular subject down the rabbit hole.

    It also supposes that you and I are debating something, which, as I've said before, it's a concept that I find more than a little amusing.

    It's pretty obvious that I've won this argument now.

    Undoubtedly. Truly, you have a dizzying intellect. Perhaps you ought to put this on blast, so that everyone knows of your prowess.

    That's what one of the search results say. So it's necessary sometimes, but not all the time. There's a middle ground here.

    "Your Honor, I stand here accused of fogging up the discussion by choosing phrasing that's ambiguous and subjective, when asked to be specific. In my defense, I present a poorly constructed Google search, on the Internets, which shows that 1.2 billion people may or may not have made the same mistake. I rest my case. Also, your mother is a whore."
  10. [...] other than the bolded part, which makes zero sense.

    This is basically what I was talking about when I ticked those points off; someone with a working understanding of what "PEMN" actually means, would understand what I was talking about. You don't, and so you take it personally, because you take everything personally.

    Here are the points I expect you to reply to next time:

    I consider it nothing short of adorable that you think this is subject to your approval. If I intended to respond to your shiny objects, I would have already. It's not as if I had simply forgotten to.

    Guys I understand you might not agree with what Chiki has to say, but now your just being mean. On to the previous points, technically every playthrough is only personal experience.

    When we say PEMN, it's in reference to the RNG. It's a shorthand that means your specific results may or may not be what everyone else experiences. Clearly there is "personal experience" that is not subject to the RNG; recruiting Kellam in Ch3 without aggroing the bottom floor enemies is something that happens the exact same way every single time. If you have a conversation that goes like this:

    "My Miriel got a ton of DEF and never died!"

    "Well, her growth is only 25%, so that's pretty unlikely."

    "But it happened to me!"


    ... that's what it means. It has nothing to do with "invalidating playthroughs", or whatever the absurd notion was that Chiki got into his head.

  11. It's also worth noting that you conveniently ignored [...]

    There are a lot of reasons to ignore what you post, but usually it's because you've said something irrelevant, tangential, fallacious, or I simply don't have the patience to explain it in a way that you'd be able to understand.

    When ignorance is coupled with graciousness or an open mind, I have no problem taking the time to detail something to someone. But you're arrogant, contrary, and intolerant; I'd rather hurl myself face-first down a flight of stairs than explain a complex concept to you. Both things are painful and ultimately pointless, but the former is at least briefly entertaining. For the same reason that I don't debate with five-year-olds on the subject of why they need to eat their vegetables, I'm not going to entertain every fool notion that you come up with. It would be helpful for you if you learned to accept that, but ultimately it's irrelevant to me whether you do or do not.

    In this specific case: you don't understand what "PEMN" means, and I have no inclination to give you a second explanation after you failed the first one. There's no point in highlighting that I have stat-screwed characters, or that screw-potential is common to both runs, or that certain things are not subject to being screwed, or that specific steps are taken to make stats irrelevant, because you lack the basic foundation to even understand why these things might be important. It would be like trying to have a discussion about the health benefits of beta-carotene, after you've already decided that broccoli is alien poison from Mars. It just ain't happenin' son. Maybe someone else will take you on as a charity case, but it won't be this soldier.

    Naturally, even this much is just an irrelevant tangent. The "argument" about Armsthrift is just based on "usefulness" versus [your crazy "required" BS], of which Lunatic+ is only a single tiny example. Quite seriously it misses the forest for the trees.

    Of course, I'm fully aware that all of the text written up above is being interpreted in your mind as something like "blah blah understand blah blah failed", and you've spent the last 2-3 minutes figuring out how to insert the word "sophistry" into your next post. So realistically, this is just a little bit of life lesson slash warning for everyone else who is following along.

  12. It should come as no surprise that people aren't leaping to your defense, Chiki, considering that you rolled a grenade into the thread and called everyone "mindless". That's bad form. Insult me all you want; I don't care, since I don't have any respect for you to begin with. But it's something else entirely to fire indiscriminately at innocent bystanders.

