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Everything posted by BBM

  1. how does that even make a difference
  2. uhhh it's implied pretty heavily that Marth thinks Mitsuki's action is scummy, since he said he thought she could be scum earlier and he's, you know, comparing her actions to those of scum. And how does you not having played in Tyne-Wear change the fact that he compared her actions to something he once did as scum in a game? He did literally the exact same thing I did, but did it with a different game and a different person, and he didn't have to talk about it as much as I did with my Bearclaw case because nobody commented on it, which is pretty much the only reason behind us handling it differently.
  3. man I was reading Marth again and it made me feel worse about Elie because in Marth's last post (#382) he calls Mitsuki out by comparing her read on him to his scum play in Tyne-Wear, and you know if Elie REALLY BELIEVED that using yourself as a comparison is super scummy then why didn't he ever call Marth out on that???
  4. you have me voting both Elie and Marth; I'm voting Marth atm
  5. nah we're not massclaiming with a cult still alive until we have to Blitz should be on Mitsuki btw if we're not lynching either @iris- well it's not the announcing in song lyrics I have a problem with; it's that announcing together with Tracker gives the potential for anonymous Tracker reports- even if they are a night late.
  6. If player A is a martyr and targets player B, everyone else who targets player B will be forced to target player A ugh Blitz's role would make sense if scum could be culted but I distinctly remember Paper saying that cult being able to recruit mafia either screws over the mafia if their alignment changes, or screws over the cult if they think they've culted someone but haven't actually (what happened in CMIV right?)
  7. wait yeah uh I just realzied that the ascetic makes blitz essentially cultproof as well gimme a sec to think about this while I go make food
  8. uhhh Mitsuki can out tracker guilties the night after getting them if she's town; that doesn't sound legit at all but now I'm starting to think that if PaperPrims wouldn't put Announcer Tracker as a town role they wouldn't give it as a scum fake either mehhhhhhhhh it doesn't seem like people want to lynch Elie anymore either so ##Unvote, ##Vote: Marth
  9. and my vote is like 90% off the roleclaim- tbh I haven't seen that much bad with her posts beyond that initial SKay vote
  10. uhhhhh why would the mods ever give an info role announcer as a modifier- even an announcer that has to post in song lyrics? ##Unvote, ##Vote: Mitsuki
  11. so that's like... Ascetic Martyr, and I don't particularly feel like lynching a protective roleclaim D1.
  12. maybe I was just assuming it because of the fact that you and Refa were Co-Drivers in Healer, but I assumed that Elie and his neighbour drove people together? Or became a Driver after the other died, or something. And I'm pretty sure Elie posted after I said that and didn't contradict it. @Refa- but it's not just that Marth dropped Bearclaw, he went from "this thing is scummy" to "I don't want to lynch Bear based on it". Like I can see what he means about not wanting to lynch Bearclaw off only one thing, but then he's like "yeah that rolespec is bad" and votes Mitsuki just off that one thing. Also he goes like "I'd expect you to read Via better" and I don't really see the scum intent (in Blitz) there at all?
  13. also I got a kitten fuck its eyes are creepy out for a bit but then I should be around until phase end
  14. feeling better now SB makes a really good point about Marf's Bearclaw switch. I might vote here; dunno if I want to vote Blitz. I don't exactly object to his lynch or anything because I agree that he's kind of been parking me but his content just doesn't feel as forced as I'd expect it to as scum. @Mitsuki- no, I did[/] give a reason for why cult/mafia would out the existence of a cult. It makes town super paranoid. It's arguable whether or not that outweighs the benefits of keeping it hidden, but it's still definitely a reason why Psych's claim isn't all obvtown, and that was the only reason I ever went into this. It wasn't a case on Psych- that was the other part about what he said about Weapons. And also, 'disagreement' is arguing against the townreads. It's not necessarily saying that she's scum, no, but it's still dismissing the reads, and in Bearclaw's case it's for no reason. Like if I just said 'nah Marth isn't scum' in response to your read on him and then didn't give any reason why I disagreed. Anyways, looking at Elie's latest posts does nothing to dissuade my scumread here. His objection to SB doesn't make sense- gutreads are a thing, sure, but gutreads without even reading someone's posts? That only works if you're talking about Eury. His next few posts talk about some people's posts but I don't really get his overall feeling about them because at the end he's just like 'yeah gonna sheep Beli' (one of the people whom he cased in the preceding posts) and votes Blitz. Don't really get why he's harping on Shinori for lessening his scumread on me just because he has a bigger scumread on him either. Acknowledging that we're unlikely to be buddies makes perfect sense to me.
