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Everything posted by BBM

  1. 0 minutes but I'm hoping Shinori forgets it's deadline until after someone comes back
  2. oh shit gg ##Vote: Extension we're probably not getting it anyways now too bad I didn't think of it last night
  3. actually like 5 mins before phase end I'm going to go ahead and use our phase extension if mack/FK don't make it back. we'll finish the massclaim tomorrow so we'll probably just lynch off role actions and claims straight away as opposed to trying to do it off posts for the first 48 hours and then scrambling to do it through roles for the last 24 hours, so we probably won't need the extension then
  4. I can't believe that's your lasting memory and not the escape game or the fried chicken or the board games also he's already targeted Junko, he can't target himself, and GP is ascetic, so it's either you or Refa
  5. but anyways now that I think of it Empowerer is a better Safeguard, because it blocks hooks/hijacks etc without blocking protective or investigative roles so Bartozio is probably scum
  6. still need one of mack/FK sigh bartozio if we don't get enough votes and you don't get lynched, empower FK FK target Bartozio if he survives and Proto if he doesn't
  7. Votals: Refa (1): Junko Bartozio (3): BBM, Pika, Refa Oboro-garasu (1): Bartozio No Lynch (1): Oboro-Garasu Not voting: Green Poet, Mack, Faerie Knight, Magnificence Incarnate come on guys we can't no lynch we need 3/4 of GP/Mack/FK/Proto to come and change their vote.
  8. we're not no lynching; it doesn't get us another phase Bart's claim is pretty null
  9. yeah there were so many posts I just wanted to be sure ##Unvote, ##Vote: Bartozio I guess meh I'll be around for phase end tomorrow. I think we have around 11.5 hours left?
  10. @marth- my action failed last night and I didn't target GP town hookers can target town but there's no way they would have targeted me n1. 10/3 is the only split that really works for a 13p game. 11/2 is way too many town and 9/4 is too many scum remember inception mafia where the hooker was an actual hooker good times
  11. i mean I don't think they should protect Pika either since he's a courier I'm just giving choices beyond PROTECT THIS PERSON so that the mafia are indecisive FK needs to claim properly what colour cop actually means; it's not an actual rolename. the way he talked about it though, that he would need at least another night, made me think of a cop that gets a "colour" that corresponds to each alignment but they don't know which colour is which alignment, so all they can do is compare peoples alignments to each other until someone flips and then they know which colour is which alignment. this makes more sense to me than a delayed cop, since I don't know what colours have to do with that. what makes me think that fk might still be scum is that there are too many info roles/conftownies and I think mack is a lot more likely to be town based on his play and his role is also confirmed- elie said start of day 2 that he got visited by someone and lookout is a tracker that lets their target know they were visited (I think). a cop that requires us to wait a phase to get any kind of results is also a good way for him to survive longer. also the way he just gave up on the game doesn't exactly make me think he's town either. I would guess either him or proto are scum and I'm leaning him. but it would mean that the godfather is there as a red herring, which has been done before I think but not a ton. idk I feel like that's not the type of exchange you'd have in thread; it'd be more something you'd post in PM. if you guys really want to lynch bartozio I guess we can do it though I think using Pika's role to confirm GP's ascetic (though I don't think she's lying) is better unless he has more to his role that he's hiding there are so many wifom possibilities with the persuade idek anymore. but like as scum I've organized my own kidnapping for the entire day phase before so I don't think it's super unlikely
  12. I don't think weapon colour is relevant; it's safe to assume that veronica is mafia and she's green iirc? FK is getting hooked or killed tonight if he's town or pretending to have gotten hooked if he's scum; the only way we're getting a result is if we lynch the hooker today. so "we'll have a result tomorrow" is a bad argument. i get that rolespec shenanigans can become demotivating if you're on the outside of them bc it feels like you have no control and also all the roleclaims and stuff are introducing a lot of new interactions but you also haven't really committed to any kind of scumread this phase? why would you lynch bartozio? we need to come to some kind of consensus or we're just going to waste today's lynch lol I just don't think Proto is scum even if you look at his play but I've had to rescind my townreads like one by one so at this point i don't know anymore but I still wouldn't lynch him today. if I had to pick a scumteam I think I'd lean towards FK/Junko but I think it's worth seeing what happens to FK tonight. if we can get the hooker today then scum will basically have to kill him if he's town I think mack should track FK as well because then scum!FK would have to idle his action to fake being hooked. doc should protect one of me/marth/mack/pika, who are the only people I am confident are town right now
