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Everything posted by BBM

  1. you know after all the jockeying for the hydra position in the SFMM4 signups I'm surprised nobody's done it for the slot in this game inb4 someone does
  2. If someone has over 200 posts, you can change the order in which the ISO displays the posts from Descending to Ascending, so as to access the earlier posts. If someone gets over 400 posts, the ones between the first 200 and last 200 are not possible to display via ISO unfortunately.
  3. Germany was basically playing their B-team + Neuer, Kroos, and Reus. It's not really surprising that their defence got ripped through. also fwiw I think Reus is better than Di Maria, though you're right in saying that Di Maria is more essential to the squad.
  4. ^ I don't really feel as if Tethys is necessary. She can't even give stat boosts or anything so... However, how is C15 going to work? Regardless of which route you take, I don't think it's possible to get to the other end of the map fast enough to prevent the other lord from getting into combat. Or, well, it might be possible on Eirika route since Ephraim comes as a reinforcement but then I'm not sure you'd be able to protect Eirika.
  5. BBM

    FE8 Promotions

    Do you meant the Custom Item Animation List? I tried going to one of the entries and then like opening up Slim Lance, and then enabling ranged animation and giving it Javelin #1 but it didn't work.
  6. BBM

    FE8 Promotions

    BUMP once again for something nothing to do with promotions I was trying to create a weapon that steals HP. I thought this would be simple but it's really glitchy for the animation- the animation doesn't show the HP being recovered, although if you look at the HP afterwards it does in fact restore HP. I'm guessing this is because it needs to use a special animation or something like that of the Runesword. So, my question- if this is the case, how do you assign animations to weapons you make? This is something I've been meaning to do for many of my altered weapons, such as the new ranged Slim Lance, which disappears in mid-air after you throw it. EDIT: should clarify that I just want to take already existing animations, say, the one Javelin uses and just apply that to the Slim Lance- I don't want to insert my own custom animations or anything, which is what the Ultimate Tutorial seems to be mostly focusing on.
  7. you're mixing up games; Elieson was Flaming Hot in Volcanic Anonymafia I was Jay Gatsby in Strip Anonymafia
  8. shinori still has to change his name to Yowikins
  9. yeah FE4 HM AI is in a lot of ways easier because if you ever have Sigurd/Lex at a high enough DEF that they get 1-damage'd by enemies,the enemies will suicide on them rather than just surround them without attacking and block off their path like they do on NM. not sure if they go for enemies they have 0 hit on though
  10. not going to be here for phase end and I don't want to lynch Shinori because he's a proven hooking role with a mafia hooking role already dead, so... And Iris was, as far as we can tell, hooked by Mitsuki, so I don't really want to lynch her either. I admit I've been kind of tunneling on Elie today but it's because I've only had time to post here and there and haven't had time to ISO other people. But the Mitsuki interactions are totally against his favour. I don't have time to link atm but seriously, Jalmont/Refa, go in my ISO and read my first post about the Mitsuki-Elie interactions and ctrl+f Mitsuki in Elie's ISO and vice-versa. Elie seriously never gave an opinion on Mitsuki other than to call her rolespec bad and then say he wasn't really even sure about it. When Mitsuki became a wagon the second time, near phase end, he actually defended her. And yes, Mitsuki cased Elie a lot, but she never actually voted him and chose what was at the time a hipster vote on Marth over voting Elie, who was still a completely valid wagon at the time. And she never gave a reason for why she did so either. Outing the driver stuff D2 doesn't mean anything because she was outed scum and Rein had already claimed to know all the info that she did, so he would have outed that as well.
