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Everything posted by Raven

  1. All teams have played 3 games, except Fnatic and Edward Gaming, who have played 2 games so far. Standings: Honestly it's still anyone's game, and Ahq is definitely the dark horse of the tournament, ahead of even Fnatic. I predict a 5-0 sweep from SKT, EDG to come second, third will be AHQ, and 4th is still a toss-up between Fnatic and TSM.
  2. Fuck, man. You've got my sympathy. It's all I can offer since I'm totally powerless to help. It's made even worse when your life revolves around music and sounds, and I can't comprehend how shit that would make me feel were I in your position. I'd suggest you play through Metal Gear Solid 4. The music and every sound within it is great, and the game (movie?) itself is great. Failing that, MGS3 is also worth it if MGS4 is impossible for you to play.
  3. When do you think you'll be able to give Wales a visit? What one thing would make you even happier right now? What were your impressions of me when you first joined up to now? Your favourite alcoholic beverage? The Rugby World Cup is in September-October. Not a question, but just a reminder. Tits or ass?
  4. eclipse is right; welcome to club tits, jedi
  5. The way things are going, we'll have another five fucking years under CaMoron. I've never seen Wales look so blue. http://www.bbc.com/news/election/2015/results
  6. been over a week since my last post so idgaf EU > NA Everyone wrote off Fnatic, and they absolutely fucking shat all over TSM. Well fucking playyyyyyed
  7. if i keep my avvy and use a modest tit-less sig, i'll be losing my membership. that makes you leader, unless you lose the tits too, of course black ops then becomes vice-tit

    1. Leona


      Well hello there! I think you know my favorite champ, who's yours?

    2. Raven


      Gosh darn why don't I get notifications when people reply to these comments? Mine would be a toss-up between Riven, Vi and Jinx. I can't pick one over the other.

    3. Leona


      I enjoy playing all three of them. I also suck at all three of them. Especially Riven, who I have actually tried with. (yeah the notifications thing is weird)

  9. It's a damn shame, they could have ticketed a dozen or so illegally-parked cars in the time they spent at the school, right? I'm also pretty sure they thought this visit was so important they had to turn off their radios so they wouldn't be bothered by emergency calls. You seem to be under the impression that the police do nothing but dish out fines, chase and arrest people, and that anything else they do with their time is wasted (correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the impression you're giving me). Most police departments actually try to integrate and work with their communities and have their officers try to become someone that people can look up to and respect. If the kid was being such a little cunt, a majority of his fellow pupils would have thought it was awesome that a copper showed up at school to show him, and everyone else, that it's not okay to be a little cunt.
  10. Wow. All right then.
  11. Actually probably Samsung. Not "loyal" per se but my phone and laptop are Samsung. If I had the money, I'd also be loyal to Dodge and their Vipers.
  12. Today's the day us Brits get to the polling stations and put a big cross next to the party we think will do the least damage to the United Kingdom. Labour will more than likely be winning in my constituency as they usually do, and I'll be putting my vote in for them, too.
  13. Not just my mother, but my grandparents and nearly everyone else. Brother, not so hard since he's only 6 (nearer to 7) years younger than me. Fucking hell he'll be 20 by the end of the year.
  14. i for one approve still got tits in the sig, despite losing them from the avatar if i were to lose membership, eclipse becomes head of club tits
  15. I don't need therapy but those dogs, I want.
  16. it's not like I was there to know exactly what went down. Teaching kids at a young age that "being disrespectful is bad" is not a bad thing. You're right that teachers and parents can and should teach such things, but to hear that stuff from the boys in blue is something you won't forget compared to this information getting lost amongst all the other stuff teachers and parents should be teaching. Disrespect at a young age may well elevate to situations that are arrest-worthy later on in life, so where's the problem in attempting to drill it into them early that it's bad through the most effective means possible? The way I see it, it's not.
  17. aw yeah i'm up to about 80+ completed challenges now. The highest one so far is hitting 1,000 metres with Ganon. Also, seriously fuck the smash Board mode. It's just infuriating that I have to play through this shit to even get a chance to complete some of the challenges. I think I know where my hammers are going. Edit: It's actually having a score of +85 in Rival Smash. I actually scored about +100 or more in that, though.
  18. The police sometimes take it as part of their schedule to visit schools and teach the kids things regarding simple rules, laws, etc., at least in the U.K. The officers in question probably saw they had time in their schedule and no calls to reply to, so used the opportunity to visit the school, "fake arrest" this child, and teach him, along with his whole classroom, a lesson on respect and whatnot. No harm done, and now at least a few more kids in the world will think twice before acting like dicks. For about an hour or whatever of their schedule, probably worth it. A bit extreme maybe, but also probably very effective. The quality of parenting is a non-factor.
  19. Just thinking, maybe Wolt means something. The underdog finally rising up the ranks, or some such thing.
  20. they can all wait their turn
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