  13. eh comparison cops basically just lose their n1 inspect; they're not that much weaker than regular cops. it's pretty easy to figure out which colour is which alignment after two inspects. i don't really want to lynch proto I think he's town on both play and role. i can't see scum having a dayvig and a persuader. combined with marth's role preventing him from voting if they're both usable in *ylo mafia could win on like day 3. two mislynches makes it 6/3 on day 3, then proto shoots someone to make it 5/3, then marth has to use his role to prove his innocence and suddenly the votes become 4/3, and then they persuade to commandeer a town vote and now the votes are 3/4 and it's gg
  14. this game is making my head hurt what do you guys think is the possibility that the godfather is a red herring for a cop fakeclaim? vigneighbourmasons, an innocent townie, a tracker, and a comparison cop (inferring that's what FK is claiming) are highly unlikely to all exist ?_? been thinking this since mack claimed if we no lynch and FK is town he's just going to get hooked (or killed but I doubt it). there's no way we're getting a result out of FK while the scum hooker is around so I think there's no point to giving Junko a pass just because he (kind of) got inspected. besides if FK doesn't get hooked than we have Junko's alignment for sure to compare colours and know exactly the alignment of whomever gets inspected my gut is that GP is town because I think as mafia she would have had either insomniac or ascetic as a fakeclaim but that's flimsy af also since Marth can't vote, if we no lynch, we essentially lose a mislynch. It's 8/2 in numbers but 7/2 in votes right now, meaning that worst case it becomes 4/2 in numbers and 3/2 in votes if we mislynch twice, so we lose after 3 mislynches. but if we no lynch, it's 7/2 in numbers and 6/2 in votes, which means it becomes 4/2 in votes after one mislynch, so we lose after only 2 mislynches. basically there's no advantage to be gained from no lynching other than that there's one more person, but that might honestly be a hindrance more than a help ##Unvote, ##Vote: Junko also a reminder that we actually need hammer, which is 6 votes and we only have 9/11 people who can vote
  15. wait what a colour cop? i'm confused as to what that means; you just find out people's orb colour or something??? or is it like town are one colour and mafia are another so you can find out which alignment people are through comparison?
  16. odd-night insomniac lol guys let's stop massclaiming please to confirm mack, do you learn the person your target visits or the people who visit your target?
  17. fuck actually I don't know if you should even act considering we don't know who the cop is what did you do last night?
  18. btw imo you should hijack one of GP/Junko to hit the other. add Proto and Bartozio into the mix of people to hijack if you want (though I think they're town) but don't hijack anything to them I don't think the daimthunder flavour is particularly indicative cuz if Proto really is scum for all we know he just triggered it in in his role PM and then posted some fake flavour. but I don't think scum have a dayvig and a persuader
  19. refa your math is wrong if there are 6 non-confirmed townies and 3 scum on D2 after a mislynch that would mean you have a 3/(3+6) = 33% chance to hit scum, not 50% plus hijacking scum doesn't even necessarily mean anything; you'd have to specifically hijack the person taking the kill so that gives you a 1/9 = 11% chance to hijack the scum kill not mention that scum have a hooker so they could just hook you (town had a safeguard but then they could just kill you) from what proto implied I think he got the dayvig only because prims died? can he confirm this?
  20. FK actually shuts down the argument with Elie after a few posts; he's like "enough of this". that was part of why I voted him on D1; he seemed overly eager to stop it as soon as possible. Also defending yourself a lot is exactly what scum would do...? they care more about defending themselves than finding scum .
