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Everything posted by BBM

  1. well the cancer spread to you two and then infected this game and now it's no longer there >_>
  2. You wake up to find Rein and Juliette dead. And right after they got a new horse too! Well, at least the cancer plaguing Serenes Forest has been eliminated from this game! With 7 players alive, it takes 4 players to lynch at deadline. Phase ends on Monday August 4th at 8 PM EST. It is also potential LYLO- this means that a failure to correctly lynch mafia today can potentially result in town losing.
  3. locking actions; results going out
  4. okay I LIED AGAIN actually I made a mistake I meant to say 8pm EST but I said GMT instead
  5. I wasn't talking about anything Israel had actually done. What I said was, Hamas being evil and worse than Israel doesn't mean that Israel CAN'T be evil. or that they're 100% in the right just because Hamas is 100% in the wrong (which they are, as EVERYONE AGREES). I didn't say that Israel actually WAS evil. It's not Israel's fault that Hamas is using hostages- but they are valuing killing Hamas over saving civilians. You keep saying "what, do you expect us to simply do nothing?" Yeah, why not? The casualties of Palestinian civilians vs Israeli civilians is almost 20:1. By continuing the war against Hamas, knowing that you have to kill civilians to do damage to Hamas, what you're saying is that the lives of 15-20 Palestinian civilians are less important to Israel than the life of one Israeli civilian. And this IS going to happen again. That's what's frustrating. Today it's Hamas, down the road it'll be some other group, half of whom probably joined the cause because they lost family and friends to Israel. Over the last several decades, Israel has taken the military route almost every time, and they've never achieved anything more than a temporary reprieve. Maybe it's time to try something new? You'll say "if this was your country you wouldn't be saying this." And you're right in that no, I can't say for sure whether I would still have the same reaction if Canada actually was being bombed by another country. But right now, while not being in that situation, I'm saying that I would be advocating the same thing.
  6. This is basically a blown-up hostage situation. Would you just shoot at somebody with a hostage, knowing that it would result in the death of the hostage too? Now what if it wasn't one hostage per terrorist, but 3 or 4?
  7. Speaking from a purely logical perspective, Hamas being evil, and worse than Israel, doesn't mean that Israel can't be evil too. I don't think that anybody for a single moment has argued that Hamas is well-intentioned, or that they're more in the right than Israel. But that doesn't mean Israel is right either.
  8. hashtag EXECUTIVE MODDING DECISIONS the current phase end time is kind of uncomfortable for GMT people; so I'm going to end night phase like 1.5 hours early. That's 8 PM GMT. So I guess I lied about 24 hours earlier whoops
  9. So you were going to lynch FFM but then you decided that walruses were evil because uhh... idk. Sorry Belisarius. It is now Night 3. You have 24 hours to submit actions. Additionally, the following classes are open for reclassing: Mage (Hijacker) - Female Cavalier (Follower) - Male
  10. VOTALS Belisarius (4): kirsche, Ace, SB, Randa (L-1!) FFM (2): Rein/Juliette, Green Poet Rein/Juliette (1): Belisarius SB (1): Elieson Not Voting (1): FFM With 9 players alive, it takes 5 votes to lynch. There are 27 minutes left in the phase
  11. 1 is Raymond, 3 is Cam, 4 is Prims (he just changed his avatar), and 5 is Green Poet.
  12. okay guys the last gifs I uploaded mysteriously cut out a quarter of the frames. The new ones has 12 more players so uh do it again! Close Friend: Euklyd Enemy: JB Crush on me: Bearclaw Gay with: Darros Parent of: Eury Cockblock: SB
  13. VOTALS FFM (4): SB, Randa, Rein/Juliette, Green Poet (L-1!) Belisarius (2): kirsche, Ace Rein/Juliette (1): Belisarius SB (1): Elieson Not Voting (1): FFM With 9 players alive, it takes 5 votes to lynch. There are 9 hours and 15 minutes left in the phase.
  14. I sympathize with Israel, but for me, this is the main argument against Israel's actions, not the argument that Israel is actually trying to take over Gaza or whatever horsecrap that makes no sense. I believe that the majority of Israel does not want to kill innocent civilians in Gaza, and that they are trying to minimize casualties. I believe that Hamas is using the civilians as shields, and I believe that they'll never stop until either they're done or Israel is. But because of the Iron Dome, there are very few deaths in Israel due to the Hamas's rockets. What's more important- nationalistic pride about defending your own country from a threat that has, at the end of the day, not actually killed very many people? Or the hundreds of civilians that, despite Israel's efforts, ARE dying in Gaza? If Hamas is going so far as to place bases under UN bomb shelters, and the only way to eradicate them is to literally remove the very last shelters for the innocent, is it worth it? What if, to eradicate Hamas completely and be completely sure that the threat to Israel is over, it is actually necessary to kill thousands and thousands of civilians there? Where do you draw the line? In fact, there can be no line. There is no point to a half-hearted offence that only wipes out half of Hamas, from any perspective, unless Hamas itself changes its tune. Either you completely hide behind the Iron Dome and tell your citizens to wait it out, or continue the bombings until Hamas is finished, completely. But it's been decades and decades since the conflict in that area originally started. At some point, it will stop becoming about the fact that Israel took land they considered their own, and about the fact that Israel killed their parents, their kids, their siblings, etc. More than a thousand civilians are already dead, and Hamas isn't even done yet. How many terrorists will be created from the ashes of this conflict? How many people who would have lived (comparatively) normal lives if Israel had just decided to be the bigger nation? Israel has complete right to its aggressive defence- but terrorism is a cycle. If wiping out Hamas right now means not only killing however many civilians right now, but also propagating the hatred, and having to do this all over again in 20-30 years- is exercising that right worth it? EDIT: It could even be argued that Hamas would never have been elected were it not for Israel's previous military actions there, which I think was a point in one of the articles linked earlier.
  15. FOR MITSUKI Serenes Forest Mafia: click and drag [spoiler=flashy things are a no] CLOSE FRIEND ENEMY CRUSH ON YOU GAY WITH PARENT OF COCKBLOCK
  16. Yeah I always personally think that the writers went like "hmm Fate had 2 eroge scenes and UBW had only 1; time to overcompensate and put like 6 into HF" I also think UBW is the best route. I like Saber more than Rin, but UBW is more about Archer than either of them, and I like Shirou's growth in it the most. So yeah I'm cool with the series being UBW; I don't really see how they can "improve" on HF without changing it drastically.
  17. actually I was propagating false information http://guardianlv.com/2014/07/twitch-plays-pokemon-x-with-help-of-modded-3ds/
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