  15. ok I've calmed down somewhat I don't need to actually sub out but I might not post much for a while
  16. Elie is locked into a Neighbour 0-shot Driver claim as either alignment... He can't exactly go I'M TOWN COP/HOOKER/DOCTOR/VIGILANTE when his Neighbour would chime in and CC him. If it was any other weak role I'd agree that Elie could have claimed a stronger role, but it isn't.
  17. like ##Vote: Extension but are we really going to change to someone brand new?
  18. pretty sure that the mods would be more than willing to change town/town to town/scum if they wanted to do so- IIRC Paperblade didn't like that you guys were Masons in Healer. Also like... yeah you can be willing to lynch a nullread over people you don't want to lynch, but that implies you have no scumreads.
  19. 99% sure it's a reference to Healer Mafia, where Refa and SB were Co-Driver pseudo-Masons and probably also MLP where they were buddies Refa's Boron vote is kind of weird because it's like 'there isn't really anything townie she's done' and then he says he'd be okay with a lynch on her. It seems kind of like a disconnect, and while he mentions stuff about her earlier in the paragraph, I don't really see what's scummy about what Boron's said about me. You don't need a post directly analyzing somebody's content to talk about them and give a read on them, and from what Boron's said it's pretty clear to me that she considers me null at worst? Plus, like... Boron isn't going to be lynched today, and spending a lot of time reading her and Eury and stuff isn't really helping town- only his reads on me, Elie, and Weapons are really relevant right now. Also Elie I'm frustrated as fuck because even when I'm like 'go look back at my post' I AM REITERATING MYSELF, EVERY SINGLE TIME and you're just ignoring and misrepping me. Like seriously, look at the post you just quoted. After I tell you to read my post again, I EXPLAIN MYSELF AGAIN ANYWAYS. It's not a meta case on Bearclaw. There are some things that ALL scum do, regardless of who you are, and you have absolutely no grounds to say that you disagree with this when 90% of your entire vote on me is solely because according to you, self-meta is the scummiest thing anyone can do full stop period case is made time to lynch the person using self-meta. For literally the fifth time, I'm using what I did in AM/PM as an EXAMPLE of what I believe ALL scum do- try to discredit townreads on people they want to possibly mislynch at some point. Just because it's an example of something I did doesn't mean others can't do it too. That's like saying "Man this one time in Healer I hard-defended my buddy on D1 because I didn't want her to be lynched. But that's something I did, so other people definitely don't defend their scumbuddies D1 right???" Also, yes, you are throwing around accusations with no backing, because this last post is literally the first time you've directly mentioned Bearclaw in relation to me, because every other time you characterized the case as a 'self-meta defence'. So I am perfectly in my right to say you've never looked properly at my Bearclaw case. And you've never looked at any part of my Refa case either.
  20. at work and I'll post more comprehensivelt when I can but haha are you SB
  21. Via is a lot more cautious as mafia. They're kind of like Manix in that they relies a lot, especially early on, on gut and stuff. When Via's mafia they doesn't refer to it as much or talk in the same way, and they're more honest and stream-of-consciousness while posting small posts. Also is 33% on D1 actually hammer or just minimum required votes? Because if it's the former, we've got almost 11 hours left and I don't see the need for a hammer. And I was hoping this would be what Weapons helped me with but I guess it won't happen until at least tonight if at all, and it's better to be safe- what I do to Via has a side-effect of making their role appear as Janitor for that night phase. I was hoping to like trip over a Mafia Rolecop but reviewing Paper's responses to what I said about my role, I think a Town Rolecop is more likely.
  22. lmao Bizz isn't even close to getting lynched considering I claimed that I was PRIMS and that my role is something that gets proven at NIGHT it really shouldn't be that hard to put the pieces together anyways It's scummy for Bearclaw to shoot down Via townreads because he wasn't giving a reason to stay at "default" as you put it. Several people were like "I think Bizz is town" and insteadof saying like "nah that's not a towntell here's why (which isn't calling her scummy either btw)" he was just like "nah Via isn't town" and then when people questioned him about it he was just like "no I stand by what I said" without saying why at all. Like I said earlier, Blitz actually gave a REASON against what others said; Bear just refused for no reason at all. Also I never said Psych was scum off that logic, I was giving it as a reason for why his roleclaim wasn't obvtown as several people were claiming. To tie it back to what I said about Bearclaw, that's kind of what I was expecting from Bearclaw. A reason for not agreeing. The reason I thought Psych might also be scum is because his Weapons vote made no sense and sucked, as I explain somewhere. I actually agree with what you said about my Refa vote. I forgot to say so but it was a reason I switched to Elie- I realized that Refa sticking with Weapons rather than voting me was suboptimal play rather than scummy play.
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