  21. actually you know what I think Pika is like significantly more likely to be town than that. the "scum Pika lets himself be lynched to save his buddy with the better role" idea doesn't make sense. think about it, if we'd lynched Pika we'd all have been like "huh why would scum!Pika not vote Michelaar to save himself this only makes sense if they're buddies" and we'd have lynched Michelaar right away. it would have been better for him to just not post at all and then we would have passively kind of thought that Michelaar was less likely to be scum due to being a counterwagon to scum. in comparison town Pika not voting Michelaar is bad play but I can understand the feeling when you're new and you know you're not playing well and you'd rather just get lynched and have it over with than someone else get lynched whom you think is town and might contribute more. I did the same thing in Theatre Mafia with I think either Core or Rapier. so yeah one of Junko/GP's votes are probably a bus I guess and I don't know whose. Junko voted Michelaar when people thought phase was about to end with a "yeah he's scummy GP's right" kind of vote that could easily be a bus and then just never really unvoted. I don't think that the argument that he could have switched to Marth at any point holds too much water because through most of the day it still seemed like Michelaar was going to be lynched. The main thing that gives me pause is that he posted when the wagons were tied 4-4 (before Refa switched to Pika) and defended Pika and stuck on Michelaar when he could have switched to swing the wagons to 5-3. He hadn't said too much about Pika before that (just that new players always waffle and that he'd like to see more from him) so it's not like it would have been that hard to change votes? In comparison GP's vote is better but at that point Refa had switched to Pika so he was already leading 5-4, so she might have thought that he was safe at that point? ehhh idk. Other stuff I said near the start of the phase about the GP-Michelaar interactions is still true too; the back-and-forth with her getting more confident in her vote reads more townie. also little things like "sorry if this was worded harshly" are things I feel like scum wouldn't say to their buddy in thread. they'd post more of an in-depth apology in their private communication I think as opposed to a one-liner in thread. i'm leaning towards Junko but *shrug emoji* wouldn't vote him before FK
  22. numbers are probably 8/2; no lynch today puts us worst case 3/2 LYLO in D5, whereas mislynch today puts us worst case 4/2 MYLO in D4. theoretically the cop could have 4 inspects by D5 which would be auto-win with flipped godfather but ehhhh
  23. bleh my reads have been trash I think tbh the most likely persuader explanation is persuader not being able to hammer and also not realizing that it would get announced in-thread also when FK made his last post in D1 (about an hour and a half left), Pika was beating Michelaar in votes. I don't see why scum would bus in that situation? in my experience when scum bus D1, they don't bus at end of phase in a very swingy situation that could go either way- they either bus when it's obvious their buddy is getting lynched anyways, or they bus early D1 thinking that they'll unvote when their buddy's play gets better, but it never does and they can't find an excuse to get off the wagon. soooometimes if their buddy is behind by like two votes, thinking the other dude will get lynched regardless, but then their buddy gets lynched after all, but it's pretty risky. in fact rereading the situation I actually think FK's end-of-day is really suspicious. FK says "Pika's return is decent so I would vote Michelaar over him 'if it comes to that' but Mack is still the worst so I'll keep my vote there". But Pika is leading in votes at this point so it actually has 'come to that' where if he believed Michelaar was more likely to be scum he should have changed his vote as opposed to keeping it on Mack, who wasn't going to be lynched at that point. this seems kind of like distancing from Michelaar in case Michelaar got lynched but trying to stay away from being on either wagon also if FK isn't scum then 2 out of the following people are scum: Bartozio, Pika, Mack, Junko, Refa, GP. obviously I'm wrong about one of my townreads here anyways but like ?_? I guess I would go with 2/3 of Junko/Refa/Pika but I wouldn't feel good about that no lynching puts too much on the cop to get a guilty or have a bunch of clears lined up to make me comfortable with it. for all we know scum rolecopped the cop n1 and is going to kill them tonight idk ##Vote: Faerie Knight
  24. yeah I think it's easily possible the persuader avoided posting right after doing it if they hadn't posted already in the thread; certainly what I would have done well with the last one I was thinking that scum purposely targeted junko with the persuade so that he couldn't vote and therefore didn't need to. all those ideas except the second one are pretty unlikely; I'm just theorizing ideas bc I really don't understand what scum were thinking with the persuade
  25. this is kind of a crack possibility but FK can you just vote someone, anyone? (me if you want) want to test idea of FK being persuader who can't vote if they use their ability another thing I realized is that it's possible the scum persuader might not have realized that the mods would pause the phase and indirectly announce the persuade by posting new votals. maybe they just thought that an extra vote would go on and somebody might place an extra vote on Refa thinking he was at L-2 when he was actually at L-1 the third idea, related to the second one, and as crack as the first one, is that Junko is scum who can vote from his PM and also didn't realize it would get announced and was hoping someone would accidentally hammer fourth idea is scum junko wanting excuse to not have to do anything with his vote
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