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Posts posted by Interceptor

  1. Stop acting dumb. Unless you're actually serious, in which case: read definition 6. Then stop acting dumb anyway because even if you didn't know that definition of the word 'you' (somehow), you still knew what I meant.

    This isn't about definitions of words, this is about my decisions not being subject to your approval. I've been pretty clear about my position on DS+, and you persist in talking about efficiency, and what one "should" do. We can keep batting this around until you learn an important life lesson about human interaction; I've got some free time.

    what realistic path is there for valk on a play through not featuring the utmost of turtle speed gameplay? I'd prefer to ram sage tomefaire, rather than valk for DS+.

    You can do whatever you want. Raise your Sage and be merry. There isn't much reason to raise a Valkyrie on a Carebear mode where nearly anything will work, and you can just mash START to solve problems.

  2. [...] reclassing to Troubadour isn't really something you want to do.

    Fascinating; I thought that I wanted to reclass to Troubadour so that I could get DS+ on Miriel or Lissa, but I guess I don't? This whole time, I thought that I could do whatever I desired. Is my whole life a lie?

    Perhaps there's a sensible path through to Valkrie that I'm missing that'll get you to DSup before you start getting towards lategame (say, by around chapter 16-18ish)?

    What's "sensible"? I think it's sensible to break healing staves over my knee repeatedly in earlygame Lunatic+ in an attempt to get people set up for the rest of the game. I also have no problem blowing Rescue/Ward staff charges on useless maneuvers in order to level someone up more quickly. This results in pretty high level staffers due to the separate EXP pool.

    DS+ would be nice to have in Prologue, but as it is, it's also fine for me to get it around the time where mooks start getting free +HIT skills, and where promoted enemies start getting pretty dangerous. Maribelle would be no problem, Miriel I whiffed due to poor planning (she went through a reclass she didn't need to), and Lissa has two workable paths.

  3. DSup+ isn't even good in the main game though.

    That's cool man, that's cool. You'll want to tell it to the guy who says that DS+ was good, though; I'm just the guy who said that he liked it.

    Firstly there's it's limitations on use - at the back it only affects the person at the front, at the front it only affects yourself and the person at the front in adjacent pairs.

    It's actually even more limiting than that, since DS+ doesn't help the people who already have Support partners. Only the standard bonuses apply in the case where DS+ is on the Lead unit, and there's an adjacent Pair.

    Secondly hit still rarely matters, dodge still rarely matters, 5 avoid and 5 crit is kind of alright but considering how often it's not affecting more than one person, is pretty meh.

    It depends on the circumstances. I like it because I'm playing modes where the stats actually matter, it gives you an edge, and Valkyrie is a good class just in its own right. It also allows you to put two people together who don't actually support. For example, if I need Miriel to operate independently from her spouse and child, but want some support bonuses and a little extra SPD, I can throw Say'ri on her and be good to go.

    suboptimal skill

    Dual Support+ is very frequently competing with either an empty slot, or a less useful skill like +2 [something]. This is one of those things that's technically true, but are whocares.jpg in reality.

    And of course, the limitation to Valkries hardly helps matters, since that means pretty much only Maribelle can get to obtain and use the skill for any reasonable amount of time.

    This is a little bit hyperbolic. Three of the four basic Troubadours (Lissa, Maribelle, Miriel) can get there in reasonable time (lulz at Cherche, though I've never tried it in truth), and it can also be passed to children. One of my bigger regrets in my L+ run was not being able to give DS+ to Laurent, who absolutely could have used it. C'est la vie.

  4. I don't think there's anything wrong with Lucina's design in terms of fanservicy-ness or war-friendliness or whatever. I just think it reflects too much on her non-existent fashion sense. Which is rather fitting, admittedly, but still. xP

    Fashion sense? Fashion sense? I think that this thread has not only hit the bottom of the barrel, it's blown straight through and kept going.

    FFS, she's not wearing leopard prints. Everything matches in her outfit, the colors aren't garish or clashing, and it's even fairly practical other than the cape (especially compared to some of the rest of the cast).

