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Dandy Druid

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Everything posted by Dandy Druid

  1. The Outrealms pretty much connected all of the worlds/continents and that's pretty much it.
  2. I prefer to be disappointed rather than bored because at least I feel something with a disappointing character. It's like Camilla (disappointing) vs. Peri (poorly written), I'd prefer Camilla because at least with disappointing characters, I know there is SOMETHING good about their character, it's just not completely realized. I can hope that whatever DLC/manga adaption comes out will hopefully realize the downfalls of the character improve upon them. IIRC, Camilla (and Fates in general) was way more satisfying in the manga than in the game. I'd rather take a Camilla than a poorly written character like Peri, who's nothing more than filler for me.
  3. Here's a few reasons why I think they may be different: Ewan may have some muscle. Growing up with a guild probably allowed him to train for more than just magic. Meanwhile, Lute just studies all day and she has a thin frame. Muscle weighs more than fat. (although neither of them have a lot of either so they should be relatively light.) Lute is not that much older than Ewan. 4 years max imo. It's hard to tell, since some people look older/younger than they appear to be. Also, their ages aren't listed, but that's what I'm guessing. I'm thinking Ewan can't be too young because the age gap between him and Tethys would be too abnormal (but not impossible) for siblings, since she's implied to be in her 20s. Also, I don't think IS would add someone that young to the roster. They can get away with teenagers and dragon lolis but child soldiers would just be a whole 'nother can of worms. Boys tend to be heavier than girls in their teenage years. It's game design. He has access to dark magic and she doesn't, and it weighs more so he needs that extra CON. IS is sexist and wanted to keep the female roster's CON small because it implies that they don't weigh a lot. (which is ridiculous, because they're fighting a war, and being too thin without some muscle will be a problem).
  4. how did I just find this? Anyways, I have a couple of questions for Rezzy. What's your favorite season? Favorite Flower? Do you have a favorite mythology/set of stories? Do you enjoy swimming? Do you know the Muffin Man? VincentASM would be interesting.
  5. The story is PURE Kaga. Kaga was very influenced by mythology and King Arthur, and a lot of his games' stories reflected that. The current writing team doesn't seem to draw as much inspiration from those stories.
  6. Yeah I really like that idea. I think it would be funny to have the enemies clunk right into us and end their move prematurely. That was one of my problems with one of RD's fog maps. In Part 3 (Chapter 1?) we were supposed to be sneaking into an enemy camp/base, so it doesn't make sense for them to know where our units were located.
  7. I agree with most of OP's ideas, however, I would just like to note that music has always been apart of war. It was used to boost morale, communication, and/or intimidate the enemy. Drums was a popular instrument to do this, and very easy to keep soldiers on track with a consistent beat. I would say dancers/bards do have a place both gameplay-wise and immersion-wise. Plus, they've been a staple for a long time, so it would seem like a shame to get rid of them, IMO. Perhaps their function/naming can be altered for each game though? A drummer unit would be cool. (can't attack because they're holding a drum, but can refresh, rally, and sabotage the enemy). Or maybe the refresher can be more like Lara/Plum and class change into it while maintaining the basic skills of their original class (i.e. lockpicking/healing/etc.) I also feel like I'm usually alone in saying I actually like Desert and Fog maps, but that could be my taste in map design is questionable (it is questionable who am I trying to fool). Anyways, some personal things I'm tired of: Archetypes being too literal. Lately, they've been switching around the Abel/Cain's classes (Kaze and Saizo being ninjas instead), but I'd rather see this done with other archetypes as well. I'm surprised we haven't had a Jagen that's some older, wise sage. Cartoonishly evil villain design. Not every villain follows this rule, but I hate how you know a villain can't be recruitable when they're conventionally ugly. And then they throw the Camus at you who looks like supermodel, that way you'll feel even more bad about killing them off in order for the writers to use them as a cheap tool to make the enemy morality seem grayer than it actually is. Too many comic relief support conversations. Mainly because they often come off as not funny at all. This was my main problem with a bulk of Fates' supports: so many supports boiled down to who can be the wackiest. This isn't always a bad thing, but like many things, it's best in moderation.