    He's simply wrong about Armsthrift being useful in Lunatic+, anyway. It might be useful for some pointless Lunatic+ bow playthrough, but that's not the best way to finish Lunatic+. I could finish Lunatic+ by using only girls and Donnel, too, but that's not the best way to finish Lunatic+. The best strategy to finish it is the one that I have explained, and that does not need Armsthrift. That is why I think Armsthrift is not necessary for Lunatic+,

    Let's break this "argument" into its component parts, and ignore the fact that you ended a paragraph with a comma:

    • Interceptor is wrong about Armsthrift being useful in Lunatic+
    • Actually he might be right.
    • But ignoring the most dangerous Lunatic+ skills is not the best way to finish the mode.
    • The best strategy is the one that I detailed.
    • "Best" is defined as "what I did".
    • My strategy did not need Armsthrift.
    • Therefore, Armsthrift is not necessary for Lunatic+.
    There are a bunch of hilarious things in here, but in my opinion, the best one is the non sequitur that spans the entire manifesto. You start by saying that I am wrong for calling Armsthrift useful, and by the end that word has morphed into "necessary".

    I'm not sure where you bought your thesaurus, but you might want to go back and ask for a refund.

  13. Since I'm planning to make Gaius a Hero, I figured I wouldn't need two heroes. I thought about promoting him to a Swordmaster since he can grab both Astra and Swordfaire. Lastly, a Gregor Myrmidon would be sturdier than a Gaius Myrmidon.

    It's a fair idea; you can go either way with that one. Either stay in Merc for a while for some stats, or reclass immediately to keep your internal levels low and get to Swordmaster ASAP.

    P.S. I'm a little worried about how I should handle chapter 9, being a desert level and all. And I'd prefer to recruit Libra and Tharja for my peace of mind(the same reason I foolishly recruited Donny =P).

    You can use Rescue on Libra, just make sure that Chrom is within range for Ally Phase so that he recruits himself. Wyvern reinforcements show up in the north at the end of Turn 5, so make your push quickly. Tharja can be baited to attack someone without 2-range, and then you just recruit with Chrom.

    Watch out for the fort reinforcements.

  14. Just to add to this, when there is no weapon triangle involved, keep in mind the weapon rank bonuses. Swords are +3mt at A-rank, and Bows are +2mt/+5hit. So the real difference between Silver Sword/Bow in the hands of someone with both capped, is +1mt in favor of the Bow, and +5 HIT for the Sword.

  15. Why is there a winner for a opinion question? lol

    It's not a matter of opinion. The question of "is Armthrift overrated?" is arguable -- mostly because the question is braindead and overly ambiguous -- but denying Armsthrift's basic usefulness is clown-school material. What you just witnessed was a case study on why it's better to admit fault on a small thing, than to compound the mistake tenfold by trying to breakdance your way out of the original error.

    Or in other words, the first thing you need to do when you find yourself in a hole, is to stop digging.

    I'm pretty sure that Armsthrift doesn't proc for staff use, you know?

    I think that the point here is that Armsthrift keep you from having to stock backup weapons, which allows inventory space to be used for extra staves instead.

    As a shameless grinder, I must say I adore Armsthrift. I don't think it's overrated at all, since it's actually a useful skill for post-game and DLC. I love my beautiful forged Glass weapons, and I don't want 'em to break! <3

    Just for the battle model? Because they are identical to Silver weapons otherwise.
  16. You saw it, folks: obstinacy and inability to admit when someone has a point.

    But training your bow users is quite tedious

    There are no "buts" in play here. It results in high reliability and repeatability, which was the goal in the first place. You may as well complain that a banana isn't useful for putting up drywall. This isn't a poli-sci class where your opinion about something is relevant.

    If I was able to beat Lunatic+ in under 10 hours, it means that RNG abuse was minimal.

    This is an epic logic fail if I ever saw one, since a soft reset/reload adds no time to the clock whatsoever.

    It was perfectly reliable for me

    Which is why we say "PEMN", generally speaking, when it comes to the RNG.

    I'm sorry

    It's magnanimous of you to offer an apology, but I assure you that I'm not the least bit offended by your endless parade of childishness.
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