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Everything posted by Raven

  1. I wouldn't mind joining in. FE7 or FE8 get my votes.
  2. It was pretty much karma for them to shit-talk Fnatic, then get wrecked by them. And Fnatic going 2-3 against mother fucking SKT. Febiven solo-killing Faker, twice. Huni killing Faker in a 1v2. What a fucking run for the boys. EU Summer LCS is going to be fucking epic, especially now that xPeke's team is in, too.
  3. I didn't intend to influence any votes. I had my answer from Makaze (thanks btw) so let's all continue as normal please.
  4. Roy's fanbase is by no means small. So many people were happy as fuck to see Roy being included into Project M. It will be much the same if/when it happens in SSB4.
  5. I wish I knew literally everything. A walking encyclopedia of information. But to be specific, I would like to know every single thing about (British) policing, justice, and law. That should give me a good foot in the door for when I eventually do apply. University helped, but these kinds of things are constantly changing, updating, new things being added, removed etc. it's hard to keep track of it all.
  6. It's fine. I've posted my thoughts here in this thread so if I don't get any reply from the OP then no problem; nothing gained, nothing lost.
  7. I'm not whinging. If it seems that way, then eh, whatever. Not overly bothered to be honest, just making suggestions to possibly improve the format so everyone, including myself, may get a chance at this one day.
  8. OH THIS. Where have I seen this before? I don't remember.
  9. It'll be yeeaaaaars before most of us will get a realistic shot at coming top in nominations.
  10. If it wasn't Sakurai, there is a slight possibility that it's just some lowly scrub who happens to have access to files that update into the game having a giggle at our hopes and expectations. Hopefully this is not the case. Then again, if it were just a prank, I think those files would have been removed before now.
  11. for reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_video_game_consoles_%28fifth_generation%29#Home_systems
  12. i can wait but at its current rate, maybe 50 or so people will get their chance in a whole year. what do you think about the current rate of interviews?
  13. Once Necktie has been interviewed, will you vote for me?
  14. How long until I lose my 25 warning points?
  15. look at tits feel free to post tits to help your fellow club tit-tees fulfill their daily quotita
  16. Tbh Ed's brother would have done a far better job leading Labour. Fucking Unions using their influence to make Ed the Labour leader instead of the more favoured brother basically guaranteed Labour's defeat here.
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