  8. I'd rather replace Druid. It kind of has no sizzle compared to Summoner. At least with Summoner I can spawn some temporary shields in a pinch. A Druid is just slow and is outdone by its anima counterparts, IMO.
  9. A character that doesn't TRUST anybody, causing them to be overly cautious. Quirky activities include checking every piece of mutton to make sure it's not poisoned.
  10. I voted Sacred Stones. The colors used are very appealing; it's vibrant, but not hard on the eyes. I also like how some of the older characters look mature without necessarily looking either too old or too young. I also find the faces to be pretty unique for the series. Radiant Dawn needs a S/O to though. For such a lot of characters, I really liked how varied each design was. Everyone felt like a solid individual and their unique armor gave them a unique presence. It was especially cooler in the large battle scenes with tons of generic npcs, since it made them seem like officers. My third choice would be SoV, mainly because I enjoyed the muted colors and the detailing- like the scratches on the armor. It has a rustic feel to it.
  11. The ones that have a manga from what I can recall is Gaiden, Mystery, Geneaology, Binding Blade, Awakening, and Fates.
  12. Olivia's antics are pretty cute, ngl. Although the voice gets annoying. It's a shame she doesn't have a support with Chrom, but her Xander support should be interesting. She has a pretty quick moveset, which I think makes up for her lack of strength. Makes sense too, since she's just a dancer, and the majority of dancers in this series aren't good fighters anyways. The only exceptions being Phina and Lene (although they require investment. Olivia too for that matter, but she needs a lot more than the aforementioned 2).
  13. Olivia is so fun to play as. And I like her Prima costume.
  14. I believe there's also in-game evidence for Lene/Lynn being older as well. In the Ch.5 conversation with Alec, Sylvia only mentions Lene/Lynn, and makes no mention of Coirpre. Alec also uses the singular version of surprise, suggesting only Lene/Lynn has been born. This makes her about 16-17. Kind of weird that Lene/Lynn is one of the only "big sisters" in the army. 9 pairs of siblings and only 2 of them feature a big sister. 3 if Larcei is the older twin. I don't recall if Coirpre's age is stated, but I believe Kaga/Thracia 776 implies he's around 14-15 or something. I'm just going off on memory. Lene reclassing to a cleric in a PME is always fun, imo. She gets her rightful claim to the Valkyrie staff.
  15. From what I've heard, the other manga didn't do much better for her character. It seems like both authors focused on Tine's love life rather than her personal vengeance, which I find more interesting. Her facing off against Hilda is one of the highpoints for her character in-game, I think it's a shame they didn't focus more on the braver aspect of her character. However, don't let Tine/Larcei let you down. You may gain other favorites. Lene, Patty and Nanna are very well done imo- although they're both in romantic relationships, it isn't the main factor to their characterization. You may find new favorites in them. (Plus Lene has a great design). As for guys, Ulster and Oifaye are also highlights for me. I would say more characters are done well than characters done badly. Tine still has her good moments though, from what I've heard.
  16. I just wondered how differently the manga would play it out had it been a "subs only" manga. Probably pretty similar, but there would probably be different dynamics at work. I can't imagine Roddleban being as cool as Ulster though.
  17. While a lot of characters benefitted from the added characterization (Ulster and Lene say hello), there are others that were hurt by it. Larcei and Tine come to mind. Their character traits/arc in the game is forgone for dumb drama. They both become crybabies over men, which was never the case in the game (where Larcei is more of an independent/need-no-man type of girl and Tine's character concept was a shrinking violet that becomes braver). Also, Chulainn and Beowulf are left out, which is a bummer. At least there's the Earth Sword joke.
  18. I'm unlucky with them all tbh. The most focus units I've ever gotten from a banner is one.
  19. It's my birthday!

  20. Well, rumors don't need a credible source to be spread. A cult member who has earned the trust of everyday people or disguised as a merchant can easily spread misinformation, which may cause people to question Arvis. Plus, they had other dirt on him: conspired to kill the king killed other nobles, such as Sigurd, in cold blood and reveal that Sigurd was not a rebel at all. He's married to his SISTER.
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