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Posts posted by Raven

  1. It's pointless swinging the wiimote around so hard that it flies out of your hand and through the TV. Some lighter swings will do just as well, if not better.

    I don't use the strap. Only grannies who think they need to swing the wiimote round like a real tennis racket need the strap.

  2. i still havent tried HHM yet. I heard it was hard and i didnt want to deal with it, but i think i'll give it a go

    You should one day. You could almost say it's... fun... compared to the other game modes, due to the amount of pressure the game puts you under sometimes. For example, trying to rescue Pent in the desert stage so he doesn't take all the experience to get to the Genesis chapter. That's hard work.

  3. If you mean giving him stat boosters I didn't. I never consider giving all my stat boosters to anyone other that Athos. Lets just say RNG really likes me. lol

    lol, lucky game there. If my Raven turns out as pimped as that I'll let you know. A luck stat booster wouldn't go amiss there, though.

  4. FE7, the chapter where I go fight Erik on HHM. I went off with everyone else, left Bartre to clean up the soldiers and one knight to the right of the map. I knew peg knights would come from the South, so Bartre hung around to wait for them. they flew North, and he took them out, two hits each. Some had Slim lances, but proved no problem even when double attacking Bartre. But, this last one.... The peg knight came onto me, criticalled me with just 4%, doing 12 damage. I attacked, took her to something low hp, then I was like "no way" when I saw her spin that lance AGAIN. I was left with just 3hp from previous peg knight attacks. I lived to attack on my turn, and kill the last peg knight, but barely. Lucky peg knight...

  5. ok, but first answer this question:

    which one of these is NOT an alt of mine?

    A. dr_burger92

    B. greatsmash

    B. Metal Rabbit

    D. shinynut

    The only one that wasn't mentioned was shinynut, am I right?

  6. i have a half and half policy.

    i'll give you half a cookie, but i'll give you the slightly smaller piece.


    but you can have the rest when you have read it all.

    Ta. I just read it a few seconds ago, bigger half now?

  7. I never read it all, I'm too tired right now. Can I still have a cookie? I promise to come back later to read it all then, when I'm not so tired.

    edit: Just read it, very interesting. Welcome to the forum.

  8. Hmm, yes, I found HHM a little difficult. I've been stuck on the ship chapter for a long time since there is always someone dying, and that is due to my bad strategy probably. Still haven't completed it and I also got bored of it, though it would be nice to finish it so then I have finished all modes of FE7!

    Definitely, it takes alot of brainpower and good units to get Matthew from the top of your ship after stealing the Elysian Whip off that Pegasus Knight to the bottom of the ship on the left to steal the Guiding Ring off the boss, then rescue him with a mounted unit to save his ass from getting destroyed by the boss... As well as holding back those shamans on the left, those peg knight reinforcements lining the south of the map moving north, and the sword users coming from the right, as well as the ship which appears behind yours in the last 3 turns churning out shamans and sword users.... It's a busy chapter, to say the least...

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