  11. I agree that Shinori's reasoning for hooking Via was shit but I don't want to lynch him on that, and also it's pretty bad that 2/3rd through the day, this is Elie's strongest scumread- he's trying to pass it off as UNDER THE CRUNCH but if you look at his posts today it's actually pretty much the only scumhunting he's done Additionally, Elie is hard strawmanning my arguments because he keeps asking like "WHAT WAS SO SCUMMY ABOUT THE WAY I CLAIMED MY ROLE" when that's like 1% of my case. He ignores all the stuff that I was voting him for yesterday before the claim, ignores the fact that he called out Mitsuki's rolespec only to dismiss it not long after and then defend her when she was the largest wagon with time winding down to deadline, and ignores the fact that his case on me was not only bad but highly hypocritical and selective- which is probably a sign of the fact that he was trying to look for NEW and ORIGINAL reasons to jump on my wagon when he voted me. I can see the Eclipse case but I didn't really see any problems with Boron and I think Elie is scummy, so I don't particularly think it's correct.
  12. don't need to stop tunneling if I'm tunneling on scum #TheManixWay
  13. @Elie- I don't think I ever said there was anything suspicious about your driver target. But you can't exactly pick suspicious targets, so... @Refa- my Elie case is about his bad case on me yesterday and his Mitsuki interactions, which look pretty bad to me too, not because of his role. I don't really see why scum would have more reason to out their neighbour than town- it doesn't really bolster the credence of the claim by all that much (the flavour with Refa/SB being neighbour co-drivers made enough sense to me to accept that). If anything, it denies town info that scum already knows.
  14. Mitsuki outing Elie is a nulltell because Rein said in the post where he claimed a guilty on her that he received all the info that she did. She'd be able to guess from that that Rein also received all that info (and he did).
  15. sorry guys I was just really busy today (not even related to the book ); hopefully I will have more time to mafia tomorrow ##Vote: Elie I still think that his reasons for pushing me and not Marth are really selective and everything else from yesterday still stands. I don't see how the Mitsuki/Elie interactions are in his favour at all- her thing on him after she was outed scum could easily be WIFOM. And on D1 she pushed him a lot but constantly had him as a #2 scumread, but even after she unvoted me because she didn't think I would be lynched, she voted for Marth over Elie, even though Elie was a perfectly valid wagon at the time, and she never really mentioned Elie in that post where she voted Marth either. This looks like scum distancing to me. On Elie's side. he pushes Mitsuki a little for having bad rolespec but ultimately dismisses it because he's not sure whether it's actually scummy or if he's just distracted- but if it's the latter, why does he never come back to it at a time when he's not distracted? Then at the end of the phase he defends Mitsuki from my vote on her because her role seemed implausible to me, at a time when it seemed she would be lynched. And finally he has given no actual reasons to fake 0-shots. TBF making your role out to be weaker than it is doesn't have much scum intent but I'm not seeing any town intent in it either. And he was curiously elusive about his role yesterday when I corectly assumed he was Co-Driver. Refa I think is town- mass follow + mitsuki's role seems incredibly abusable to me if they were both scum, even if Refa's role is limited. later
  16. The interactions were scummier and you should have focused on that- the JK theories were wtf and gave me easy things to respond to in the 1v1 and IMO it made the rest of your argument seem weaker by association. The mafia DID try to kill the JK, every night, but we were driven away and then outprioritized on our kill (which is DUMB but whatever), so...
  17. ok caught up can someone explain what happened in the EM game?
  18. lmao at the end of page 30; shit got real both in this thread and irl #proddodging will post more later
  19. I was going to use the Disguiser and then I realized it would totally invalidate all the bussing so then I didn't. Also I already had a response to SB not being on the Samael wagon if that came up- claiming votes on D4 would obviously happen, and it would look super weird if SB DIDN'T vote Kelpie. but yeah SB played well and probably didn't deserve to get lynched in MYLO just cuz a bunch of people got inactivity modkilled. Although the JK conspiracy theories really did suck; there's absolutely no reason I'd ever let a cleared JK live for two night phases just because I felt I could dodge them.
  20. I'm going to be out for a while- will have reads after that. peace nerds, says the person about to read a fantasy book for ten hours
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