  5. This discussion escalated into silly-town very quickly; I don't think that novel was necessary. Someday I will understand the hyper-focus on Apotheosis, but that day is not today.

    Personally I like Dual Support+ for its use during the dozens of hours where you aren't playing Apo, AKA the rest of the game. It's deep in Valkyrie, but works well with Demoiselle, and gives you some unconventional pairing options. If I hadn't miscalculated the best reclass points, it would have turned Miriel into something of a super-Support partner on my L+ run (Demo, Support+, Hex, Anathema all work from the back).

  6. So, it's best not to start a thread ambitiously thinking you've improved on someone's strategy when you haven't. In reality, your strategy requires more preparation and you require FeMU; you're not helping anyone with male Avatars here.

    Jesus dude, did he run over your dog or something? Even a strategy with a limited scope of people it can "help", is still worthy of sharing if it works. It's not like the fate of the world depends on a One Ring™ Apo solo strategy.

  7. I don't see any of you guys complaining about half the lords having blue hair, which is also a reference to Marth, or the fire emblem appearing in almost every game of the series.

    That's only because you haven't given it enough time. We are about 4-5 replies away from Brightbow manufacturing an approximate cost for the precious metals used in constructing the sheath for Falchion, and estimating how many orphans had to walk around in bedsheets in order for Lucina's army of personal tailors to create the perfect stitch for her left sleeve.

  8. But whatever, I don't get why you brought her up. It's Lucina we are taking about here. Lissa didn't even make it into the finale.

    Lissa is Ylissean royalty, like Lucina. The country is not at war. That is Lissa's normal outfit. I feel like a dentist right now; this is honest-to-Altana an extremely basic point.

    Anyway, it's absurd that she is wearing expensive clothes with rare materials [...]

    I was wondering when this would happen. Since we're now at the point where you are literally making things up (see above), I'm going to start dismissing it out of hand in the interests of time.

    As it is, I am fine with my expectations where they are.

    This is fine, of course. You are perfectly within your rights to have absurd expectations for the plotline of a T-rated handheld videogame.

    And personally I find my theory plausible [...]

    The best thing that I can say about it, is that your theory is not technically impossible.

    Chrom recognizes the name but that's about it. They didn't even recognize the clothes.

    It's worth noting here that by the same (absence of) evidence, we can assume that Chrom never has to take a shit, because it wasn't in the script.

  9. Yeah, you sure showed my how inane (it's always to learn a new word.) my post was by stating that it's perfectly natural to have a perfect cosplay of Marth as long as you can afford any clothes at all.

    Seriously, whoever tailor she tasked with, that guy must have believed her to be out of her mind to request a fancy costume while the country was going down in flames.

    Lucina is Ylissean royalty. Take a look at Lissa's peacetime garb. I don't see what the problem is with Lucina's, considering that it's actually somewhat functional. She has to wear something, and she's not some random d-bag footsoldier.

    Btw, what do you mean with Otacon?

    Otacon is an anime convention.

    Which reminds me, I expected a better justification for the mask then something ridiculous as a brand in the eye of all places.

    That means that your expectations are unreasonable.

    The game has nothing but very thing excuses to justify that Lucina just so happens to have a perfect Marth cosplay, just so happens to wear a mask, and just so happens to call herself Marth,

    despite not actually wanting that anyone believe that she actually is Marth.

    This absurd setup is not done because it serves the story in any way but just so IS can fool the audience with their "Marth fights against the new Lord" advertisement gag.

    Thanks for sharing this pile of unsupported conjecture about the motivations of people you've never met. Meanwhile, the simple explanation here is that they wanted a Kitchen Sink game that tied the lore together, and this was a nice way to do it.

  10. ...because I consider it beyond silly that she went through the trouble of getting herself a Marth cosplay during the dragon apokalypse, I expect her to run around naked or in rugs...

    Wow, you tried really hard to misinterpret my post.

    Your inanity sandwich got exactly the treatment it deserved. Lucina is not walking around Otacon with a 5-foot foam Buster Sword; she's wielding Falchion and wearing a perfectly serviceable outfit, one based on that of a hero from her nation's history. It's a childish homage, but a true one. She wore it while defending Ylisse from Risen in one of her flashback cutscenes, FFS.

  11. Her support network can't be that bad if she managed to get a perfect Marth cosplay and time travel in the wake of the apocalypse.

    Lucina wasn't alone until she went back in time. I don't think it's unusual for a member of the royal family to have clothes, but I don't know what your standards are, maybe the expectation is that she either runs around naked or wears a burlap sack with a hole cut in the top.

    Doesn't change the fact that it's a stupid design, story-wise.

    And the entire reason for it is appealing to nostalgia, not because it's the kind of decision an irrational teenager would make or anything like that.

    The "fact" that it is a "stupid design", like this is some immutable rule of the universe. Marth is a hero from the history of her world. FFS, her family has the damned Fire Emblem. It's not like they failed to connect the dots, here.

    Consider the possibility that you are wrong.

  12. I don't think it's unrealistic at all to expect a disguise to, you know, be a disguise.

    Am I speaking a different language? You're expecting a teenage girl to have good judgment. Do you know any teenage girls? You are wingeing about the imperfect decisions of someone who by all rights shouldn't be expected to be competent in the first place, and calling it a nonsense design.

    She has the presence of mind to hide the Brand of the Exalt. That's what matters in the end, because nobody is looking for someone from the future. Drawing attention to herself doesn't matter in that respect, never mind that she actually kept a low profile anyway (under the circumstances).

  13. Well, you don't disguise yourself as Superman to hide yourself in public. That's why it's beyond stupid.

    You have some really unrealistic expectations for the judgment of a nineteen year old (at best) orphaned time traveler with no support network.

    Never mind that despite her naiveté, it's actually an effective disguise. She's hiding in plain sight, and nobody would take her seriously.

  14. The only reason I don't like her design is that it really doesn't make sense. She's supposed to stay hidden and work from the shadows. How is it a good idea to go around calling yourself 'Marth' and dressing up as him (or close enough) if she doesn't want to draw attention to herself. I don't remember but I don't think she ever claims she IS the same Marth as the hero king of old but it's still a bad idea to even call yourself that.

    How does it not make sense? Why does it need to be a "good idea"? Lucina is not some wizened sage, she's a young woman that lost both of her parents. Perfect characters are boring. Lucina herself admits that she didn't really understand the significance of taking the name "Marth", and really had a very childish idea of what he even was as a person in the first place. Read her support with Tiki.

    Lucina dressing up as Marth isn't much different than a little kid dressing up as Superman.

  15. The cape, though, is very much just an FE lord thing, right down to the color. Just look at Eliwood and Roy. Seliph and Sigurd also have worn the red and blue combo in artwork. Ike as a Lord in PoR also has the red and blue combination.

    Marths, all the way down. That's what it looks like to me.

    Sheaths are normal worn on the left side for right handed sword wielders. It's the same as most other FE sword lords.

    Was referring to the cape, not the sheath. The clasp that holds the cape on: right shoulder.

    ...Er, elaborate? I don't recall ever shoving FE1 characters or gen 1 Pokemon down anyone's throats.

    You threw a "we" in there, as if everyone was irritated at the Gen 1 stuff. I happen to like it.

  16. Fontist.

    Son of a typesetter. Serifs are pretentious and more difficult to read. They serve no useful purpose in giant blocks of text.

    Then I hope the information I added to the main post in response to your position will satisfy you.

    It's an improvement. I just thought I'd point out exactly why it's not reasonable to ask someone to watch a 21-minute video as a prerequisite for responding to your thread. I saw the passive-aggressive [sigh], and figured that perhaps you didn't quite understand.

  17. Yeah, but Awakening's Marth still has the exact same clothing and even uses the same in-game model as Lucina.

    Marth isn't really in Awakening, it's just DLC. They might have put more effort into it if they had the time/resources to do so. Lucina is clearly a new take on the old outfit, in the same style as the rest of the cast.

    So Marth's design was retconned, but to something that looked totally dumb [...] We're glad the first characters made the franchises successful, but they don't have to be shoved down our throats.

    Speak for yourself, please.

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